HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2007-02-19 Special 02/19/2007 2631
FEBRUARY 19, 2007 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
Discussion was held with the Development Process Committee regarding their Interim Report, Chairman
Jeff Payson and members Marcus Rives, Adam Hill, Terry Collins and Brett Banfield were present. A
question and answer session was held regarding proposed changes, seeking Council input for changes
subject to Staff comment, discussed proposing eliminating full blown detail drawings prior to public
hearings for rezonings for Planned Unit Developments (PUD) and Specific Use Permits (SUP) for one
acre or less development, what level of detail would be helpful to the public, some details would be
resolved through the Comprehensive Plan, discussed the need for additional benchmarks, there are two
in the City at this time, which may help cut down on developer costs, the cost is not known to develop
benchmarks, possibly between $10,000 and $30,000, possibly Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) has some funding to help with this cost, some decisions are made on the best guesstimate for
elevations, it is disturbing to the developers/builders to make building decisions using this methodology.
Mayor Smith complimented the committee on this milestone checklist, very helpful to everyone and also
for committee recognizing importance of windstorm report and paperwork, discussed single family lots
and plans, proposed that a. engineer report for a single family lot for detention ponds not be required, a
drainage plan is required by the National Building Code which would provide the drainage information
needed, discussed having a surveyor shoot a topographic Level with a Staff inember present before a
building permit is issued and then after completion of building, have an additional topographic shot for
final review in order to be ensured that this building does not adversely affect neighboring properties,
windstorm requirements is a good thing, found that windstorm inspection missed some things, the City
has oversight but does not carry any weight with the insurance companies. Harris County is not in the
windstorm zone and windstorm procedures are not required and insurance policies are not available, after
1988 required to meet windstorm requirements in certain areas and there are some grandfathering for
those that were not included in the Insurance Pool.
Councilmember Peden stated he does not believe Staff needs to be inspecting, red tag and inspection
issues have been addressed and are implemented or being implemented by Staff, committee offered to
continue to work on the details of the zoning issues identified, thinks that the report to be given to Council
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and then determine how to fix with Staff input and then meet with the committee to review to be sure that
everyone is agreed.
The committee asked if Council can promote building in Friendswood.
Councilmember Peden commented that Staff is charged to look out for the public first, have they been
overzealous, probably so.
Mayor Smith commented that Council creates policy and then gives it to the City Manager to implement it
to Staff, Council cannot give direction to Staff, policies and rules should be written clearly so that there is
no need for interpretation, committee stated the public is wanting homes built in Friendswood, there are
variances available, the ordinances should have the intent written in, Council asked what the next step
Mayor Smith stated City Manager needs direction to get objective opinion from Staff and present to
Council to provide direction, committee asked for copy of what Staff prepares for input.
City Manager Bo McDaniel expressed appreciation to committee, some things Staff has worked on or is
working on and can give a copy to Council, need to identify any cost, what is overriding objective and
goal, agree that the overriding stakeholder is the homebuyer and the other stakeholder is the
builder/developer which builds quality homes which believes brings in the families that is the economic
development rider, wants Staff to be consistent with Council's core value, wants to strike a balance,
would seek guidance from Council, will get report from Staff and then will workshop and may bring
committee back to meet with Council.
The committee asked that all of the report be reviewed by Staff and acted on by Council.
City Manager Bo McDaniel suggested if committee has priorities to submit for Staff to review.
Council asked if this can be brought back in about two meetings, committee will not be left out of the loop,
may need additional help from the committee, the committee members offered their assistance if needed
for any clarification.
The committee asked that this report not be shelved as was previously done, and stated they just want to
know what to say to these homebuyers. Council will get a list from the Staff as to what has already be
done and then the rest of the items will be looked at, wants to see a definitive recommendation as to how
to proceed from Staff.
The committee stated the two items that need to be worked on are the building height and lot coverage,
seeking clarification as to why these requirements are there, cannot figure what the purpose is. Council
is ready to move on with these items and appreciates the work that has been done by this committee.
