HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2021-01-11 Regular01/11/21 5198 STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS JANUARY 11, 2021 6 PM — REGULAR MEETING MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021, AT 06:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR MIKE FOREMAN MAYOR PRO-TEM TRISH HANKS COUNCILMEMBER SALLY BRANSON COUNCILMEMBER ROBERT J. GRIFFON COUNCILMEMBER JOHN SCOTT COUNCILMEMBER BRENT ERENWERT CITY ATTORNEY MARY KAY FISCHER CITY MANAGER MORAD KABIRI CITY SECRETARY MELINDA WELSH COUNCILMEMBER STEVE ROCKEY WAS ABSENT FROM THE MEETING. 1. Call to order Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order. 2. Invocation — Reverend Robert T. Flick, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church The invocation was given by Reverend Robert T. Flick with Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. 3. Pledge of Allegiance — United States and Texas (HONOR THE TEXAS FLAG; I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THEE, TEXAS, ONE STATE UNDER GOD, ONE AND INDIVISIBLE) Mayor Foreman led the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States and to the State of Texas. 4. Communications from the Public Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment, please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City 01/11/21 5200 Friends Pub, is not here to shut anyone down or infringe on anybody's legal rights. The goal is to stop mayhem on the city's roadways. There were two fatalities in December, one in the vicinity of Friends Pub, though not Friends Pub related, and another one off of FM 518. These fatalities are tragic and continue to be ongoing investigations. One person is already in jail as a result of a fatality and is currently awaiting toxicology results for the other. Chief Wieners stated he appreciates those who came to support Friends Pub, supporting private enterprise, and small business, but the overserving needs to be stopped before anyone else is killed or injured. Alvin had a DWI accident attributed to Friends Pub in June and Friendswood had one in May. There is a spill -over effect into other communities, need to be good neighbors and take care of our business in the City of Friendswood. Mayor Foreman stated do not want to shut any businesses down but have to make the city safe for all our residents, keeping drunk drivers off the street is one of the jobs. Mr. Radher spoke out and was reminded it was not a public forum to discuss this any further. 5. WORK SESSION A. Comprehensive Plan Update Community Development Director/City Planner Aubrey Harbin went over the Comprehensive Plan Update and stated progress was made on inventorying undeveloped land, there is a new map that shows undeveloped land which is broken down into different zoning districts, and reviewed the updated map. Single Family Residential is the biggest of the undeveloped category, of the undeveloped 1,900 acres, 61 % is residential, next is Community Shopping Center at 13.61 %, and Industrial at 13.38%, that accounts for 14% of the total acreage of a little over 13,000 acres. An email was sent out regarding a 1969 Downtown Plan, at that time Friendswood was only 2,600 acres and had 1,900 acres of undeveloped land, was 74% of the city at that time. The next update is the Future Land Use Map. Ms. Harbin stated the subcommittee had started working on a plan to update the map before Hurricane Harvey hit. A timeline and process are being established to obtain input from city committees and boards, as well as the public and development community, will be working with staff to review plans to update the following sections: Community Facilities (approved bond propositions, Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)), Utility Systems (Master Utility Plan 2008), Master Drainage Plan (Master Drainage Plans 1993, 2007), Major Thoroughfare Plan (City Wide Traffic Study 2020), and Parks Master plan (2020 update is underway). City Manager Morad Kabiri said the 14% left to be developed in Friendswood is the most difficult property left to be developed, lacks infrastructure and adjoins existing residential neighborhoods, moving forward issues may be presented from neighboring property owners, will need to overcome some infrastructure hurdles during the development process. Councilmember Branson expressed her thanks, represents a lot of hard work, and appreciates the time that has already been spent on the project. Councilmember Hanks asked what percent was undeveloped when Vision 2020 was written. Ms. Harbin stated she was not sure of the answer. 01/11/21 5202 engage homeowners for the acquisition services, homeowners have been contacted and are starting to see movement, sat stagnant for two years while awaiting approval from the General Land Office, and happy to see some movement forward. Ms. Haritos presented a graphic showing the preliminary layout of Forest Bend Offline Detention. The RPS Group that is doing the engineering will be submitting their 30% submittal on February 24, 2021, should see the results from the geo-tech, the hydraulics and hydrology, as well as preliminary plans. The total CDBG-DR Grant award is $3,451,022, with city contribution of $25,000, engineering costs are $435,048, engineering timeline is September 2020 to May 2021, and more information will be provided during the next drainage update. The other project to update is the Clear Creek Utility Relocation Project. There are two lines that will be relocated underneath the creek. On December 14, 2020, an agreement was executed with Kimley-Horn, and a project kickoff meeting was held on January 5, 2021. The total CDBG-DR grant award