HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-05-18 Regular � P�IIi�tUTES OF` THE CITY COUNCII� i�LFETING M.�Y I:�, 1�6� A r•egula� meeting ��' the i+�r•ien.�swood City Council �vas held May 18, l�b� at the rr•iendswoocl Hioh School at 7 :�0 P.M. present ti�er•e i�ayor Harry D. Wagne.�, Counc�lmen Har•ry Hatcher, Alan McGinnis, and H.K. S�eck. tTistors nresen.t tivere Mr. McGraw, Tony Mansfield, Bernar•d Horn, Carl Nuss, Lesley Thorn, Lou �lortham, Curtis Morr•is, The minutes o� the May �, lgi��+ mee'ting were read. Aiter• a c�r•rection of' 'Ehe pr�per title ��' Clar•k Thom�son, the minutes were appr•oved by a moi,ion oi Hai�ry Ha�che:: , secondec' by H.K. Speck and carried unanimou�l�%. At �.K. Speckts suggestion, each c���t�:c�_? r�����.�y� �.alyl �e y^ q �'� �i�eC� ... _'.,�.�� 'J; 'v1Z.� m�111..{�e�J �.'_ V�.11li m'+��� (:�,.� .� n: -.� �^� .,� .,.� ,'t ,:, ..,�'•.'J .-,.�t.. - t� .� �_ ^ �., i �.,,l-. ' ^�i-�.,_( �'1 l_aC., r'��J.�i 4 ..:�n'�V� �_..!� L'._ �'�;�i.. .....�,Ci'.... .... c',.v Ut�'.1.n��. 4�'_�i_ :i1.P.G�' 1�...��y t�� n�v.�_:!Zi � . orl stree��, roac�s and br•idges by le�ter ancl also a colorei coded ma� o�, the o_der a�ic' ne�d _n iaizi�h this 4�.ror•k ;��� done. Tiiis rel�ort �rail� ��e o�? "ile at tne city o�''ice anc� alI I71.2ri2fJZrS should stucl�r it. There is no cosi, e�t�mate ;et. �ur�is �I�rris �ncl Jack Lav,rrence, county engineer, , we�e asked ta mage a stud�� and estimate and have it r•eady in a week ' if possible. It was su�oe�ted that a load limit be set T"or• the streets � that will �e topped. , Buck Hausman submitted �. plot o�' �Tillage Green and asked for• a number- ing system ior• the houses. Three s reet names in this plot beGr• names that are to� much like those in another• subdivision. Cur•tis i'rIor•ris and the City Cler•� w�ere asked to compile an alphabetica� listing oF all street names used in .�riendswood and its subdivisions. Curtis Morris was asked to set up a block and house numbering system. Although Arden Hill was not �ir•es�nt to give a r•e�oort on the Fire Department, �Iayar 1ldagner said: that there TNere seventeen. men present at the last meeting; that Kenneth Camp,T,vas elected President; that a Fire Chiez will be appoznted. Aletter• for• the council that Fowler Earton sent was read. He feels triat �.s��vice is runnino sm�othly , and would like tne council tc decide on a limit or' the numUer• o.f con�ainers per• hcme and asked that if lar�e �ar•tans must be ?�u.t out, that tney be T lattened. It w�.s suggested tn�t we 2ook in�� purcha�e or• lease o�° land ror use as a garbabe dump. uarr;;r �at::her• �elt that a,ter the r•oads, str•eets anc brid�es cost estimate was available, he �oulc� set up a budget. Ther•e �hould 'oe a budget � -� meetino o_ the councilmem�er°5 ne�t wree?