HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2008-09-22 Special 9/22/2008 2997
SEPTEMBER 22, 2008 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
'�' A discussion was held regarding determining projects and setting a schedule of events for the Series
2008 Water/Sewer Revenue Bond Issue. Interim Administrative Services Director, Cindy Edge had a list
of projects and the six items listed were short term water and sewer projects, funding amounts and
funding capabilities, life cycle of projects, impact of projects on economic development process, and
further discussions will be scheduled to continue presenting this information to Council. Ryan O'Hara
with RBC Capital Markets stated the bond counsel presented information on the current market
conditions, the bond buyer gave an index of 25 Municipal Revenue Bonds from January 3, 2008, to
present which were estimated debt service structure, methods of sale, advantages of negotiated sales
versus competitive sales and tentative schedule of events.
A discussion was held regarding the proposed FY2008-2009 General Operating Budget for the City of
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 —Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it and Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding
real property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with action taken later in the meeting.
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The invocation was given by Pastor Ron Hint with Calvary Chapel Church.
Mayor Smith led the Piedge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
An open forum was held to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding the
proposed City Budget for FY2008-09 as modified by the City Council for funding in part by the proposed
tax rate of$0.5797.
Sharon Radigan, Friendswood resident, stated she attended the budget Public Hearing held on
September 15, 2008, and she opposed the increase, states she does not know where the money is going
and would like to know how to get a copy of the budget.
Mayor, Council and Acting City Manager advised that the hearing was held to meet legal requirements.
Trish Hanks, Superintendent of Friendswood Independent School District (FISD), addressed Council and
stated the power is on in all school buildings but has not been restored 100% within the buildings, FISD is
continuing to working on that, classes will resume on Wednesday and buses will be running. FISD is
going to be very flexible about rider ship and is also aware of safety concerns and will provide a list of
streets to the City that may be critical with debris for the bus drivers so that the City could make the clean
up for those streets a priority, thanked Council and Staff for the degree of exchange of information during
and after the storm and keeping FISD in the loop, there is such a partnership in working together with the �"'"
City and cannot say enough for the cooperation from the City and as a 26 year resident of Friendswood I
say thank you, Staff and Councilmembers are doing of great job.
Mike Illerich, with the Youth Football Association, addressed Council and stated he is in support of the
use of Park Dedication funds to complete improvements to a 1.5 acre tract adjacent to Centennial Park
donated to the City by Friendswood Development and the West Ranch Management District, supports it
and will help out in any way he can.
Bea Morris, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she lived in the Clover Acres
subdivision and had questions regarding the Presidential election, asked if early voting ballot application
would be placed on the City website. Ms. Morris was advised this election was not a City election but it
was the County's election and she would be able to get that information from the County or the Secretary
of State website and may pick one up from the from City Hall. Ms. Morris stated she recognized drainage
work that has been done that helped with flooding and thanked Councilmember Hill for his work on the
drainage issues, also stated she is in support of the County Bond election especially the drainage item
that will benefit the Clear Creek project and understands it will be another six years if this does not pass
and is asking the citizens to support this.
Councilmember Hill stated the Commissioners Court placed $10 Million in the bond issue for Clear Creek
and it involves storing the water and $6 million of it goes to the roads in Friendswood and announced it
will be the County Bond election.
Bobby Jones, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and thanked Councilmember Barr for getting her
street patched and thanked the assistant to the City Manager Nick Haby personally for getting the median
fixed, it was done within 24 hours.
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An annual report was given from Delinquent Tax Attorney Mike Darlow with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder
Collins & Mott, LLP.
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the CIP/Commercial Development.
The Acting City Manager reported on the status of Hurricane Ike and stated the City has made great
progress with the recovery, most of Friendswood was without power and most of the citizens now have
power, there was a tremendous amount of debris and damages in the City, many volunteers assisted the
City and the Staff has worked diligently to bring the City back to normal as quickly as possible, Mayor and
Council have worked alongside City Staff during the storm and with the recovery efforts, is very proud of
everyone' and the efforts in this recovery, the City is not completely recovered, utility companies are
doing as much as they can, Power still has not been restored to about 20% of Galveston County of Texas
New Mexico Power customers and about 10 % of Center Point Energy customers in Friendswood have
not received power yet, The city continues to clean up debris and contracts in place has had the City to
get that started immediately and will continue to get that done as soon as possible. Thanked the citizens
of Friendswood for being patient and stated the City will be back to normal soon.
