HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-03-17 Regular MINUTES 0�' CITY C[)L�PTCIL ME.LTIti�= i��1A?�CH 17, 1964
_ A re�ular meetin� of the Friendswood City Uouncil was held
j March Z7, 1964.
� ; -
- � Present were Ma��or Kenr.eth C�mp, Councilmen. Pete T��orkman,
Dale Brown, H. K. S�Pck �nc? Gene Gre?thouse.
Visitors present were Jack Ha�rison, A�t Hausman , Buck Hausm�n,
C,yril �mith, Lynn �;i�-nus and report�rs.
P�t� Workman moved th�t 12.789 �cres of the first fortv acres
known as Section l, An�lea Subdivision be annexed into the cit.y ,
of Friendswood . ti. K. �peck seconded the motion., motiori carried `'
unanimousl,y. This annexation will be covered b�� Ordinance #30.
H. K. 5peck moved that we approv� the vacating, closin� and
abandonin� a portion of a Road Ri�ht oi� Way her�tofore �ranted
by instrument recorded in book 1483, pages 349-351 in the
office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, and
authorizin� conve,qanc� of 1.0354 acres the�eof to 9rt Constructian,
Inc . doing business as Lark�lea Developing Co. as the abutting
property owner, for � consideration of one doll�r $ 1 .00, said
I.o354 acres beinj described b5 metes & bounds herein : Finding
that the Public Convenience and necessity no longer require the
continued existence of said portions of such Ri�ht of Way.
D�l� Brown seconded th� ?notion , motion carried unanimously.
''j Covered by Ordinance �32.
! I
Dale Bro�rm moved th�.t we �rant Buck Hausman the ri�;ht to form
a new water district adjoinin� the cit� limits of Friendswood , ��- .�
Texas w?�i_ch �,�ill be kno=,�m as Water District #20 if Buck
Hausman a�rees to the five point letter of a�reemer_t on file � �
witY? tre citp. Pete vJorkman seconded the mod�ion. T��Jorkman,
Brown and Greathouse voted for, Sp�ck abstained . Jack H�rr. ison
stated the minutes should read that this a�proval was nade
a�ainst his adivise .
Mr. Walker with United Gas Co. appcared before the council and
asked that w� consider �ivin� the United Gas Co . a limited
franchise to opera�;e in the outivin� ar�as af Friendswood . �
M.r. t�Talker was told that we would look into the possibilities
of such a grant .
H. K. apeck moved tr� resolution concernin� the need for a survey �
to the int�rest of flood control and allied purposes of the Clear
Creek area . This resolution is attached to th� b?ck of thes�
minut�s. D�1� Brown seconded the ?notion, motion c3rried unani?��uslq.
H. K. Speck moved th�t tre meeting adjourn. D�le Browr_ secor_ded
the motion, motior_ carried un3ni�noizsly. Meet�n� ad journed at
� 11 :00 P.M.
--� � Resnectfully submitted ,
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