Discussion was held regarding the calendar for review of the Charter Review Commission Report
including recommendations and potential Charter amendments as may be submitted for consideration by
City Council. Discussion was held regarding the proposed calendar, Mayor Smith presented the calendar
to meet and review the proposed 16 proposed amendments and any items, publish in the newspaper the
proposed Charter changes, meet with the Charter Commission, hold a town meeting and an additional
workshop prior to a regular Council meeting on March 5th and then adopt the ballot working for proposed
Charter amendments and call a Special Election. Council discussed process, concern that does not
agree with all in the commission report and does not have all items to be considered, added potential
discussion regarding English Language, auditor reporting to Council and tax cap limitations, only items
will be listed in the town hall meeting notice, the notice should be vague regarding notice regarding
proposed charter amendments, other but not limited to list of three items as listed and any other items
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that may come before Council.
Discussion was held regarding the status of the Property Tax Collection process, an update was given
from City Manager Bo McDaniel, Council approved and Mayor Smith signed the contract, Administrative
Services Director Roger Roecker had discussions with Galveston County for transition, will be a lag due
to delinquent taxes, but working on that process. Councilmember LeCour presented information
regarding a Conversion Project Plan, became concerned regarding a meeting with Friendswood
Independent School District (FISD) and possibly Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD), there
is a distribution list of attendees. Mayor Smith, City Manager and other Staff inembers asked for a report,
City Manager stated this is an administrative meeting not a public posted meeting, one of the items on the
agenda was tax office transition, question was asked as to why Galveston County Tax Collection was not
included in this transition meeting, with City Manager responding. Councilmember LeCour asked if the
City can meet this conversion plan. Administrative Services Director Roger Roecker stated this plan was
introduced when the subject was first discussed but has not been discussed since there was not a
contract in place. Councilmember LeCour questioned if there is a problem with the schedule, if it cannot
be met then we need to meet with Galveston County Tax Collection, Roger Roecker stated he cannot say
the City can meet this schedule, will meet with Galveston County, will work with them and get this done,
asked if it is going to be able to stay on schedule. Councilmember Peden asked and Council concurred
that Council will get updates if there is a problem meeting the schedule as this goes along. City Manager
Bo McDaniel stated he clearly understands, nothing will be done by action or omission in any way that
could be construed as standing in the way of implementing your policy, contrary of what suspicions may
be there, founded or unfounded, the City Manager and the Staff will follow Council's policy and will
implement it, not looking for fault but looking to deliver and get it done, the County has its own reasons to
make this work and we have ours, that is our duty and we intend to do it, during that feedback and that
process if Council has any sense or any feeling that Staff is distracting it by actions or omissions, please
bring it to our attention and Staff will respond accordingly. Councilmember LeCour stated to just stay on
schedule and get this completed, have had schedules that has been slipped before and is just
questioning it.
Discussion was held regarding a proposal from Millennium Corporation for a Municipal Management
District. Brett Nichols, Millennium Corporation, presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the
proposed Twin Lakes a 338-acre tract at FM 528 in Friendswood, introduced Sel Thint, who stated the
development is divided into 61-acre tract with single family residential (SFR), multi-family residential
(MFR) —Garden Home District (GHD) and commercial proposed zoning, with a club house on 10 acres
and a 277-acre tract with MFR-Medium GHD, residential density, 61-acre tract equal 1.0 (58 lots/61 acre),
277-acre tract equals 2.2 (611 lots/277 acres), proposed overall equals 1.98 (669 lots/338 acres) and
allowed 2.7 units per acre, MFR-GHD density equals 1.5, benefits to community will be a modernized golf
course, solve drainage and flooding issues, over 1,000 new trees will be planted, increase home values,
and there will be 152-acre preserved open space.
