HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-05-04 Regular r►T{.-, -r, �a, �.�mt. �.nTrTr�'I, -^-^�--rTr7� ,.��v � 1aF� r,.ZI� � .�S ���i T:._.� �.�._ � �,� �� ���. _ �..z.� � „� � re�ul�.r meetir��• d�f trze ±'riends�,ouc� City Cou:�cil ��rus he3.d :"�C.y �-, 1�c� �t � ;30 F ��d �t tYe �'rienclsti�ood �?i�� Scnool . - ��SC:1� �,vere "�.T�.yo� �?�.rry '�. ',7w�n�r, Council�??er ?� �u.Speo'_�s F��rry ��..tc��er, ��lwr� �.�cuir_nis , Ar�.en NiI� znd �:le Bro�rno 'Tis�ors p�esen-t ��ere Zou `.'lor'th2r,ls �o�;er '��ay, Curtis T'�or�is, I,eo F�v�xd, C'narles �'ills , Dick �;�,t� , �"r . & ��Frs. '��cGr�.a��, Dr . �est , �"rs . �'ovitz , L�`rs o Shore , ��rs . Gillespie , ar�d r�s . �:�ilner. _:?inutes oi t'r•e April 20th and ?ipri7. 22nd r��eFtin��s �vere read. ��Tinutes of April ���n c�rrec�te� to re�.d th�.t fi�c�.l year ending �,zaill rem�,in �°ce��ber 31 , • �...f?inutes of hoth meetin�s then ��ere a�proved by Arden I�il1 , sec�ncied by varry u�tc'_�e� �r1d �rere cwrrieu unanimous].y. _��a.yor �agner report�d on pro�resa since t�e l�.st m�eting. The city officE has lee�en mogea to tne atra.ter afficE b�iilding �nd he su�Vests that a d�rection�l sign to tiis office be pla..ced on �.1,�e53�f ��arry Hatcher �rl�. Fete 'Vor�m�n met to discuss overla��in� lines of some subdivi sions; T?nited Gas ha s cont2��ed T��.yar and council about a fr�nc'r�ise; � Cit�r Gizid� �as offered wit'r� �, house nurzbering syste�, to �ost �30 .00, v,rhicYs needs further rESearch; A �c�.11 from Lori �Toods Civic Ccuncil �-��.s received con�ernin� bl.indspots on some � street �corners cre�ted by untende� vegeta.tion. TJale Bro�n has heen �sked to i�vesti��.te; �21in�ten �ir Farce l�a,ae h�.s seny a letter requesting that ��re h�.ve �,n ordinance 1,imitinF structure hei�h�s or_ run:v�_y a.n�rou.cns ; Gl�.rk T'_�ompaon, ��e ??epresenta+ive , res�onded to our letter concerning ou:.° reed for more post office fa,cilities . , �e �vas most synpathetic to these r�eeds an�. has �ritter� to t}ie Fcst �';:aster General as'_�i.ng for a.ction in our beh�,lf. There are several ite�ns neEdin� pro�npt a.tter�tion: �. survey of streets r_eedirg paving; Ordin�;nces cancerr_zng �e::eral nuisance , ta.�i 9 billboa.rds , amon� oti ers . Several resiaents of Zmperial �states appeared befor the council tr� e�plain their aroblem� with seT�v�ge and to a.sk `vhat authority t�ley could see t� help the:�� in the�r diler.m^�.a. They h�ve se�abe b�,ckin� up in their homes Cnd open seivCge rur_ning on their pro�erty. '7e tivill ?nake a. request to the `.�later Bo�,rd for a for�,l plot of the se�vage la.yout in this area. This is in tl�e jurisdiction of tl�e `�ater Boa.rd. H �K� S�eck report� th�t ,��e hG�.ve comple�ed tne led�er cards on prop- erty ar.d im�rovement� , and they �re nov� in T�Ir. Clines's C�ffice . �;atiees tivere �osted in public �laces, printe� in the GaZveston Eounty �ress ar_d in B�.ker t s Bu?.letin. 