HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-04-20 Regular i�I�?TJ'�^�� ��+ T�.; C?`"Y �OU'_�7CIL �:�.^T���G nF�?II, 20 , 1964
:� regalar �r.eeti�g o�' the �r?c�nds���oo�. Cit� �ouncil ��s 1�eld A�ril 2�Js
» �
1y64 ,=-`� �ti1e �'riends.vocd ?=i�n School .
� Frese.zt :�ere ?�.�.ayor Harry �. ��gn�rs Council_r_ez� H.K• S�eck, u2.Y.'Y'�T
uatchers ?�l.�,n i+"cui�ni� , :�r�.�en �'ill �.nd Dal� Bro�n.
�Tisitars ptesen� ��>vere �ic?� Pya,tt , mo� Lon�, Lciu "7ort;z�n, C �C = Boats
�?o�e� ��'TaY 3 ���ck �T�.us��n� �ill ''?hite , C ,� • '"errell .
( �'�nutes of the ,�p�i2 13th me�tin� �vere re�.d . �? .?r. �Spec'_� �oved �nat the
�inutes stand �.�pioved as reau. u2rry K�tcher seconde�. the raotion.
�!�o�ion c2rried unani�_�ously.
�.!`a,yor T.ragner �n•ade s�wteme:�t o� pol.ic,�: fu11 coo,per�.tion of all ,
aeleg�.tion of �.ut��ority, �rritten �eports on all nossible �.genda, the
inclus?on o�' citizens in our v�ork to,v�r� �n�.'fi�g �rienL s��aod � grovin�
co::�:nu�ity irl a.11 aapects.
T�zayor �agner a�^ointed �rden �ill�':�ayor �ro-tem ar_d �l�n A�eGinnis,
Secretary. Ha.rry uatc'r�er mov�d tha.t we acce�ot the ap�oint_nen�ts.
��a Lion ti��.s seconded b� �C,le �3ro��Tn. ��otion c�.rried un�.ni�noualy.
,� l��yor '�Ia�ner �3e a resolutian tn�t the ci�:y office be �aved to
��=.v�.i7.able a�ace in �'ne ''?ater t'ffice. The�e be no fee for this f�cility�
Jale �ro���rn rrent on recor�. th�.t it be � temporar;� zrra.n`-e�nent . He
also su�`:ested �h�t tr��e citf clerk u,�e t'�e "�P�.ter c�ffic� f�.cility, and
t�e �ossibility of us�in� school facilitzes for council meetinos be
in�re�tig�.ted. 's::�.yor '�a.�;ner a�re�d to cor.t�tict t�1e school about t?��eir
, c�.i�.r�e for use of tl�eir facilitie� . �'7ote on this .natter deferred.
Pesolut�on :n�de th�t a cit;� clErk must �e hired. <4 c�u�a�u,�n composed
of .:�rden �ill , D�dle �3ro�m, and T� nK. S�eck acceyated the xespo�zsibility
of i�.tervie�ving Gnd m��kin� �, de�cisi�n or the c�,ndidates f�r this
R�yor '��.gn�r ;nade reaol.?�tion t:�,t .ry=e h�_ve �itize:�' s corn:�ittees ir.
eac�: af the folloivin� cate�ories : Z,�.nd use �.r.d developments ( Pl�.n:�ing
�om��!ission) ; Roa�ls , 5t?"E£:t8 a,nu Br:�.�.�es; Festri�ti�ns (Zoning Stud�T) ;
I+'1T1�.riCZ s Fire , hea.lt�: a,n� safet;�; Cit�.ze:�ship; Public relations .
Possibilities of i�dTastrial de�elo�ment � ac�uistion of v,r�ter district
:n�ntioned. �esponsibility for these co�nriittees acce��ted as follo��s :
Plan�in� Cam•nission, all; �oa.ds, s�txeets �nd brid�es, Dale �ro�n;
Zoning Stud;�, T.�.yor `'�agner; Finance , �-:�.rry Hatcher; �ire , He�.ltn �,n�
Safety, .Arden �ill ; Citizens�i�, Al.tin ?,'�cGinnis; �'�a,yor '?T��ner resolved
to �,s� ex-m�yor ?�e:� C2;�d to accept respansibilit;� of the Public
'�elations com�aittee.
