HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-02-03 Regular i � - MINUTES OH CITF �COUNCII, ME�T�iVG FEBRUARY 3, 1964 A re�ular meeting of the Friendswood Cit.y Council was held February 3, 1964. ' i�� � Pr�sent were Ma�or Kenneth Camp, Councilmen Pete Workman, Dale Brown, Harry H:atcher, Gene Greathouse and H. K. Speck. Visitors present were Curtis i�iorris , Zeo Havard , C . C . Bo�t, Plow Foster, Buck Hausman, Art Hausman, Ralph I,owe , Nirs . W. J. North, Mr. GJailing and reporters from various papers . Minutes of Januar� 20, 1964 meeting were read . Pete Workman mw ed that the minutes be approv�d as read , Dal� Brown seconded the motinn, motion carried unanimously. Harry Hatcher gave the financial report for January 1964. Dale Brown moved that a moving permit fee of $ 25.00 be char�ed for th� moving of a building thru the cit� and that the mover be bonded . That a fee of $ 10.00 be set on the moving of a buildin; from one Iocation to another within the city. The mover will also be re— quired ta have public liabilitv insuranc� and �urnish the cit� with a certificate of same, Harr,q riatcher seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Ma,yor Camp read a letter from Gas Utilit.y Service Co . of Angleton, Texas statinb that someone is tampering with �as valves throughout th� city. They posted a reward of 100.00 for anyone catching or giving leading information leadin� to the arrest of anyone tamperinb � — with the valves in the Gas Utilit,y Servic� svstem. The award will be d�vid�d � 50.00 to the officer making the arrest and 7� 50.00 to the city. Gene Greathous� moved that Ordinance #�9 be approved as read by Nia,yor C�mp, Yete Workman seconded the motion, motion carri�d unanimously. This ordinance covers the cit.y election to be held April '], 1964. It was mentioned that an ordinance should be worked on to forbid the firin� of fir�arms within th� citv. A mention of stop signs throughout the cit,y was a�ain brou�ht up by tiarry Hatcher. This will be looked into in the near future. The ma.yor also mentioned for the council to keep pushin� for better attendance at the fire meetin�s. H. K. Speck moved that th� Zon�woc� Subdivision be approved for development . The final plot plan w�s submitted b,y t�:r. �rJailing. This approval covers that part of th� subdivision that is in the citv and subject to the final aprroval of �urtis Morris . Gene Greathouse seconded the moti�r� , motion carried unanimously. � i i Dale Brown resolved to ap�rove Buck Hausman' s Annalea Addition to form a new water district with the followin� provi�ians : 1. That the developer would petition to come into the city that area up to 10' within the NW ed�e of Sec . 1 ard allowin� sufficient space zor � lift station site on the 'vJest carner of Lot 4, Block 3, ,�ectian 1 of the Annalea Subdivision. This will allow the 12" main line and lift station to be within the Rew water district . 2. That the developer will put in all water lines under 6" in size and alI sewer lines under 8" in size. 3. That the d�veloper will a�;ree to de�d to the mayor or an appointee of the mayor a piece of property in the proposed �,�r�ter district . This will allow a mem�er of th.� cit4 council to sit in on. the new water district board . Lar_d to be deeded back to Buck Hausman at a a later date. 4. That the� dtveloper will a���?�'ee to the annexation into the city�each section asz�' c���es, �'�y�L'G-F� `( U ti t't`�',. � .�� .C,�!� �, � , ,r..._.-I `���.��'':^'� ° �- . 5. That the bond issu� wi]_1 not be in the excess of $ 600,000.00. � Pete Workman seconded this resolution, r�so�ution carried . H. K. i Speck and Harry Hatcher did not vote. H. K. Speck moved to allow the 6" overhan� that extends over the setback st�ndards of the cit,y on the houses that have been built by Sproul Homes in their park.��x�ffi�x�� It is also agreed that no more exceptions to this rule will be made. Pete ��Jorkman seconded the motic�r_, motion carricd unanimously. Dalc Brown moved that the city ap�rove Buck Hausman's Subdivision (Village Gre�n) subject to the final approval of Curtis Morris. Harry Hatch�r seconded the mat�_nn, mot�c�n carri�d unanimously. v . + Workman moved that the mee�in� �djourn, tiarry �a�cher secnded the motion, motion carried una�imousl.q. Meetin� ad jourried at �2 : 35 �.M. Tuesday. Resp�ctfully submitted , M 4YC�R : � �=------_ / / /� � SECRETARY: -C� _ i��%� ���— � �-:�-.��