HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2007-04-16 Special 04/16/2007 2684
APRIL 16, 2007 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 5:OOPM
Mayor Smith opened a discussion regarding Policy for Citizen Recognition that Counciimember LeCour
requested to be on the agenda.
Councilmember LeCour proposed a policy for Council consideration to have Centennial Park be a
memorial for those that have given their life for this community and this country, there are two Marines
and Columbia crew already memorialized at Centennial Park at this time. There is the Evelyn B. Newman
amp-theatre already named in Centennial Park and should be grand-fathered. Councilmember Peden
stated there are a lot of parks in town, plant trees in other parks, think dedicating this park for fallen
heroes would be a good thing, think would be a great opportunity for the youth, think would be a good
idea, think great and wise move, focus on these heroes. Councilmember Horecky stated designating a
place for fallen heroes can't be anything but a good thing, recognize other people at other parks that do
so much for this City, going to stand up and save place for faflen heroes, good idea and support.
Councilmember Hill stated does not know if City needs to dedicate whole park, may designate a certain
area as fallen heroes area. Mayor Smith believes the trees planted for the fallen hero's in Centennial
Park is just past the pavilion and playground and by the lake, can picture the same thing to designate that
area, maybe designate as hero lake or a designated area for heroes , recognize significance of the
extreme sacrifice. Councilmember Ewing states she agrees with Councilmember Hill and Mayor Smith,
know that Councilmember LeCour's concern with the tree planted at the Park for past Park Director Jon
Branson, he put his heart and soul in developing Centennial Park, believes a area designated for fallen
heroes would be a good thing. Councilmember Measeles stated if designate an area in Centennial Park
what effect would this have for those that have memorial trees in other parks. Councilmember LeCour
stated if the age of some of the trees are not known, could try to replant or move the memorial plaques
and plant new trees, could address if it comes before us, agree about Jon Branson did put his heart and
soul in developing Centennial Park but does not believe that he gave the ultimate sacrifice as the two
Marines did. Councilmember Ewing asked what do you think about a separate area. Councilmember
LeCour thinks that would be fine, but thinks creating a document as to where trees go, thinks there is a
area that could make a special area. Councilmember Horecky thinks that would be a good idea, along
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with the donations being collected, make a memorial area, other cities have area's to honor falien hero's,
agree with Councilmember LeCour, this is a area for falien hero's. Mayor Smith thinks this is a good idea,
ask Parks and Recreation board, to research a significant memorial idea and bring forth information for
Council and asked City Manager to handle. Councilmember LeCour stated does not think that building
should contain piaque memorializing Council and does not think a building should be named after
someone unless they are deceased. Mayor Smith commented on existing policy, civic or community
contributions, a period of time after a death, does not say have to be dead to have something named after
you. Councilmember Peden stated the plaque on the building listing names of existing Councilmember's,
is not representative of the Council that was serving during the work of the project, existing policy
statement regarding naming after people that have contributed, run the risk in naming things have people
that are still alive, should be a 5 year time lapse from death before consider naming something after
them, agree putting Council's name on building, does not think deserve any more than any others. Mayor
Smith stated he does not agree about plaques on the building, thinks a plaque is a flag of responsibility,
correct that some are gone on that made the decisions, don't think plaque is memorialization, also say's
represents groups of people, will remember those that were serving, think the policy to wait after 5 years
from death could be a concern, death and character, does not think emotional or political decision should
be made. Councilmember Ewing possibly add names of all of those that were serving during significant
buildings such as Public Safety Building could be added, some staff members involvement, as a historian
likes to see those names, think City has been cautious about naming buildings or facility, does not believe
need to die, significant contribution should be honored. Councilmember LeCour stated he thinks
consensus to section part of Centennial Park as a Memorial Area and send to Parks Board for review and
recommendation and can bring the other discussion back at a later date.
