HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-06-26 Regular I - A'�Ni1`Z'ES OF CITY COU1?CIL 1'�ETING OF JU1� 26, 196Z
� A regular meeting of the Frierdswcod City Council was heZd June 26, 1961.
Present were: I��a.yor Paul 0'Fa:x�ell and Cour:cilmen - l��a T�orktnan, Keaneth Gamp,
and Iinn Eignus - Chief o� Police, Arden N311 and City Attorney, Jack Harrisor_.
Also gresent ��s Hez�aan Singletary, representa.tive of Southwestern 8�11 TeZephane Go.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A financia2 report sho;a�ed the czzrrsnt bank ba3ance of $871.92.
There was a discussion on the Natural Gas Franchise presented by the Gas Utilities
Service Co., with Attorney Ea.rrison explaining some af the more important points
of the Franchise. He stated that tbe Franchise seemed to Le in order and was a fair
Franchise for both parties inn�lvEd. Pete Workman moved that this Fna.nchise k� accept
ed with the �a.tes as set forth in M.r. Terre11•s schedule. Motion seconded by Ia.nn
Eignus. Motion carried.
Ihscussion was held on the Electric IItility FrancY:ise as th�re was some question
as to the charge for street lights. Mr. Mills will be contacted regarding this
matter. Kenneth Camp moved that the bill for street lights, now due, t�e gaid.
Motion seconded by �te Workn�an. Motion carried.
A discussion was held on when the next City Election is to be held. Attor�na�
� i�ia.rrison st�ted tha#. it �a.s to re in April, the sa.sne date of the Genera.l EZec�ion.
� He also pointe�. out tha�t t�e Nayor .�.nd all Councilmen will be up for election next
year;and thereafter, the positions �,aj.11 be staggered with the ':�yor and two coun�il-
men i�ein� �].Lcy�d one y+ear, and the otl�er three coun�ilm�n the next y�ear. �This will
set up a period of 2 yr, terms �'or all offic:;.als.
Ma.yor 0'FarreZl asked Herman Singlatary of the Soutnwest,�rn Bell Tel.ephane Co. to
discuss t�e �'ranchise his Co. wishes to have adopt�d by the Countil, Mr. Singletary
stat.Pd that this Francrise was very similar to the �:lectric Utilitg Franchise.
The Fr�nchise was read by all members of the Council and Mx. Singlata.ry was asked
several �uestions pertaining to it. He stated that he felt sure the Fra7chi�se ta�
could be :nade retroact�ve back to th� dat� of Incorpox-aticsr� o.r to Jan. l, 1961.
He estima�e� that the 2� gro�s raceipts �tax would bring the �ity� approx. $300.0�
per year in rev�nue. Aft�r considerabla discussion, �anneth Camp moved that this
Franchisa be ado�t�d. A�o±�i�n se��nded by Pet� Workman. Motion carxisd.
A dis�cussian was held on the 3aw enforcement prabl$ans c�f the City. The City Sec.
m�ntioned the �act th�.t therr :�ad been �anfusion on the handling of Traffic Tickets.
He pointed out that so:ne regular sys�tem for handling thes2 tickets was necessary.
Kenneth Camp mav�:d that the City Secr�tary handl� all tickets in order to keep an
accurat� record on the paid and unpai•3 tickets. Pe-�a Wark:na.n �seconded ths motion.
Motion carrisd. Ard.en Hill 'orought up the question of a place to hold traffi� co�a.rt.
'I�ro �oc�tion�, the Wor3cman Offica Bldg. and the Water I}istrict Offics �,,rere discuss�*3.
It was decided that th� Work:nan Gff.;.ce Bldg. wou1� be used becaus� of its cornrenierr�e
to all conc�rned. Arden Hill also express�d the ne�ed of an assistant. He was asked
� aGOUt the number and nati;xe of ca11s he is receiving. He wa.s also asked abou� his
expenses. ?ie sta+.,ed i� �fras very hard to figure his exa�t expenses incurred in c�rx�y-
ing Qu� local lac,r enforcement. X_snnetb Camp suggest�d that the Chisf be reimburr�ed
for his expenses on a mileage L�si s. Ar3en ��ated that this would also te difficult
to determirse. Linn Eignus suggeg� that the Ch��f be paid a salary of $2Q.00 per mo.
tempor�ar�7.y until such time as th� Council had a bettar ide� of the ama-ant o�' the Ci�� �
_revenue. A?o action was taksn on this matt�r.
There was a short discussion on a place to hoZd future Cot:n�il Meeti:�gs.
No definite decisior. r,�as reached on thi� matter, except that it was decided ta
hold the next meeting at the Workman Office Bldg.
With no f�zrther busin�ss the meeting adjour�ned.
?�espectfu.3l�r Submittad,
,����`1 � '��,�..��
PauZ 0•FarreZl - Mayor
_�..G.�.21��3�_.6�� - r�.�.
L�inn Eignus Sec.
I �