HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-02-17 Regular E ' { � t MINUTES 0� CITY COUNCIL �NEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1964 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was h�ld �'`` February 17, 1964. Present were ��ayor K�r�n�th �amp, �euncilmen Har.ry Hatcher, H. K. Sneck, Pete �,TOrkman, D,�le 13rown and G . V. Greathouse . Visitors pr�s�nt were Gurtis Morris , �uck Hausman and reporters from various papers . Minutes of the February 3 , 1964 me�tin� were read . Pete Workman moved that the minutes be a�proved subject to Jack Harrison ' s ,� opinion of the r�soltztion concerning the water district to be formed next to Water District #15. Greathouse secor_ded the motion, �aotion carri�d unanimously. Harrv Hatcher gave the financial r�port . Dale Brown moved th�t the rebort be approved , Pete 6dorkman seconded the motion , moti� �n carried unanimously. Ma�or 8amp read a letter from Myron T�Jorden asking that his resi�nation as Civil Defcncc Director be accepted . Gene Greathouse moved that his resignation be accepted , P�te taorkman seconded the motion, znotion carri ed unanimously. Pete Workman moved that th� resignation of M.qron Worden as auxillary i policeman and Norman (;hen.nault as police�nan be accept�d , Gene Greathouse � second�d th� motion , motion carried unanimousl.y. I M- Harr.y Hatch�r stated that r1r. J. N. Wright .will b� the n�w policeman servin� the cit,y and Norman C;hennault will b� an auxillary policeman. Pete Workman moved that Wilbur Boyle be approved as the election judse f or the city April 7, 1964. Dale Brown seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Kenneth Camp select�d Harry Hatcher and Pete Workman to serve on the committee to dissolve the boundaries of the city limits between Pearland and Friendswcod . N1r. Wailin� presented a petition for annexation of that part of Longwood Subdivision which is in the l�o ft . bounds�y around the city of Friendswood . This will be covered bv Ordinance #30. Pete Workman moved that this b� accepted , Dale Brown seconded th� motinn, �notion carried unanimously . Nir. Wailin^ gave the city a ch�ck in the amount of �66.00 for the anproual of the 66 lots in Lon�wood .Subdivision . � H. K. Speck mo�ed that tre city buy th� til� for the double corner of Shadowbend Ave. and C . C . Bost aPreed to install this pip�. ' __ Harry Hatcher seconded the motion, notion carried unanimousl�. Pete lrlorkman mo� �d that t�?e meetin� ad jo,zrn, Dale Brown seconded the mation , motion carried unanimousl,y. P�?�etin� a c�journe at 9 : 30 P.NI. , ��:. . Respect 7�1,y s mitt�d , M�1YOR :�___ � _ .SECRETARY:_ -�. � __ � ,