HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-01-21 Regular �INUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 21, 1963 — i 9 regular meeting of the Friendswood Cit� Council was held January 21, � ; 1963. Present were Councilmen C . C. Bos�, Pete �orkman, Harry Hatcher, . � Lean Brown and Gene Greathouse. Visitors present was Mr. Curtis Morris. Minutes from the _last meeting were read and approved as read.. l�inutes were also read from the December 3, 1962 and the special meeting fram January 1�, 1963; the� were approved as read . The counci� agreed to shelve the discus�ion af the annexation of the Lon�wood Par� �ubdivision until more is found out about what we have to do. C. C . Bost was appointed ta work with �urtis Morris and John Walling as to the proper solution that Friendswood could annex this �subdivision. Leon �rown mo�ioned that we ap�oint two commi�tees. The first committee is to reread the sta�dards in which the City of Friendswood want their developments Iaid out etc. �hey shoula return the data to the next council meeting for discussion. Any deletians or additions to the requirements of the present standards set up by our city engineer shou�d be brought before the council for discussion. The second commit�ee should �ather information and work out the details � to control permits, inspections, etc. C . C. Bost seconded the motion, the motinn carried unanimousl�. , � !, i Leon Brown, �ene Greathou�e and Curtis Morris a�reed to �erve on the �, � frrst committee; C . C. Bost and Pete Workman agreed to serve o� the second committee. Pete Workman also agreed to look into the poss�.bility of the ca.ty getting a City Clerk on a part time basis. eurtis Morris presented a plot plan of t�.e new Friendswood Draina�e Distric� a].ang with a isill to be presented to the �e�islature for the creation o� such a district. Mr. Elmo Brundrette has agreed to serve on the Board of Supervisors f'or this d.istrict. I3arr� �atcher made a motion that we share offiee space with L. C. � Eignus. Uur share of the expense would be � 30.00 and Mr. �i�nus would share $ 50.00 of the expense per month. C. C. Bost seconded � � the motion, motion carried unanimo�zsl�. Mr. Morris brou�ht up the possibilities of the city putting in their own na�ural gas a,qstem. Af�er the discussion, all the councilmen spoke very favorable toward pursuing the idea further. Meeting adjourned at 11 :15 Y.lv1. bp Mayor .�ro—tem P�te Workman. Pete Workman �ras in charge of this meeting due to the absence of Mayor Renr�eth Camp. Respectifull� submitted, z � � . N ETH � MP � }�� � ���Q.� , SEC.RETARY�: GEN�; GREATHOUS