Discussion was held regarding amendments to the Design Criteria Manual (DCM). Mayor Smith stated
Councilmember Hill and Horecky has been working with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage
District (GCCDD) and Councilmember LeCour and Ewing have additional information regarding pavers
and pervious concrete. Councilmember Horecky stated a resolution is being proposed. Councilmember
Hill stated GCCDD unanimously passed last Tuesday, allowing pervious concrete, question about
Building Code is that a part of the DCM, staff advised no it is not. Councilmember LeCour stated there
are paver stones, in front of Forest of Friendswood, thinks there is confusion as to the allowance of use of
paver stones, would like to see research, think acceptable for use as streets, would like to see how to
apply this as to repairs or as to accident, if failure in this area who is liable. Community Development
Interim Director Frank Manigold is concern with liability if this is private and homeowners association
maintaining it, concern if homeowners association neglects who is responsible for it and in the process of
researching it to understand the risk, City Manager would open door with another party, concern about
liability and is checking with the City Attorney and the City's Risk Manager. Councilmember Peden stated
he read the engineering report and it appear that there is not a big difference between stamped concrete
or pavers, why does City have policy that allows one and not the other, Staff trying to follow along with
what was done in the past, different process for each type used, it is silent in the design criteria policy.
Councilmember Hi, stated if accept pavers should be the same as concrete as the street.
Councilmember Peden stated application seems the same, just wants to be consistent, believes
developer felt as well. Staff stamp concrete is placed different than the pavers, sometimes done and City
not know until after fact, City should be doing inspection during the process, Design Criteria Manuel is
silent. Councilmember Peden need physlogicial change to help find a way to help. Mayor Smith suggest
change wording to the DCM that pavers will be considered on a case by case basis, gives City
discretionary ability, will make builders and developers aware of the requirements. Councilmember
LeCour would like to see the specifications in the DCM if want to use pavers. City Manager stated codes
do not cover every issue, usually some member of Staff has discretionary ability to make these decisions,
there is appeal process available if does agree with determination from the City, can adopt standards by
policy. Mayor Smith knows there is warranty in specifications of installing pavers, would like to have
recommendation from Staff. Councilmember LeCour stated if that would be confusing to the developers if
put into the pavers, with homeowners association having responsibility. City Manager thinks there is
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industry standards, can get input from the developers as to writing policy that will work best, will bring
back to Council. Mayor Smith stated he is sensitive to that fact that the Community Development
Department is very busy and are looking for a Director at this time, suggest to give them the leeway to
determine the time frame. Councilmember Hill stated the industry standards do not always apply in
Friendswood, due to the gumbo dirt, if use pavers, need to be in concrete. Counciimember Ewing asked
permission to move forward to get some standards in the DCM and to determine runoff formula to
determine impact from this pervious concrete, talking to three cities that are using this method to get
information, has some information available for Staff and Council, would like for City to be able to use
this, example of pervious concrete is in front of City Hall. Councilmember Horecky did research, seven
companies, do not recommend over gumbo dirt, asked about run off factor, not recommended for load
bearing surfaces, adjacent to vegetation, GCDD does not allow, does not have an objection but would
not meet DCM, appears would not work due to soil here and suggest that Councilmember Ewing work
with GCCDD. Councilmember Measeles asked if would work with proper base, Councilmember Horecky
said no, people are trying to allow for maximum use of property if could get it to work. Councilmember Hill
spoke to engineer for GCCDD and he said would not work with the dirt and no way would approve,
possible around a tree, but any load bearing surface will not last. Mayor Smith stated water will percolate
up with rate of absorption if under soil and if porous concrete will come through. Councilmember Hill
stated engineer said it is used in San Antonio area and successful. Councilmember Horecky stated one
company said this is in vogue in many cities, grass will grow in pervious concrete. Mayor Smith stated it
sounds like more homework is needed. Councilmember Ewing stated agenda item is to do more
homework to get information to bring back to Council, worth doing research and going to the drainage
district and keep them involved and will be helping gather information. Councilmember Peden stated he
thinks needs to get consensus to get GCCDD to do the research as to why will not accept, as short
staffed as staff is has enough on their plate. Councilmember Hill thinks ask GCCDD to initiate the
research. Mayor Smith suggests that Council would support gathering information to take to the drainage
Councilmember Peden requested the discussion regarding the Salary Policy related to budget constraints
placed on City Manager and City Secretary be rescheduled due to time constraints, needs additional time
to further research and discuss with Staff, wants to be able to understand the information and issues
regarding the policy.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 — Consultation with Attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the Attorney requires it and Section 551.072 — Deliberation
regarding Real Property
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:10 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Mayor Smith.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
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Councilmember Hill read a Proclamation to supporting Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Councilmember LeCour presented a Proclamation to Officer Lisa Price for National Crime Victims' Rights
Councilmember Ewing Presented a Proclamation to The City Secretary for National Volunteer Week to be
posted in City Secretary's Office where volunteer applications could be picked up.
