HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. R2024-15 RESOLUTION NO. R2024-15
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WHEREAS, the Water Code and the regulations of the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality requires the City of Friendswood to adopt a drought contingency plan along
with a water conservation plan; and
WHEREAS,the City,as a retail public water supplier providing water services to 3,300 or
more connections, must submit a drought contingency plan to the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality annually, and an amended water conservation plan to the Texas Water
Development Board every five years; and
WHEREAS, the City's Water Conservation Plan was last adopted in 2019 and is due for
an update this year; and
WHEREAS, the City has reviewed and updated its drought contingency plan along with
its water conservation plan in order to further promote the responsible use of water throughout the
City; and
WHEREAS, the City is committed to implementing the requirements and procedures set
forth in the plan adopted herein; NOW THEREFORE,
Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this resolution are hereby
found to be true and correct.
Section 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the City of Friendswood's Drought
Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A"
and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes.
Section 3. That the City Council hereby adopts the City of Friendswood's Utility
Profile,which is attached to the Plan adopted in Section 2 as Appendix"A"and incorporated herein
for all intents and purposes.
Section 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and
INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED by the affirmative vote of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood on this the lst day of April, 2024.
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Exhibit "A"
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Table of Contents
1. Declaration of Policy,Purpose,and Intent 1
1.01 Policy 1
1.02 Purpose 1
1.03 Intent of the drought contingency plan 2
1.04 Goals and objectives of the water conservation plan 2
(a) Objectives 2
(b) Goals of the program(5-year target and goals) 2
(c) Goals of the program(10-year target and goals) 2
(d) Baseline 3
1.05 Methods to accomplish goals 3
(a) Metering 3
(b) Determination and control of unaccounted-for water 3
(c) Water rates 4
(d) Other conservation measures 4
1.06 Operations 4
(a) Water systems operations 4
(b) Records management system 4
(c) Wholesale contracts 5
(d) Plumbing code 5
(e) Recycling and reuse 5
1.07 Review and modification of plan 5
2. Public Education 6
3. Coordination with Regional Water Planning Groups 6
4. Authorization 6
5. Application 6
6. Definitions 6
7. Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response Stages 8
7.01 Authority 8
7.02 Basis 9
7.03 Alternative water sources/alternative delivery mechanisms 9
7.04 Stages 9
(a) Stage 1 -MILD Water Shortage Conditions 9
(b) Stage 2-MODERATE Water Shortage Conditions 10
(c) Stage 3-SEVERE Water Shortage Conditions 10
(d) Stage 4-CRITICAL Water Shortage Conditions 11
(e) Stage 5-EMERGENCY Water Shortage Conditions 12
8. Drought Response Stages 12
8.01 Notification 12
8.02 Additional Notification 13
8.03 Stages 13
(a) Stage 1 Response-MILD Water Shortage Conditions 13
(b) Stage 2 Response-MODERATE Water Shortage Conditions 14
(c) Stage 3 Response-SEVERE Water Shortage Conditions 16
(d) Stage 4 Response-CRITICAL Water Shortage Conditions 17
(e) Stage 5 Response-EMERGENCY Water Shortage Conditions 18
9. Variances 19
9.01 Authority to Grant Temporary Variance 19
9.02 Variance Petition 19
10. Enforcement 20
10.01 Violation 20
10.02 Criminal Penalties 20
10.03 Civil Remedies 20
10.04 Presumption 20
10.05 Process 21
Appendix A-Utility Profile For Retail Water Supplier
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Name: The City of Friendswood
Address: 910 South Friendswood Drive
Telephone Number: (281)996.3200 Fax: (281)996.7459
Water Right No.(s): Tx0840002
Regional Water Planning
Group: Houston Region H
Form Completed by: Eric Segura
Title: Water/Wastewater Superintendent
Person Responsible for
Implementation: Morad Kabiri Phone: (281)996.3203
Signature: Date: / /
1. Declaration of Policy, Purpose, and Intent
1.01 Policy
The City of Friendswood is committed to the conservation of water, especially in
times of drought, water supply shortages and emergency conditions in compliance
with all applicable laws and regulations.
1.02 Purpose
The purpose of this Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Plan(the "Plan")
and the regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water
contained herein is as follows:
➢ to conserve the available water supply and protect the integrity of water
supply facilities, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation,
and fire protection;
➢ to protect and preserve the public health, safety, and welfare; and
➢ to minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortage or other water
supply emergency conditions.
Drought contingency planning has been developed as a part of the City's water
conservation plan as a means of dealing with conditions which occur from drought
and/or water emergencies. The drought contingency and water emergency
management phase of the conservation plan has been developed using the
guidelines of the TCEQ and the TWDB.
1.03 Intent of the drought contingency plan
It is the intent of the City of Friendswood under this Plan to regulate and/or prohibit
water uses, which are considered to be non-essential water uses as defined herein.
The continuation of non-essential water uses during times of water shortage or other
emergency water supply conditions is hereby deemed to constitute waste, and
subjects the offenders to the penalties outlined in this Plan and the Friendswood
City Code.
1.04 Goals and objectives of the water conservation plan
(a) Objectives
In accordance with 30 Tex. Admin. Code § 288.2 (a)(1)(C),the following
objectives and five (5)and ten(10)year targets have been established. The
objectives of this water conservation plan are as follows:
➢ to promote water conservation;
➢ to determine and control unaccounted water usage;
➢ to reduce the loss and waste of water; and
• to maintain an accurate record of water usage.
