HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-08-28 Regular � 1+��ING OF CITY COLTNCIL MEETING OF AUGIIS'� 2$, 1961
A reg-sla.� meeting of the Friend�road City Council was he7.d Augus� 28, 1961.
Present wera t Mayor, Fa.ul 0•Farrell, Cotancila�n - Ieon Bi-mwn, Rete Work�an,
, Kenne th Ca�np atid Li.nn Eignus
The minute� of the last meeting w�rs read and appraved.
The mayor s�eported that the court docket and warrant forms had still not
been acquired. Pete Workman also noted tha.t the City Limit sign� had not
been moved fi.o their prdper location as y�et.
Discussion was held on the passibility of p�axc:�asing a 2-way radi� to be
used by the Chief of Police and to be installed in h�.s ear. Chief Arden
Hill reported that he ha�I located a GE radio (used) that could be ac- ,
quired for the price of �1Sa,00. This radio would ha�re thres receiving
and t�,ro transm3.tting frequencies. Mr. Ray E�yington, the owner of this
set was asked to comz in to the meeting and discuss this fui�ther with the
council. Harry Aatcher a�reed to go with the Chief and m�.ke a more t2ior-
ough inspeetis�n of this unit. Pete Workmam thec� moved that the City pur-
cha.se the used twa-way GE radio unit from Mr. Boyington for the price of
�?50,04, subject to the inspec�i�n and approval of Harry Hatchea�� Lint�
Eignus seconded the mo$is�n, motion carried.
A financial report showed a curr�nt balance of $5z9.92 as of Aug. 28, 1961.
� A shor� discussion wa� held on City Strset Lights and it wa� deaided to
have Mr. Charles Mills of the Community Public Service Co. attend a future
meeting to discuss this matter. Ken Camp mcyved that the Electric Rate ord-
inance, Khich had been pr�viousiy discussed, b�e approved. M�tiox� seconded
by Pe t�e Workman, motion carr:ied.
Thers was some discussioa on the recent burglaries that had occurred here
in town. It was the concen�us of opiriio� of the Councia that the City
could do no more than �ras being done by the Chief of Po�ice.
A di�cussion was held on a Deputy to serve under Chie�, Arden Hill.
Several names �,rere men�tioaed and discussed. Chi�ef Hill had previously
been �sked to furnish the Council with a list of names of those men
that might be considered for this position. It was r�ot�d that the duties
of this Deputy would be to serve under the Chief and to give li�3ted assist-
ance as cal].ed on. Peta Workman moved that Mr. Bill Merchant be appoir�ted
�o fill this positian. Moti�n seconded by Ken Camp, motion carried.
Ken Gamp movad tha.t a letter be w�ittea� to Mr. Rex Clawson expre�sing the
Council's apprecisstion far ris assista.nce in helping with the City•s In-
corpor�tion and ask him to render the City a bill for these services.
l�otion seconded by Linn Eignus, motion carried.
IL�nn Eignus noted tha.t there wa� a definite need for the Council to appoint
a Street and Br�dge committee. The main duties of this Corr�n3.ttee wauld be to
wark with the State and County Officials. Ieon Brawn ag�reed to act as Chair-
man af this Comm. and will select two other persons in the City to work �ri.th
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The Secretar� was instructed to write a letter to Mx. Pete Lavalle,
the Caunty Judge, congratulating h3m on his appointment and aZso
mention the matter of the Council•a concern re�ardirag the Beer License
being applied for by the Shell Park.
With no fur�her business the meeting ad�ourned.
Re�pectfully Submitted,
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Mayor - Paul 0• Fax�ell
Sec. - I3nn E s
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