HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2008-06-16 Special 06/16/2008 2938
J U N E 16, 2008 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
A discussion was held regarding an amendment to the Utility Services agreement with Autumn Creek
Development, Ltd., and the West Ranch Management District. Mayor Smith gave the background and
history on this item and how the Utility Services agreement came to be. Jeff Anderson, a member of the
West Ranch Management District Board spoke on the first amendment of the agreement which updates
the land plan and explained some of those proposed amendments, also changes language in Section 6 to
state as Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) approves plats it automatically updates the land plan, a
typographical error in Exhibit E was corrected to state West Boulevard. Councilmember Hill asked if West
Ranch were going to change the density and Mr. Anderson stated no that they could not and are not
asking for that. Councilmember Barr asked if West Ranch was planning on giving the land to the City for
football fields and Mr. Anderson stated they are working on it now but currently needs to get approval on
plans for ditches. Councilmember Barr asked Community Development Deputy Director Mo Kabiri what
needed to be done to move forward and he stated they need grading plans for the dirt work, an approved
land plan and more. Mr. Kabiri stated the review and approval for the ditch plans are the issue at this
time and further stated he will have comments to Mr. Anderson this week on the ditch plans.
Councilmember Reid asked what would be a minor or significant change that P&Z can approve without
coming to Council and Mr. Anderson replied that P&Z would have to determine that. Mr. Kabiri stated
that Staff would give that guidance to P&Z. Councilmember Rivera stated that the significant changes
need to be better defined and Mr. Kabiri stated significant changes are not usually established, the
easiest thing would be for the City Attorney to draft something for Mr. Anderson to take a look at.
Councilmember Hill stated he trusts P&Z and feels they can determine what a significant change is. Mr.
Kabiri stated there would not be a change in land use that Staff would consider minor, if they reduce the
number of lots that would be considered an insignificant change. Councilmember Holbert stated he
agrees with Councilmember Hill and does not think Staff needs to be micromanaged as discussed at the
Council Retreat, and read the language on its merit. Councilmember Reid stated she had no problem
with that and was just looking for a definition between minor and significant. Mr. Kabiri stated Council
could put that language in there. Mr. Anderson stated that is what Staff and P&Z are there for, to help
with these types of things. Councilmember Rivera clarified that Mr. Anderson was okay with it and if there
was a problem they could bring it to Council. Mayor Smith stated he is counting on the fact that there are
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some significant changes that might need to be made. Mr. Anderson stated every plat on the south side
would require amendment each time and this will correct that. Councilmember Barr asked Community
Services Director James Toney if there is anything else Council can do to get things moving on the fields
and James Toney replied that they are waiting. Mayor Smith stated the environmental study could be
done at the same time.
A discussion was held with the Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) regarding
incentives for the downtown area such as the creation of a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (NEZ) and
amending the existing Chapter 380 Grant Program. Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps
stated CEDC met with Council on March 31, 2008, and CEDC was asked the possibilities for downtown
incentives such as creating an NEZ, which is allowed under Chapter 378, and stated using an NEZ has
not caught on a lot but is an easy thing to do, League City has done it and it can be done in two different
zones. Council has to determine why they want to create it such as it being done for redevelopment of
housing, economic development in the downtown area or waiving of development fees. CEDC met and
recommended waiving 100% of development fees of new development and is also going to recommend
readopting tax abatement and wants to recommend the geographical area of downtown zone be
amended, also recommends expanding Downtown District to Cowards Creek. Councilmember Reid
asked about expanding the Downtown District and asked if they expand would Buzbee Properties, Inc.,
be able to get additional incentives. Karen Capps stated Buzbee already has a Chapter 380 and cannot
apply after a building permit has been pulled. Mayor Smith stated the City can make an exception
because of a revision in the policy. CEDC Chairman Jaime Ballard stated if someone were pulled into
downtown because of the expansion then it would be unfair not to include them. Councilmember Reid
asked if one or both could be done and Karen Capps stated yes you can do both. Mr. Ballard stated it
could be stacked on top of each other and Mayor Smith stated anyone looking for a building permit in the
downtown area could have their fees waived under Chapter 380 and could also apply for Chapter 380 for
streetscaping, lighting and more. Councilmember Rivera stated one of the things CEDC recommended
was not to deal with the sales tax. Karen Capps stated not too many cities have a Chapter 380 program.