3t is re�retted that t�r�� di.d not al2o�� run��ing the notice lon�er. The wor�. must (render ) ��,s m�sle��.ding. 3f t��e progert�r owner v��a,s sa.tisfied *�ith the school ' s tax ev�.luation� he need not have rer_dexed his property again. 3'he tax ro1.1 �rill be co::l��iled ?�� =:��:�. The co��.-�ittee , „ea�oonsz'�?e x�r ni�ing a ci�y clerk, requested �r�o�e til�ne Lc� y�ro�oerJ.y svreejz �p�Zic.�.n�s for the job. 'T"�ey ;��.nted ?�ore s�ecifics o�� tl�e ;jo'o�;� reqaire:nezit�, barticularly hours. �,�a,yor _ '�agner felt t_zat z.t least .iour h�urs �aily plus Ga�poiation Court , counc�.l �etiti��s , �.n�. other �n��� �i:�t�s �ou1.d '�e .�ini?nu�. It vaould b�- co_-�e a `orty hoar -�,ree'� as saan �.a �lle �ui��e� per,nits. l�.Z's:�$:1 T��!l� rt:^,�. i17.S 1":;y J=� 0� '�_�:t� "+=:�2�17i� O:� �i1E; T1.r0 �2�c`3.'t'f,�:1C:�1�'t, . �l:n�@�'i: .i2:?:i vL2Z':1'�-�.��. OU� �_^.."�.' �'..i:� "�i�.:;:;v�_:��. "�'rEi.B •.'J].�.1 '.�@ :il°@:ll1,F'J3 o:. �ae iirst ��c� thi��. �u�s���-�ya of �:��e ::�cn�'_: a.� '7;3� ?' .;,�To wt ts?e �'�+`1 W° ;j�',�..�'i,i tJ T:• Z''i 2 ?'7s211:��2 :r 1 Z Z :;E.' L:1�"fT i'1• _�a.�O I' "fc?�i1 @� G.�T'��-'S �'il;l, ?��� :1�?°c1 c`! �J1.G:��:'�'t'".�li°'_'l.^_'s.� . it 1S OLl?' �.1V°S j;2L'1 Y3.0:�'_2t�a i,i2?� ;VC ^-�.,Z'2 �7�'��:'.C�',�.�lg. "'iie :t7�L�"iC3.1 � a JO'�.? ia ;�J s`?.c ��:��� :�i-L' f1�:.V° 2�i1i.�,� 'G�c'_t u� �. _ eo�d '^irz L`ey�r r��ze�� bu� t�:e p°���e >�us� �ivA t:nei� t i�e t� insure t�:i;�. ?'o qttalif� f�r � Ke;�-�=� t�ng �ne�e :nus� seve���°e. �o t�rrenz� i7'iel� c?���:�Ci.7.'_7� =.� �.G'�S�". x�iiY` i?Oi.lz'S .r. '•1�?'1L.:i 10�C' l'i.'.'il.�S c`Li1� t��.�ning. 1arr;� T�?G.tc�er rea.d 1=i;� I'2,�ort on tn� �=o3iee �ep��t;ne:�t . Clen N�.rkleroad has beeiz a��oi.ntek �o repl��.ce Bill �Ter�hwnt ��'rlo resigned due to his �usine�� �.nd ��asy sc�ze�iul° . "'he r���.r unit 7.S �TOflil2l� �.�e11. �':*�.Tly :'T�:Z'f11f1�.,S �ic�'�', 'O°2: 1.SSL7.�'C�.2'r'iEi� 15 c,'�-. �rQa� n�ed �O?" �. �nc�rter f or aa�i�7��.ry oz�son�el. ?!'a,yor �s'_-:s t�,�:t �i�t�rs s�.zbmi�� ,�ritteal cl�i:ns to t=�s co�u�.cil several d�.ys before sc'i�eciuled �eetin�s concerni�� �.n;� prebl°r�s t�ey �Zwve i�z order th�,t the c�a�zcil ;nCy ���:e t��e.� proper ^tter�tion. "2r . ��ilner aske� �oJa �� ;..:�et syr�eed Zi..�it �Z�j-�J or ti�lice �atrol i*� �ori �voads . So:�.e mo tor ists �.re end�ngeriil� s:�,11 child�en '�y driving too f�.st in � residenti�,l area. �rd�n Hill n��s �C.y.��1..rA to �'o.�rlei Tarton about our garbage sitL�ation. �'�r. ��.rton s�ys th�a t :zi s m�in conce rn i s g�r�w�e an� i s z�ot equi�ed t� h�ndle bu1�Ly tra�'_�� ?�e:�s. �.ruen I-'ill �r��s asned to tv=�1k �urther �it�1 �:=r . �2.rt�n �nd try to dr�,�r up � list�Q� necessary p�ints tiiat �oul�� -saure good aerz�ce . =:!