HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-03-02 Regular MINUTE� OF CITY C'=,UNCII, �;�ETING MARCH 2, 1964
� A regular meetin� of the Friendswood Citv c;ouncil was held
� March 3, 1964.
Present were T�iayor Kenneth C�mp, �ouncilmen Dale Brown,
Pete Workman, and Gene Greathouse.
Visitors present were Jack Harrison , Jack Darst , �urtis Morris
and reporters from the newspapers .
Mr. C�liver r�'. Stork, Urban Plannin� En�ineer for the Texas
Fii�hwa� Department discussed the proposed urban transportaticn
plan fnr Galveston Count,y. After the discussion of what is
intended for Galveston �ounty and the Friendswood area Dal�
Brov�m moved that we accept the program, Pete �lorkman seconded
the motion, motic�n carried unanimously.
The Ma.yor read the council a letter from �3ud�e I,awrence Cline
askin� that we accept his resignation as judge . Mayor C?mp_
asked the Council to keep their eves open for a n�w jud�e to
fill this vacancy.
Nlayo� t;amp notified the council that a board of equilization
will `be needed for the city in their tax program. This board '°'"
�iill b� made up of three people .
Minutes from the February 17, 1964 meeting w�re read . Pate
taorkman moved that the minutes be 2ccepted as read , Dale
- Brow� seconde� the moti�n, motion carried ur_�nimously. ,
The T�Iayor and �ouncil Jrere sho,tirn a radar set and then a
demonstration was given. The price of this set w�s quoted
at � 900.00. A discussion will be had on th� subject of a
radar set at a later m�etin�.
Meetin� adjourned at 9 :45 P.M.
Respectifully submitted ,
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iviAYOR: TJ ' �-��- * y,��-`
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COUNTY JUDO[ � 1"ldrCLl 3� 1964 �- � � � � � . : �� �� � .
The Hon . Kenneth Camp � r
Mayor of the City of Friendswood r
City Office •
Workman Office Building 4 � � �
Friendswood, Texas
Dear Mayor Camp:
The District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army,
Galveston District, will hold a Public Hearing at
10 :00 A. M. , on Wednesday, March 25, 19b4, in the
Auditorium of the Friendswood Elementary School,
located one block southwest of Farm Road No. 518, at '
Friendswood, Texas.
The purpose of the Public Hearing is to furnish
information to the Corps of Engineers which would aid
in their studies of the Clear Creek, Texas, area in the
i.nterest of flood control and allied purposes.
It is respectfully requested that the City of Friendswood
pass a Resolution requesting a survey be made in the �
interest of flood control and allied purposes.
The Resol•stior�, if p�ss�b3�, should �� i:: �ne sh�et,
prepared on your official stationery an d 8-1/2" x 11" in •
size. This request is made in order that it may be
reproduced for inclusion in a printed Brief now under
preparationo ,
The Resolution should be in the han ds of Herbert E. �
Schmidt, our Consulting Engineer, not later than
16 March 1964.
� ,
, _
- '
The Hon. Kenneth Camp Page 2 March 3, 1964
Further, it is requested that, if at all possible, you
and same of your City Council attend and give your
� support to the Public Hearing. �
Very truly yours
Peter J. V le �
Coun ty ge
CC - Hon. Jack Lawrence
Cammiasioner 4th Pct. . . * ; , :.�. ,h,
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P. O. DRAWER 592
March 11 , 1964 406 5. GOROON STREET
Hon, Kenneth Camp
Mayor, City of Friendswood
Friendswood, Texas
Dear Kenneth:
EncLosed herewith is originaL and severaL copies of a ResoLution
regarding the survey by the U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers , as
� requested by you,
Thanking you for your attention, I am
5incereLy yours ,
G�-�.�'(. ,�`�'�t�'Z%L`-'2��-''�
Jack Harrison
f Nlarch 14, 19b4� `
Jud�;e �eter :T. La V�1,1�
Count;� Co.zrtr�o:�se .
Galvpstc�n, T�x�.s
I7e�r ��td�;e L�, Vxl1 e:
�nc�o��d �.re twc� r,o�ie� of � rc�sUlution
�o be r.��.ss�c� en l�€�rci� 1�, 2954� �y tn� City of
Frienciswo�ci or th� need ��r a survey in �h�
in�er�st a� �'l�oc� con�rol �n�. �=:.liied r�urT;os�s
o#' t.=e Cl��.r �r��k �re� �nd its w�t�rsi��d.
�dould ;�ou �1.a�.s� n��;; �n �: ao�;� tr� tY�� c3c�nnul�i.n,�
ian��neer, �i€�s°'�er� �.. Sc��:nid�, �s I c%o not h�,ve
his �c��.ress.
� . i T,�il? be l�okin;; far��rc� to seein�; fou on
Tuasd�.y, ,I�:rc:� 1'�th, 1����+ �t tYze �ec:ic:�tior�
Ceret;�on;,r f�r th� n��� wiri�, of t't:e U�.2vest�n
Count� ;�:�.�!�ri�l �iosv3tal. .
Yr�urs t�uly.
;ienrteth �;. Catt�p
` iaayor, Ci��r e�f r riendsa�tood
�v: fi�n. J�ck I.,awrenae .
. Cor:;�i ssioner �t�i1 Fet.
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