HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2007-09-17 Regular 09/17/2007 2790
SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 )(
Mayor Pro-Tem Peden was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Pastor Jeff Bell with New Life Assembly of God Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Councilmember Reid presented a proclamation to Coach Katie Ratrink and Coach Kristi Bertelsman of
the Friendswood Area Swim Team (FAST) to honor the achievements of a summer swim team for boys
and girls, ages 6 through 18.
AI Kelly, Friendswood resident, requested to speak regarding possible future development around
Sunmeadow Subdivision. Mr. Kelly requested support from the City to support the concept through Trust
for Public Land, asked Council to look at acquiring the land owned by Millennium Corporation to develop
a Recreational Arboretum and Nature Preserve for Friendswood and asked for support to hold a work
session to discuss this concept, the concept would create natural coastal grass, plant trees, walking and
jogging trails, dog park, green areas, garden centers, create a preserve, could be developed as a
preserve, could have an observatory, will donate and maintain a large telescope for astronomy, bird
sanctuary, events, and a lot more ideas, looking at matching grants and possibly look at Sunmeadow
residents special assessments as direct beneficiary of this concept.
Councilmember LeCour stated this would be important to workshop to look at costs and creative ideas to
develop cost efficiently and will take a lot of volunteers.
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Laura Sikes, area representative from Texas Public Trust, stated she is looking for funding options from
grants and holding land company's and stated this would be an excellent project to work with to obtain
Mr. Kelly stated he has spoken to Texas Parks and Wildlife and looking into other contacts and other
Mayor Smith stated if Millennium owners wanted to donate this land it would make this a very palatable
project, certainly it would depend on associated costs for this type of project, Mayor Smith proposed that
Council would need to look at their previous priorities and determine next steps and will look at workshop
schedule and thanked Mr. Kelly for bringing in this concept.
Councilmember Rivera stated he is concerned that this is the third development proposal to be
considered for this project and stated getting Millennium on board would be very important to the process.
Bea Morris, Friendswood resident of Clover Acres, thanked the City for establishing some of the flow
lines, Staff took a lot of time and effort on this project, stated this is a big step on this project and is a part
of the drainage puzzle, gave thanks and appreciation for the City.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve concurrence with the Mayor's appointments/ reappointments
to Boards, Committees and Commissions to fill vacancies as follows: Community and Economic
Development Committee with Brett Banfield, Community Appearance Board with Sherry Goen and Parks
and Recreation Board with David Montz and Penelope Burke.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve providing a satellite office one day a week in Friendswood City
Hall for the Galveston County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office, with an agreement to be ratified at next
Council Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember LeCour. The motion was approved 5-1 with Mayor Smith opposed.
Mayor Smith authorized the City Attorney to prepare a simple letter or contract of agreement or
amendment to the (Tax office contract) contract.
Cheryl Johnson, Galveston County Tax Assessor-Collector, stated the Galveston County Tax Assessor
Collectors office will collect taxes, issue voter registration, motor vehicle licenses, and vending permit
collections during City Hall hours.
Councilmember Hill suggested having the office open on Fridays when City Hall is half-staffed on that day
for parking concerns.
Ms. Johnson stated there will be no cost to the City for one day per week.
Councilmember Ewing asked about being open more than one day.
Ms. Johnson stated she would have to talk to Staff, possibly look at peak months or collection time, she
does not know if there could be more than one day at this time and may have to go back to
Commissioners Court if additional staffing needed.
Councilmember Ewing asked if the City would be able to accommodate 5 days a week.
City Manager Bo McDaniel stated there is an area of City Hall not being used at this time.
Mayor Smith stated he understands that the area must be a secured area.
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Ms. Johnson stated she would need to know who has access to the area and possibly look into getting a
d ro p box.
Councilmember Reid stated she would prefer one day a week to see how it goes.