''"Councilmember Barr move to approve extending the Declaration of Local Disaster for the City of
Friendswood, Texas, that was ordered on the 9th day of September, 2008, by Mayor David J.H. Smith;
"° September 17, 2008, it was extended to the 24th day of September, and is hereby extended indefinitely
until Mayor terminates it and curfew will remain in effect concurrently with the declaration of local disaster.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
""Councilmember Hill moved to approve authorizing the use of Park Dedication funds to complete
improvements to a 1.5 acre tract adjacent to Centennial Park donated to the City by Friendswood
Development and the West Ranch Management District.
Seconded by Councilmember Barr. The motion was approve unanimously.
``"Councilmember Rivera moved to approve authorizing the designation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission as the Advisory Committee to the Utility Impact Fee Study Update.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
"'*Councilmember Holbert move to approve accepting the annual report and authorizing the renewal of
annual contract with Galveston County Health District for water pollution control and abatement services.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Reid moved to approve the disposition of Bid No. 2008-06 for Additional Parking Lot at
City Hall Project; rejecting all bids.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Barr moved to approve terminating the contract with RJ Construction for the
Sunmeadow Lift Station Project, awarding an emergency contract to David Wight Construction Co., Ltd.,
and appropriating funds for the project.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
No action was taken on the Consideration and possible action regarding adopting City Council's Strategic
Planning Guide for the next five years, it has moved to the next agenda for the consultant to attend.
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"*Councilmember Holbert moved to approve withdrawing approval of a license agreement for the use of
City property with Steven Carpentieri and recovering costs incurred in the research and preparation of
same agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
No action was taken on the consideration and possible action regarding approval of the Schedule of
Events for the sale of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds for 2008.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 —Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it and Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding
real property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 8:14 pm with action taken later in the meeting.
**Councilmember Holbert moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute an earnest money contract
with Wight Realty Interests, Ltd., to purchase approximately 60 acres of land for park purposes, in the
vicinity of FM 528 and the city limits, being more particularly described as Lots 30, 45, 46 and 47 of the
subdivision of the I & GN RR Company Survey No. 22, Abstract 693, and two 10 acre tracts out of BCAD
Property ID 180382, 180389, and 180393 not to exceed $2 Million.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
No action was taken on Resolution R2008-70 - a Resolution adopting a Design Criteria Manual for the
City of Friendswood, Texas; containing standards for the design, construction and installation of public
infrastructure and related facilities and improvements within the City; and repealing City of Friendswood
Resolution No. R2006-24, passed and resolved on the 11th day of September 2006, and all other
resolutions or parts of resolutions inconsistent on or conflict herewith.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Resolution R2008-71 - a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, determining that an easement is needed for construction and maintenance of
utilities as part of the 16-inch Water Transmission Line Project; approving the acceptance of said easement
from Friendswood Independent School District, property owners.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2008-72 -a Resolution of the City Council of the City
of Friendswood, Texas, determining that an easement is needed for construction and maintenance of utilities
as part of the 16-inch Water Transmission Line Project; approving the acceptance of said easement from
Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District, property owners.
Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved unanimously.
