HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1961-05-08 Regular MINtTI`ES CJF CITY COVNCIL �TING OF MAY 8�1961 iA r$guZarmee�.ing cf Frier�dswood City Cot,:ncil wa� held lK.a.y 8,1961. Present -- w�ere: meyor Pau3 0'Farrell, councilmen Leon Brc�wn, Kenneth Camp, Harryr F.atcber� I�te Workma.r., Linn Eignus and city� attorngy Jack N.arrison. Al�o pre�ent Qere A�r. Charles l�a.Zls and Mx. M.L. Wall, repre�en�ives of The Coasnunity Public Service Co. 1'he �o.eetir.g was called to order a�d t�e minutes of the last meeting were read and:�appro�ed. Magnr 0'Farrell asked Mr. Mills and Mr. k�all to present their propose� electric gawer franehise to the counci� for it's consideration. Mx. Wall explained two d.i£ferent frarichise agnssrneni��, ane calling fvr a 4� gross receipts tax and the ot�er:�ealling for a 2� gross rec��pts tax. L�der the 4� agreer►�nt all municipal ager��cies would pay the �tandard commerical ratzs for +�lec�ic power, but the cit� in turn would receive more income than under the 2� agreement. Under the 2� agreement tre city would recei�e less revenue, but all municipal agencies would receive lower electric power rates. Fe pointed out that,based on lasi� years figures, the Water 1?istrict alone would save oirer $600.00 per:�gea.ie�.uzi±der ��e:-.2� agresment. Fe stated that,due t� the lower rates for munici�al agencies, the 2� ageeement would the most advantagous nc�w and even more so as the city grows. The subject of demand meters was brought up and Mr. T�Tall explained the reasons for an� the operation of the demand meter. After considerable discuss- ion of the diL�ferent Franchise agreements, Leon Erown moved thet the 2� gross - receipts tas agreement be accepted. Motior secanded by Kenneth Camp. Mo�ion ' carriea. Mr, P?ills 4�;.��r.� o�.t that beginning next month t�iere would be a , i tv�nty five cent per mcinth rate decrease on the mim:i.um for residencial electric . � pawer r�:sers in the incorporated area. Mr. M.ills and Mr. GTall agreed to make the 2� grass receipts tax r�troactive ba.ck �to �anua.ry 01,1961 and to p�.y t�e H f,a�c...for�:�h�_;last year of the agreement at this time, using figures taker_ frdr� year•s records. Future ta,x payr�.ents: are� to:be.paid� qua�-r.srly. Pet,e Workman moved that Mr. O.C. Terrell of the Gas Utility Service Co., be imrited to the next council for the purpose of discussing a natuxal gas utility franchise with the council. Harry �?atcher s�conded the motion. l�otion earried. Leon Brawn suggested that Mr. Herman �ingletary, with the Southwestern �ell Telephone Co., be contacted and asked to furnish �the council with a copy o£ the franchise agreement his company proposes to present ta the council. The secretary was instructed to do this. The secretary report,ed ths�:. �ohnr.y WoZfe had agreed to accept the position of fire marshall if �e were_.appointed. '.'�.ayor 0'Farrell appointed Mr. trlolfe to this position s�zb;ect to the approval of the council. Harr.�r Hateher moved that this appointment be approved. I'�:'otion seconded by Pete Workman. MAtion carried. With no further business the meeting adjourned. _ R�spectfu�ly Submitted, 1 , ,,��� ��,,,�� �%' ' ����....r�' Paul •Farrell - N`,ayor .. � �� Linn Eignus - Se