HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-07-15 Regular MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL ME��:TING JUI,Y 15, 1963
IA regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was he�d
Jgly 1�, 1963.
Present were Mayor Kenneth vamp, Councilmen Dale Brown, Harr9
Hatch�r, rete Workman and G�ne Greathouse. Visitors present
were �ohn Lipscomb, and Fred Edwards with the Texas Highwa�
Department, 0. 0. T�rrell with Gas Utility Service Co . , Bill
Patton, .�ill Merchant, Curtis Morris , I+co Havard and riarriet
Minutes from the past meeting were read . Pete Warkman moved that
the minutes be accepted as read. Harr� riatcher seconded the motion,
motion carried unanimously.
John Lipscomb and Fred Edw�rds discussed the new highway speed
limits in Texas and the wa� it will affect the speed limits
through Friendswood . After the discussion P�te Workman moved
that the cit�y accept the highway department ' s suggestion and
let the speed limits be set by commission mint�tes. Dale Brown
seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. The last
highway survey was made May 29, 1961. Mr. Lipscomb stated that
we could request tha� a n�w survey by writing the highway depart-
ment. The new speed Iimits will go into effect Au�ust 23, 1963.
I Mr. Terrell sugg�sted that we put into our code to have no less
than 1' pipe in our gas lines from the meter to the house in the
future. ti� stated that some of the people now are having trvuble
�etting enough �as pressure be�ause of smaller than 1" pipe bein�
Bill Patton stated that starting �eptemb�r the fire department will
st�.rt meeting one night a month for f our hour�. He ��ated that
the second Thursday nite of the month will probabl9 be the meetin�
tim�, from 6 :00 P.M. to 10 :00 P.M. The city council goes on r�cord
as apprflvin� and backina our Fire Nlarshall in his plan to improve
the attendance at fire meetings and in g�ttin� th� key rating for
the state fire insurance.
Dale Brown su�gested that we �ive Mr. Havard a letter and an
identification card stating his job and authorit9 as inspector
for the cit�.
Harry Hatcher was appointed b� the mapor and accepted the responszb-
ilities of being rolice �;ommission�r. All police problems will
be carried out throu�h Harry Hatcher. Bill Merchant and Norman
Chenna�lt will supply the police protection at the rate of �
$ 50.00 each per month. �Ir. Merchant will make most of t;�1e da�
" calls and Mr. Chennault will make most of the night calls. Arden
, Hill has volunteered his �ervices as an auxillary. Dale tsrown
� maved tha.t we accent the above apoo�ntment b� the mayor. Gene
Gr�a�house seconded the mation, motion carried unanim�usly.
�leeting adjourned at 9 :00 P.M.
Respect 11y 'ubmitted ,
MAYOR : , � SECRETARY• � �� i-��-�'-�`��'-`