(b) Goals of the program (5 year target and goals)
(1) Beginning in the year 2024, the City's goals are to achieve a
municipal use of 124 gallons per capita per day for the first five (5)
years (2024—2029) and also to achieve a municipal use water loss
goal of five(5)gallons per capita per day for the period 2024—2029.
(2) Beginning in the year 2024, the City's goal is to control the water
loss,not to exceed 11%for the period 2024—2029.
(c) Goals of the program (10 year target and goals)
(1) Beginning in the year 2029, the City's goals are to achieve a
municipal use of 121 gallons per capita per day for the next five(5)
years (2024—2029) and also to achieve a municipal use water loss
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 2
goal of an additional three (3) gallons per capita per day for the
period 2029—2034.
(2) Beginning in the year 2029, the City's goal is to manage the water
loss to 8%or less for the period 2024—2034.
(d) Baseline
The projected baseline to reduce the municipal per capita water use per day
consumption is 124 gpcd.
1.05 Methods to accomplish goals
To accomplish the goals established in this Plan,the City will utilize the programs
and policies in the plan such as accurate metering devices, universal metering,
meter testing and repair,periodic meter replacement,control of unaccounted water,
public education, non-promotional water rates, and leak detection and repair.
(a) Metering
(1) The City meters 100%of the connections to the distribution system
including municipal uses. Meters range in size from 3/4" to 6". All
meters are designed to provide accurate flows to within+/- 1.5%.
(2) The City practices a meter change-out program whereby meters are
changed out every ten(10)to fifteen(15)years.Additionally,larger
meters are field-tested and repaired for accuracy.Generally,the City
does not use repaired meters in the system.
(3) The water treatment plant has metering for treated water. The
metering is accomplished through turbine meters. Certified
calibration is performed bi-annually.
(b) Determination and control of unaccounted-for water
(1) The City makes a bimonthly accounting of water delivery
efficiencies.At the end of each period,the public works department
calculates the difference between water pumped to the system and
water sold through the meters. This calculation is reduced to a
percentage of water losses. This is maintained and reviewed on an
annual basis.
(2) Leaks are reported by any municipal employee as well as the general
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 3
(3) The water plants are monitored daily, and system pressure is
checked carefully. Any unusual pressure level may be indicative of
sizeable leaks and shall be reported to the maintenance section as
soon as noted.
(4) All leaks are repaired the same day or as soon as practicable.
(c) Water rates
In 2014,the City moved from a uniform block rate to the volumetric system.
Water rates are in Appendix D of the Friendswood City Code.
(d) Other conservation measures
The City recognizes that in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of
this water conservation plan, other conservation measures may be required
that are not outlined within this division. The City is aware of the Water
Conservation Best Management Practices Guide published by the Water
Conservation Implementation Task Force in November 2004. As deemed
necessary, the City will implement other measures either from the BMP
Guide or as otherwise seen fit to assure compliance with the plan.
1.06 Operations
(a) Water systems operations
(1) The City purchases treated surface water from the City of Houston.
The City owns and operates two surface water booster stations and
six ground water plants. Water is received into the ground storage
tanks via water supply lines. The water is then distributed through
transmission lines to customers. The system capacity is 20 million
gallons per day.
(2) The City uses approximately 1.9 billion gallons annually. The
purchased water provides the majority of the demand and averages
over 95%of the usage.
(b) Records management system
(1) The public works department maintains records of:
a. Water received from the City of Houston;
b. Water received from the ground water plants;
c. Water pumped to the distribution system;
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 4
d. Water used for flushing and sewer line cleaning; and
e. Estimates of water losses due to water leaks and
(2) The administrative services department maintains records of:
a. Residential (single and multi-family)water sold,
b. Commercial water sold, and
c. Water rates.
The City annually prepares and submits a water audit in accordance with
TWDB guidance as required by V.T.C.A.,Water Code § 16.0121.
(c) Wholesale contracts
The City is not a wholesale public water supplier.
(d) Plumbing code
(1) The City operates under the plumbing code adopted in section 14-
252 and amended in section 14-253 of this Code. The City routinely
inspects new construction, remodeling, add-ons, etc., through
building permits. All new construction is required to meet state and
federal rules regarding water-conserving plumbing fixtures.
(2) The City does not offer a program for the replacement or retrofit of
water conserving plumbing fixtures in existing structures other than
what would be required through the permitting process for re-
models and building upgrades.
(e) Recycling and reuse
The City has no program regarding the reuse of gray water.
1.07 Review and modification of plan
This drought contingency and water emergency management plan will be reviewed
and updated, as appropriate,based on an assessment of previous five-year and ten-
year targets and any other new or updated information. The City will review and
update the next revision of its water conservation plan by no later than by the end
of year 2029,and every five years after that date to coincide with the regional water
planning group.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 5
2. Public Education
2.01 Drought contingency
The City of Friendswood will periodically provide the public with information
about the Plan, including information about the conditions under which each stage
of the Plan is to be initiated or terminated and the drought response measures to be
implemented in each stage. This information will be provided by means of letters,
utility bill inserts, newsletters, website, press releases and/or media as methods to
be used to provide information to the public about the Plan.