Presentation was given from the Chamber of Commerce Board Chair Greg Crinion of a framed print
commemorating the 2007 FIG Festival gave an overview of the joint sponsored festivities with the
Historical Society and the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce to be held on April 27 with other events
being held by other organizations.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding an application to secure housing tax
credits for a proposed affordable rental residential development on FM 528 fronting Friendswood Lakes
Texas Department of Housing Authority(TDHA) requested comments from the City.
Les Kilday, Sugarland, with Kilday Realty Corp. out of Houston spoke and stated it is a 114 units seniors
only several multi story building, no children allowed, must have an income to qualify, affordable housing,
will add additional jobs to Friendswood, increase the City's property taxes, no tax abatement , add $80 to
120 thousand, no impact to the school, will have a business and fitness center, clubhouse, 96 units one
bedroom and 18 units will have two bedrooms, not public housing, privately owned and operated,
absolutely no children will be allowed, must be 55 years or older as lease holder, caregiver will allow no
one under 40 years of age, typical resident is generally 70 year old female from Friendswood or
surrounding area or moving into the area, Kilday family owned business, operate in numerous cities
across Texas.
Councilmember Peden asked about credits, concern about traffic turning into facility crossing three lanes
on FM 528, and is concerned with three stories. Councilmember LeCour stated caregiver only one
person allowed, how to monitor, and then how to enforce the rules. Mayor Smith stated residents must
have an income to qualify, required by TDHA, income has to be steady monthly income.
Paula Hayes, with the firm that manages property, stated the state places guidelines, must make 2 '/z
times the rent, state maximum income.
Mr. Kilday stated income limits for 90% of the units is$13 to$17,000 annually.
Mayor Smith stated restrictions, allowed tenants, property will own property for at least 15 years, land use
agreement, puts characteristics in place for at least 40 years and is tied into median income in this area.
Ms. Leslie Roque, Friendswood Lakes, spoke and stated this is a partnership between public and private,
visited type of apartment. Interviewed staff to find out what could learn about this type of project, found
very quality, talked to others owned by Kilday's, overwhelming support for this type of project, problem
free living for these people, honored and so thrilled to have this housing and stand totally in favor.
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Pam Hoy, Friendswood Lakes, spoke and stated she thinks Senior project is excellent to Subdivision, will
match aesthetically, does not think will affect property values, better than restaurant and business, am
teacher, don't want city to be just high end homes, shops, allows to learn empathy for the older
generation, for the City and community behooves to show we care.
Herman Munster, commercial real estate broker, spoke and stated he has known Kildays for 25 years
from Church, mother lived in Heritage Park and was looking for this type of communities to live in this
area, waiting list, family of integrity, encourage City, has moved to this are, value this community and
what has to offer, works with churches and they are all looking at ministry for seniors and looking for
affordable housing for seniors.
Nancy Foster, represent the seller of the property , spoke and stated she is in support of this project,
working in concert for those that will benefit this area, signed a letter of intent with CVS Pharmacy for the
intersection of Friendswood Lakes.
Walter Wiils, Friendswood, spoke and stated he is in favor of this type of project.
Glen Grayson, Garden Lakes Drive, serving on Board of Directors for the Friendswood Lakes
homeowners, spoke and stated board has met with the Kildays at last meeting, a senior housing has
been looked at very favorably by the Board, feels would be an excellent location, feel will be needed in
Friendswood, Board of Directors has looked at by-Laws that this project will be a member of the HOA, will
fall under mandate for appearance and upkeep.
Fred Krch, Friendswood, spoke and stated he is concerned with safety, fire break walls befinreen one
story residents, smoke alarms, fire escapes, what type of decks between floors, what kind of sprinkler
system, safety and fire escape systems.
Hal Boone, spoke and stated it is concepetionally and passionately flawed, no public transportation,
housing development for low income people, no transportation, stranded, think profoundly flawed.
Mendy Maloy, Friendswood Subdivision, spoke and stated what will happen after 15 years and 40 years
what will happen, need to think about the future of the project.
John Maloy, spoke and stated comments hold for zoning, agree with isolation, does not believe HOA
speaking on behalf of all residents.