A question and answer session was held with Council, Brett Nichols stated 142 acres of open space will
be considered for the golf course, there will be pocket parks on possibly 5 acres, with the redesign of the
golf course they are hoping to accomplish drainage issues for the golf course and some existing homes
and proposed homes, technically there are plans for homes included on the existing golf course, there will
be some changes made to the golf course, presently acquiring easements/homes to allow access to the
golf course from the Manning property to the golf course, the new subdivision HOA will own and operate
or hire professionals for maintenance and operation of the golf course. There will be a net of 1000 trees
after some are removed. A Management District is proposed at $9 million, approximately $1 million per
hole which will include irrigation, planning to drill 4 deep water wells, it has not been discussed with the
Subsidence District at this time, but two existing wells would allow for greater pumpage. The Manning
property map shows access into Windsong and does not dead end. A 277 acre tract on FM 528 has
commercial in front of residential, usually a buffer between the two, Mr. Nichols stated this can be done.
There are two types of drainage plans to be approved, one to use the golf course as retention and other
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plan would be no golf course retention, retention in the golf course is desired, engineering analysis would
be needed to make decision, has not been done but is looking for guidance from Council as to the
proposed Municipal Management District (MMD) which will help make the decision as to which route to
take with regarding retention, purchase of the Manning House was a strong component to be used as a
pro shop/country club, zoning has been zoned SFR except for a small area adjacent to FM 528 zoned as
commercial, Manning property is 61 acres and is zoned SFR, City Manager stated need to look at the
80/20 rule, seriously look at traffic as to this type of impact from the proposed residential, issue regarding
property that is not in the MMD and should they be included, need to look at public debt if use public
funds and equity of existing homes, some services will be provided by a Municipal Utility District (MUD),
water will be provided by the City and paid to the City or could pay to the management district and not to
the City.
Councilmember Peden left the Council Chambers.
Looking for consensus of Council that this development may need assistance of a Management District,
Mayor Smith stated a consensus of Council is not enough to put on the legislative calendar, it is required
to have the actual Resolution and legislation from the City before it could be put onto the calendar for the
House or Senate to vote on, documentation has to be provided, consensus from Council is not sufficient.
There will be no power of domain with the management district.
Ryan O'Hara, with Royal Bank of Canada Capital Markets, representing Millennium presented a draft
Bonding Capacity/Reimbursement Analysis. Projected 5-year build out, growth of one million dollars in
the first year, with the final the growth analysis at 178 million dollars. Capacity of debt that could be
issued is roughly around 17 million dollars.
Brett Nichols stated there will be no drainage impact on Windsor Estates, there cannot be any drainage
impact in the surrounding neighborhoods, golf course is factored into the green space area, the homes
are clustered around golf course.
Mayor Smith stated information had been used from a technical standpoint rather than the spirit in which
it was intended. Golf course is being used as the open space, to get the density wanted. Millennium
project could not be compared to the West Ranch Management District, is not comfortable with the
Millennium traffic issues and the density issues. There is so much information left unopened and having
a difficult time saying yes and with the notion investing 9 or 10 million dollars into a golf course so that it
could be owned by a specific group of people without knowing whether or not if that is going to viable and
what the cost of that would be. Citizens of Friendswood will be taxed and pay for this project not
Millennium. The discrepancy is that Millennium is not giving the same benefits to the general public or to
the new homeowners as the West Ranch Management District did. Alternative was given to do the
development, leave the golf course and do not get a management district. Brett Nichols stated because
Mayor Smith is not a developer, that he is trying to say what they can and cannot be developed on the
property, what Millennium is proposing is the best thing for their development company. Councilmember
LeCour stated Brett Nichols is asking for a concurrence to consider a Management District, asked Mayor
Smith if he would absolutely say no to a management district, Mayor Smith stated could not say because
not everything is defined, Councilmember LeCour stated nothing is defined as of streets, drainage, tax
rate being high, but does not think that is the question and that question would help him understand.