�e �o wor�k up a bu�get to be pr�sented �.� a pu�lic meevit��. Th�s meeting is tentati�ely set for � Moncta�r °venin�, June 3, l��c"' . ^��1 sou.r•ces o_" revenue in�Iuding ta.�ation ;�ill �e discus�ed at th�s �;mz. __ i�nere is no ce:�inite �tiT�ru ��e� oz� ��he com.ple�ior oi tne �oe��.tian o� a��re:ti��ion. Copi.es o� Grdinances-;;� ��, r;' .;�, ;,';= �l, �nd „'- 3� T�vere oi�en to all mem�e-r•� ancl r�a�. ;;' �� - �reatin� a Pl�n•r�inb and 2oning C�mmission :���s approved on �'irst reading '�y a motion b�- F-i.K. Spe��i, �econclec b;- Alan �IcG-�nnis. I� T,�ras ca�ried un�nimo�:.sl��. � ,;' 3�� - Euil�.i:�� perm��s to Ge passed �_z �or aper•oval �;;- the Plann_no Coram�ssion O� ���✓°1'Yi1ri� '��C�'�" Oi �C1G v:i�y O.i� �T'_°Z1��S:�OOi:t. N;ot�on Oi _�_�T'S� rea;ing Gp;�roval made �;; Alan 1"Ic �in�zi�, seconded H.K. S�e�'�. Gar•r�ed. ; � �' - >�1eec Gruinance- I�lTot�.an o_' i:�.�•st readino aop:�ov�l mac?e r�y Harry Hatch��, s°conce�l �;�; A�an i��Tc �inni�, arcl carried. ;;'- ��� - General nu_sarce �rc�ina:�ce- Mc�,fl�� made o�' fi-rs� readino a�pr•aval ��J H.�i. S.oec?�, seconded �;;- ?-iar•r; ri�tche_� anr� carr•ied. i�nayor trJagner ent��_�e� a �esalution �hat ��ae a�ce�� ��'iinuve Jrder� ;;' 5�'-'-��� o�° Harris �nd C;aI•U-estc�n Gount�e:; c�esiorla�in�; Ch�a�e ftoad as a �'arm �o i�i�rl�e� Fo�d. Ai�er u7_? requ;_red �1ear• r���.t oi ��ray is �'urnis'r��d, the Stat� H�LhvaaJ En��.neer� is directe� �o pro:;e2d i�Titn tne et�oin�e:cing d°trelopraer_� ai?� �on;��•u���.on. H�r�r�y �atc'_�er mo��eci to accep� tnis r•eso�u.��on, .�^�lai� ��icG�nnis se�onde�; i�. It irras ca7�ri.ed un�.nimously. ��Io�i�n :'or ac�joL�rnment tieas ma�1e �,�- A�ar� McG�n�.�;�, s°�onaed c�y Ha�r�; Hatcner and c�rr_ed u_���r.imoL:s�;�. Res t_�ull;;T subm�tt�ed, � M2��cr•, �a �r�t D. ��Ja�ne� „y/? �. ' �, �C � , 5�:::r•etarS�- �?la, P�icGinnis r CITY OF FRIENDSV!/DOD P. O. B❑X 122 u FfZIENDSWQOD, TEX.45 77546 �� �"���� J• � ��/'��G�L� ��� ����" ��•�`�"� / ��.�: �'�. ,».�:��»*�.�;�;.�...�,,.�.�.....�.��....�...�.y.r..d.�,t.�.�.«.��..��.....��».....,,..,�.�..�,,..�.,...,x:,�,►�.k�.�.._..»... $ . �'�� ��'�G�* �"�"�,`�`�""� �� f�'��� � � �� :� .�3.. ����� ���� � ��"�������«��.�.,«.�.���«.w:�N.,;».«�,�.�,�.��.,..,�.�..�,.»�...�,��.�..����,����...��.,��.,�.�.w......,�,�:!..�.. �.������� �'+���1r.tw+n.«.ew:�M��,a��e.w�.M.r�+s.�rrarnw�rwa,�wwraeA.�lM�r�li+�«.�+�,.�.rn.,W�w�r,.,.r�,wa,»,r,�e��M.-..�w•,�na�r.�t+w:�w.w�rr�+ww�.w.wia.�r�w�t.ro.ar�.�.ee � ��«� M -�,. ��'.��'�N�Y+.rY�uMrM►,ay�ar�+rn4uMr:xY�'a1V��,.w�MM�l�.w�r2w�'!IwAS.�AdtwM:raor�Y+Mr►+�aa,p�v�±xcN#',w�.�k"4r+�r.+1+►tMwH+-7.r�lr;wa�nq'eMr+Rr�+r,rr+r .. 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