HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-04-06 Regular MINUT�S OF CITY COUNCIL M��TI�IG APRIL 6, 1g64
� A r��ular meeting of the Friendswood City Uouncil was held
' April 6, 1964.
Present were �ayor Pro-tem Pete Workman, Councilmen'-H. K. Speck,
Harry Hatcher and G�nc Greathouse.
Visitors present were reporte.rs fro� n�wspapers and Fowler
Minutes from meetinds of March 2, and iIarch 17 were read . H. K.
Speck moved that the minutes be approved as re�d , Harry Hatch�r
seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously .
Salaries of $ 1 .00 was paid to each of the council and the mayor
.for services for I.963.
Sketches showing a proposed 8" Propane line to be laid across
th� Analea Subdivision were shown to th� council. This line
will be on the Phillips Yip� Line Co. present ri�ht-of -wa� and
will run under three stre�ts �aithin the subdivision. Harry
Hatcher moved that we grant the permit to �'hillips Pipe Line
Company of Bartl.esville, Oklahoma to lay this line throu�h
the Analea Subdivision subject to thc fznal approval of Cit�
En�ineer Curtis l�lorris and subject to the specifications shown
� on the prints presented bef ore the council. Gene Greathouse
� seconded tY?e motion, motion carried unanimously.
Fowler Barton with th� Barton Dis�osal Service met with the
council. The trash situation within the city was discussed .
Fro�t & B3ck door pick-up was discussed alon� with a limit of
trash cans that can be picke� up at each house and the burning
of trash ,within the city. Nir. Barton ask�d the council to see
if each subdivision would a,�ree to take b�ck door pick-up or
front door pick-up as he is havin� a gre�t deal of trouble where
�art of a subdivision has on� and thc rest of the subdivision �_
has the otheF. Mr. Barton was advised that action would be taken
at a later date.
Jack Harrison, City Attorney rcqucsted that we furnish him with
a print showing the corners and tne stree� r_araes where st�g si�;�s �
are to be ins ��lled . Thi:, is necessary befor- �'�;: ordinances can
be written.
Ha.��� Hatcher moved that the meeting aajourn, H. K. speck seconded
the motian, :notion carri ed unanimously. Nieeting ad j ourned at
9 :00 �.M.
Respectfully submitted ,
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�ECRETARY: � -G�• 2� G�-�---l��-a.-�r- '