Dell Computer in Round Rock, Texas, was done this way. City Council is allowed to work out an
agreement with a business coming in and if there was a big project coming forward you can still use this
program. CEDC reviewed this and it needs to be amended, this was originally adopted in 2002. One of
the things CEDC is proposing to change is any new business would have to generate $1 million in
revenues, additions would be $500,000, downtown projects would be $250,000, eligible uses would be
tied to building permit fees, grant would not be paid out until occupancy, eligible uses for the fund are
drainage, paved sidewalks, benches and more or any other change Council approves. Jaime Ballard
stated the reason they dropped the threshold is because the land value has increased and some of the
land is worth more than the buildings, taxes are sometimes as much as the original loan for these
businesses. Karen Capps stated Council has the authority to approve and what comes out of the
General Fund is not budgeted. Mayor Smith stated the best case scenario would be that there would be
so many businesses applying it would be a stretch to grant them all. Councilmember Holbert stated
Chapter 380 cannot grant property tax abatement and must apply, if approved the City will be given a
check for x amount of dollars and the money will come from the reserves, NEZ (Chapter 378) is the
vehicle by which you can abate property, sales tax, if you came along with a project and wanted to waive
application fees and you wanted to apply for property tax abatement that is the vehicle Council would
have to put in place to make that happen. It is not a never-ending spigot Council would have to feed.
Chapter 378 creates NEZ, Council can create and can end the program as well. Mayor Smith thanked
CEDC for taking up these issues and making recommendations. The rest of Council thanked them as
well. Jaime Ballard made closing comments and stated City Council should readopt the abatement policy
every two years. It is a 90 day processes to set up, not for retail business and can for go for up to ten
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Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 — Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it and Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding
real property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Associate Pastor, Reverend Jon Thornsbury with Methodist Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Smith called a Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written,
regarding adopting an ordinance finding that natural gas distribution rates of CenterPoint Energy Entex
should be reduced.
No one spoke for or against adopting the ordinance.
Roy Villarreal stated he works for CenterPoint Energy and spoke to Assistant to City Manager Nick Haby
earlier and would like a copy of the consultants report and further stated he has not seen that information
Hearing no further comments Mayor Smith closed this Public Hearing.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance T2008-20, an ordinance of the
City of Friendswood finding that the existing natural gas distribution rates of CenterPoint Energy Entex
should be reduced; ordering CenterPoint Energy Entex, Texas Coast Division to reduce its existing rates
within the City; adopting specific new residential, small commercial, and large commercial rates and
ordering all rates, service charges and tariff language not inconsistent with Attachment A to remain
operative; ordering CenterPoint Energy Entex to reimburse the City for its reasonable costs incurred in
this rate case and any related ratemaking proceedings or appeals of said proceedings; authorizing the
Gulf Coast Coalition of Cities to act on behalf of City and intervene in any proceedings before
administrative or judicial bodies; requiring delivery of this ordinance to the company and legal counsel;
and ordaining other provisions related to the subject matter hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
A discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the amendments to the
Permitted Use Table (PUT) of the Zoning Ordinance. Community Development Director Les McMahen
explained that this is to spell items out and not make it so general.
A discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) regarding amendments to the
Zoning Ordinance regarding building heights. This is to make it more efficient, expanding the
deregulation to the entire City.
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A discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) regarding expanding the
Downtown District boundaries to Cowards Creek. Councilmember Rivera stated Council talked to the
Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) and should include City Hall and Stevenson
Park to coincide with existing boundaries to Downtown District. Mayor Smith stated he has seen no
negative. P&Z member Kevin Holland stated P&Z could not initially do it because they kept it small and
are now talking about enlarging.
A discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) regarding amendments to the
Subdivision Ordinance, Design Criteria Manual, and the City Code to provide consistency regarding
sidewalks. Kevin Holland stated this is more of what's been discussed for several months, just needs
cleaning up. Councilmember Rivera stated P&Z and Staff did a good job cleaning up where everything
matches and is spelled out.
A discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) regarding amendments to the
Sign Ordinance regarding electronic digital billboards. Kevin Holland stated P&Z got help from the City
Attorney on this. Mayor Smith stated the State passed a law that these are allowed but allow the cities to
decide on particulars. Friendswood has a good existing sign ordinance to help with that.
Councilmember Rivera and the rest of Council stated they would like to welcome the newest P&Z
member Ruben Garcia who has filled an unexpired term.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Gibson called a Joint Docketed Public
Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding Zone Classification
change for .9775 acres, Lot 1, Block 2, property located at 1301 W. Parkwood, Laurence Cline
Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, from Business Park District (BP) to Planned Unit Development
with a Specific Use Permit(PUD-SUP).
Mayor Smith stated he filed an Affidavit of Conflict of Interest with the City Secretary's office and left the
Council Chambers at this time. Mayor Pro-Tem Rivera took over and chaired this portion of the Public
Helen Stehouwer Stein with RSHS Properties, LLC, spoke in favor of the request and stated she is a
veterinarian and would like a PUD-SUP for this property, showed a picture of the old Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) building they bought and a picture of a new rendition of the
proposed building, there has been problem with setbacks, will use existing building slab and red iron, will
offer boarding and veterinary care, there is currently no boarding in this area.
Harold Whitaker, spoke in favor and stated the GCCDD property sold 6-8 months ago and knows of no
one in the Drainage District that has an objection to the change and has had no problem with variances
asked for, if further variances are requested would have to go through again.
No one spoke in opposition to the request.
Hearing no further comments, Planning and Zoning Chairman Gibson closed this portion of the Joint
Public Hearing.
Mayor Smith returned to Council Chambers at this time.
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Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Gibson called a Joint Docketed Public
Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending
Appendix B, Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, Sections I & III,
regarding amending sidewalk standards.
Community Development Director Les McMahen stated he recommends the language recommended by
the Planning and Zoning Commission be adopted.
No one spoke for or against the Subdivision Ordinance amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Planning and Zoning Chairman Gibson closed this portion of the Joint
Public Hearing.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Gibson called a Joint Docketed Public
Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending Chapter
70, Article III, Construction, City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding amending sidewalk
Community Development Director Les McMahen stated he would like to repeat the exact language out of
the subdivision ordinance.
No one spoke for or against the sidewalk standards amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Planning and Zoning Chairman Gibson closed this portion of the Joint
Public Hearing.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) Chairman Gibson called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending
City of Friendswood's Design Criteria Manual, Sections IV and VI, regarding amending sidewalk
Community Development Director Les McMahen stated he finished the review and would like to take
away the language in the P&Z recommendation memo and say any sidewalk changes will be the same as
in the subdivision ordinance.
No one spoke for or against the sidewalk amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Gibson closed this portion of
the Joint Public Hearing.
Council left open the Joint Docketed Public Hearings for a future meeting.
Bobbie Jones, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to discuss the
condition of Townes Road. The street has sunken so much and will eventually end up just as bad as
Laura Leigh Street. It is in very bad condition that cars have to go on the outside instead of inside lane
and if they are not repaired someone will have a bad wreck.
Jean Bilderback, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to thank Council for
working so swiftly with Pearland so citizens could have a place to take hazardous waste and gave thanks
from Forest Bend Homeowners Association.
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Larry Burnside, TML-Intergovernmental Risk Pool, presented a report regarding the 2006-07 Equity
Return for Workers' Compensation, Liability and Property Funds. Mr. Burnside stated he would like to
speak regarding the City of Friendswood. The Intergovernmental Risk Pool represents Harris, Ft. Bend
and Galveston Counties which are affiliated with them, under State law local governments can self insure,
The City of Friendswood is .42 in Workman's Comp which is better than most cities. Cities and local
governments tend to work safer, does not happen by accident, Friendswood's share of equity return was
over $37,000. Councilmember Rivera stated congratulations should go to employees who do a
professional, safe job.