'`''Councilmember Hill moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. T2008-27, an Ordinance
amending Chapter 70 "Streets" and Appendix B "Subdivisions", Section V, of the Friendswood City Code,
by deleting and amending provisions pertaining to the Design Criteria Manual; providing a penalty of an
amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for
severability. �
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
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**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the first and final reading of Ordinance No. T2008-33, an
Ordinance approving and adopting the City of Friendswood, Texas, General Budget for the Fiscal Year
2008/2009; making appropriations for the City for such fiscal year as reflected in said budget, and making
certain findings and containing certain provisions relating to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Barr moved to approve Ratifying the property tax revenue increase reflected in the
FY2008-2009 budget, for $694,211 or 5% of which $289,850 is tax revenue to be raised from new
property added to the 2008 tax roll.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the first and final reading of Ordinance No. T2008-34, an
Ordinance providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for
the year 2008; providing the date on which such taxes shall be due and payable; providing for penalty
and interest on all taxes not timely paid; providing for severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
**Councilmember Reid moved to approve Maintenance and Operation tax rate of$0.5097/$100 valuation.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
,,,�,,,,, **Councilmember Barr moved to approve the Debt Service tax rate of$0.0700/$100 valuation.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**'`To approve the main motion of Ordinance T2008-34 on first and final reading
was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Rivera stated this City has been challenged these last 10 years, has worked with a great
Staff and elected officials and stated he has seen many talents, stated he would work with any of these
employees anywhere anytime.
Councilmember Holbert stated he has lived in Friendswood the last 30 years, never saw behind the
scenes, saw Staff sleep on the floor, take shifts, employees over the top, they had their own homes to
take care of as well,job well done.
Councilmember Reid stated she would like to echo what has already been stated, nothing fully prepares a
person for a Hurricane, was watching City Staff and hopes the City truly appreciates Staff, the City is so
grateful so blessed to have Staff with a servant attitude, there was no negative words during the
preparation for the storm. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd's training and leadership showed the quality of care
that citizens received and is thankful and grateful for that, learned if there was choice between water and
sewer and electricity the choice would be water and sewer. Councilmember Hill worked at the Point of
Distribution (POD) and used his own forklift, it was like a kid in a candy store and there were few
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Councilmember Hill stated Frankiyn Graham came to Calvary Church (from California), North Carolina
and the Air National Guard unloaded 30 semi's of goods at Centennial Park, the citizens are really
blessed in Friendswood with a Staff that was prepared, this has been very touching, thirty airman were
volunteers that worked the Regional Point of Distribution (POD)to give out ice, water and Meals Ready to
Eat (MRE), had put out 27,040 MRE's at Centennial Park, the Emergency Operation Center (EOC)
served the volunteers two hot meals a day for four days, was touched with the help Friendswood
received, has toured the City of Seabrook and there was devastation, was really hurt and the citizens are
so fortunate here in Friendswood.
Councilmember Barr stated how fortunate the citizens in Friendswood are, that half the staff stayed here,
they don't just work here but they love this City, it did not matter the hours they were asked to work or the
job they were asked to do, they did the work that they had prepared for the EOC training team, the police
department, the City Manager, Public Works and Community Development Interim Deputy Director Mo
Madrid were knowledgeable to what they needed to do to get the City back to normal, urges that thank
you cards be sent, does not know what he would do without them.
Councilmember Barker stated he is so proud of the City, Staff, elected officials, citizens, everyone was
remarkable, there is a lot to be proud of and this city did well, at times like this people need to remember
the power of prayer and need to remember those in the City of Seabrook and at the Boliver Peninsula.
Mayor Smith thanked the citizens of Friendswood, they were as smart as he thought they were, citizens
made good decisions, raised above diversity and took care of yourselves and your neighbors and this
region will be rebuilt, lived with Staff for those four days, Mayor stated he has ratified how he has always
felt and Staff truly are family and cannot work as team if you are not, Staff has showed true love for this
community and did a fantastic job, thanked Council for pulling and working together, putting training in
place, really do appreciate being there and working together and having a good team and supporting "'"'
Staff, extremely proud of you, Council did a greatjob.
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker stated Fire Marshal Terry Byrd is attending a Pearland Council
Meeting to provide input to them as to the need for allowing trench burning or open burn of storm debris.
Councilmember Rivera stated Pearland City Council voted to approve trench burning in the Extra
Terrestrial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of Pearland.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 — Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it and Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding
real property.
Council convened into Regular Session with no action taken later in the meeting.
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A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:26 PM.
Mayor David J.H. Smith
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