HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 80-02 RESOLUTION NO . /i �- 2G A RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 5TH DAY OF APRIL, 1980 , FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , THE QUESTION OF WHETHER THE CITY SHALL WITHDRAW FROM THE HOUSTON METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY; AND PROVIDING DETAILS RELATING TO SUCH ELECTION. WHEREAS , the City of Friendswood, Texas , a duly incorporated city of the State of Texas , is presently included within the territory of the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority; and WHEREAS , more than ninety percent ( 90% ) of the popu- lation of the City of Friendswood resides outside of Harris County, Texas , the County in which the majority of the population of the City of Houston, Texas , the principal city within the Metropolitan Transit Authority, resides ; and WHEREAS , pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 655 , Acts of the 66th Legislature , Regular Session, 1979 , com- piled as Article 1118X, Section 6D, Vernon' s Texas Civil Statutes , the City Council of the City of Friendswood desires to call an election on the question of whether such City shall with- draw from the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority ; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS : Section 1 : That the facts and recitals set forth in the preamble hereof be , and they are hereby, made a part of this Resolution : Section 2 : That an election be , and it is hereby, ordered to be held in the City of Friendswood on April 5 , 1980 , at which election all resident , qualified electors of the City shall be entitled to vote. The polls shall be opened for voting from 7 : 00 a.m. to 7 : 00 p .m. At such election there shall be sub- mitted to the resident qualified voters of the City, the following proposition: PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , WITHDRAW FROM THE HOUSTON METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY? Section 3 : Voting machines shall be used for said election, except that paper ballots shall be used for absentee voting. The official ballots for the election shall be pre- pared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit electors to vote "For" or "Against" the aforesaid Proposition, which shall be set forth on all official ballots in substantially the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION ) FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , FROM THE C ) AGAINST HOUSTON METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY. Each elector using a voting machine and desiring to vote in favor of the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "FOR" the proposition, and each elector using a voting machine and desiring to vote against the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "AGAINST" the proposition. Each elector voting absentee and using a paper ballot shall vote on the proposition by placing an "X" or other clear mark in the square beside the statement indicating the way such elector wishes to vote on the proposition. Section 4 : The city is divided into three election pre- cincts . The following named persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct such election in the election precinct and at the polling place indicated: Election Precinct 56 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County Election Precinct 56 lying within the City Limits of the City of Friendswood. -2- Polling Place: City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Ralph Somers, Presiding Judge Grace Baker, Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 57 : Boundaries the same as Galveston County Election Precinct 57 Polling Place : Westwood Elemental School 506 West Edgewood Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Clarence White, Presiding Judge Coylene White, Alternate Presiding Judge Election Precinct 60 : Boundaries the same as Galveston County Election Precinct 60. Polling Place : Friendswood Junior High School 402 Jaurel Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Ruth Prengle, Presiding Judge Huberla Mora, Alternate Presiding Judge The presiding judge of each election precinct shall have the authority to appoint no more than three (3 ) clerks to assist in the holding of said election, but in no event shall a pre- siding judge appoint less than two (2 ) clerks . Section 5 : Bobbie C. Henry is hereby appointed as the clerk for absentee voting and Moonyeen Wright is hereby appointed as deputy clerk for absentee voting, and the : City Hall 109 Willowick Friendswood , Texas 77546 is hereby designated as the place for absentee voting for said election. Said clerks shall keep the place for absentee voting opened for absentee voting from 8 : 30 o ' clock (8 : 30 ) a.m. until 5 : 00 o ' clock (5 : 00) p.m. on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official state holiday, beginning on the twentieth (20th) day continuing through the fourth (4th) day preceding the date of said election; provided however, except as authorized by Article 5 05 , Subdivisions 3d and 3e, -3- Texas Election Code , said clerk shall not permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance on any day which is not a regular working day for the clerk' s office , and under no circum- stances shall she permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance at any time when her office is not open to the public. Section 6 : Notice of this election shall be given in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code Article 4 . 05 , and returns of such notice shall be made as pro- vided for in said article. The Mayor shall issue all necessary orders and writs for such election, and returns of such election shall be made to the City Secretary immediately after the closing of the polls . Section 7 : Such election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code except as modified by the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 , as amended. PASSED AND APPROVED this i/Z� day o f pp �`9/.�..�1u r, 1980 . Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary -4- RE, ;OLUTION NO. ecc - 96 A RE,SclMTION C:A1,L,tNt, AN ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 5TI1 DAY OF APRII,, 1980, ['OfTEIE PUNPOS1 OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTLRS OF ` HL, CITY OF !'K I ENDSWOOD , TEXAS, THE QUESTION OF WHE;THLR Tiff: CITY SHALL WITHDRAW FROM I'HL HOUSTON MF'TROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY; AND PKOV IDI Nt; DETAILS KELATI NC; TO SUCH ELECTION. WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood, Texas, a duly incot, por cited city of Lhe S t a t c of 'Texas, is presently included within the terri tury ut the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authur. i ty; and WHLREAS , more than ninety percent (90%) of the popu- lation of the City of Frieridswuud r1e.sides outside of Harris County, Texas, the County ill which the rzzaj ority of the population of the City of flour ton , Texas, tI e principal city within the Metropolitan Transit Aut-hority, resides; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aulhurity granted by Chapter 655, Acts of the 66th Lebistature, Regular Session, 1979, com- piled as Article 1118X, SQut.iun lit), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, Lite City Council of the City of Friendswood desires to call an election on the question of whether such City shall with- draw from Lhe Iic)us toil Metropolitan Transit Authority; now LheVef- ut c HE: IT RESOLVED BY THE; CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOO.D, TEXAS: Sec tioll 1: 'That the facts grad recitals set forth in the preamble- hereof be, attd they are hereby, made a part of this Resolution: Sectiuii 1: That an election tie, and it is hereby, crude- PUd Lu bt: held in the City of Fri endswcod on April. 5, 1980, at Which election all resident, qualified electors of the City shall be en t i_ tl`d to Vu Le . 'The polls shall be opened for voting train `! : 00 d , nz. Lu 7 : 110 1, , rrz. At :iuch election there shall be sub- mitted to Llze t1u,;i dt,l, t dual i t i ed Vuter s of the City, the following preposition: e PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY OF' FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITHDRAW FROM THE HOUS`I'ON METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY? Sectiot 3. Voting coact ines shall be used for said eleC:tloa, eXCe€at that paper, ballots shall be used for absentee voting. The official baliuts for the election shall be pre- pared in accordar c:e with the Texas Election Code so as to permit eleu tuts to vote "Fur" urn "Against" the aforesaid Proposition, which shall be set forth oi, all official ballots in substantially the following furm: OFFICIAL, BALLOT PROPOSITION FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FRGM THE AGAINST HOUSTON METROPOLITAN TRAt3SIT AUTHORITY. Edc:h elector using a voting machine and desiring to vote in favor of the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "I'OIz" the proposition, and each elector using a voting machine arid desir-ing to vote against the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "AGAINST" the proposition, Each elec:tur voting abt;ei tee died using d paper ballot shall vote on the proposition by placing an "X" or other clear mark in the square beside the statement indicating the way such elector wishes to vote on the p.ruposition. Sect.iun Ji: The city is divided into three election pre- cincts. The falluwing na rted persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct such election in the election precinct and. at the polling place iiidi ua ted : Election I've i nc t 56 Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County Election Precinct 56 lying within the City Limits.of the City of Friendswood. 2- Polling Place: Clection Offieel, s: Election Precinct 5 7 : Palling Place. : Llection Officers: Election Precinct 60: Polling Place: Election Officers: city Hall 109 Willowi.ck Eriendswood, Texas Ralph Somers, 'residing Judge Grace Baker, Alternate Presiding Judge Buundaries the same as Galveston County Election Precinct 57 Wes twcxAd El.ernental School 506 West Edgewood PriQndswood, Texas Clarence White, Presiding Judge Coylene White, Alternate Presiding Judge Boundaries the Sarre as Galveston County Election Precinct 60. 17ri. endswood Junior High School 402 Laurel 17riendswood, Texas Ruth Pr engle, Presiding ,fudge Huberrta Mora, Alternate Presiding Judge The presiding judge of each election precinct shall have the authority to appoint no more than three (3) clerks to assist in the holding of said election, but in no event shall a pre - siccing judge appoint less than two (2) clerks. Section 5: Bobbie C. henry is hereby appointed as the clerk for absentee voting and Moonyeen Wright is hereby appointed as deputy (Aerk for absentee voting, and the: City Hall 109 Willowick l' viendswood, Texas 77546 is hereby designated cis the place for absentee voting for said election. Said clerks shall keep the place for absentee voting opened for absentee voting from 8:30 o'clock (8:30) a.m. until 5: 00 o'clock (5:00) P.M. on each day for absentee voting which is not a Saturddy, a Sunday, or, an otficial state holiday, beginning an the twentieth (2000 day continuing through the fourth (4th) day pvecediiig thu daLc of ;;aid election; provided however, except as auLhori zed by Article 5 05, Subdivisions 3d and 3e, 3_ r i Texas Election Lode, said clerk Shall not permit anyone to vote absentee iry personal appearance on airy day which is not a regular working day fOV the clerk's office, and under no circum- stances shall she permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appe drdrtce at any time w}ic n her office is not open to the public. Section 6: Nutice of this election shall be given in accurdance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code Avtic;le il. us, and rettwns of such notice shall be made as pro- vided for in ua.id article. The Mayur shall issue all necessary orders and writs for such election, and returns of such election shall be made to the City Sec:rutary immediately after the closing of the palls. Section 7: Such election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Cudu except as modified by the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1.965, as amended. PASSED AND APPROVED this. of 4, t , l`.380. AT TEST ; City SeCretar'y Mayor 4-