2.02 Water conservation
(a) The City will support programs to educate the public regarding water
conservation activities that support its goals. This includes educating the
general public on the need for and practices of water conservation through
public service announcements and other means. This information will be
provided by means of public notice, web site,press releases, and mailings.
(b) Through the Focus on Friendswood newsletter and the Annual Consumer
Confidence Report, the City will provide water conservation tips to its
customers. In addition, the City sponsors local schools by participating in
the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District's Water Conservation Education
program to increase water conservation awareness and activity through
education and other water conservation program objectives and initiatives.
3. Coordination with Regional Water Planning Groups
The water service area of the City of Friendswood is located within the Houston Region H
Planning area. The City of Friendswood has provided a copy of this Plan to the Houston
Region H Planning Group.
4. Authorization
The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to implement the Plan and is hereby
given the authority to initiate or terminate drought or other water supply emergency
response measures as described in this Plan if the City Manager determines that such
implementation is necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
5. Application
The provisions of this Plan shall apply to all persons, customers, and property owners
utilizing water provided by the City of Friendswood.
6. Definitions
The following words,terms and phrases,when used in this section,shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 6
6.01 Aesthetic or scenic purposes means the use of water for ornamental or decorative
purposes such as fountains,reflecting pools, and water gardens.
6.02 City Manager means the City Manager of the City of Friendswood and person(s)
designated by the City Manager to act on his behalf in furtherance of this Plan.
6.03 Conservation means those practices, techniques, and technologies that reduce the
consumption of water, reduce the loss or waste of water, improve the efficiency in
the use of water or increase the recycling and reuse of water so that a supply is
conserved and made available for future or alternative uses.
6.04 Customer means any person using water supplied by the City of Friendswood.
6.05 Domestic water use means water use for personal needs or for household or sanitary
purposes such as drinking, bathing, heating, cooking, sanitation, or for cleaning a
residence,business, industry,or institution.
6.06 Even-numbered address means a street address,box numbers, or rural postal route
number ending in 0, 2,4, 6, or 8 and any location without an address.
6.07 Foundation watering means an application of water to the soils directly abutting
(within 2 feet)the foundation of a building or structure.
6.08 Gpcd means gallons per capita per day.
6.09 Landscape irrigation means water used for the irrigation and maintenance of
landscaped areas, whether publicly or privately owned, including residential and
commercial lawns, gardens, golf courses, parks, and rights-of-way and medians.
6.10 MGD means million gallons per day.
6.11 Non-essential water use means water uses that are not essential nor required for the
protection of public health, safety, and welfare, including:
(a) irrigation of landscape areas, including parks, athletic fields, and golf
courses, except otherwise provided under this Plan;
(b) use of water to wash any motor vehicle,motorbike,boat,trailer, airplane or
other vehicle;
(c) use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking
lots,tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas;
(d) use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other than
immediate fire protection;
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 7
(e) use of water for flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in
any gutter or street;
(f) use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming pools
or Jacuzzi-type pools;
(g) use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes except
where necessary to support aquatic life;
(h) failure to repair a controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period after
having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s); and
(i) use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes
other than firefighting.
6.12 Odd-numbered address means a street address, box number, or rural postal route
number ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
6.13 Person means and includes any individual, corporation, partnership, company
association, and any other legal entity.
6.14 Reuse means the authorized use for one or more beneficial purposes of use of water
that remains unconsumed after the water is used for the original purpose of use and
before that water is either disposed of or discharged or otherwise allowed to flow
into a watercourse, lake, or other body of state-owned water.
6.15 TCEQ means the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or successor entity.
6.16 TWDB means the Texas Water Development Board or successor entity.
6.17 Wholesale public water supplier means an individual or entity that for
compensation supplies water to another for resale to the public for human
consumption. The term does not include an individual or entity that supplies water
to itself or its employees or tenants as an incident of that employee service or
tenancy when that water is not resold to or used by others,or an individual or entity
that conveys water to another individual or entity,but does not own the right to the
water which is conveyed, whether or not for a delivery fee.
7. Criteria for Initiation and Termination of Drought Response Stages
7.01 Authority
The City Manager shall monitor water supply and/or demand conditions on a daily
basis and shall determine when conditions warrant initiation or termination of each
stage of the Plan,that is, when the specified "triggers" are reached.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 8
7.02 Basis
The City of Friendswood's current available system operating capacity is 20MGD.
The City has a purchased water contract of 12 MGD. The remaining 8 MGD is
produced via groundwater wells operated by City staff. The 60%trigger is based
on the 12MGD daily purchase water capacity relying on groundwater sources as
alternative sources.
7.03 Alternative water sources/alternative delivery mechanisms
Alternative water source(s) for the City of Friendswood are other wells not
normally used as a part of the City's daily water production.
7.04 Stages
(a) Stage 1 —MILD Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Requirements for initiation
Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and
restrictions on certain non-essential water uses for Stage 1 of this
Plan as provided in Section 8 hereinbelow when one or a
combination of the following criteria occurs:
Condition 1: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
sixty percent (60%) of the current available system
operating capacity for three(3) consecutive days.
Condition 2: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
sixty-five percent (65%) of the current available
system operating capacity on a single day.
Condition 3: When the City Manager determines that the initiation
of Stage 1 is appropriate based on weather
conditions, distribution and water supply system
deficiencies, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Condition 4: When the City of Houston initiates Stage 1.