Richard Gierczic, Garden Lakes Drive, spoke and stated how will it be built and financed by whom,
indirectly a government financed project, tax credit program, U.S. Department initiative, who put in to
allow building company's to go ahead and bring this type of buildings into the area's, beginning to sound
to me that this is being backed up by the government, am opposed, creates a problem with housing
groups, has other questions relative to zoning, buffering zone, will not work, several residents Garden
Lakes Drive, plea to not allow this construct this building, hope Council will do accordingly.
Mr. Kilday, spoke and stated it is a nice senior community, enjoy living there, doing this type of
development because want to be able to provide affordable housing to those in real need, see a real
niche in Friendswood to provide housing, have stairs, elevators, have four plexes, no problems in any of
these communities, housing of this type is needed everywhere, good citizens, good neighbors, will
address other concerns if allowed to go ahead, caregivers probably not more than a handful in all of there
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Architect Jim Gwen, Houston, spoke and stated since 1978 designing senior housing, these buildings will
be build according to Friendswood building code and fire code, sprinkler in the attic's, draft stops
required, partitions between units one hour fire rated and goes through the room assembly, fully
automatic fire and smoke alarm, working on fire hydrants onsite, two stairs per units, a/c systems are full
split systems, creates quieter environment.
Councilmember Ewing stated $100,000 taxes for the school, does that take into tax break for seniors? Mr.
Richard Kilday stated seniors are not a part of the equation for taxes for this project, the project will pay
property taxes and will be paying City and school taxes, do best job as owners and stewards based upon
valuation. Councilmember Ewing stated there is limitation on caregiver, what about family visiting. Mr.
Richard Kilday stated there is a limit of civility, no swimming pool, draw attraction for children, of course
family visiting is not restricted, if became a problem, resident would be gone, Councilmember Hill asked if
they would have a private van for transportation to church, shopping mall, or medical and Mr. Kilday
stated 8-12 passenger bus would be purchased for that purpose. Mayor Smith stated this request is for
affordable housing and tax credits are used for financing, trying to understand, concerns. Mr. Richard
Kilday stated if operated that anyone over 55 years or older could live there, financing is competive point
system on budget on TDCA, credits are sold to big C corporation through syndicator, credits sold creates
equity, absolutely not Section 8 and will never be. Mayor Smith stated able to maintain cash on cash in
lower rents? Mr. Richard Kilday stated reduced rents, reduces amount of loan. Councilmember Ewing
stated if tax credits paying full value of complex? Mr. Richard Kilday, stated appraisal districts use
income approach to value property, based on property value. Mayor Smith stated Council will not be
making a decision at this meeting, asked for an answer before the end of the month and will be placed on
a future agenda this month.
Mayor Smith closed Public Hearing at 8:45 pm
17A Consent agenda
**Councilmember Ewing moved to approve joint license agreement for buyout property at 510 Providence
Drive. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. Approved unanimously
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, requested to speak regarding Deepwood Pumping Station. Mr. Krch
presented information on green gases for Council's information, spoke on Deepwood Pumping Station
and odors.
Bob Bertrand, Friendswood resident in Harris County, spoke on extension of EI Dorado Boulevard from
Beamer through to Blackhawk, supporting the extension to Clear Creek, concerned with noise, traffic and
pedestrian safety, aesthetics regarding monument signs and wastewater plant in the area, recommend a
public meeting for review of the project and support for a committee to look at plans.
Dennis Cruise, Friendswood resident, addressed item 9 to purchase playground equipment, omega
Sunday school class at Methodist Church, proposed tearing down barriers to all children to be able to use
the equipment, 2004 Council approved concept of project, less expensive proposal will not support
expansion foundation, concrete foundation to plan for expansion, project would be about$77,000, 45,000
budgeted, 15,000 play for all groups contributions, 17,000 shortfall, play for all will contribute additional
$9,000 City would need $8,000 to fund the complete project.
Wilda Newbrough, Friendswood resident, stated she lived here since 1976, active Democrat, attended a
candidate forum and became a well informed voter, has been asked to co-host forum at Village on the
Park on April 26 7:00 to 9:30 PM, to learn about the candidates. The group will use League of Women's
Voters forum and see this as an opportunity to allow voters be informed.
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Elizabeth Kaufman, Friendswood resident, addressed authorizing Staff to research runoff coefficient
formulas to compute the amount of detention capacity required when pervious/permeable/porous
concrete is used, she is interested in this subject as she wants to be environmentaliy friendly to property,
wants to know as much as possible about pervious concrete.