The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) came back from their meeting and P&Z member Kevin
Holland stated the Commission voted 4-0 in favor of all four items of the Joint Public Hearings.
Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD) President Rick McFee gave an annual report and
presented a PowerPoint presentation with an overview of the departments personnel, expenditures,
accomplishments and recognitions since the Fire Department was founded in 1951. Councilmember Barr
thanked FVFD for taking care and transporting his mother-in-law. Councilmember Reid asked what the
percentage of giving is for residents on their water bill. Rick McFee stated he was not sure but heard it
was 40%. Councilmember Reid stated she has never heard a negative word about their services,
ambulance rides are free and hears that there is a need for volunteers, Rick McFee stated there is a need
and are looking for incentives to keep volunteers, looking for new blood to join, it takes 3-8 months of
training for a fire fighter and a year for an EMT, could look it up on the web and there is info on the
website to become a volunteer or ask questions. A stipend fund has begun to help volunteers pay for
gasoline and will also budget for Fiscal year 2008-2009.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute an amended earnest money
contract that corrects the footage for the sale of City property currently under license to Shear Pleasure,
at 904 S. Friendswood Drive to Daniel and Darleen Gage (Shear Pleasure Salon & Day Spa).
Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved unanimously.
No action was taken regarding the Community Appearance Board's (CAB) General Plan for the purchase
and installation of community entrance signs, poles, utilities and real estate. This will be returned to CAB
to be brought back to Council.
Councilmember Holbert thanked CAB for their work and plans, at this point the signs that were presented
was for over $100,000 and does not include real estate, easements and anything else. This is not a
budgeted item in this year's budget, could easily go up to $250,000 and would have to come out of
reserves, suggests putting in the next budget phase and work into instead of taking it out of the reserve
funds, would like to see done but not as an unbudgeted item, would like consensus from Council on
moving to next budget and suggest CAB research further.
Councilmember Barker stated he agreed with Councilmember Holbert.
Community Services Director James Toney stated getting electricity to the signs would also be a factor.
Mayor Smith suggested CAB do further research. Council gave their consensus for CAB to do further
Councilmember Rivera asked why the City did not get a bid on the poles and James Toney stated the
vendor was willing to give a quote on some numbers.
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Councilmember Reid stated she wants CAB to know they are not saying no but just to move this item to
budget cycle.
**Councilmember Barr moved to approve a License Agreement with Steven Carpentieri (Stefano's Pizza)
to use approximately 12,950 square feet of City property located at 112 E. Spreading Oaks.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert.
***Councilmember Barr moved to amend the motion to approve a License Agreement with Steven
Carpentieri (Stefano's Pizza) and to give Mayor Smith authority to complete the negotiations.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the disposition of Bid No. 2008-04 for the 2007-08 Asphalt
Street Project and award to AAA Asphalt Paving, Inc., in the amount of$305,910 and authorize the Mayor
to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved unanimously.
There was a consensus from Council to go forward with Mayor Smith, City Manager and Councilmember
Hill scheduling a future workshop with the members of Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District
(GCCDD) regarding downtown drainage, Wegner Ditch and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
with the Clear Creek sponsors.
Councilmember Hill stated drainage will hold up downtown development and proposes a meeting of these
entities and Staff, Tributary 2 or Wegner Ditch, is the last tributary that needs to be addressed to get
water from FM 2351 to the creek, is working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)with sponsors of
U.S Army Corps of Engineers project, if issues with other sponsors have not been resolved by that time
they can discuss that issue at the workshop as well.
Councilmember Rivera stated drainage is one of the most important issues facing Council and Council
needs to work with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District(GCCDD) to resolve these issues.
Mayor Smith stated he will work with Councilmember Hill & GCCDD on getting a date together.
GCCDD Board Member Harold Whitaker stated they may need an executive session also.