(2) Requirements for termination
Stage 1 of the Plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions
listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of seven
(7) consecutive days.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 9
(b) Stage 2—MODERATE Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Requirements for initiation
Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and
restrictions on certain non-essential water uses for Stage 2 of this
Plan as provided in Section 8 hereinbelow when one or a
combination of the following criteria occurs:
Condition 1: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
seventy percent (70%) of the current available
system operating capacity for three (3) consecutive
Condition 2: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
seventy-five percent (75%) of the current available
system operating capacity for three (3) consecutive
Condition 3: When the City Manager determines that the initiation
of Stage 2 is appropriate based on weather
conditions, distribution and water supply system
deficiencies, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Condition 4: When the City of Houston initiates Stage 2.
(2) Requirements for termination
Stage 2 of the Plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions
listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of seven
(7) consecutive days. Upon termination of Stage 2, Stage 1 or the
applicable drought response stage based on the triggering criteria
shall become operative.
(c) Stage 3—SEVERE Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Requirements for initiation
Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and
restrictions on certain non-essential water uses for Stage 3 of this
Plan as provided in Section 8 hereinbelow when one or a
combination of the following criteria occurs:
Condition 1: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
eighty percent(80%)of the current available system
operating capacity for three(3) consecutive days.
Condition 2: When total daily water demand equals or exceeds
eighty-five percent (85%) of the current available
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 10
system operating capacity for three (3) consecutive
Condition 3: When the City Manager determines that the initiation
of Stage 3 is appropriate based on weather
conditions, distribution and water supply system
deficiencies, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Condition 4: When the City of Houston initiates Stage 3.
(2) Requirements for termination
Stage 3 of the Plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions
listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of seven
(7) consecutive days. Upon termination of Stage 3, Stage 2 or the
applicable drought response stage based on the triggering criteria
shall become operative.
(d) Stage 4—CRITICAL Water Shortage Conditions
a. Requirements for initiation
Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and
restrictions on certain non-essential water uses for Stage 4 of this
Plan as provided in Section 8 hereinbelow when one or a
combination of the following criteria occurs:
Condition 1: When major water line breaks, or pump or system
failures occur and cause unprecedented loss of
capacity to provide water service.
Condition 2: When natural or manmade contamination of the
water supply source(s) occurs.
Condition 3: When the City Manager determines that the initiation
of Stage 4 is appropriate based on weather
conditions, distribution, and water supply system
deficiencies, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Condition 4: When the City of Houston initiates Stage 4.
b. Requirements for termination
Stage 4 of the Plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions
listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of three
(3) consecutive days. Upon termination of Stage 4, Stage 3 or the
applicable drought response stage based on the triggering criteria
shall become operative.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 11
(e) Stage 5—EMERGENCY Water Shortage Conditions
a. Requirements for initiation
Customers shall be required to comply with the requirements and
restrictions for Stage 5 of this Plan as provided in Section 8
hereinbelow when the City Manager determines that a water supply
emergency exists based on:
Condition 1: When a major water line breaks or pump or system
failures occur and cause unprecedented loss of
capability to provide water service; or
Condition 2: Natural or man-made contamination of the water
supply source(s) occurs.
Condition 3: When the City Manager determines that the initiation
of Stage 5 is appropriate based on weather
conditions, distribution, and water supply system
deficiencies, and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Condition 4: When the City of Houston initiates Stage 5.
b. Requirements for termination
Stage 5 of the Plan may be rescinded when all of the conditions
listed as triggering events have ceased to exist for a period of three
(3) consecutive days.
8. Drought Response Stages
The City Manager shall monitor water supply and/or demand conditions on a daily basis
and, in accordance with the triggering criteria set forth in Section 8 of this Plan, shall
determine that a mild, moderate, severe, critical, emergency or water shortage condition
exists and shall implement the following notification procedures:
8.01 Notification
The City Manager shall notify the public by means of:
(a) Publication in a newspaper of general circulation,
(b) Direct mail to each customer,
(c) Public service announcements,
(d) Signs posted in public places,
(e) Auto-calling, and
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 12
(f) City website.
8.02 Additional Notification
The City Manager shall notify directly, or cause to be notified directly, the
following individuals and entities:
(a) Mayor and members of the City Council;
(b) Fire Chief(s);
(c) City and/or County Emergency Management Coordinator(s);
(d) County Judge&Commissioner(s);
(e) State Disaster District/Department of Public Safety;
(f) TCEQ (required when mandatory restrictions are imposed);
(g) Major water users;
(h) Critical water users, i.e. hospitals; and
(i) Parks &public facilities managers.
8.03 Stages
(a) Stage 1 Response—MILD Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Target
The target for the City's Stage 1 Response is to achieve a voluntary
twenty percent(20%)reduction in daily water use.
(2) Best Management Practices for Supply Management
Measures to be implemented directly by the City of Friendswood to
manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand include
the following:
a. reducing or discontinuing flushing of water mains.
(3) Voluntary Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand
The following voluntary water use restrictions shall apply to all
a. Water customers are requested to voluntarily limit the
landscape irrigation to Sundays and Thursdays for customers
with an even-numbered address and Saturdays and
Wednesdays for water customers with an odd-numbered
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 13
address. Landscape irrigation may only occur between the
hours of midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00 p.m. to
12:00 midnight on designated watering days.
b. All operations of the City of Friendswood shall adhere to
water use restrictions prescribed for Stage 1 of the Plan.
c. Water customers are requested to practice water
conservation and to minimize or discontinue water use for
non-essential purposes.