Presentation of a report was given by the Senior Citizen's Advisory Committee Chair Sharon Richardson
regarding Senior programs, recognized board members, senior staff, outlined programs and senior
activities, thankful for senior program.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the Survey, appraisal and environmental assessment of Fire
Station#3 and Forest Bend Civic Center.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on both of the City Council Candidate's Forum. Lengthy discussion
was held regarding the forum, Councilmember/Candidate Horecky will attend the 4/26 forum and will be
able to attend the League of Women Voters Forum on 5/1 but does have a conflict, Candidate Leslie Reid
can attend on 5/1 but does have a conflict on 4/26, heard about the date from the City Secretary,
Candidate Andy Rivera was not invited to any forum by any group, was told about the 5/1 forum from City
Secretary, Candidate Marcus Rives heard about the 4/26 at the luncheon, had heard rumblings about
another forum, does not see a problem since all candidates are Republican's, does have a conflict on 5/1
but will need to see if can change, will attend 4/26 forum. Councilmember Peden stated they should
televise both, should not hire additional video grapher and will not support funding. Councilmember
Horecky stated not to televise at all. Councilmember LeCour stated a lot of citizens cannot attend forum,
should use public access channel, willing to support both forums, will not support extra funding for
professional filming. Councilmember Hill wants both televised, spend additional funds for video grapher.
Councilmember Peden stated televise both, paying for Republican video, paying $800 out of pocket,
spend $1,200. Councilmember Ewing stated she thinks only televise on May 1, if not, then none, will
have to have staff involvement, going against vote. City Manager restated for clarification to broadcast
both, $1,200, can be only responsible for what staff is responsible for, when to broadcast, follow
broadcast after council meetings, air both back to back for 7 days. Council holds you harmless.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the April 23 presentation and review of Corp of Engineers
National Economic Development(NED) Plan for Clear Creek Flood Control Project to be presented
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported on the request from Galveston County to participate in Dickinson
Bayou de-snagging project. Councilmember LeCour asked about mosquito control for Galveston County,
aerial spraying in place, need to get spraying going in Harris County.
*''Councilmember Hill moved to the award Bid No. B2007-07 to Landscape Structures, Inc., for the
purchase of Playground Equipment for Stevenson Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract
Seconded by Councilmember Measles.
James Toney clarified that the city budget is for $45,000, there is an initial donation of $15,000 and will
donate an additional $9,000 and would require the city will need to fund $8000
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**Councilmember Hill moved to amend to add additional $8,000 to budget
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. Motion was approved unanimnously.
Main motion as amended to approve the award the bid for playground equipment for Stevenson Park was
approved unanimousiy.
*'`Councilmember Ewing moved to approve the appointment of Gail Rodgers to the Community
Appearance Board to fill a vacancy.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. Motion was approved unanimously.
*'`Councilmember Horecky moved to approve the appropriation of funds to purchase a digital recording
system for the City Hall Council Chambers
Seconded by Ewing. Motion was approved unanimously.
*"Councilmember Peden moved to approve purchase of one medic vehicle and three gurneys for
Emergency Medical Service(EMS).
Seconded by Councilmember Measles. Motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion was held regarding authorizing Staff to research runoff coefficient formulas to compute the
amount of detention capacity required when pervious/permeable/porous concrete is used. The item failed
for lack of a motion.
*''Councilmember Peden moved for approval of Resolution R2007-16—A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, appointing City Manager, Robert (Bo) McDaniel as the successor
representative of the City of Friendswood to the Public Power Pool.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. Motion was approved unanimously.
*"Councilmember Horecky moved to approve Resolution R2007-17—A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood recommending the appointment of Nancy Edmonson to Position 8 of the Freight
Rail District for Harris and Fort Bend Counties.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. Motion was approved unanimously.
"*Councilmember Horecky moved to approve Resolution R2007-18 — A Resolution amending City of
Friendswood, Texas, Resolution No. R2006-24, passed and approved the 11`h day of September, 2006,
and being a resolution adopting a Design Criteria Manual for the installation of public infrastructure within
the City, by amending portions of Subsection 1.04 of Section V of the Design Criteria Manual adopted
thereby to provide flood water detention requirements for certain small single lot development; and
providing other matters relating to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. Motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved for approval_Resolution R2007-19—A Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Mayor to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, that
certain interagency agreement between the City and Harris County regarding construction of EI Dorado
Boulevard (Friendswood Link Road) from Beamer Road to Blackhawk.
