HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 08 07 EBT CC MinutesTM CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024, 5:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DR, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION yy PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - United States Pledge and State of Texas Pledge. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS -riIaW , d &�hs t 61"O hj `Z. ALL-". I l Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 551.0415 of the Texas Government Code, the CSty council off t e o City of Friendswood may receive reports about items of community interest from City staff and/or a member of the C� City Council, but no action or possible action shall be taken or discussed concerning the subject of such report. 5' PUBLIC COMMENT In order to comply with the provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not deliberate any item not listed on the agenda, as such, the City Council will listen to public comment and may (i) refer the item to City Management for further action or (ii) direct staff for the placement of said item on a future agenda. During public comment, the public shall comply with the Council's rules of decorum�,AAol5 _ !� ems. 6. MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 + 4 mirwala St' �+ A. Receive and discuss a presentation regarding the City of Friendswood 'rop sZ 0 - 25 Municipal Budget. � s k .Jh+w i ( K>Z. I r i afudd :L in mA. B. Consider setting a public hearing regarding the City of Friendswood Y2024-25 Municipal Budget for August 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in th until Chamber, itHall, 99100 S. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas, 77546. 11: 1"1- -�C. Receive the 2024 appraisal rolls by the Galveston Central Appraisal District and the Harris County Appraisal District, the anticipated collection rate and the excess debt collections certified by the City's tax collector, and the no -new -revenue and voter -approval tax rates. �D. Consider approving the proposed d^1v• �o.,rem tax rate for 2024,(.ffi�scal Year Oc o r 2024 - September 30, 2025). 1-d-: ��l/t ks �6�Dlr�Or�- • � 1E. Consider setting the public hearing regarding the ad valorem tax rate for 2ft4 on September 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 910 S Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas, 77546. 7. ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE AT 650 AND 800 N FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE'(1Qf a7�� A. Conduct a public hearing regarding a zone classification change for property located at 650 and 800 N. Friendswood Drive, being approximately 13.6491 acres of land consisting of Restricted Reserves B-2 and B-3 in the Replat of Reserve "B," Annalea Kingspark Section "B" and Whitehall Section "B" as recorded in the Galveston County Map Records, Document No. 2021035945, and bein approximately 7.754 acres of land out of the Perry 1 - A,Z l -�h c6)) LG,,.L . and Austin Survey, Abstract 20, Page 4, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas, to change from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow a mixed -use development consisting of commercial and age -restricted multifamily living and an amendment to the Future Land Use Map to change approximately 11.642 acres of land located within such 13.6491 acres described hereinabove from "Retail" to "High Density Residential." B. Consider an ordinance regarding a zone classification change for property located at 650 and 800 N. Friendswood Drive, being approximately 13.6491 acres of land consisting of Restricted Reserves B-2 and B-3 in the Replat of Reserve "B," Annalea Kingspark Section "B" and Whitehall Section "B" as recorded in the Galveston