is $2,762,650, scope for engineering and environmental costs was determined to be $180,000, and engineering timeline is December 2020 to July or August 2021. City Manager Morad Kabiri stated with all of the grants, the city is fronting the funds from Fund Balance and some from the emergency reserve, whatever the case may be. These are reimbursable grants, and will be paid back from CDBG once the project is completed. On a number of projects, the cost is a little higher than anticipated, would like to remind Council and the public that the allocations from CDBG were just that, they were allocations and were not based on project scope. They said you have "X" amount of dollars that your community is going to receive, and the city found the closest projects that would meet the criteria while also still working within the dollar range that was given. At the end of the day, the city is going to have to supplement some of these projects with funds on hand, and/or drainage bonds which is fine since these are moving toward what had asked for and they are leveraging the city's funds. You will see from time -to -time large expenditures that the city will have to provide upfront, and then wait for reimbursement. Ms. Haritos stated the Forest Bend Offline Detention is at $435,000, but was budgeted closer to $200,000, are in contact with the Texas General Land Office, if the construction costs end up lower than originally expected, can take some of the construction costs and move it over to engineering. Hopefully, the Clear Creek Utility Project will potentially be enough to even everything out. The last item of discussion is the Round 1 Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant (CDBG — MIT) for the Clear Creek Inline and Offline Detention Project. Ms. Haritos showed an aerial view of the location on the PowerPoint presentation and pointed out where it will be terracing, as well the location of an existing offline detention pond that will be widely expanded to increase the capacity, should hear back likely in March or April. The Harvey Mitigation Round 1 Competition had an available amount of $1 billion and almost $6 billion worth of applications submitted, so are looking at a 1 in 6 odd which is not great, but still feel confident that there is a chance. 6. Special Recognition and Acknowledgements A. Presentation of the 32nd Consecutive Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the FY19 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 01/11/21 5204 land located at 4321 Friendswood Link Rd., was annexed into the city in 1983 and has been vacant since that time, fronts Friendswood Link Rd., commercial developments have been done to the northeast of the property, the back and sides are residential properties. The next slide shows a photo of the current zoning which is Multi -Family Residential — Garden Home District (MFR — GHD) and allows 6 units per acre, with a maximum of 18 units. There was a previous request to change the property to Multi -Family Residential High Density, but was highly contested by the surrounding property owners. The applicant withdrew the application, request now is to go to Neighborhood Commercial. This particular zoning is intended to be a buffer between residential and other commercial property so is a less intense use than Community Shopping Center. It does allow daycares, gas stations, grocery stores and other neighborhood services to the nearby houses. The screening requirements for Neighborhood Commercial uses adjacent to residential are an 8 ft. opaque fence, 10 ft. landscape buffer, and an 8 ft. tree planted every 25 feet within the landscape buffer to help provide some protection from noise for the residents. The Public Hearing notices were sent out, a newspaper notice was published, and a sign was posted on the property. The whole property is Shaded X and AE flood zone. It is Harris County's side, so there is no options for regional detention. They will have to build a detention pond and an Engineered drainage plan on the property in order to meet the current flood zone requirements. The property was platted in 1976, there were homes built in 1978, and annexed into the City in 1983. When it was annexed in, it was assigned Neighborhood Commercial, but later changed to Single -Family Residential in 1991. In 1994, it was changed to Multi -Family Residential — Garden Home. The Planning and Zoning Commission had their Public Hearing on December 10, 2020. The vote was 6 — 0 to approve the zone change request. A handful of residents attended the Public Hearing and expressed opposition to the requested zone change, citing concerns about increased vehicular traffic on Friendswood Link Rd., as well as pedestrian traffic impacts on the nearby school. The Planning and Zoning Commission was sympathetic to their concerns, however it became apparent that the current Multi -Family Residential - Garden Home Zoning is not feasible for the development of this tract. In prior meetings, many more residents opposed increasing the tracts allowable density under the High Density Multi —Family. The Planning and Zoning Commission ultimately concluded that the property owner deserves a chance to develop his property. It remains vacant after many years of multiple failed attempts to develop it. The current Future Land Use Map identifies this property as High Density Residential, but only because that has been the zoning on the property. This will be one of the properties discussed when we look at the Future Land Use Map. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends that Council approve this change request from to Multi -Family Residential — Garden Home to Neighborhood Commercial. Mayor Foreman asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor or against. No one spoke. 