HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1963-01-15 Special _ I,�i���rEa c�� ���Y cc�-��t�z, r�;��zr;� �.���Jdnv �5, 1953 i � � sp�cial „Petir.,� o.f the FrIE'YICI��7'��Ol� Cl�',y' ^o.,r,cil ?aas h�ld Jar.-�ar�* I5, 1963. Presant w�r� Cour.cil.men, Pete .Jc�r�an, Ha�^r;� Hatc!:?r, Leon Brcwn anr� !�. V. r_��,+,,hausz, Uzsiters presen� were C;xrtis T�lorris and ?desle.y TJr�^ah. Snbject �f this meetin? i�ras the diseassior. �f a �JrainaJe 7jistric�. ��?r. ?+lorkman br�u�ht the m�etin,? tc erder. C�.rtis I�"r�r�is informed us that there are thr�� dr�.�.Znc.'�.C� dis�ric�s Ni�hin the co�.z�tv b�.� none of them come �.s fa.r as Frier.d�.;�ou. This ir,formation was brou�-ht back from Galvesvon by Leon Bro;,r�� a�t�r his Ma?tin„ a che�3�; i?�te the ualvesto� Coa?���T r�corus. It �.aas s�a�ed b�r l�Lr. .�`�rris +rak a r.ew CU'�.ZTZc`3�° distri�t eou3�� �e established. This coul� be do�e ir� t��ro m.arr.e�5 wh�ch iaa_.s e�;�Iai�zed te us. One� b�� �oin� thrcugh the ccu4���� ar_c tw:�, �t� ���rJ th�ru�h the Le�isla�ure an�. b_y�:assir��-, t�h� ccun��. C. C, Bos�� after a len�?��v d� scussi�n made the moti^n that we �ive Nir. Morris the authority t� �.�e�eed to draw up t4?e neceLsar�- mans etc,, t� czeate a dr�ina�e di�trict to �e �reser+ed to the state a�d to �e identified as th.e rrier.��sa�od Dr�ina^� �Jis�ri�:t. L.eo� �roT,�� szea:Zd�� the mati,r., mct��r carri�3 ur..an�mously. fihi� c?�s�ric� t�rould incl�ade the ��.r_°er zor,e and I to excluda a��l ;�ar� r�f Cra'v�ston Cc��::�ty �rair;ag� Di.�t��.c� �� „r�^icY� �a;r ex�an�. i , r�rer the b�ff�r zar,�?. I I�:�eUing a��jou.:cnrci a� �.Z:c�G P.M. - Rs spectifu?1� su�mi:��,sds �� ��y� :� ��p M����---e�_��, /"�rF/�,�i��'I.��►/ J+"lA �'I/ � 2-�� ��^RFTAF?Y; r, V. GrEath�.aee f i