HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2024-24 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2023-20, PASSED AND APPROVED AUGUST 28, 2023, THE SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-24, BY APPROVING "BUDGET AMENDMENT IX" THERETO; PROVIDING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND/OR TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE. ****************************************************************************** WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2023-20, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, adopted its "Original General Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that revenues and/or reserves are available for supplemental appropriation, and/or that the transfer of certain funds interdepartmentally is economically feasible and in the best interest of prudent budgeting and for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, Section 8.04 of the City Charter provides for amendments after adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend said Original General Budget to reflect such supplemental appropriation and/or transfer in the fiscal year 2023-24;NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2023-24" is hereby amended for municipal purposes as shown on "Budget Amendment IX" to the "Original Budget of the City of Friendswood,Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2023-24" attached hereto. Said Budget Amendment IX shall be attached to and made a part of such Original General Budget by the City Secretary and shall be filed as required by state law. A true and correct copy of said amendment is attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B" and is incorporated herein for all intents and purposes. Section 3. In the event any clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair,or invalidate this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage by the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED on first and final reading by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the City of Friendswood on this the 5`h day of August,2024. IKE O AN, Mayor ATT'�.T: / / ' / if I / i! o� RIE"D�'I . , t. LE ICIA BRYSCH, City tart' !d I : * .ty* /�'�^J IT` APPROVED AS TO FORM: OF FctletkACOU KAREN L. HORNER, City Attorney H:\City Council\Ordinances\2024\08-05-2024\Ordinance-Budget Amendment No.IX.docx 2 EXHIBIT "A" City of Friendswood Budget Amendment Summary Fiscal Year FY2023-2024 Budget Amendment IX August 5, 2024 1. Hurricane Beryl Debris Removal, $53,466. Appropriate funds for an augmented service agreement with Waste Connections for debris pick up. A portion of the debris was unable to be collected through the emergency contract related to Hurricane Beryl. This agreement is separate from Waste Connections regular service and FEMA reimbursement will not be sought. The funding source will be general fund 90-day reserve fund balance. 2. Public, Education, and Governmental Access (PEG) Channel Enhancement, $1,052. Appropriate PEG funds for council chamber cable tracing as part of the council chamber remodel project. The funding source will be restricted general fund balance from PEG Channel revenue. 3. Police Department—Insurance Reimbursement, $517. Appropriate insurance reimbursement from TML-IRP for K-9 veterinary expenses related to medical treatment. Funds will be appropriated to the Patrol division's contract services account. 4. Police Department—RAD Program, $125. Appropriate funds donated to the Police Department Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Program. Donations were received from the citizens participating in the R.A.D. classes. Funds will be appropriated to the Police Department Patrol division's operating supplies account for R.A.D. program expenses. 5. Blackhawk Building Renovation Project, Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment, $11,437. Transfer funds from Blackhawk Building general fund furniture, fixtures &equipment account for supplies related to the Blackhawk Building expansion. Several small purchases were made that are not eligible for capitalization but were necessary to outfit the expanded building for service. These funds will be transferred to Engineering's operating supplies account. 6. Stormwater Management Program, $29,220. Appropriate funds for services related to an update of the Stormwater Management Program. The city's growth in population requires new regulations and updates to our current Stormwater Management Program. Funds will be appropriated to Engineering's stormwater management account. 7. Parks & Recreation—Video Wall Sponsorship for July 4th Event, $5,000. Appropriate sponsorship received from H-E-B. The sponsorship was used for the rental of a video wall at the July 4th celebration. Funds will be appropriated to the Parks and Recreation Department's July 4th division's community events account. 8. Parks & Recreation — Keep Friendswood Beautiful Photo Contest, $500. Appropriate sponsorship received from Hometown Bank. The sponsorship covered costs and expenses related to the Keep Friendswood Beautiful annual photo contest. Funds will be appropriated to the Parks and Recreation Department's Keep Friendswood Beautiful's operating supplies account. 9. Friendswood Public Library — Books, $239. Appropriate donations received from the Rotary Club of Friendswood for Library books. Funds will be appropriated to the Library's books account. 10. 