HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-11-04 Regular 1��INUTES OF CTTY COITNCIL P��,'JTING NOVENiBER 4, 1963
j � A re�ular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held
' ` November 4, 1963.
Yresent ws�re Ma�or Kenneth Camp, Councilmen Pete itiork�an,
Dal� Brown, narry Hatcher, H. K. �peck and Gene Greathouse .
Visitors present were Jack Harrison, Curtis iL7orris, Hariet
Trucks, Lewis Worsham, Beth Holmes, Charles �'�ills and
Buck Hausman.
Minutes from the October 21, 1963 and 4ctober 29� 1963 meetings
were read. Pete Workman moved that the minutes be accept�d
as read , Dale Brown seconded the motion, motion carried
A report was �iven on the financial statem�nt b� Harr,y Hatcher.
f or the period ending October 31 , 1963. Dale Brown moved that
we ap�rove the financial st�.tement, Pete Workman seconded the
motion, motion car.ried unanimously.
A discussion for a bud�et on the needs of th� city such as the
maintenance of streets etc. was had . Dal� Brown moved that we
have a tax roll pr�pared for the cit,y authorizing a tax lev�
for the year 1964. Gene �7reathause seconded the motion,
+ motion carried unanimously.
I �
It was mentioned that the intersection of Farrn Road 518 a�id
Farm Road 528 has become a dangerous intersention because of
people running the red li�ht . A mention was made that somethin� �
should be done at th� intersection to avert a serious accident
in th� future.
n. K. Speck moved that we accept th� budget prepared by the
budget committee with the ammendment as stat�d on tbe budget .
Dale Brown seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously.
tsuck Hausman asked for ap�roval on the first street in the
Analea subdivision of the first 40 acres to be developed . This
would inc�lude Lot 1 thru 13, Block 1, Section l . H. R. Speck
moved that we approve this step with the approval of Curtis
Morris , Dale �rown secanded the motion, motion carried unanimously.
Dal� Brown mov�d that we cha�.ge the amount ef m�rcur� vapor lights
to be installed around the school from thre� to five, Greathouse
seconded the mation, motion carried unanimously.
P�te Workman moved that the meetin� adjourn, Dale Brown seconded
the motion, motion car_ried unanimouslv. Meetina adjourned at
10 :45 P.M.
Respectfullp, submitted ,
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