(b) Stage 2 Response—MODERATE Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Target
The target for the City's Stage 2 Response is to achieve an eighteen
percent(18%)reduction in daily water use.
(2) Best Management Practices for Supply Management
Measures to be implemented directly by the City of Friendswood to
manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand include
the following:
a. reduce or discontinue flushing of water mains and
b. reduce or discontinue irrigation of public landscaped areas.
(3) Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand
Under the threat of penalty,the following water use restrictions shall
apply to all persons:
a. Landscape irrigation with hose-end sprinklers or automatic
irrigation systems shall be limited to Sundays and Thursdays
for customers with an even-numbered address and Saturdays
and Wednesdays for customers with an odd-numbered
address. Landscape irrigation is further limited to the hours
of 12:00 midnight until 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00 p.m.
and 12:00 midnight on designated watering days. However,
landscape irrigation is permitted at any time if it is by means
of a hand-held hose, a faucet filled bucket or watering can of
five(5)gallons or less, or drip irrigation system.
b. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat,
trailer, airplane or other vehicle is prohibited except on
designated watering days between the hours of 12:00
midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00
midnight. Such washing, when allowed, shall be done with
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 14
a hand-held bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a
positive shutoff nozzle for quick rises. Vehicle washing may
be done at any time on the immediate premises of a
commercial car wash or commercial service station. Further,
such washing may be exempted from these regulations if the
public health, safety, and welfare are contingent upon
frequent vehicle cleansing, such as garbage trucks and
vehicles used to transport food and perishables.
c. Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor
swimming pools, wading pools, or Jacuzzi-type pools is
prohibited except on designated watering days between the
hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and between 8:00
p.m. and 12:00 midnight.
d. Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic
or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to
support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are
equipped with a recirculation system.
e. Use of water from hydrants shall be limited to firefighting,
related activities, or other activities necessary to maintain
public health, safety, and welfare, except that use of water
from designated fire hydrants for construction purposes may
be allowed under special permit from the City of
f. Use of water for the irrigation of golf course greens, tees,
and fairways is prohibited except on designated watering
days between the hours 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m. and
between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight. However, if the golf
course utilizes a water source other than that provided by the
City of Friendswood the facility shall not be subject to these
g. All restaurants are prohibited from serving water to patrons
except upon request of the patron.
h. The following uses of water are defined as non-essential and
are prohibited:
i. wash down of any sidewalks,walkways,driveways,
parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 15
ii. use of water to wash down buildings or structures
for purposes other than immediate fire protection;
iii. use of water for dust control;
iv. flushing gutters or permitting water to run or
accumulate in any gutter or street; and
v. failure to repair a controllable leak(s) within a
reasonable period after having been given notice
directing the repair of such leak(s).
(c) Stage 3 Response—SEVERE Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Target
The target for the City's Stage 3 Response is to achieve a thirty-five
percent(35%)reduction in daily water use.
(2) Best Management Practices for Supply Management
Measures to be implemented directly by the City of Friendswood to
manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand include
the following:
a. reduce or discontinue flushing of water mains; and
b. reduce or discontinue irrigation of public landscaped areas.
(3) Water Use Restrictions for Demand Reduction
Under the threat of penalty, all water use restrictions for Stage 2
shall apply for Stage 3 and shall apply to all persons, except:
a. Landscape irrigation shall be limited to designated watering
days between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 a.m.
and between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight and shall be by
means of hand-held hoses, hand-held buckets, drip
irrigation, or permanently installed automatic sprinkler
system only. The use of hose-end sprinklers is prohibited at
all times.
b. The watering of golf course greens, tees, and fairways is
prohibited unless the golf course utilizes a water source other
than that provided by the City of Friendswood.
c. The use of water for construction purposes from designated
fire hydrants under special permit is to be discontinued.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 16
d. Foundation watering (within 2 feet) and watering of trees
may occur for two hours one day per week with a hand-held
hose or with a dedicated zone using a drip irrigation system
and/or soaker hose, provided no runoff occurs.
(d) Stage 4 Response— CRITICAL Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Target
The target for the City's Stage 4 Response is to achieve a forty
percent(40%)reduction in daily water use.
(2) Best Management Practices for Supply Management
Measures to be implemented directly by the City of Friendswood to
manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand include
the following:
a. all Best Management Practices in effect in Stage 3,
b. system water loss control,
c. reduced or discontinued irrigation of public landscaped
d. use of an alternative supply source, and
e. use of reclaimed water for non-potable uses.
(3) Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand
Under the threat of penalty, all water use restrictions for Stages 2
and 3 shall apply for Stage 4 and shall apply to all persons, except:
a. Landscape irrigation shall be limited to designated watering
days between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and
between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight and shall be by means
of hand-held hoses, hand-held buckets, or drip irrigation
only. The use of hose-end sprinklers or permanently
installed automatic sprinkler systems are prohibited at all
b. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat,
trailer, airplane or other vehicle not occurring on the
premises of a commercial car wash and commercial service
stations and not in the immediate interest of public health,
safety, and welfare is prohibited. Further, such vehicle
washing at commercial car washes and commercial service
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 17
stations shall occur only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and
10:00 a.m. and between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
c. The filling, refilling,or adding of water to swimming pools,
wading pools, and Jacuzzi-type pools is prohibited.
d. Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic
or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to
support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are
equipped with a recirculation system.
e. No application for new, additional, expanded, or increased-
in-size water service connections, meters, service lines,
pipeline extensions, mains, or water service facilities of any
kind shall be approved, and time limits for approval of such
applications are hereby suspended for such time as this
drought response stage or a higher-numbered stage shall be
in effect.