2017 CDBG-DR (Galveston County) Grant Reimbursement, $82,879. Appropriate grant funds received from the 2017 CDBG-DR (Galveston County) Grant Program for demolition costs related to the Deepwood and Frenchman's Creek acquisition and demolition project. The City received a Page 1 of 2 reimbursement of$73,176 for demolition services at Deepwood. Advanced funding for these services was approved at the April 1, 2024, City Council meeting for$82,879. Lease proceeds cover a portion of these services ($5,207) and demolition services were less than expected ($4,496). Therefore, $82,879 will be appropriated back to unassigned general fund balance. 11. Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II-B Construction Materials Testing, $28,000. Appropriate funds for a change order related to construction materials testing for the Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II-B construction project. A change order was approved on July 16, 2024, for additional materials testing services needed for the duration of Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II-B construction. The funding source will be undesignated street improvement fund balance. 12. Economic Development Agreement— Friendswood Scoop Shop, $10,000. Appropriate funds for an Economic Development Agreement between the City of Friendswood and Friendswood Scoop Shop for their business located at 901 S. Friendswood Drive. The agreement was approved by City Council at the January 8, 2024 meeting. The funding source will be unassigned general fund balance. Page 2 of 2 City of Friendswood August 5,2024 2023-2024 Budget Amendment IX-Exhibit B BA Account Project Number Number Number Amount 1 001-0000-30500 (Appropriate 90-day general fund reserves for Hurricane Beryl debris removal I (53,466) 1 001-2513-422.7800 24EMBERYL Appropriate 90-day general fund reserves for Hurricane Beryl debris removal 53,466 2 001-0000-30500 Appropriate restricted general fund balance reserves from PEG Channel revenue for council chambers cable tracing (1,052) 2 001-7001-419.7800 FCPEGEXP Appropriate restricted general fund balance reserves from PEG Channel revenue for council chambers cable tracing 1,052 3 001-0000-38310 Appropriate TML insurance proceeds for K-9 veterinary services (517) 3 001-2120-421.7400 Appropriate TML insurance proceeds for K-9 veterinary services 517 4 001-0000-38600 PDRADREV Appropriation donations received for PDRAD to be used for RAD program expenses (125) 4 001-2120-421.5400 PDRADEXP Appropriation donations received for PDRAD to be used for RAD program expenses 125 5 001-7001-419.8400 Transfer Blackhawk Building Renovation FFE funds to Engineering operating supplies account for supplies related to renovation that are not capitalized (11,437) 5 001-3770-431.5400 Transfer Blackhawk Building Renovation FFE funds to Engineering operating supplies account for supplies related to renovation that are not capitalized 11,437 6 001-0000-30500 Appropriate unassigned general fund balance for Stormwater Management Program contract services (29,220) 6 001-3770-431.7842 Appropriate unassigned general fund balance for Stormwater Management Program contract services 29,220 7 001-0000-34772 DN0010REV Appropriate sponsorship received from H-E-B for video wall at July 4th celebration event (5,000) 7 001-6422-452.7910 DN0010EXP Appropriate sponsorship received from H-E-B for video wall at July 4th celebration event 5,000 8 001-0000-34772 -Appropriate sponsorship received from Hometown Bank for KFB photo contest - - - - - (500) 8 001-6424-458.5400 Appropriate sponsorship received from Hometown Bank for KFB photo contest 500 9 001-0000-38600 DNBOOKREV Appropriate donations received from Friendswood Rotary_Club for Library books (239) _9 001-6310-459.5482 DNBOOKEXP Appropriate donations received from Friendswood Rotary Club for Library books 239 10 124-0000-37110 Appropriate lease revenue related to 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for acquisition and demolition project expenses (5,207) 10 124-0000-33100 Appropriate grant proceeds for 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for demolition expenses (73,176) 10 124-7001-431.8120 Appropriate grant proceeds for 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for acquisition expenses 443 10 124-7001-431.7805 Appropriate grant proceeds for 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for demolition expenses 77,844 10 124-7001-431.7400 Appropriate grant proceeds for 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for demolition expenses 96 10 124-10199 Reimburse unassigned general fund balance for adv funding related to 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for Deepwood property demolition,Draw#9 (82,879) 10 124-26010 Reimburse unassigned general fund balance for adv funding related to 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for Deepwood property demolition,Draw#9 82,879 10 001-14029 Reimburse unassigned general fund balance for adv funding related to 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for Deepwood property demolition,Draw#9 (82,879) 10 001-10199 Reimburse unassigned general fund balance for adv funding related to 2017 CDBG-DR(Galveston County)for Deepwood property demolition,Draw#9 82,879 11 170-0000-30100 Appropriate undesignated fund balance for additional construction materials testing for Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II-B (28,000j 11 170-7001-431.8511 Appropriate undesignated fund balance for additional construction materials testing for Blackhawk Boulevard Phase II-B 28,000 12 I 001-0000-30500 (Appropriate unassigned general fund balance for Economic Development Agreement with Friendswood Scoop Shop I (10,000) 12 001-0303-419.7921 Appropriate unassigned general fund balance for Economic Development Agreement with Friendswood Scoop Shop 10,000