County Map Records, Document No. 2021035945, and being approximately 7.754 acres of land out of the Perry and Austin Survey, Abstract 20, Page 4, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas, to change from Community Shopping Center (CSC) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow a mixed -use development consisting of commercial and age -restricted multifamily living and an amendment to the Future Land Use Map to change approximately 11.642 acres of land located within such 13.6491 acres described here�iin�a,�boove from "Retail" to "High Density Residential." �� 0 ! "fr4S 8. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT' A. Receive an update regarding the City's Movies in the Park series B. Receive an update regarding the Friendswood Library's Piano Recital Event C. Receive an update regarding Hurricane Beryl+ D. Receive information regarding the League City Pkwy Ribbon Cutting E. Recognize Assistant City Manager Katina HamptoNon her acceptance to the 2025 Class of the Texas Women's Leadership Institute Program. V F. Recognize Friendswood EMS for receiving the American Heart Association's Mission: Lifeline Gold Achievement Award and the Target: Heart Attack Honor Roll Recognition 9. RECESS THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING (2 7- ' D-A' 10. RECONVENE CITY COUNCIL MEETING n l.. C J. 11. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Consider authorizing the monthly transfer of funds to the City of Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust contingent upon s ffici nt appropriations in the FY2024-25 City of Friendswood Budget. 44 12. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS r ��} A== A. Consider on second and final reading an ordinance amending Chapter 70 "Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places," Article III "Construction," Sections 70-77 "Restricted use," 70-79 "Maximum plant height," 70-80 "Minimum branch height above street gutter flow lines," and 70-81 "Extending into street" of the Friendswood City Code to revise the permitted height of plants, trees, and branches in and over restricted areas, including visibility triangles and other traveled public ways. B. Consider an ordinance tempora ly waiving various building permit fees for �Q damaged by Hurricane Beryl. I&': ;4 �y�i1O. 2d; C. Consider an ordinance amending the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 2024 by�/- _' approving "Budget Amendment IX" a providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds. 0' yyry,G✓� D. Consider a resolution authorizing the submission of a Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Application for the Resilient Communities Program through the Texas General Land Office to fund the development and adoption of a forward -looking comprehensive plan th t i grytes hazard mitigation planning and minimize t impact of future disasters. I '. IrnNb M 13. CONSENT AGENDA All Consent Agenda items listed are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. A. Consider a resolution approving the City of Friendswood's Public Funds Management and Investment Policy. B. Consider a resolution establishing legislative priorities for the 89th Legislative Session of the Texas Legislature and supporting certain legislative initiatives for submission to the Texas Municipal League for its consideration and possible inclusion in its legislative program. C. Consider a resolution verifying the percentage of completion of cybersecurity training and authorizing the City Manager or his designee to submit all documentation required by Section 2054.5191 of the Texas Government Code. D. Consider a resolution approving an Agreement for Temporary Road Closure of State Right - of -Way with the State of