HomeMy WebLinkAboutUtility Easement - Trustee of Jones Trust, Paschall, Gary, & Estate of Sue Bain Groves , L E E O 3267 PAC62 EASEMENT -STATE OF TEXAS j KNOW ALL,MEN BY COUNTY OR,GALVESTON I THESE PRESENTS ! THAT WE, ' ; Tublic National Back of Dallas,Trustee of the John L. Jogs. Trust; Erin >r .Jvaes Trvs£e FS0 Sorbet* faec ►1 a�.1 aad"rtfs Gary; and as Iodepen8aat__scutor of tbe_Estate of Sue 8ain_Oravea hereinafter called "Grantor", for and in consideration for the sr of ONE T?iOUSANO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1 , 100,00) to us In hand paid by the Clty of 1'riendsrood, a duty and legally chartered munlelpet Corp' oration of the County of Galveston, Stet of Texas, hereinafter called "Grantee", the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, SOLD, and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unt'' the said Grantee, its successors and assigns and legal representatives, s perpetual easement and right of way for the purpose of maintaining, constructing, reconstructing, repairing, relocating, and removing e sewer llne and related facilities over the above described property situated In Galveston County, Texas : Being a 15 foot wide utility easement over and across lot 39 of the Coffman and Hotdale subdivision of a part of the Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20. Galveston County. Texts, as appears of record in Hap Book No. 215 at Page 394 of the records of Galveston County, and being more particularly described as followst Beginning ,t the southerly corner of lot 39 of the said Coffman and Hoidain subdivision, being the Common corner of lots 21 , 22, 39 and 40, ea appears of record In the said Coffman end Holdale subdiv;x1on; MINCE N 45° 00 ' W 15,00 ' with the common line of lot 39 and lot 22 of the said Coffman and Hoidale subdivision; THENCE N 45 00' E 640.00 to a ' �� point to the northeasterly line of lot .39 and southwesterly line of 0, 40' right-of-way, as appears of record rl the said Coffman and Noidale aubdivi,sion; THENCE S 1;9° 00' E 15,0' with the northeasterly line of lot 39 . and southwesterly line of a 40' -ight-of-way, as appears of record I in the sarc ccrrman and Moldnle Rubdiviston; THENCE S 'rso 00' W 640.00' with an existing barbed wire fence along .the common 11ne of lot /9 and lot 40 of the said Coffman and Hoidale subdivision to the place of beginning and containing 0. ZZ0 acres of land more or less. There is further conveyed a temporary construotton easement for the period of one veer from the date of the execution of this easement or:upon completion of the construction and •lnstelletton of the facilities i Lem . . e: , evao Time Set . 25 , 2:08PM w 1 . ' • i Q. E E 0 .eti • bnol3267 Pia 629 contemplated by this grant within the permanent right of way granted Pereuy. whichever first occurs. Such temporary construCtion easement being more particularly described es follows: ' Being a 30 foot wide temporary construction easerient adjoining the above described utility easement to, the northwest, end lying over and across lot 39 of the Coffman and Noidalc Subdivision, e pert of the Ferry and Austin League, Abstract 20., Galveston ,County, Texas, as appears of record In Hip Book No. 215 et Page 394 of the records of Galveston County, and)tng more particularly described as follows: Beginning et a point In the southwesterly line of lot 31 and north- easterly line of lot 22, as appears of record in the said Coffman ,and Noida re subdivision, said point lying N 45° 00' W 15.0 from the southerly corner of lot 39 of the said Coffman and Holdele sub- division; THENCE N 45°00' 'd 30.0' with the common line of lot 39 and Tot 22 of the said Coffman and Hotdele subdivision; • THENCE N WOO' E 640.00' to a point in the northeasterly Iine of lot 39 and southwesterly line of a 40' right-of-way as appears of record in the said Coffman and Holdaie subdivision; THENCE S 4$°00' E 30.00' with the northeasterly' line of lot 39 • and southwesterly line of 'e 40' right•of-way, as appears of record in the sold Coffman and Hoidele. subdivistoni THENCE S 45°0O' W 640.00' with the northwesterly lino of the above described utility easement to the place of beginning and containing 0.441 acres of lend more or less. TO RAVE ANO TO HOLD the