There was no formal action taken. Consensus was given from Council to move forward with scheduling a
workshop with GCCDD.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 — Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it and Section 551.072: Deliberation regarding
real property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
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**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $105,453.30 from
David Wight Construction for the Clover Acres Drainage Project for price increases and changes in scope
due to delays in relocating AT&T facilities.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Barker moved to approve Resolution R2008-51 -A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, expressing support of a proposed Dickinson Bayou Clearing and De-
Snagging Project— Phase 2 for Fiscal Year 2009.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera.
***Councilmember Barker moved to amend R2008-51 to add the cost of$13,945 for Friendswood's share
of the project.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The amended motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2008-52 - A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Mayor to execute and the City Secretary to attest a first
amendment to the Utility Services Contract by and between the City of Friendswood, Autumn Creek
Development, Ltd., a limited partnership, and the West Ranch Management District.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Barker moved to approve Resolution R2008-53 -A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, approving amendments to the City of Friendswood's Chapter 380 Economic
Development Program Policies and Procedures.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2008-54 -A Resolution of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, designating a certain area of the City as Neighborhood Empowerment Zone #1 pursuant to the
Texas Local Government Code Chapter 378; and providing local incentives.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Reid moved to approve the second and final reading of Ordinance T2008-15, an
ordinance of the City of Friendswood amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix
C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day
of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of
a certain 17.88 acres on FM 528 between Friendswood Lakes Boulevard and Desota Street within the
City from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC), such tract being out of
and a part of lot 4 of the Burgess Subdivision as recorded in Volume 119, Page 14, in the office of the
County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, as recorded at Film Code Number 004-10-2007 of the official
public records of real property of Galveston County, Texas; providing for the amendment of the City's
official zoning map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for each day of violation of
any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mayor Smith excused himself for Conflict of Interest on the next item and left the Council Chambers at
this time and Mayor Pro-Tem Rivera continued the meeting.
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**Councilmember Reid moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance T2008-18, an ordinance of the
City of Friendswood amending Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas,
said Appendix C being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification located at
1301 W. Parkwood (Lot 1, Block 2, Laurence Cline Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas),
from Business Park (BP) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD); providing for the granting of a
Specific Use Permit to authorize the use of property within said PUD for a veterinary clinic; providing for
the amendment of the Official Zoning Map; imposing certain conditions; providing a penalty in an amount
not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved 6-0 with Mayor Smith out of the Council
Chamber during the vote.
Mayor Smith returned to the meeting at this time.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approved the first reading of Ordinance T2008-19, an ordinance of the
City of Friendswood amending Article III of Chapter 70 —"streets, sidewalks, and other public places" and
amending Appendix B "subdivisions" by amending certain provisions pertaining to sidewalks; providing a
penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing
for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Rivera stated he had no report.
Councilmember Holbert stated Council had a good retreat last week and tonight's Council meeting is a
good reflection.
Councilmember Reid reported she attended a Youth Conference on Monday, June 9,2008 and
announced Saturday, June 21, 2008, is prayer breakfast at Methodist Church. On June 30, 2008,
Seniors are having a lunch, Dan Seal with Bay Area Health and Economic Partnership (BAHEP) informed
her that on June 19, 2008, there is a reception and would love Mayor and Council to attend at Nassau
Bay Hilton, Carmen Martinez won Library Poet contest and congratulations and would like her to come
and read at a Council meeting and stated a citizen called about recycling bottles and wanted to remind
everyone to take the plastic ring off of the neck or it will not get recycled.
Councilmember Hill stated he had no report.
Councilmember Barker stated he had no report.
Councilmember Barr reported he attended a Parks and Recreation Board meeting and thanked
Community Services Director James Toney for his work with this board.
Mayor Smith reported that 4t" of July is approaching, sign up for floats, park activities and bike contest,
announced Friendswood Marlins are State Champions and took District 15 State Championship.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented A. Approve Resolution
R2008-55: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, determining that an
easement is needed for construction and maintenance of utilities as part of the Deepwood Force Main
Project; approving the acceptance of said easement from Autumn Creek Development, Ltd., property
owners. B. Approve Minutes of the May 19, 2008 Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
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A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:02 PM.
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