Texas, through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce Holiday Lighted Parade on FM 518. E. Consider a resolution approving an Agreement for Temporary Road Closure of State Right - of -Way with the State of Texas, through the Texas Department of Transportation, for the Friendswood High School Homecoming Parade on FM 518. F. Consider approving the closure of W. Spreading Oaks between Woodlawn Drive and Cedarwood Drive for the Friendswood Independent School District event "Under The Oaks" on August 8, 2024. G. Consider ratifying the City Manager's signature and authorizing a Regional Strategic Transportation Fund Interlocal Agreement for a Friendswood Master Trail Plan with Houston -Galveston Area Council. H. Consider authorizing an Agreement for Financial Auditing Services with Whitley Penn, LLP. I. Consider reappointing Billy Mendoza to the Construction Board and Adjustment and Appeals for a term beginning immediately and expiring on June 30, 2026. J. Consider appointing Ted Clements to the Keep Friendswood Beautiful Committee for an unexpired term beginning immediately and expiring October 31, 2025. K. Consider approving the ad valorem tax report for June 2024. L. Consider approving the minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting held on July 1, 2024. 14. ADJOURNMENT( ; 16 0, PUBLIC NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT IN ADDITION TO ANY EXECUTIVE SESSION LISTED ABOVE, THE CITY COUNCIL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJOURN INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT ANY TIME AS AUTHORIZED BY THE TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE SECTIONS 551.071 - 551.090 TO DISCUSS ANY MATTERS LISTED ABOVE. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD IS COMMITTED TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS AND EQUAL ACCESS TO COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE BY PHONE AT (281) 996-3270, FAX (281) 482-1634, OR CONTACT (281) 996-3270 VIA RELAY TEXAS AT 711 OR 1-800-735-2988 FOR TYY SERVICES. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING RELAY TEXAS, PLEASE VISIT: HTTP://RELAYTEXAS.COM. Leticia Brysch, City Secretary Posted in compliance with the Open Meetings Act on this 1st day of August 2024, at 5:30 p.m. FRIENDSWOOD EMPLO` IST REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2024, 5:30 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER (�, 7'(C60 "" CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider approving the minutes of the Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust Meeting held on August 7, 2023. B. Consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into agreements for (i) employee medical, dental, and pharmacy insurance, (ii) employee life and accidental death and dismemberment insurance; (iii) employee vision insurance; (iv) employee long-term disability insurance; and (v)ancillary products for employees. ,,Q�j V_ , 4f 3. ADJOURNMENT g I:OI 'Id;n\lUU�g}. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD IS COMMITTED TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS AND EQUAL ACCESS TO COMMUNICATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE BY PHONE AT (281) 996-3270, FAX (281) 482-1634, OR CONTACT (281) 996-3270 VIA RELAY TEXAS AT 711 OR 1-800-735-2988 FOR TYY SERVICES. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONCERNING RELAY TEXAS, PLEASE VISIT: HTTP://RELAYTEXAS.COM. 44� Leticia Brysch, City Secretary Posted in compliance with the Open Meetings Act on this 1 st day of August 2024, at 5:00 P.M. `r OF S'�� CITY COUNCIL August 5, 2024 Please Turn Of All Audio Devices 1. CALL TO ORDER / 2. INVOCATION 2. INVOCATION Fmker Aomus i ellnppallll kk?r Queen C'alhahr ('burck 3. PLEDGES "I pledge allegiance to the Dag of the Failed Slates ofAmerim, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas one state under God, one and indivisible." 4. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 551.0415 of the Texas Government Code, the City Council of the City of Friendswood may receive reports about items of community interest from Croy staff and/or a member of the City Council, but no action or possible action shall be taken or discussed concerning the subject of such report. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT In order to comply with the provisions of the 'leas Open Meetings \ct, the Cily Council may not deliberate any item not listed on the agenda, as such, the City Council will listen to public comment and may (i) refer the item to City Nlonagement for further action or (it) direct staff for the placement of said item on a fulureagenda. 6. Nit Nit imi. BFDGFT FOR Fis(%F YFAR 2024-25 6.A. DISCI SSION Receive and discuss a presentation regarding die ON of Fnendswood Proposed FY2U24-25 Municipal Budipa. H ." na.._ Rk..da N.4.. Di,. w gfFin"nce • Insurance Costs • Operational Costs • Personnel Costs • Deferred Maintenance • EMS Onboarding • FVFD Contract • Bond Project Impacts Grant Project Impacts • Aging Infrastructure 10 12 16 m� 14 15 18 Amm@ml§ De$H@m! meP� 2 !! !| |!P Water & Sewer Fund — Decision Packages (Funded) NEXT STEPS ✓ Key Dares ✓ Pro pasM8Udget0e1nm N-w/31(2a24 ✓ Budy twarkS dads-MIMIW24 and 8/14/2024 ✓ PmpoaMBudget Public Heanng-08126/2024 ✓ BudgetPAaptpn-08/26/202d at09/09j2024 ✓ Tax Ra a¢MPdddn-0 ruiKon Taa Role-09(09/2024 ✓ Tax Rate Adaelan-09/09/2024 ✓ Council Input & Obecrlan Needed r r4�4 6. MUNK ipm- BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 6.0. PUBLIC HEARING Consider setting a public hearing regarding the City of Frierdswood FY2024-25 Municipal Budget for August 26, 2024, at 5:30 p.m, in the Council Cltamber, City Hall, 910 S. Friendswood Drive, Frierdswood, Texas, 77546. lirarand by: Rhtmda Rloapuc 1)..w v o/Fi. 6. Mt NICIPAI. BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 6.C. ACTION ITEM Receive the 2024 appraisal rolls by the Galveston Central Appraisal District and the Harris County Appraisal District, the anticipated collection rate aid the excess debt collections certified by the City's tax collector, and the no -new -revenue and voter -approval tax rags. RwenW hr: rra01111a rilOS ,/n d, O%R..n 6. Mf NI( imi, BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 6.➢. ACTION ITEM Consider approving the proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2024 (Fiscal Year October L 2024 - September 30. 2025). Aa Md hp: Rhonda RImanda. fro,, w n/finaa. 6. MI NICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Proposed ad valorem tax rate for 2024 t fiscal Year October L 2024 - Sentember30. 20251. J A proposed tax rate of S51.4172 cents cer $100 valuation. J This rate is efl'eclively a 3.OX (1.9 cents) increase in the tax rate above the no new revenue rate of S49.5117 cents. J The proposed rate is 1J centsmore than the City's current tax rate of S50.0728 cents." 6. MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 6.E. ACTION ITEM Consider setting the public hearing regarding the ad valorem tax rate for 2024 on September 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 910 S Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas, 77546, Aesenred by, R6orada ns.r . ltinrrorxr F'..• 6. MUNICIPAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Public Hearing (in the Proposed Tax Rate: September 9, 2024 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber of City Hall 910 S. Friertdswood Drive 7. ZONE CLASSIFICATION CIIANGE AT 650 AND 800 N FRIENDslVOOD DRIVE 7.A. PUBLIC HEARING coWu[J. PUNY mxnP rt<yMp a me [la®rxalinn doolY roa pap . kuw v 1... anal xlri N. dS3nl nmebnnc;q¢oama[h li Wnl u+ts arhN mo�nF of R.