HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-12-11 Regular MINU'TES 0.� CIT� COUNCIL I�ETING OF DE�. 11, 2961
� A re��Ia�^ Teeting of the Friends�rooc� �i};T Courr�il was held Dec. 11� 1961.
� PrPSen4 were� M-ayor 0'Farrell, Councilmen: Zeon Rrown, Petn �Tor'�an,
Kenn��n Camp and Linn Eignus. Also presen+� we�e Mr. �'lton Kann and
� Mr. `'�Tesie;y TJnruh- of Gal. WCjD�lj, anc� ?`�s. �urtis �`'.'orres of tn��t C. �ie�ri�k
Fnffineer�n� Co.
�.yor �•Farre?? 3S=tt2!� f�x reports frorn Comm?ttees. �e re�ort� t,�e*_w available.
The rneetin� wi+Y! sta+.,e �'i�hwa-T Dert. and �ontractor� wa� discussed. Z'his meet-
in� to be held �ec. �2, 196? at 10�0� A.N• at the Workma� �ffics Buildin�, and
is open to all interes�Fed ps.rties.
A finaneiaT r�ort shows current balance of $891.87.
�'re meeting was open to the representa�tives of tre WCID, �Ir� Cur�tiss Morris
stated that his firrr� had be�n employed by zr�CID to make preliminary survey of the
ir�mediate and further nesds of the Dist. He pointed out tre impc�r1•,an�e of having
some control over th� future �levelopement of the area s� as to better be able
to serve the area with r�ater and sew�er facilit�es. He mentioned many interesting
aspects of this mat#.er. 1. The i?nportanc� of a planning bo�rd. 2. The f.act
that the City has mora pow�r to control than ��JC3:D. The ba�ze thing needed is
assistan�e and co-orciinatic�n of the WCID & City. There isa possibility of iuture
assistance from the Federal Government, The first step taward this would be an
indication of interest by the City in future pla:�ning of a very preli:�inary na-
I ture. His Company will writ� the Gcnrernment Agenezns involved asking for assis-
� t,ance along �thes� lines. Leon Bro�,m m�ved that th� T�'y-�.tt C. Hedrick Engineerin�
Firm t�e authorized ta proceed to contact the Federal Agencies involved to see
what help may be atrailabZe f�r futur� City planning. P�otion seconded by Kenneth
Ca�np. Motion carri�d.
�scussion was held nn law enforcament in the City. Several Councilmen st�.ted
that they felt that there w�ere several '��.hings needed to be corrected for better
law enforcemznt in town. First that hearing� and the holding of Cour� shouTd Le
confined to reg+a�ar hours and lim,it�d to once or trai�e a month. It was the con-
sensus of the cour.cilmen that this shauld be di�cussed with Arder..
Pete T�?ork�.� moved that the Secretary write a let�ter to Mr. Charlas Mi21s of
Communst;�l Pu�lic Service Co., thanki�� them for the trip to Houst�n. Motion
sec�nded by Leon Ero�m. N!otion carried.
With no further business, t.he meetin� adjourned.
Respectfully Submit�ted
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c. - Linn C. Ein