I�axry ��tcher rz�.�. his �e-��art an tne purchase and uae of a radar
unit. It is felt that moder�te use of this unit arill be ben.:�ficial .
C'rdinance �33 re�.d concernin� speed limit of the school zone and
Cho�te �oad from � .��Td518 to CZear Cree'c. Crdinance considered un-
sati:f2ctory �.nd �a.bled. K2,rry L_�,tche� ;�ill chec� into pro�er �vording
a.nd suLject m?.tter �o be can��ine�. t.�.erein.
There �ras discussion of the �o4.rbage situ�.tiot�. '_"To official contract
h�,s been sianed. Previous �ninutes rea3 �ert�.i�ing to dispositian of
this rn:�tter o Ar3e� Will �r�-.� ��.s��ed in��stiga.te t:zis situ^tion.
TY�Ie nee� for an ordi��nce concernin�, the �'encin� of s��virn�ain� pools
-:vz.s discussed.
'.Ve need a Corporation `;oart �ud.<_�•� a �1:� U::�"..nc;.�_ �.���e,�'.•. �.�_� , �-_��,e;'.-_��.telY,
loo�c in �o tliis 2nd �set accor�in�l�. �:�.yor ?�a,gner ��ill �:ct as
Cor�,00r�.tian Jud�e te�Uor�.rily.
Discussion �=�s helc. 2..UOU'� city t�j�ation. If �re axe to have city t�,xes
tr�ia ye�x, irnmeai�.te �.ction mus� be ��ken. l�Z�.;�or �la�ner reco_n�nended
t'r��U crl accourtir�� firm be �iven ��! is job due to the de�dline of
A�ril 3�th . Tni:� ti�coulr cost '"4,OOO.QO-'�6s0u0.00. F? mK_. Sroeck yalunteer-
ed to �+G.,�C. czxe of t'r�is �ob a.t �� fra.ct�on of the cos� a.nd donat�
his time a:n.d �.bilities. 2�.yor "�agner made a raotiGn th�?.t H �.K_o Specl�
be �:.�t�'r�ezized to be resbor�sible far t�x roll, ren�ition, development
a•rld true v�lue assessmer��t . T��otior. ��,de �r�d ca.rried un�_r�imously.
H�rr� u�tcYier �a.s askeu Uo .;�rite a r�a0lu.tiGT1 to cha.nge fisca3 year -
enr�in� fro:n �ecem�er 31 s to �ctaber 31 , . _;_-,�o���.� �J��� .�e�-�=- �.�c=�
<;,.�.����, ��'��.��,�d�u�' �;
� :37 0 �0 . �'exrell �_zrivFd.
There �vas discussion or in�er�st in reor��,ni�in� the Ch�mber of Corr!-
merce o n�,le �aro?rn �n�=.de � form�.l recor.z:��enc��tic�. to Le�t�bZish the
Ghar�ber of Co:�..merce . C ��` � �a st offered to cont��.et previous members
and �ossible netiv m.er�bers, c:nd set � meetirlg.
Philli�s Pipe lir�e Co . �.s'ce�� per�ission to ru�1 z pipe lir}e under
Staclium Drive . The;� re���ir C>.ny d�.rr��ge done . It wa_s re�co�n.mendec� th�t
�,n ordin�nce concernir�� this a.nd the possible char�e for s�.n�e be
rTritten subjec� to the �,-��l�ra�-�1 0�' Curtis T.Forris, Cit3� �ngineer.
l��eetirl� adjourr_ed at 10 :02.
�e�pectfu.11y su�miti,eci,
°�T�Y - �=u rY �'• �T�.gner
. � � 1� �� , .
� .'v.�. � �.-�
Secre-�a`x�- �_n �. innia