�lax+rd Res[n., dd andaJ ix N[ GW.....C.aM, KlnxsgnkS lion'P'onJ\\Riwivll i�1 II rtwrgM In Ib• GURnloo CWMr .N Ram'UF �uMTI 4P Jr`INrW�. anJ bete+ C..,mm[h) aaa T of laN m N iron. C -.-u S ] ., AbL � Hr p>E[. J. Calhcu��u Cnnp. FaµrNyxogL Tcw. la [lance front Can�mlmin Slggln¢ Crn[r ICS('1 w nanlol l:n�l n[role 0, (Pllal to allnx a nmW nY d F.,�,, t—wr. U ,.. WaYUI.N .....1,c11,, Imllifamilp Briny aN m, anMMoerp w a, Fnwrc kA U.n; bLD m--R ,,r.-nleh IbJ' acetyl pM bwM uiWln sucb I � Mxl xnsh nMtl Iu+nn.Ynrc fmm-RWir w'Higa PavG�ldal:- lv.—Wb": e,. nn......... r,....nm„a, n,.....l /Amend Future Lane! Use Map to raf a Kqh Demlty Residential instead of RetaR br apprm. 11 acres VChanea from CSC to PUU to.npw age-matristed munRamily aM commertul VRe9pired notices were Ym and publishad �posalee Re .M.00n tmm Pat Zone Change Request — 650 and 800 N Friendswood Dr Pmpowa: I StW EuiWings-232 unity 232 RevnctI. W 2-Md'.. 232 units-1� aM 2-betlawm o0tions 4ttaeMa aM aAaMeagara8ei CelenRMsona.ma waxi�ysans Pea,lanE VJe aog PM sen mare rbr reaamn nMs•1 Vhase 1-mulfhmih Musing PNu2-aammntial Zone Change Request — 650 and 800 N Friendswood Dr. Peas ana repro aomam,me Pun aDwo.al «ymrea.,e.en.: aomemauon x,m cn m Pexunaam eamna�wnrwn+aaa\.a Mnnaye ofsl.a na 7. ZONE CLASSIFICATION CHANGE AT 650 AND 800 N FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE 7.B.ORDINANCE ( omNer an mdirmme ao amb e a ]am chuoirlodon dhaage fm p pT kvlN at 6io W 11.1 N. F.ufawood Dnac CW,.. Cnrml. Fr ottlaxoaci T.va. m o age from I'wnaa.14 R waft Cemm (Cgq I. Flmnnl U." Don Yapmem IPUDI IV anon a a,"'d- me dcmlopmedt .,, ing of mmmonaul ano yye-renneled nmltifamily I.,., and v enmWnrcnl to We Forum Lwd tov Map m elm, apamlmael) 1161..2 acm, of laid I,vatd0 nilhin aoch 11 6191 .. da aJ hmcimbmc r. -Ftoaf- m "Nigh Mn,a, Roskamlal., he mM by:: AnbreF HmAta. 1Wn. ar(ummnat,, I olo,,aaa 8. CITY MANAGER'S RI'I'ORT A R.ulire an updata rsaNipg lle Go'. tl.:,.. i.. r:. I'.:.L ...., 11 Wecirc an updac mvNmg dx I mada..aod donor. P-. R.enel E]W. c Ranae an opdam n Wdu,, mnm Boll. D. R=iac Information mgardinn 1M Lagoc ON Rol Ribbon Coning E RenMnva A,sebon ('in Maugs R .,. Hamm. m her avylaca m don _Ms ('lass of Aw Teaaa Wornea s I.:tl p Imua,: Pmgmm. F. Rcco& F' ndnood "IS f .,,,a, the American Ikon Association', Motion: Ulth CaM AdM:,ammp Aad aW lbc Tarp:!Fart Anal Honor Rdl Rooagmion. /4 Iad gr: w.,-I An4ipi, Vol MamlRei -....acna-. urecac la S:me CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD City Managers Report August 5, 2024 s V Movies in the Park e Sts, mmn Park Frtday Nlghm,lafy ua —Ay 4a Community Piano Recital at the Library FnwfawooGLlhnrytaeemlFbalaae CemmuNry%enollecilalwMre I]RierWaeoeUreaWentaet alla{aaperlormW toenepprae4tMaWMrce. TgrxbalweeeewW ncelraGlM4bnryplancto aJCagrbnalrecM1FleNrouplMlMlear. ;_,. V-. I lurrica ne Ber-I Update Hurricane Beryl Update W offs a peratfeas Aweeaa Hurricane Beryl Update Total Cubic Yards of Debris I lurricane Beryl Update is League City Pkwy Ribbon Cutting Texas Women's Leadership Institute Program - • Wha Hampton, Assistant Cray Manager • Teaas Chapter of Women leading Government • Beginning in 2025, luatma, will join Min women in Texas on a 5- session course of becoming an — ellectiw leader and Gty Manager • I(atma was awarded a scholarship to attend Mission Lifeline EMS Award ^�.j4..T �i -- •EYED-8'^consecutive year • 2024 American Heart Association's Mission: Lifeline Gold Achievement Award • National recognition for efforts to improve STEMI treatment (ST eiewbon myocardial infractions) Questions, Comments, or Recommendations? 