HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-07-10 Regular - NfINL'T'�'S OF CIT� CGL�'CIL ?���'STtG OF JLTLY .10, 19h1 I A regular meeting of the Frier.dsvscad Git�r Council was hel.d July 10, 1961. Present were: Magor Paul 0'Farrell and Co�;s±cilmer. - Pete �v'orkman, Kenneth Camp, Leon Prown, Harry u.atcher and Lir.n EloTll.iS• The minutes of the last meetir_� were read and appraved. T::� meeting was called to araer by N`ayor 0•rarrel7� with a discussion of old busir_ess L��rg first on the agenda. The e�z�ensas of the Ghief of Police were discussed at len�tr by the Council. L;.nr� �ignus stz.ted that he wa.� not in favor of pa.;�-i.ng the Chief on a per Traffic Ticket ba.si�. Pete UTorkman stated that he was in favor of the Chief receivir.g the regt:l.ar fees for servir.g w2.rrants. Leor Browr. stated that he was in favor of reimburs�:ng Arden HiII far hi.s e�enses. Farry F.atclxer stated that he feZt that �40.00 a month would be apprapri.at�. 7ennet,h Camp statad that he felt that the Chief should be paid enough to m.eet expenses; in order that the City be ass�.:x�d that he will be available to an�er emergenc;� caZls. Pete Woriema.n made a motion that the Chief of Police be pa.id a salary of $4�.00 a month �eginning July 1, 1961, on a tempar�ary basis. i�Tarrant fees collected would ce retair_ed i7y the Ghief over and above his regular salary. l�otiar. sec�r.c�ed bgr Leon firow-n. �Iotian carr�ed. Xenneth Camp reported that he �.ad rented Post Office Pox No. 122 for the City at an �nnual fee of $2.00. P�te �'orkrrx�,n moved that t�ie ChiQf of Po�ice t,e contacted and asked to submit a list of I I names of inen he wou�d prefer to h�.ve serve as his assistant. An assista.nt w-iZI be approved by the Council. Mot3.on seconded by Kennetr Camp. ?'?otion carried. MayQr 0'Farrell wi.11 cl:eck with Cot�r�ts and State Officia3.s on the possibility of getting the City limits signs maved tr� the cura�rt City limits. Pete �rlorkm.an moved that the meetin� ad,;ourn. N`otion seconded by Kenneth Camp. N`otian carried. Respectfu�ly Su�mit�ed, � � �� w� Mayor - Pau2 G'•Farrell .Ja!� . - Kenneth Cam Pro. Tem. I