8. Communications from the Public Communications from the Public (To comply with provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this item to the City Manager or direct this item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. Out of respect for those speaking during public comment, please refrain from any outbursts or interjections to include, but not limited to, applause and/or disparaging noises from the audience. Doing so discourages others from voicing their thoughts and opinions, and disrupts the meeting. Furthermore, any personnel complaints against a City employee aside from the City Manager, City 01/11/21 5206 City Manager Kabiri provided a brief update on the Hurricane Harvey and drainage. The city closed on the Food Lion Building this morning, was a number of years in the making, thanked Fire Marshal Brian Mansfield and his staff, as well as Administrative Services Director Katina Hampton and her staff for pushing that large boulder uphill from the last three years working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and the General Land Office through Harris County to get that project completed. The city has a two-year time frame to get the emergency shelter portion of that building built, will be issuing $2 million for the debt for the inside renovations coupled with the grant funds to get that project started shortly. E. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update City Manager Kabiri reported on an update of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID- 19). COVID cases are continuing to increase daily. Galveston County Health District and Harris County Public Health Department have been designated to be the point of coordination in the distribution of the COVID vaccines. There are also private retailers that have received the vaccine as well. Currently, someone has to be in either Group 1A (healthcare workers) or 1 B (over the age of 65 and/or have a pre-existing health condition) in order to receive the vaccine. Encourages everyone to call early to get an appointment. F. Year End Events City Manager Kabiri stated in closing, echoes Mayor Foreman's appreciation for the Friendswood Police Department and told them to keep up the good work. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 11, Discussion and possible action. 10. Communications from Committees and Special Reports A. Annual report from the Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair Phil Ratisseau Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair Phil Ratisseau presented the annual report from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 15, Consent Agenda. 11. Discussion and Possible Action A. Discussion and possible action regarding entering into a development agreement with Taylor Morrison regarding the Avalon at Friendswood Subdivision and Friendswood Lakes Boulevard **Councilmember Hanks moved to approve entering into a development agreement with Taylor Morrison regarding the Avalon at Friendswood Subdivision and Friendswood Lakes Boulevard. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. 12. Resolutions Consideration and possible action regarding the following: 01/11/21 5208 a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. B. Ordinance No. T2021-02: First and Final reading of an ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2020-35, passed and approved September 14, 2020, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by approving "Budget Amendment 111" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 "; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds, providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. **Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2021-02 — An ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2020-35, passed and approved September 14, 2020, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 by approving "Budget Amendment III" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 "; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. 0 With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 16, Adjournment. C. Ordinance No. T2021-03: First and Final reading of an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2021; providing for the security of the bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent/registrar agreement, approving an official statement, and enacting other provisions relating to the subject. **Mayor Foreman moved to adopt an ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Friendswood, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2021, and approving all other matters incident thereto and approving the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2021- 03 — An ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2021; providing for the security of the bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of a paying agent/registrar agreement; approving an official statement; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject. The motion was seconded and approved 6-0. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 10, Communications from Committees and Special Reports. 14. Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers Councilmember Scott stated he had nothing to report. 01/11/21 5210 The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Foreman moved to Agenda Item 14, Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers. 16. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM. Attest: �oF FR►FNo Melinda Welsh, TRMC V~:' City Secretary ;* ' p 4 F T ESP' 1