9. RECESS 9. RECESS Recess the City Council Meeting. Friendswood Employee Benefit Trust t. CALLTOORDER i. CONSENT AGENDA a. Consider aPProving the i.nee, of the Fi endawood EnploYee Benefit Troy Meehan held on .\nanrt 7, NR3. H. Consider anthoriring the City Manager to intention, agreements for n) eavplisy a aydkisl. dental and pharmap in ance; (it) employee life and accidental demb and dismemberment Insurance: (in) employs vision insurance: list employse long- term disability .nsnnnte; aad 4,9 ancillary proJaet, for employees. a. ADJOURNMENT 10. RECONVENE 10. RECONVENE Reconvene the City Council ;fleeting. 11. BUSINESS ITEMS I I.A. ACTION ITEM Consider authorizing the nau dy transfer of funds to dw City of Friends vopl Employee Benefit Trust contingent upon sufficient appropriations in the FY2024-25 City of Friendswood Budget. Pmenledbr: .Ilorad Rabiri, ('its Manager & Daley Bromrt. Direrto, of H ....an Revoareer a�a�r. s. Roza 12. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 12.A. ORDINANCE Cansideron sxodd attl final reading an ordinmce amending Chaplin tu'Shceta Sidewalks, and Other public Places.' Ankle III "Communion.' Swians ] 77 'Re trimed use." )0.]9•Maximum plain height."1D80'Minimum branch height above meet guar 11. lines,' and '1n-gl "Es.mding into shin' of us, Flie.dawood City Cade m raise the permitted heeds. a plena heea and branebes in and over reamsd areas, including visibility triangles and mhm beveled public ways. Preaenrd by: Aabeef His bla, Pinaros, of CanMnnhy Dsoaloamon, 12. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 12.B.ORDINANCE Consider an ordinance temporarily wan n, various building permil lees for structure damaged by Bumcane Beryl. 12. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 12.C. ORDINANCE Consider an ordinance amending the City s General Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Iry approving "Budget Amendment IX" and providing for supplemental appropriation ardor transfer of certain funds. Reread hr: Vora) hobid, ('ip If g, 12. ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS 12.D. RESOLUI ION Consider a resolution Mtlhorizing the submission of a Conformity Development Block Grant - Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Application Ion the Resilicat Communities program through the Teas General Land Office to Rand the development and adoption of a forward - looking comprehensive plan that integrates hazard mitigation planning and minintines the impact off lhuc disasters. ft."hr: :Inhrn 1lnrhin. Director o/('noonn.Jrc I)eaeh pn....I 13. CONSENTAGENDA (.wider a nw . approeog Iht: Ca5 ar Fnrn&xaGYs Public Fmd6 mM,,mrnt ad Imcnm at Me, 0. Camidm a onolunon es lahioe Lws!Mxc Pnonnes for the M Lennlmoe SGaion of the T,nan Ls3iabrwe ace v@pa , artmin Banner, inavliea fs �,on no the Texus Mwicipal Lague for its ea -riuon and pwsibk incursion to its ln,elntiec pmgmm C Comidm a nrdwipo rmf.om the a ez., of eo ,M. d c, s r n mining and amhmizlug the Ch. Mamger w Ina &n,. In N1,MI A danmcm u. ruquimd bs &dlm 2054. i 101 of0w, Tcaa Co ...... at Cade. D Cmai&r a naownbn aptwniug an Ago c.t for Tsmporen Rm1 V.. of State Right -of -Woe uA the Snoc of T,v. through the Tcsa D:y noses ofTvwPooauon rot the Fnmdmrood Cim nMr of CGomccc 11ohdo% I i0tcd MMu on FM SIX 13. CONSENT AGENDA F Consider a rcoluauu appm.ng an Agrccmm.t for 3'cmpamn Rmd Closure of SM. 11%14v of-Wa5 xAh Inc Slvc aTcaz. Wrough the loess Dcanimcm ofTrat�oMtipl. for the FI good Hsh S Fbmccomw6 l'aiatk m FM 51a. 1 Cmri&r approsing the glover of W Sprmdiog (Mos b... WoWhnn Dries and Codon\n(d m,I fad d F.