Seconded by Councilmember Measles. Motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Peden moved to approve Resolution R2007-20 — A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, condemning the Texas Municipal League for publishing personal and
derogatory attacks on members of the group"Americans for Prosperity"; and directing the presentation of
this resolution to the Board of Directors of the Texas Municipal League.
Seconded by Councilmember LeCour.
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**Councilmember Ewing moved to amend, Section 2, to change verbiage from outrage to discontent
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. Motion failed 2-5 with Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Hill,
LeCour, Peden and Horecky opposed.
Main motion approved—6-1 Councilmember Measeles opposed.
"*Councilmember Horecky moved to approve Second and final reading of Ordinance No. T2007-05, An
Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2000-01, as amended, originally
adopted the 17th day of December, 2000, being Appendix B of the Friendswood City Code, and being an
ordinance providing rules and regulations governing plats and the subdivision of land, by adding and
revising certain definitions in Subsection E of Section I thereof, by changing the maximum length
permitted for cul-de-sac streets contained in Paragraph 1 of Subsection G of Section III to 750 feet, and
by revising Subsection H of Section III to establish a method of ineasuring block lengths and to eliminate
a minimum length for cul-de-sac streets; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each
day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill The Motion approved 5-2 with Mayor Smith and
Councilmember Ewing opposed.
Mayor Smith stated a compliment was received from Developer Tracy Goza regarding the Building
Department, stated they are doing an outstanding great job.
Councilmember LeCour spoke on the current fate of the Sunmeadow golf course, thinks it is over, killed
the golf course and is saddened, will be a development there and will have to address issues. Stated he
is glad to have the Candidates forum on the PEG channel and will be watching. Attended Friendswood
Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD) and EMS awards ceremony last Saturday, enjoyed the great
slideshow of fires that were fought.
Councilmember Ewing stated she attended the Salt Grass Chapter of City Secretaries banquet, very nice
program, stated the Salt Grass Chapter awards a educational scholarship annually in the name of Deloris
McKenzie and stated this is a high honor, attended the Challenger Little League event with the City
Manager and the three J's (Councilmember Jim, Jay, and John).
Councilmember Hill stated last week he attended the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDot)
meeting with Councilmember Horecky and City Manager regarding drainage, move fairly slow, very
knowledgeable of Friendswood streets and drainage, attended the FVFD banquet, very enjoyable, do not
give them enough credit, thanked Chief Jeff Smith for kind words about Council and City Manager, owe
apology for saying Councilmember Peden voted in favor of West Ranch rezoning, apologize to
Councilmember Peden.
Councilmember Horecky stated he attended the TxDot Meeting and dittoed Councilmember Hills
comments, attended Forest of Friendswood homeowners association (HOA) meeting with 75 people
attending, also attended the Challenger Little League was a new experience for him was really touching,
was a baseball buddy and played two games, out there for the pure joy.
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Councilmember Peden stated he accepts apology from Councilmember Hill regarding the rezoning
statement, feels the golf course would never be profitable, why he voted the way he did, talked about
changing the sign ordinance, and asked where the City is at in this process, attended several HOA
meetings, attended Friendswood Lakes where all four candidates were, attended FVFD/EMS banquet
was great but long.
Councilmember Measeles asked if the Environmental Foundation check has been sent. Reminded
everyone of the FIG (Friendswood Is Great) FEST this weekend, a lot of effort by a lot of people.
Mayor Smith stated he also attended many of the meetings, highlight FVFD/EMS and volunteerism, many
father and son teams, Kudos to that department.
""Councilmember Horecky moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of
Item D The Approval of March, 2007 Property Tax Report. A. Approval of a joint license agreement for
buyout property at 510 Providence Drive. B. Authorize the Mayor to execute agreements with
Friendswood Area Swim Team (FAST) and the YMCA for the use of the Sesquicentennial Swimming
Pool. C. Approval of the disposition of five police vehicles through public auction. D. Approved Minutes
for April 02, 2007 Meeting.
*'`Motion was made by Councilmember Horecky to approve B, C and E of the consent agenda.
Seconded by Councilmember Peden. Approved
**Motion was made by Mayor Smith to approve the March 2007 tax report.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles.
**Mayor Smith moved to table Item D -The Approval of March, 2007 Property Tax Report.
Seconded by Councilmember LeCour. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 10:58 PM.
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