Mayor Smith stated he did not support changing collection from Friendswood Independent School District
(FISD), had a long standing partnership, has nothing against Galveston County Tax Assessor-Collector's
office but has a problem with giving up space and parking, these were some of the same arguments that
were used to change from FISD to Galveston County, the City has a one year contract with Galveston
County Tax Assessor and believes it is costing more for this change in collection and stated that it was
previously, argued that payments could be made at the Galveston County annex in League City or mailed
Councilmember Hill stated Galveston County Tax Assessor is charging 1/10 of what Friendswood
Independent School District was charging and hopes FISD would do the math and see the savings that
could be used for the children.
Mayor Smith stated citizens have had some of the same services in this North end of the County.
Councilmember LeCour stated the City is getting into Friendswood Independent School District business
and remembers a direct quote "does not matter what it costs will never change" getting greater services
from Galveston County that was not offered in Friendswood.
Mayor Smith stated he already pays County and City taxes and now paying for an additional office.
Ms. Johnson stated the County Judge James D. Yarbrough stated he would like to collect taxes at no
cost, there are additional costs to be considered, the ideal would be not to charge and actually did
Friendswood Independent School District a favor this year, with legislation changes as to Central
Appraisal Districts boundary lines, will work with both Appraisal Districts on behalf of City and FISD to get
appraisals out faster.
Councilmember Reid asked if Galveston County will be able to set up an office for licenses.
Ms. Johnson stated it would be up to Commissioner Eddie Janek to determine if they would have wanted
to set up an office.
Councilmember Rivera stated because of the function of growth, the County has a responsibility to
provide services, there is a cost to have an office at City Hall or would be a cost if it is located anywhere
else, giving up any space is always difficult in the long run.
Ms. Johnson stated she sees a need for an additional building in North County as well.
Mayor Smith stated the City will need to consider the parking issue that is being looked at this time for
City Hall.
Councilmember Ewing stated she appreciates the concern regarding parking and appreciates the
additional services and would like to see more days of services.
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City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the DVD Recording of Council Meetings. The City began
broadcasting regular City Council meetings on January 22, 2007, using a digital recording device. One of
the major advantages of using this type of camera system is the ability to continuously record meetings
for hours on end without the worry of changing out videotapes. However, in doing so, the digital file size
of these meetings is very large. While the City has been storing digital videos of past meetings on an
external hard drive, these file sizes are so large that the City has been unable to fill open records
requests for these videos. However, after researching the technology, Staff has recently purchased a
DVD recorder that will be able to place each meeting on a single DVD disc for duplication and distribution
when necessary. The DVD recorder captures the video as it is being broadcast on Channel 17. This now
provides Staff with the ability to fill open records requests for videos of past City Council meetings.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the City Hall parking expansion. A status report for this topic was
provided by Les McMahen, Interim Director of Community Development. The Community Development
Department has recently requested a proposal from, and authorized work by, Charles Davis in the
amount of $1,500 to confirm the boundary survey for the northerly portion of Stevenson Park and to
survey in the trees and other physical improvements that would affect the design of the entrance to the
parking area and the number of additional parking spaces that could be accommodated in the park.
Once a preliminary design is completed, this information will be brought to City Council for review of the
layout and to determine if the cost per space is worth the investment of funds. If City Council decides to
move ahead with the project, would ask Charles Davis to complete the topographic and cross-sections
survey in order to allow preparing the final design for the project.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the status of the oil spill in Cowards Creek. Monday, September
10, 2007, the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD) received a report that a dark substance
was flowing in Cowards Creek into Friendswood. This substance was traced to an oil storage tank near
Cowards Creek in eastern Brazoria County. It has been confirmed that oil has leaked from these storage
tanks into Cowards Creek. Although the spill has been contained as Fire Departments from
Friendswood, Alvin, Pearland and Texas City were working to mitigate the spill, there were some
concerns about the notification process. The Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD)
expressed frustration about the notification process. The City also understands that this is the second
spill from the same site. This issue falls within the regulatory jurisdiction of the Texas Railroad
Commission. Given the results of a likely failure of regulatory compliance to prevent such an occurrence
and the fact that this is reportedly a second event, questions of adequate regulatory oversight arise.