�a.yor '�la�ner �:.s�s tf�e Tire �enartrne��� to ��laCUSS -�I'8.5�1 b���t'11Y1b a,:�'. 'ti1@ i1�@�. Oi u''.i1 OTCZl".2ci1C� cantrollin�; �'=i7.S• �.�.yor '�T�:�ner repori s t'�.� �ill I'ati�r a��ooi�t��_ as our Carporation r���r� .7'ua,o�e �,nd nas acc�pted. A1.wn r:icGinni� mo�ioned t�at it be a �e�zrL��e�� �.p�oin��nen+ , t�a� ther� be �o re�nuneration, th�t re be bond�u . �a12 �ro��n s�conci�� t'n� ��o tion and it .����s ��.rx ied unaiiitno�s- iy. ?'�.avr�nce C1ine Y�a� �,ccepted t;•ze a�o��oi:��ment a.� Ta.x Asse�sar, ��e ha� �.lre�.�.y s��.rted_ r�i w krcrk. I�e i� �lrea��;� bondec� . mnou�h �.o pro�ress has �ee.�1 mGde yet i:� reo�g�.�izing the C'll�.�nber of Co::lmerce , the ne�� �nd de:��rd i� �;re�.t. '�.laya�^ ',7agner a�te�.���? tne � Fe�rlanct Ch�,::lber of �o�n:ne:°ce �.nc� th�y �ro�nised t� �iv�e a�y hel;,o zl�? m1�,ht nee� .Cl��x.i.es ��ills �if�re�u t� set up �, �eeti�� �t the Holi- da,� In�: in A�vin and help cont.�c� �:°aa;,�ectiv�e �me:nbers . Time :vi11 be �^ri�iay I��ay 8th c.'� noon. ?�lan 1:ZcGinnis r.�ade �. �ation t'r�at ��.yor `,I�gner draft le�ters of th��.n'�s �o �hoss �ae��le ��'r�o h�ve serv�d our �ity in the �ast . �� a_x_� ��eck secolldecl the mo v?��r �.�.d it rr�.� un�,rimo=asly c�.rried. A tno�ior_ to take over �he avater di�trict :��s strongly b�,cke3 b;� :':`�yor ''Tagr•er �nd ue?rs Spec��. ""he �uestion �as raised, c�ul� Vve do ar� �,dequate job at t��e presen� ti:me z�it;z �.11 ti:e other e�rork on nand n�:�? ;.'�.yQr '.?�.gner resol4e�A t?��.t �e mePt �ith tn.e 'Vater Board to e��lore tI12 �.e .�,F"�,�J.t'!Q5 0`' �i`713 ??'lOjTE' �i2d. �ef y':@'�1.'�].�JYla 21PC2�S?,T� �0 an:�ex�ti�n. �rde.�. Fill Sec�n��et. t�,?s �na��on. .�1.a:� 'Fc�i�nis stoc�d oppo�ed �t thi s t i?ne. _ _ . _._ .. Sinc� ���ere is a.lre�dy � 4e�:�. Cross �roup in th� co�n�unity he�,dec� b�r L�nn �ignu� a it ;�,s �u=,?4estis�a tii�t th� Civil �efense �ro�ra�n be tu'?].p,.. OVP� to '_n�r� i�r resewrLr, a�z�i �.e��lo��ent. — �� lisi of �ity bud�et iterns sach C.s citjr cler'c, t�.x assesser, street.� �,�� brid�;�s � is nP�ded . �,le Bro�n v�r?.s ��'sen to cor�pile sucy� �, list of e�e:��.?tures. ��.;�or :��gne�^ �ead �, �rzft of � possible o��.an:^nce needed to cre�.te a �nuc:n rieede�� Pl�._z��ing 8o:xmission.�wayor �a�ner v�vill ge� co�i�a of t'rlis :�w3e up �or tn� coalzcil �e�nbe:rs ta stud�r. There rave b�en recuests for a City Guide . '?e �nust ir�jres�i�ate proper metiloas of si,ree� n�.;ning, na.zrnl�e�in� of houses to develop this �uide . �t ?� :10 x'_'Grry H2,tcher :�a�ione� �o acijou?^n th� me�tin�. The ��otzon ;v�� s�canded by �tl�n .�"'cGinni� =�n�. c_a.rri�d unar�imously. �es�ectfully sub�itted, � ' _ �:.�.y r- Ha r J, '."�agner ,�� / `;�^ r Secretary- _A1 ��?cGinnis