HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1964-01-07 Regular MITIUTES C�F CITY C�UNCIZ 1�7E�TI}�3G JANUARY �, 1964 ' A re�ular meetin� of the Friendswood C;itv Council was held � I Januarg �, 1964. � Present were Nlavor Kenneth C�mp, Councilmen Pete Workman, I3arry Hatcher, D�l� Brown, H. K. Speck and Gene Greathouse. Visitors present �ere reporters from various newspapers. Minutes of i�ov. 18, 1963 were read . rete iaiorkman moved that the minutes be accepted as read , H. K. �peck seconded the motion, motifln carried unanimously. ivlinutes of Nov. 25, 1963 were read . Dale Brown mov�d that the minutes be accepted as read, r�te GJorkman second�d the motion, motion carried unanimously. Niinutes of D�c . 5, 1963 were read. D�le Brown moved that the minutes be accepted as read , Harr,y Hatcher second�d the motinn, moticn carried unanimously. Minutes of Dec . 14, �963 were read . Pete Workman moved that the minutes be accepted as �ead , ��le Brown secanded the motion, motion car�ied unanimously. Minutes of Dec . 16, 1963 were read . Dal� tsrown moved thst the minutes be accepted as read , Pete Workman seconded the motion, ; motiQn. carri�d unanimousl,y. Minutes of Dec . 17, 1963 were read , H. K. Speck moved that th� minutes be approved as read , Fete Workman s�conded tne motion, motion carried unanimously. H. K. Speck mov�d that w� bu� a Clary adding machine f or $ 160.00. D�le Brown ��cg�x���� seconded th� motion, motion carried unanimously. .A letter was read by th� ma�or from W. B. Moon askin� for permission to fly low level fli�hts ov�r the Friendswood area to control the mesauitoes . Pete Workman moved that this permis:�i�n be �ranted , Harry Hatcher seconded the motion, motion carried unanimousl�. ���� Ma�yor E�amp �£ the contents of a letter from t�uck Hausman concernin� the formation of a ncw water district . This letter was picked up at Mr. Hausman ' s office in tl�uston b.y the ma.yor and w�s dat�d 12-23-63. The letter was picked up from his office this date. The counci.l a�reed that the mayor work out an ordinance f or the control of shootin� fire arms within the city limits. � Pete Workman. moved that the meetin� adjourn. Gene Greathouse i seconded the motion, motion ca.rriAd unanimously. NIeetin� a�journed at 10:00 P.M. xespectfully submitt�d , � G MAYOR : ;I'� _ � � �FC?F�?'ARY t .�-� ,' , ,�c__._= ., �._.,z� _. _.._.�. ._..__.___.______ _.......�......_. ._ _. ..._-�.M.�.._.. .____.