(e) Stage 5 Response—EMERGENCY Water Shortage Conditions
(1) Target
The target for the City's Stage 5 Response is to achieve a forty
percent(40%)reduction in daily water use.
(2) Best Management Practices for Supply Management
Measures to be implemented directly by the City of Friendswood to
manage limited water supplies and/or reduce water demand include
the following:
a. all Best Management Practices in effect in stage 4,
b. system water loss control,
c. reduced or discontinued irrigation of public landscaped
d. use of an alternative supply source, and
e. use of reclaimed water for non-potable uses.
(3) Water Use Restrictions for Reducing Demand
Under the threat of penalty, all water use restrictions for Stages 2, 3
and 4 shall apply for Stage 5 and shall apply to all persons, except:
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 18
a. Irrigation of landscaped areas is absolutely prohibited,
except soaker hoses, hand-held hoses or a dedicated zone
using a drip irrigation system may be used to water trees up
to two hours per week or foundations as necessary, provided
no runoff occurs.
b. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat,
trailer, airplane or other vehicle is absolutely prohibited.
9. Variances
9.01 Authority to Grant Temporary Variance
The City Manager may,in writing,grant temporary variance for existing water uses
otherwise prohibited under this Plan if it is determined that failure to grant such
variance would cause an emergency condition adversely affecting the health,
sanitation, or fire protection for the public or the person requesting such variance
and if one or more of the following conditions are met:
(a) Compliance with this Plan cannot be technically accomplished during the
duration of the water supply shortage or other condition for which the Plan
is in effect.
(b) Alternative methods can be implemented which will achieve the same level
of reduction in water use.
9.02 Variance Petition
Persons requesting an exemption from the provisions of this Plan shall file a petition
for variance with the City of Friendswood within five (5) days after the Plan or a
particular drought response stage has been invoked. All petitions for variances shall
be reviewed by the City Manager and shall include the following:
(a) Name and address of the petitioner(s).
(b) Purpose of water use.
(c) Specific provision(s) of the Plan from which the petitioner is requesting
(d) Detailed statement as to how the specific provision of the Plan adversely
affects the petitioner or what damage or harm will occur to the petitioner or
others if petitioner complies with this Plan.
(e) Description of the relief requested.
(f) Period of time for which the variance is sought.
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 19
(g) Alternative water use restrictions or other measures the petitioner is taking
or proposes to take to meet the intent of this Plan and the compliance date.
(h) Other pertinent information.
10. Enforcement
10.01 Violation
No person shall knowingly or intentionally allow the use of water from the City of
Friendswood for residential,commercial, industrial, agricultural, governmental,or
any other purpose in a manner contrary to any provision of this Plan, or in an
amount in excess of that permitted by the drought response stage in effect at the
time pursuant to action taken by City Manager in accordance with provisions of
this Plan.
10.02 Criminal Penalties
Any person who violates this Plan,upon conviction,is guilty of a misdemeanor and
shall be punished by a fine of not more than TWO THOUSAND AND NO/100
DOLLARS ($2,000.00). Each day that one or more of the provisions in this Plan is
violated shall constitute a separate offense.
10.03 Civil Remedies
(a) If a person is convicted of three or more distinct violations of this Plan, the
City Manager shall, upon due notice and process to the customer, be
authorized to discontinue water service to the premises where such
violations occur. Services discontinued under such circumstances shall be
restored only upon payment of a reconnection charge,hereby established in
Appendix D of the Friendswood City Code. In addition, suitable assurance
must be given to the City Manager that the same action shall not be repeated
while the Plan is in effect.
(b) Compliance with this Plan may also be sought through injunctive relief in
the district court.
10.04 Presumption
Any person, including a person classified as a water customer of the City of
Friendswood, in apparent control of the property where a violation occurs or
originates shall be presumed to be the violator,and proof that the violation occurred
on the person's property shall constitute a rebuttable presumption that the person in
apparent control of the property committed the violation; but any such person shall
have the right to show that he/she did not commit the violation. Parents shall be
presumed to be responsible for violations of their minor children, and proof that a
violation committed by a child occurred on property within the parents'control shall
constitute a rebuttable presumption that the parent committed the violation;but any
such parent may be excused if he/she proves that he/she had previously directed the
Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 20
child not to use the water as it was used in violation of this Plan and that the parent
could not have reasonably known of the violation.
10.05 Process
Any police officer or employee designated by the City Manager may issue a citation or
notice of violation, as applicable, to a person he/she reasonably believes to be in violation
of this Plan. The citation shall be prepared in duplicate and shall contain the name and
address of the alleged violator, if known, the offense charged, and shall direct him/her to
appear in the municipal court on the date shown on the citation for which the date shall not
be less than three(3)days nor more than five(5)days from the date the citation was issued.
