HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-01-20 Regular MINUTES OF CITY COUNCI� MEETING JANUARY 20, 1964
y A regular meetin� of the Friendswood City �ouncil was held
� January 20, 1964.
Present were Ma,yor K�nneth Camp, Councilmen rete Workman, H. K.
Speck, Dale Brown, Gen� Greathouse.
Visitors present were Curtis Morr�_s �nd reporters from various
newspapers .
�iinutes from the January 7, 1964 meetin� were read . Yete �orkman
moved that th� minutes be approved as r�ad , llale Brown secanded
the motion, motion carri�d unanimousl.g.
The Ma�or discussed the Unit�d Fund drive for Galveston County
for 1964 and asked for comments from th� courcil in re�ards to
th� way it will be handled in �'riendswood .
The Mayor asked the council to try and think up somc wa� to
crcat� some enthusiasm within our Volunteer Fire Departm�nt . He -
indicat�d that this would have to bc done before we can ever
expect to get a better fire rate an our insurance in Friendswood .
The i�iayor stated that the accountin� firm of Peat , NIarwick and ;�,_..
1�litchell has contacted him and indicatee� that they wou�'d�e
in�e�ested in making the audit for thc city. They indicated that
1 , th�� had done this service for s�veral small town gettin� started
and would anpr�ciate the opp�rtunity of servin� the cit.y of
��"� Friendswood .
Mayor Camp said that a resident of P�arland had bcen �iven the
authority to operate a taxi within the city of Friendswood . It
is not an exclus�,ive franchise .
We were natified that an election ardinance will be rcad� b,p the
first meeti.n� in r'ebru�ry.
Dale Brown moved th<<t the meeting adjourn. H. K. Speck seconded
the motion, motion carried unanimousl,y. Meetin� adjourned at
9 :0o r.r�.
Respectfull� submitted ,
MAYOR :� �__
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SECRETARY : '�'��- _s �- G- -��_ d--zc �`-�
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