HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-04-15 Regular MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIZ MEETING APRIL 15, 19�i3 A regular meeting of the Friendswood �it9 Couneil was held April � i5' 1963' ' Present were: MayDn genneth Camp, Councilmen Pete Workman, Harr� Hatcher, Dale Browu, H. �. Speck and Gen� Greathouse. Visitors pre�ent were Curtis Morris, Harriet Trucks and Beth Holmes. Minutes from April l, 1963 meeting were read. Pete Wor�nan made the motion to accept the minutes as read, Harry Hatcher seconded the mation, motion passed unanimously. Gene Greathouse made a motinn that the ballot sheets stand as correct for the city eleetion and that Harry Hatcher, H. K. Speck and Dal� Brown are the new councilmen. Pete Workman seconded the motinn, motion passed unanimously. The new cvuncilmen were sworn in by the mayor. After a discussion about what the Galveston Co. Health Department would furnish th� cit� and looking mvre closely into our finances H. K. Speck �a�e a motion to advise the Galvcston Co. Health Dept. that it is impossible for us to contribute to their operation fund this year but will do our best to start in 1964. Harr� Hatcher secorr? ed the motion, motion carried unanimously. It was resolved b9 Pete Workman that Bill Patton be made fire marshall of the City of Friendswood f or 1963. Dale Brown seconded � the resolution, passed unanimously. �. � A letter from the Texas P�llution Control Board was read by the mayor as to a meeting to be held at Webster, Texas April 18, 1963 at 9 :30 A.M. P�te Worl�nan and Curtis Morris agreed to attend the meeting to repr�sent F'riendswood. Dale Brown .made a: motion that we accept the MAJOR THOROUGHF'ARE � PI,AN drawn up b.y Wyatt C. Hedrick with alterations on Cas�lewood Avenue with American Oil pipe 2ine right-af-way being made. H. K. Speck seconded the motion, motion carried unanimously. Gene Greathouse made the moti�n that as of April 15, 1963 the building permits would go into effect. The minimun on re5iduntal propert� will be � I.0.00 or $ 1 .00 per thousand on an ything over $ 10,000.00. This will also apply to repairs and additions. The minimum charge will be $ 15.40 on commercial property with $ 1.00 per thousand on anything over � 15,000.00. This wiZl also appl� to repairs anr3 additions to commerial property. This is known as Ordinance #25. The motion �3��g was seconded by Harry Hatcher, passed unanimously. Da1e Brown motioned that we adjourn, seconded by G�ne Greathouse, passed unanimously. Meeting ad�ourned at 10:30 P.M. I �lA�OR: � ' i SECRETARY: � Z� . c-�_-c�,-. .��.z,.