The alleged violator shall be served a copy of the citation. Service of the citation shall be
complete upon delivery of the citation to the alleged violator,to an agent or employee of a
violator, or to a person over 14 years of age who is a member of the violator's immediate
family or is a resident of the violator's residence. The alleged violator shall appear in
municipal court to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty for the violation of this Plan. If the
alleged violator fails to appear in municipal court, a warrant for his/her arrest may be
issued. A summons to appear may be issued in lieu of an arrest warrant. These cases shall
be expedited and given preferential setting in municipal court before all other cases.
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Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Management Plan,Page 21
APPENDIX "A" Texas Water
Development Board
Public Water Supply Identification Number(PWS ID): TX0840002
Certificate of Convenience and Necessity(CCN)Number: P0866
Surface Water Right ID Number:
Wastewater ID Number:
Contact: First Name: Eric Last Name: Segura
Title: Water&Wastewater
Address: 15355 Blackhawk City: Friendswood State: TX
Zip Code: 77546 Zip+4: Email: esegura@friendswood.com
Telephone Number: 8324953524 Date: 3/13/2024
Is this person the designated Conservation 0Yes ;_; No
Regional Water Planning Group: H
Groundwater Conservation District:
Our records indicate that you:
n Received financial assistance of$500,000 or more from TWDB
0 Have 3,300 or more retail connections
Have a surface water right with TCEQ
A. Population and Service Area Data
1. Current service area size in square miles: 21
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Texas Water
Development Board
2. Historical service area population for the previous five years,
starting with the most current year.
Year Historical Population Historical Population Historical Population
Served By Served By Served By
Retail Water Service Wholesale Water Wastewater Water
Service Service
2023 42,815 0 0
2022 42,268 0 0
2021 41,951 0 0
2020 45,500 0 0
2019 45,801 0 0
3. Projected service area population for the following decades.
Year Projected Population Projected Population Projected Population
Served By Served By Served By
Retail Water Service Wholesale Water Wastewater Water
Service Service
2030 47,513 0 0
2040 51,306 0 0
2050 55,497 0 0
2060 59,697 0 0
2070 64,342 0 0
4. Described source(s)/method(s)for estimating current and projected populations.
Current population: Derived from Friendswood 2021 Water System Improvement Report.
For this project,Garver developed a population projection that incorporates the recent 2020 Census data
and approaches the buildout population by City staff.Garver assumed an initial growth rate of 1.4%based
on recent growth trends and applied a sigmoidal population projection curve to reduce the growth rate as the
population approaches the anticipated buildout population.City staff have estimated the buildout population
for the system to be 50,000 people based on the City's 2021 future land use map update.
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Texas Water
Development Board
B.System Input
System input data for the previous five years.
Total System Input=Self-supplied+Imported-Exported
Year Water Produced in Purchased/Imported Exported Water in Total System Total GPCD
Gallons Water in Gallons Gallons Input
2023 366,974 2,059,524,873 0 2,059,891,847 132
2022 23,606,091 2,144,752,284 0 2,168,358,375 141
2021 30,177,665 1,826,136,041 0 1,856,313,706 121
2020 20,518,782 1,961,881,218 0 1,982,400,000 119
2019 22,099,497 1,807,032,161 0 1,829,131,658 109
Historic 19,353,802 1,959,865,315 0 1,979,219,117 124
C.Water Supply System
1. Designed daily capacity of system in gallons 20,000,000
2. Storage Capacity
2a. Elevated storage in gallons: 2,000,000
2b. Ground storage in gallons: 5,850,000
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Texas Water
Development Board
D.Projected Demands
1.The estimated water supply requirements for the next ten years using population
trends, historical water use, economic growth,etc
Year Population Water Demand(gallons)
2025 44,022 6,163,080
2026 44,638 6,249,320
2027 45,262 6,336,680
2028 45,895 6,425,300
2029 46,537 6,515,180
2030 47,188 6,060,320
2031 47,848 6,698,720
2032 48,517 6,792,380
2033 49,196 6,887,440
2034 59,884 8,383,760
2. Description of source data and how projected water demands were determined.
Projected population increased of 1.4%per year 2025-2034.
Water demand use average of GPCD for the period 2020-2030
Example for 2034:59,884 x 140 GPCD=8,383,760
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Texas Water
Development Board
E. High Volume Customers
1.The annual water use for the five highest volume
RETAIL customers.
Customer Water Use Category Annual Water Use Treated or Raw
The Reserve Autumn Residential 15,707,000 Treated
Bellevue At Clear Creek Residential 12,701,000 Treated
Bay Meadows Residential 12,371,000 Treated
Baywood Apartments Residential 7,818,000 Treated
Hut-Mobil Park Residential 6,479,000 Treated
2.The annual water use for the five highest volume
WHOLESALE customers.
Customer Water Use Category Annual Water Use Treated or Raw
F. Utility Data Comment Section
Additional comments about utility data.
Section II: System Data
A. Retail Water Supplier Connections
1. List of active retail connections by major water use category.
Water Use Category Total Retail Percent of Total
Type Connections(Active+ Connections
Residential-Single Family 12,783 75.94 %
Residential- Multi-Family 2,236 13.28
Industrial 0 0.00
Commercial 723 4.30%
Institutional 107 0.64%
Agricultural 984 5.85%
Total 16,833 100.00
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Texas Water
Development Board
2. Net number of new retail connections by water use category for the
previous five years.
