HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2009-19 RESOLUTION NO.R2009-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, DETERMINING THAT AN EASEMENT IS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF UTILITIES AS PART OF THE DEEPWOOD FORCE MAIN PROJECT; ACQUIRING SAID EASEMENT FROM THE FALLS AT FRIENDSWOOD, LLC, PROPERTY OWNERS. " � * * * * WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Friendswood now finds and determines that public convenience and necessity requires the City of Friendswood to acquire a right-of-way easement over and across a tract of land containing 1.6705 acres for the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, inspection, replacement, repair, and removal of certain public utility lines in the City of Friendswood, Texas, a more specific description of said 1.6705 acre tract of land is attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and made a part thereof, (herein after the "Land"); and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood, through its duly authorized representative, has negotiated with the owners of said tract of land for the purchase of such Easement for the herein stated purpose and has been able to agree with such owners as to the fair market value thereof; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Friendswood finds that bona fide negotiations have been conducted by the authorized representative of the City for the acquisition of the Easement over the herein described tract of land, and that said negotiations were successful, and that the acquisition of the Easement in exchange for the abandonment of a previously conveyed easement is approved. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized to execute any documentation necessary to accept, document, and record said Easement. PASSED,APPROVED,AND RESOLVED this 6th day of April,2009. 1 David J. H. th Mayor ATTEST: �o� FR�EIy�� � � � � o � De oris McKenzie, T C * * City Secretary �P�, ,4rF OF 'l��Q� R2009-19 2 • . � Exhibit A (R2009-19) SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT — THE STATE OF TEXAS § = § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: - COUNTY OF GALVESTON § - � THAT The Falls at Friendswood, L.L.C. ("Grantor"), for and in consideration of the sum � � of Ten and No/100 dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to Grantor by the City of Friendswood, Texas, a home rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas N � ("Grantee"), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has � N GRANTED, SOLD, and CONVEYED, and by these presents does hereby GRANT, SELL, and � .,. CONVEY unto the said Grantee, its successors, assigns and legal representatives, a perpetual easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, altering, and maintaining underground sanitary sewer facilities in, under, over,along, upon, and across that certain 1.6705 acre tract of land, more or less (`Basement"), same being mare particularly described in E�ibit "A" attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof. Grantee may do and perform all acts necessary to construct, reconstruct, repair, relocate, or maintain underground sanitary sewer facilities within said Easement and to operate thereon all necessary machinery and equipment to efficiently prosecute the work. Grantor retains, reserves, and shall continue to enjoy the use of the surface of the easement properiy for any and all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent the use by Grantee of the Easement for the purposes stated herein. This conveyance is expressly made subject to any and all restrictions, mineral and/or royalty reservations, covenants, and easements appearing of record relative to the Easement, but only to the extent that the same are still in force and effect and enforceable against the same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Easement, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and Grantor binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said easement unto Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty, when the claim is by,through,or under Grantor,but not otherwise. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed this �- day of ,2009. GRANTOR: THE FALLS AT FRIENDSWOOD,L.L.C. Dou B a r sident ACCEPTED BY�RANTEE: �� � ��-�i David J.H. Smith, Mayor ATT T: F FR�ENO � �o ��o U 0 De ris McKenzie, TRMC � City Secretary * * s ��rF OF 'if��P� ADDRESS OF GRANTEE: City of Friendswood,Texas 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,Texas 77546 AFTER RECORDING RETURN T0: ���(�} City of Friendswood « c/o City Secretary's Office 910 S. Friendswood Drive Friendswood, TX 77546 2 ACKN4WLEDGMENT State of Califor�y'�a, County of VQ-.+��-�� ) On �i �o before me, J--���� �a-c . �� �•�- (insert name and titl f the o�cer) persona!!y appeared l� ��Q- who proved to me on the basi f satisfacto evidence to be the person(-e�j whose name(�) is/a� subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/�y executed the same in his/f�er�teir authorized capacity(.i.e.s-), and that by his�eir signature(-sj on the instrument the personEs-}, or the entity upon beha(f of which the person(g) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. W� 1iVITNESS my han and official seal. CO"'"�0f'����4 Nota�l►nl�Mc•CdMpNa d�+p�CarW , M�►Comm.6�NrtJunZ9. Signat r " (Seal) �XWI�IT"A" EASE�uIENT.7 METES A�[�BC�UNC►S DESCRIFTt(3N !.b7�5 AGRES Q►Ufi�J� SA�tAW MCKISSICK L�A+GU�,ABSTRAC'T 1VC}.S4� FI�IENQSWO+i�T},HAFtRIS GUUi�TY,TEXAS Atl tt�at c�rtain 1.6705 acres out af Sarah PvtcKissi�cR Lea�ue,Abstract l�urnl�r 549,Friends�uc�d, Hsrris Gaanty,Texas and kr�in�;ac�t of'tMat certain trac�as described in�d�ccd dated 07 23-2Q(13 fram Geraldins V�'Etitc�omb 1'artnec�hip. �.e�d. tr� Whitcc�Rnb Clear Creek Farms, Ltd. as fi�ed in U�ciat R:ec�rds �►f Real Property of Harns C�aunt���t Cteri:'s Fil�Number Vu'-864�??5,Fi1m C��ic T?urnbcr�71-��-D379 snd bcin� mac�particul�rly de�cribed by metes a�d buunds as folla�+vs(bearings based an Tc�as Coorda`nate Syst�m nf 19$3,Sauth Centrat Zone), Camn�cncing at a point markin�the most westeriy west corner ofsaid Whiteomb Clcar Greek Farms,[�td. tract� The�ce N 41° l4' 49'* �—43.96' with the ct�m�nc�n westeri;� line ea�'said Whitcvmb Glear Crcek �arm�, Ltd. tract and tl�e easterly ri�ht-of wa}F lit►e vf F.M.528 to a pai��t fa�r corner fram wh�ch a found 1l2" iran rad with eap (stamped #l4�45} bears w $C�'° 5?" 29" E — 0,�6' �'ar refer�nce; 'I"h�nte N 37° �4' 4I"E—419.61' continuing�vith the westerly line of said Whitco��b Clear�rcc�: Farms, Ltd. traet�cctti the easterty't`i�ht-c�f-way tine of�.M. �28 to the Pt)I?r1T C}� BEC.�rCNNING t�f herein d�s�`il�d tra�t; t, Thenc� N 37° 54'4i" E �-63.20" continuing �►nith thc wcsterly line of said W�itcomb Cicar Crc�k F'atms,Ltd.trsct and the�easterty right-of-xvay line of F.M.528 to a point for cor�t�r. ?. TMence 5 51° 16'24"�—35.81'to a point far corner; �. 1'lyence N 83°43' 35"�—673.49' to a point maricing the l�eginning cxf a curve to th�right hawi�,g a ratdius af t,Q10.4{�'a�td a centr�t angle of 35°S�'41"; 4. �'hen�e �vith said curve a�� arc distance of 63 t.87' and a chord bearing and disian�e t►f S 78¢21'03"�—�21.61*ta the perint af c�n�ency, 5. Th�ncc 5 60"25' 42"E—340.56' t+a a paint marking the beg;ir�nin��f a curve tn the right having a radius�f I,t�IU.QtI'�nd a c�ntral angl�e c�f t4°�1,49,,,; 6. Thenae with Said cur+re an arc distance of 2��,88' and a chord heari�g and distance of S S�p t?S°08"�—258,17'#a ihe pc�Int of tangency; �. Thence 5 4S°4+4' 3�"�— 1,649.49'to a point for corner; 8. Thence S�8°2�'09"'l�l�2Q.1 i' with the cornmon�outheas�erly lin�otsaid W'hitc�rttb Clear�ree1. �asms, Ltd. tra�s�d tt�e northrvest�riy tine of that ceartain cract a�+d�scrib�d i�a de�d dated Ol Zl- t986 Frc►m Harris Caunty Flood Ccrntrat I3istrict ta Bay Area t,and Ct�mp�ny,Ltd.as fit�d in Oft'tciat iiect+rds af Real Prc��erty �f Hacris Cot�nty at Clerk's �ile Nur�tkrer K-3$4+�82, �ilm Cade Number �37-68-OS t 8 ta�prrini ft�r r,ornet�; 9. The�c�h!45°44'33"W—t,6Sl,SS' to a point mgrking the tr+eginning c�f`a curvc to ths!eft hsving� radius of 9�U,OOt 8nd a oetltral�t�gl+�of 14°41' t?4"; !U. Th�nce �vith said carve an arc distance of 253.75' and a chord bearing and distanc� c�f t� 53°C)5'{18*'W_253.06`tQ the paint af tan�cncy; 11�84s Es�n:7-REVtssEa.dcrc I t. The��e N 6U° 25' 42" W—340.56' to a poirrt marking the t�eginning of a curvc to the left having a radius c►f 99(3.40'and a c�ntral an�le�sf 3�°SU'41•'; !2. Thence cvitb said �urve an ar� distance of 619.35' and a �hcsrc! bearing and distancc of N 78°�t"0�"W--6U9.3Q'ts ihe pacnt of tan�ency; 13. Thence S 8�° 43' 3G°' W — 7�32.86' t� the PCl1N`f ClF BEGTN�iNG aeid conteining I.b'��5 gcres (72,�69 square feet)of iand rnore or less. rhis metes and b4c��cis des�ription i�accompanied by a sep�r�te plat,drawirt��r�xhibit p�r Texa��Qard of Pmfessit�nai C,�nd Sur+rcyor's"Cieneral Rul+�s t�f Procedures and Practic�s"Section 663.19(9). �ampiled by: �.L.Davis�:Campanat Jobi�t�rnb�r� 11-846Esmt'�-REVC�EI7.doc i 0-1'�-20t?G R�VISED: 03-24-09 11-8�46�nt 7-REYtSEd.�oc w w a „ �, �� . ��,�y�'Rr� � �� p � '7� S / T 1 � � ``�� � ° � ° z � � � � �, �� � � � � � � °�� � 1 � r �� ��� - ! � � �� � �c°��� , / � j � � �� U o�ci � � � � pC d' W�� � � 4 f3 ''i B"�' Q ^'eS�tn t 1 I '� ° " � �� �; � � � � � � � F ;�i+, w � w w a � 3 a w � � � �� � =i v y. p {.., � s .f„� '� N 4t N � A vv}},,,,�� 1t h �+! �4 � �� 8 M3� t �h �� w� � � tn .� M N 2 �i 2 2 � v� �� bg � � � � � w � � � � � � � � = � = �� ro �'1� R +r ty� � � =� � � 'r � ,Vr �.h � a' • , t� m 4� �, � � ' ���Q � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � w � � � 0`p ��'�� � ' � � �:���� � � � i ' �� � � � � � � � h �, x � �.(� �� � w � m � ������ � � � ti � 1 � �� t�t�s b �� � a �� � � �� F� �� „ � � � � � � ��. � . : � �� � _ � � � � q p � d� � � � � � �� 1 � � t � � t1 � � � � � � � � �� � � � � ��'�� � 11 �� � �� � � ���� � � � � � � _ � � � � �� b� � � �a ��� 4� '�" ` . � ��g �� � "�� � � � t �3�� �� � �� �w � ��� � � � � ,� �� s',y �`` 1� °� ,��r ��� � �� �� � �L ���� .x � .`r c€ � � �_� �u� �� �� � � ��� � �� ci N 4 k Y e ���� ��� ��� ��� �� � �� � pj G �^ "` ^ : .s .c ti , , a8`f3„ 3N/7H�lb'iN � x � �� � { � � � ��� � ��� � n � �' � �—�� � � I �" � � � „��, oe°u � t— Q ' � � � � w c`� �z z ��� , - I �- � � �� � `��� � � � � � � <� � ��° � �� �� � � ,� �,�5 �� �, �, a a� o "`q� � �� ��: g � �� w'� � � �� �� �� �� �� w u w v 3 3: 3c � r, �� �� � :► gv ,�i ,��i � � � ,t°1 jr � � � � � � � � � � � � 4~ x +� x � � = yxz �H � � � �W�a � � � m `��n � � ffi � : ■ o °�Y�" �y,y {yM� y� � R ��Y� @�. t1 .i .�1 �F ��1 +�I +1� � J u'.4 .� ; � N � c�v f � � !� � � � � � � � , � � �� � � ? , � � .��� # r � � k y � a�� a � �` � � � � n `� €� �� � ��� � � � x .., y� � ���h � � � � e� ��° �� � _ � � � � �� � � � � � 0 ` � � � �Ne �.� :.��: �� �� � w � � � � � '� ` �� � $ a { �j � q�� � �1 � � ` � V V C�i Ct r � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � �� � �� �b�� t � .� ��� �� � � � �� ` � � �� � � � � 6�: � � � � �� �� � � � �a ��� �° ��� �� � �� � �� � � � �� � ��� � � � � �� � �� ��� �� �� �� � �� � �� r � � �� �� a�-� � � � � � �� 4��� ���� ��� ��� ��� �� � ���� �'�1+� �:. .s ,� f «� a � ' � � � . . � �c � �� � � � r�� 3�� � � �� " � � � � 5i � "� � � � ��� LL. ��� �' o=c.> � � Q o� ' � u�u�ur a � � �'`� �� Z �Y� � � � vv � w �j "�� � 'Qin� w� � � � � r��'►�`3. � G7YGl 7 � �� � uzi � s�' ca ���' � o � , ��� � � «t� o "�� q �����z� � � �� �- �� ;k " �� ss � ��°� I � � � �� � �;� � � � �� � I � � �, � � ; $ � ti � � � 4v ^i � O � !t v �i � � ti w � Y � � � : h z +n z �, H x �+ x x .�. • � - a � ' �i b r +�i �x � p � � � � � � � htw I � � � 3 � � � " ° � � I � � � y �+ � K � � � � ) � � � �' I � � ,� ,� �� �� � � �� ��� � v � = r�� � «i .�cr�nh � � +� � h � � � � � !S: . ��'"p IJ �ai $�$ W '� �� S.Y}�P 1s � � � � � � � b � i� � � wwx ; W � �yq , � � � �."+'V'1 �i N�� �.. 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