HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-01-10 Special , ' 1+'�IA?UTE^ OF CITY CCt?NCIL Mr�.,+'`�;TIi1TG JATNARY 10� �;'64 � — A special m_.eetin� of the Frien.dswood Uit.y Council was held � January 10, 1964. --" Pr�sent wer� I�Iayor Kenneth Camp, Cauncilmen ri. K_. Speck, Dale Brown , Yete ?�lorkman and Harry tlatch�r . Visitors present were Jack Darst , �ack Har.rison a�d Curt��s Morri s. � . Jack Darst explain�d the problems that would exist should th� , city approve a new water district to serve the Annalea subdivision.� Jack Harrison advised the council about the le�al aspects that could arrise . After a len�thy discussion it was decided to ( Se� the attached letter) Rcspectfully submitted , 1�AYOR : C��ii-- _ ?---- SECRETARY: . -l! � �e�� �--_--� � I LAW OFFICE6 �-� JACg HARRISON ' ir�` HARRISON BUILDING I ALVIN, TEXAS � J � ���`�a�l �� � ���� P. O. DRAWER 6G2 406 5. GORDON STREET �vir. �Zana.tei :ria�s��nar� Buek �tealty 542� Pal��n s Ge�ter �t�11S�4iS' �`E.`X�.S �63r s."4lj�� �.t1�213i'1: �n rap[y to your r��t��� to Ehe �iEy �ou=�xci! �f ��ae City a€ �xiendswood, for i��ve to create a water controt a�d i��npr�ve.�e�.t di�t�ict within the jurisdicEio�al area �f th� �ity, you ar� advised that the City do�GS n+�t aC t�.is ti:ne, have a rnu:�icip�al water and sawer ey+ste�n and far tt�is reaeon ca�.�x�st _ prz�vi�.e thesc service� t� �cau for your subdfv�.ei�n. ; i The �ity Counci! has� dectined t�� approve your appiicati�n f�r the crca- s ti�n af a water co�ztrol and ir�zproverne�C cli$trict with�r� t�e 3urisdictiona! baundariea off ti�e �ity of �'rie�ndswoo�l. D For th� �ayor a:�d �fty Cou�;�cit, Very truip yours, Jack Harrf�flt� J�i:r r � �