HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-10-09 Regular �+i3�TES OF CIT� C0�'.1N�IL N!E�±'TING 0� �CT. 9� 1961 , I A �r�g�,�lar meeting of the Friea�a.�ood Ci�y Council iras held Oc�. 9, 1�63. Pr��t;t wr�a�s: Mayor - Paul 0•Fa�ll., C�o�nci.?n�e�? - 3���n B�cwn, Narry Eatcber, Ken�:�th C�mp and �:inn Ei���. Th� mir��.��s of the 7.a.�t meetir,g ta�are �ad and appro�ed, A financial regort s�owed �e curren� bank ba�a.nce cf $44a.92. Ther� was a discussion on Radio purchased for Chief of Police, Arden Hi31's car. fia�ry Aat,cYaer *_�eported tha� the used G.E. radio was purchas�d a!�3 that the prics pai� wa� $I�O.OQ. T�� radio has t��n ins*�1Teci an3 �.s warking very t�11. The City Lira:it s3.gns we�*e disc�z�sed, Ma�r - Fas�. G'Fax•r�eZl sta�ed that th� High�aay Dept. was waitit�g to ins�ll the� in ordea� to get po;�ulation figu.ses prin�ted on them. , Annexaticn of new territory was discussed. It was painted out that the peop3e �nshing to br: taken in sh+�uld b� wa.�t��:3 that the Ci�g ee�antually woald have tc� ha�r� some fo�a of taxation. 2here was a discussion on the nami.ng of streets, and the marking of them. � It was suggss�cl tha�t a Comra�.��+� �e appointed to check on this matt�sr. Aqa�o�, �•.�ars-ell a��ommex�d+�� that the Chaix�raan of the �treet aa�d Bri3ge Cot�m�.ttes appoir�t a Gammit�� to narne Cit� stree�s sub�ect �o C�uncil approval. T:�e nee�i o£ aeldi�iona3 cop��:� o� City �p� r�a� �x�r8ssed by se�r�i°a1 �ar�-,ai3.me�. Linn Eigr,us so��ga�#.ed tha�t Mr. Charle� Mi11s be invited to the next regular meet�tzb for the pu.�s� of diswussing stx�set ligh�ts. Th3s was agreed on by the ras� of the Council. '!'h8 nead for getting Cho�te roa�1 mael� iz�to a F'M roa:� wa� discussed. Zeon BrorWn su�gested that deeds be acquired for property for right-of-way on this road. Wit� no fuz�'th�r business, the mee�irag ad�ourned, Respec�fully Submittxd �� �� ���y� Mayor - 1'aul m'Faaz�ell Secre+�ary - Linn,� gnus �