&xuud III&pGl&M ScIMA can. Celia "Uttde'r The D -at Augtm 8. N24. ci. CorsuM mufiang Nc Cna hlmmgm's sigrotum mid a &onnng a Itegioal stmli lc Trmupmofon FuW Imerloal Agrt weta for a Focmhxood hlater Tred Plan unh floastonGalrcloa Ara Caaril. II for For m- lAndnnc &caeca ooh is Pain. LLP. r t. =IIc oW c,00I l Au15. IDM 13. CONSENT AG ENDA L Consider rutppobuini Dilh Mudom to no Comaucaoa Beard and .Adjinua mt mtd Allpats fare Min be inning mmNads and aWong m June 30. a126. 1 Cmaidw appoinlig Tcd ck is w der Kav Fnndwooi Beun,sii Commas: to, u n.P..W tcml0.tiinniny inuncdiscly and expiring (Milo:, 31. 20B A. Can&r aPna,sa de, aJ aakumr carayon fro)mm 2024. 1- ('mailer ap,nmin the minuns of she Cns Council Rcgubr Nkmng laid on Juls 1. 2024, SPEAKER REGISTRATION For persons who wish to address the City Council Meeting PLEASE PRINT PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION MEETING OF: ( 6z DATE OF MEETING: S-��� PORTION OF MEETING DURING WHICH I Public Comment ❑ Public Hearing DESIRE TO SPEAK: AGENDA ITEM NO.: SUBJECTS ON WHICH PERSON WISH TO K: �n n of f� �qv SPEAK: 1'- /'C ,4k OTHER: SPEAKER INFORMATION ADDRESS: 1-71V ORGANIZATION: (IF APPLICABLE) OFFICIAL CAPACITY: (IF APPLICABLE) SPEAKER REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL A MEETING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF IMPORTANT MATTERS OF YOUR CITY'S BUSINESS WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & PARTICIPATION fe-w 14a C//J SPEAKER REGISTRATION For persons who wish to address the City Council Meeting PLEASE PRINT PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION MEETING OF: G-r,:fs cov4-�r-\` DATE OF MEETING: PORTION OF MEETING DURING WHICH I DESIRE TO SPEAK: AGENDA ITEM NO.: b%105%ao,4 { ❑ Public Comment —I SUBJECTS ON WHICH PERSON WISH TO SPEAK: OTHER: 'Nip, JT ON 'G M � AC-4 ® Public Hearing y^' SPEAKER REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL A MEETING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF IMPORTANT MATTERS OF YOUR CITY'S BUSINESS xNot NOUR�TES� SPEAKER REGISTRATION For persons who wish to address the City Council Meeting PLEASE PRINT PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION MEETING OF: 1���,�J'/• "- T DATE OF MEETING: PORTION OF MEETING DURING WHICH I ❑ Public Comment Public Hearing DESIRE TO SPEAK: AGENDA ITEM NO.: I 4 SUBJECTS ON WHICH PERSON WISH TO SPEAK: OTHER: SPEAKER INFORMATION NAME: 1Q VJ ADDRESS: U r 4` ORGANIZATION: (IF APPLICABLE) OFFICIAL CAPACITY: (IF APPLICABLE) SPEAKER REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL A MEETING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF IMPORTANT MATTERS OF YOUR CITY'S BUSINESS WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & PARTICH'ATION SPEAKER REGISTRATION For persons who wish to address the City Council Meeting PLEASE PRINT PUBLIC MEETING INFORMATION MEETING OF: eLt `c I v T DATE OF MEETING: PORTION OF MEETING DURING WHICH I ❑ Public Comment Public Hearing DESIRE TO SPEAK: AGENDA ITEM NO.: 74 SUBJECTS ON WHICH PERSON WISH TO SPEAK: OTHER: SPEAKER INFORMATION NAME: _` c., J C^ Art 1 � le-, ADDRESS; T/ty.' SPEAKER REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL A MEETING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF IMPORTANT MATTERS OF 'YOUR CITY'S BUSINESS WE THANKYOU t INTEREST & P NRrMW kTIVS SPEAKER REGISTRATION For persons who wish to address the City Council Meeting PLEASE PRINT PUBLIC ME/ INFORMATION MEETING OF: // 'E/T�ING� VCVG( I' :iP DATE OF MEETING: PORTION OF MEETING El Public Comment Public Hearing DURING WHICH I DESIRE TO SPEAK: AGENDA ITEM NO.: SUBJECTS ON WHICH PERSON WISH TO SPEAK: OTHER: SPEAKER INFORMATION NAME: ADDRESS: ORGANIZATION: (IF APPLICABLE) OFFICIAL CAPACITY: (IF APPLICABLE) SPEAKER REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL A MEETING FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF IMPORTANT MATTERS OF YOUR CITY's BUSINESS WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & PARTICIPATION