HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-09-09 Regular MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL NIEETING �EPTEMBER 9, 1963 . A regular meetzng of the r'riendswood Ui�y Council was held �eptember 9, 1963. Present were Mayor Kenneth Camp, �oEancilrnen, Dale Brown, H. K. Speck, .�arry ktatcher Gene Greathouse . Visitiors present were Fred Krch and Mr. Griffin from rearland who is interested in the �arba�e pick up of Friendswood . Minutes from the Au�ust 19, 1963 meetin� were read. Hale .�rown moved that we accept the minutes as read , Harry natcher seconded tre motion, motion carried unanimously. The mayor advised th�t anytime an ammendment is made to an existing ordinance, the ammendment will be given a roman numeral plus the original ordinance numb�r. The mayor said that h� would select a committee to work with him on the proposed budget for 1964. Ths mayor reported on the widening of the road that runs in front of �€�€ John Wolfe, Glen Browne, �tc . homes . He stated that Mr. I�rowne and Mr. awens are not interested . Billy Griffin discussed the garbage pick up for th� city. Told us what he could do and what he couldn' t do. The council will , ; take this under advisement. Ha�ry Hatcher moved th�t the meetin� adjourn, Dale Brown secor�ed the motion, motion carried unanimously. Meetin� adjourned at 9 :3� r.Nl. ,_ Resp�ctfully sub�itted, l. �,i l�AYOR : �- � SECRETARY: %�. �e - _.�� .. —