Net Number of New Retail Connections
Year Residential- Residential- Industrial Commercial Institutional Agricultural Total
Single Multi-Family
Family _
2023 12,783 2,236 0 723 107 984 16,833
2022 12,708 2,236 0 716 105 985 16,750
2021 12,590, 2,236 0 713 103 969 16,611
2020 13,507 2,119 0 673 102 0 16,401
2019 12,399 2,118 0 656 94 0 15,267
B.Accounting Data
The previous five years'gallons of RETAIL water provided in each major water use category.
Year Residential - Residential- Industrial Commercial Institutional Agricultural Total
Single Family Multi-Family
2023 1,439,490,000 109,343,000 0 115,303,000 28,376,000 218,057,000 1,910,569,000
2022 1,291,644,000. 99,165,000 0 105,679,000 58,721,000 186,468,000 1,741,677,000
2021 1,072,432,000 98,451,000 0 104,001,000 17,348,000 118,137,000 1,410,369,000
2020 1,408,823,000 92,262,000 0 98,912,000 18,816,000 0 1,618,813,000
2019 1,248,586,000 86,082,000 0 102,355,000 29,011,000 0 1,466,034,000
C.Residential Water Use
The previous five years residential GPCD for single family and multi-family units.
Year Total
2023 99
2022 90
2021 76
2020 90
2019 80
Historic 87
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Texas Water
Development Board
D.Annual and Seasonal Water Use
1.The previous five years'gallons of treated water provided to RETAIL
Total Gallons of Treated Water
Month 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
January 124,800,000 128,360,000 114,940,000 113,809,000 114,986,000
February 118,186,000 120,867,000 127,058,000 107,420,000 100,297,000
1 March 157,036,000 139,434,000 132,678,000 148,241,000 134,299,000
April 148,954,000 171,153,000 157,454,000 158,3 21,000 156,008,000
May 163,040,000 199,888,000 144,531,000 175,495,000 163,410,000
June 204,216,000 239,587,000 159,107,000 197,394,000 173,130,000
July 206,674,000 243,757,000 168,261,000 204,856,000 200,184,000
August 293,514,000 192,498,000 190,621,000 198,777,000 189,568,000
September 217,962,000 176,349,000 166,027,000 184,194,000 176,647,000
October 164,828,000 200,115,000 153,257,000 173,309,000 157,267,000
November 132,448,000 149,622,000 142,366,000 155,243,000 106,881,000
December 96,974,000 150,951,000 142,444,000 115,394,000 125,320,000
Total 2,028,632,000 2,112,581,000 1,798,744,000 1,932,453,000 1,797,997,000
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Development Board
2.The previous five years' gallons of raw water provided to RETAIL customers.
Total Gallons of Raw Water
Month 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
3. Summary of seasonal and annual water use.
(Treated + Raw) (Treated + Raw)
2023 704,404,000 2,028,632,000
2022 675,842,000 2,112,581,000
2021 517,989,000 1,798,744,000
2020 601,027,000 1,932,453,000
2019 562,882,000 1,797,997,000
Average in Gallons 612,428,800.00 1,934,081,400.00
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Development Board
E.Water Loss
Water Loss data for the previous five years.
Year Total Water Loss Water Loss in Water Loss as a
in Gallons GPCD Percentage
2023 136,988,424 9 6.65 %
2022 419,327,182 27 19.33%
2021 439,418,783 29 23.67
2020 228,587,000 14 11.53%
2019 204,097,658 12 11.10%
Average 285,683,809 18 14.46%
F.Peak Day Use
Average Daily Water Use and Peak Day Water Use for theprevious five years.
Year Average Daily Peak Day Use Ratio
Use(gal) (gal) (peak/avg)
2023 5,557,895 7656565 1.3776
2022 5,787,893 7346108 1.2692
2021 4,928,065 5630315 1.1425
2020 5,294,391 6532902 1.2339
2019 4,926,019 6118282 1.2420
G.Summary of Historic Water Use
Water Use Category Historic Percent of Percent of
Average Connections Water Use
Residential -Single 1,292,195,000 75.94% 79.30%
Residential-Multi-Family 97,060,600 13.28% 5.96%
Industrial 0 0.00% 0.00%
Commercial 105,250,000 4.30% 6.46%
Institutional 30,454,400 0.64% 1.87%
Agricultural 104,532,400 5.85% 6.42%
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Development Board
H. System Data Comment Section
Section III: Wastewater System Data
A.Wastewater System Data
1. Design capacity of wastewater treatment plant(s)in gallons per day:
2. List of active wastewater connections by major water use category.
Water Use Metered Unmetered Total Percent of
Category Connections Total
Municipal 0 0.00%
Industrial 0 0.00 %
Commercial 0 0.00%
Institutional 0 0.00%
Agricultural 0 0.00
Total 0 100.00
3. Percentage of water serviced by the wastewater system: %
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Development Board
4. Number of gallons of wastewater that was treated by the utility for the previous five years.
Total Gallons of Treated Water
Month 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
5. Could treated wastewater be substituted for potable water?
�T Yes (Th No
B. Reuse Data
1. Data by type of recycling and reuse activities implemented during the current reporting period.
Type of Reuse Total Annual Volume
(in gallons)
On-site Irrigation
Plant wash down
Landscape irrigation 0
(park,golf courses)
Discharge to surface water
Evaporation Pond
Total 0
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Toxas Water
Development Board
C. Wastewater System Data Comment
Additional comments and files to support or explain wastewater system data listed below.
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