Additionally, other such sites may exist upstream in the watershed impacting the City of Friendswood and
GCCDD. Consequently, the City Manager recommends contacting the Texas Railroad Commission
(RRC) and requesting a regulatory history and accounting of this site and any other in the watershed
which could also become a problem. This should remind the RRC that the City is concerned and more
importantly we, on behalf of our citizens, expect the appropriate enforcement of regulations to prevent
and when needed, properly restore adverse impact to damaged parties. Unless heard otherwise, the City
Manager will direct the Fire Marshal to make this inquiry and report to the Council subsequently on the
results. The City Manager will also ask the GCCDD to make this regulatory inquiry to allow the Drainage
District to join with the City in addressing the needed preventative and corrective measures which are the
responsibility of the RRC.
No action was taken regarding review of negative recommendation from Planning and Zoning
Commission regarding proposed change in zoning classification for property located at 1700 W.
Parkwood (tabled June 18, 2007), and determine whether to proceed with additional consideration.
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No action was taken regarding authorizing Staff to draft a resolution supporting the United States Army
Corps of Engineers National Economic Development(NED) Plan for Clear Creek.
**Councilmember Ewing moved to approve the first and final reading of Ordinance No. 2007-15, an
ordinance of the City of Friendswood approving and adopting the City of Friendswood, Texas, general
budget for the fiscal year 2007/2008; making appropriations for the City for such fiscal year as reflected in
said budget, and making certain findings and containing certain provisions relating to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
***Councilmember Hill moved to approve ratifying the property tax revenue increase of $337,609.00
reflected in the FY2007-2008 budget.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember LeCour moved to approve Maintenance and Operation tax rate of $0.5016/$100
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Reid moved to approve the Debt Service tax rate of$0.0748/$100 valuation.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve first and final reading of Ordinance No. 2007-16, an
Ordinance providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for
the year 2007; providing the date on which such taxes shall be due and payable; providing for penalty
and interest on all taxes not timely paid; providing for severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
Councilmember Ewing announced Character Counts Pillars and Monthly Mottos recognitions program,
which is a prominent program in the area to build community support, if could possibly be placed on the
City's PEG channel monthly and possibly use monthly mottos at Council Meetings and encourage
businesses and City to use as well.
Mayor Smith stated Council could possibly take one meeting a month and wear a t-shirt in support of the
Councilmember Reid announced the prayer breakfast to be held at FISD and the See You at the Pole
held at the local schools at the flag pole, asked to pray for schools, and announced the
Friendswood/Clear Creek football game will be Friday night.
Mayor Smith reported Friendswood Independent School District (FISD) and Clear Creek Independent
School District (CCISD) responded to a request for liaisons for committees, Stuart Stromeyer for Parks
and Recreation Board Liaison for CCISD and for FISD it is Dr. Hillenburg for Community Economic
Development Committee, Mike Shaw for Parks and Recreation Board, Brandon Burris (alternate) for
Parks and Recreation Board, Dr. David Hearn for Library Board, Pastor Ralph Hobratschk (alternate),
Denise Ruiz (alternate), and John Ring (alternate) for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor
Smith thanked those boards and those individuals that stepped forward and recognized David O'Farrell,
representative from the Planning and Zoning Commission and thanked them for all that they do.
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''*Councilmember Ewing moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented A. Accept annual report
and authorize the renewal of annual contract with Galveston County Health District for water pollution
control and abatement services. B. Approve Minutes of August 20 and 27, 2007 Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 6-0.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.072—Deliberation regarding Real Property.
Council convened into Regular Session with no action taken later in the meeting.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:16 PM.
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