above described easement end right of way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging, including all necessary rights of lingretss. egress, and regress, unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns , forever, And Grantors do hereby bind themselves . their heirs, executors end' adninistrators , ' to warrant and forever defend, ail end singular, the said easement and rights unto the said Grantee, Its •successors snd assigns , against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same of any part thereof by, through, or under Grantor, but v;d80 , 1 ' Gz ' dac ai;ii panai ,-Jad 4- •1,0m 0y3 03112014Jd AIl6101,I440 03 3usWdInbD pue AJeulyovw AJ010920u tie uoaJ043 s7sJsdo put AQM io ]46,J pue 2u0w*E0s pies uo out t JSMas a ug03uJew JO anows4 lelnoisJ 'a ipdsJ 113n.+mve?sJ 130nJ3su0o 03 /Jessaosu gm tie wJopad pue op Alw imweJD st{u 'J3u3Jn4 ou • r." ;ii EL INDUSTRIES . 1 ......�__ .....r.�. iL 1V • . - 1 • • U EE 0 aaa3267 > 630 • That the Grantors may construct and pave t'oproveeronta, except 'buildings, on the easement so long as such construction or paving is in • accordance with the then existing ordinances, policies, rules and regulations of the City of rriends►iood. That the unitary sewer wlli be burled beneath the surface of the land conveyed herein, sothat the top of the sewer pipe shali never be less than two feet beneath the surface,efter some it coepacted and restored to Its present elevation. Grantors reserve and retain for themselves, their heirs, successors, assigns and lessees, all of the oil , gas, Sulphur, sand, gravel , and ' other minerals of every kind anCeharaeter, simller 'or dissimilar to those named, and whether now known, or hereafter found to exist on, in or over the lands covered by this easement, with the full and free right of Ingress end egress, for the purpose of mining, removing, end transporting the same, or any part thereof. This agreement Is made subject to any and all existing agreements covering described land, Including but not limited to oil, gas and mineral leases . Republic National Bank of Dallas Is acting only In the representa- tive capacity shown here►nbelar and not for its pan account end have executed this right-of•way, easement on the condition that it shall have no liability in an individual capacity for any agreement, warranty, or Indemnity herein contained. in witness whereof, this instrument is executed this Ad710.4e day of . 1978. Republic National bank of Dallas, Trustee of t1 John L. Jones Trust; !Tin gain Jonas Truete TN Barbara 'Paschall and Otis' Gary; and ea Iodapendeat Executes of the Estate of Sue Salo Groves 9Y: aims R. 8 dley, Assis t Vies !rapidest and Trust Officer •3- Recieve Time Se0 . 25, 2 . 6P jt1)1IX71'000N5OPC i ell! ! :oA9 d x2wuOrwt sai _ 5l iTC.3tl3tS h113 AUN3N '0 lias0e :N1.111 000MSON3I 40 Ale - .. _ :�.. ---+....i�.y,_�.- •p�r .a.� r—__- �. H..Jam�a`-.r~�[�. ...` .��r• •i.• • 4• r +�it: 1 . E_. , ,...,. ,..,... ��� Jf CD (— :L= No • rf FIT! ! flI;tI _ � . I PI O..= le • 4. sr i ir RI a R o �� if •IL1! y . tax I11d1011st 71L''�I I�Trn + • 08E1 to sh 6 if Y1j' 1 avo33U 80/ 031f3 - :; -r n l i ,4',0 i • i�G ,,� j •;1� l�Fi.i I'��1' -I. i!'lri:i:�Ir.,C�7+ «'.r• .. .•.• p, . i _ 'J.R. • i '• ,�I;••..:.' ••'D•_. .. ...,?: ',... _..i:4....11:::.l'' :• ' . ' ' t 1• : i •' ' "4 .. .r 1;4, -14 .- q.,. •. - . � • • • I 1 w. . • 1' /. • 1 t ►J .4 11 j CORPORATE ACESOVIXDOCERT . 6(0 3z67 PAU 631 TIC STATE OT TEXAS I ootrert OF DALLAS . sutras NE, the undarsigaed, a Notary Public in end for said County and State, on this day personally appssred Jamaa X. Smedley, MS/staat pica President of Republic National Dank of Dallii, kawra to ma to be the person and officer whoa& name is4ubscribed to the forag'otag L ati•e- • resat and ackaarlsdgad to ma that the same vas the act of laid Rspub1ia National Bash of Dal-lac a corporation. and that ha executed that same aa. the act of ouch corporation for the purposes 'and c naidaratiom tharsin ' expressed. and in the capacity tbsreia stated. • • GIVEN tura MY SAND AND SEAL or OFFICE this' SO+k day of , .. ........, ;��4. i' +,,*M , A.D. 19 � . - i Notary Public-Ea and or . ., Dail" all Co�mt�rDub, ,/ • 1 as Notary uc, oeu�, Ceunry, Tw M7 C mmisaion �Ires 6-36')d a • . . I)