HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-10-23 Regular _ MINIJT�S �F CIT� CO�fiT�T� ME'ETZNG OF OCT. 2�,1961
A regula-r :$eetin� of �the Fri�nds•:�o�d Citg Coun�il was held Oct�ber 23,19�1,
Present were: Ma�ror Pau? 0�Farre11 and Councilm�n Pet� Work�nan, Kenne�h Ca:np,
Harry Hat:;her and Linn Ei�m�xs. A1sA prssen� was Mr. Charl�s Mills of the
Comm�.znity �'ublic Service Co.
The minutes of the last meeting wereread and approned.
Tha finaneia� r�por� showed a current balance of $397•92
The secretary reported that the city w�rren� and comp3aint for�ns ha.d been
ordered froar the Simon Printing Co. in Houston. Kenn�th Ca.mp mov�d that
the cit� purchase a cau3-t dQa'��t from Clark and Courts Co. in Galves+..on.
This dock�� t� be a 160 page bound book costing $27.60. Motion seconded by
Harry Hatcher. Motion carried.
A discussion �as he13 on the annexati�n of new areas ia�to the cit�. The
mayor re�orted that th� city atto:ny had a standarci petition form to be
used by anyone se�king to be annex�c�. It was the consens�us of the coun�:il
tnat the city would assis� any group in comp.leting thys getition, providing
sufficient int�rest is sho�n by the people livin� in the proposed a'rea.
A discussion was heZd on city street li�;�rting. Mr Mills �� asked to explain
s�me o£ the th�.ngs to be consider�d im bettering our preserrt street lighting
� prngram. �-'e discussed several aspects of this matte�^ and pointed out that his
� company would maks a s�rv�y of tl^.e citf to help det�r*nine what might �e needed
in the way of addition�l Ii�htin�. Ne also pointed o�.�± �hat th� s-treet liahts
rates could be negotiated after we de#:ermined what kind and how max�y lights� :
would k,e used. He stated that he trosaght that this su?-ve;� could be completed
ir. t�e ne�t two mon�hs.
N!r. r?'ills wa_s next asksd to make a repor� on the meeting held in Eouston
regarding the new A1.A.S.A. pro;iect to be �uilt in thi.s area. The followin�
a:� the highli.grts o.f this mee�ing. (�ee Ir,s�rt)
M�.yor• C�F'arrel].�,appoint�d No:rrn�n B. Chemr�.ul�t as an assistant to Cheif of
PoZice Arden HiZl. I�an moved tha�t this apgoin�rnen� ��e approved. Motion secanded by
With no furt�her busaness the meeting adjoux�ned. Kenneth Camp. Mot3on Car�i�d.
Respectfully Submitted
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Mayor - Paul 0•Farrell
Sec� �a.ry - Linn gnus