Mayor Smith stated he does not see the value to give the permission to tax the future homeowners, would
like to see the golf course saved without giving 17 million dollars. The answer to Councilmember
LeCour's question was that he would not absolutely say no to a Management District, is going to say no
to this but not going to say no, period. Councilmember Ewing stated she would like to see more
specificity in the design before she would be willing to strap this kind of loan on the backs of future
homeowners, would have to have more information. Councilmember LeCour stated he would consider,
Councilmember Hill sated he would consider but 95% would not support as presented and
Councilmember Horecky stated he would consider, does not think data given is viable as presented,
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would like to see golf course saved and will listen, Councilmember Measeles stated he is open-minded
enough to listen, Councilmember Ewing stated she would not consider, would like more information,
Mayor Smith stated he would like to have more information, could not consider, sees it a funding
mechanism, as a mechanism for profit, would love to see it happen, would love to see them do it, had
heartburn about the West Ranch Management District, has heartburn on this proposal.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.072— Deliberation regarding Real Property.
Council reconvened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Dr. David Belk with Friendswood First Baptist Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Discussion was held with Planning and Zoning Commission regarding Downtown Zoning, City Planner
Diana Steelquist presented a PowerPoint presentation outlining the proposed changes, replace the
Original Business District area with new Downtown District, showed areas to be considered, how it aids
redevelopment-zero building set backs, greater lot coverage (60%), smaller lot sizes (existing small lots
allowed to develop or combine) revision to Permitted Use Table (PUT) allows mixed uses, more uses,
taller buildings allowed, most non-conforming issues go away an Community Overlay District (COD) does
not apply to this district, the major components are physical flexibility on lot size and setbacks, change
height limits, mixed use, parking, sidewalks and street amenities and architectural standards, lot size
regarding all current lots in the main street area are legal as to lot size and may develop under new rules,
minimum lot size 15,000 sq. ft. for new development, lots of any size may be combined into larger tracts,
even if the aggregate size is less than 15,000 sq. ft. , building set backs- zero setbacks allowed on all
sides 60% lot coverage, Height Limits -simple solution proposed by doubling existing limit of 35 feet to 70
feet, mixed use, parking allowed and requirements, sidewalks and street amenities and architectural
A question and answer session followed. Council commented on considering adding pervious concrete,
heritage trees and mark growth to additional report, concern with safety for head-in parking on side
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Friendswood, Appendix C, removing height restrictions for General Planned Unit
Developments and Planned Unit Developments— Mixed Use.
Brett Banfield, 909 Woodcrest Dr., spoke on Appendix C, removing height restrictions for General
Planned Unit Developments and Planned Unit Developments— Mixed Use and amending a Specific Use
Permit-Planned Unit Development (Ordinance No. 2006-28) for property located at 301 Laurel, spoke in
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support of both.
Fred Krch, 209 Dawn, spoke on concern regarding fire protection and safety issues.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Subdivision
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Appendix B, by adding definitions of blocks, sidewalks, public
streets and changing cul-de-sac lengths and block lengths.
No one spoke for or against the Zoning subdivision amendment.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending a Specific Use Permit-
Planned Unit Development (Ordinance No. 2006-28) for property located at 301 Laurel, Lot 20, of the
Harvey & Stout Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, adding an additional building to site plan.
No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland closed this Joint
Docketed Public Hearing.
Chamber of Commerce representative Allan Rasmussen addressed Council regarding a Citywide
Festival, introduced members present, announced FIG (Friendswood Is Great) Festival on April 21,
personally thanked Historical Society, joint venture with other organizations in conjunction with the annual
Chamber Car Show, Historical Society will move their event to this weekend, working on putting together
battle of the bands and then a concert in Centennial Park, asked Council to consider starting Concert in
the Park on this night, asked for City support in use of the parks, security, etc. Mayor Smith referred to
the City Manager to put together information and provide to Council.
Don Seyfert, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and congratulated and thanked Council for the
many hours they spend and receive no payment, spent the week celebrating nephew who recently
returned home from serving his time in Iraq, returned home to see news that Congress passed
Legislation which was voted on by Congressman Ron Paul giving comfort and aid to AI Quaida, to our
enemies, Ron Paul is a traitor, Mr. Seyfert stated he will give his time and money to see that Ron Paul is
never elected again and will work to see him impeached.
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and presented Council with a packet of information,
spoke on government donating to private organizations such as the Pregnancy Center, and spoke on the
English only subject and that LULAC threatened the City with a lawsuit if City proceeded with the issue,
thinks the City is on the right track by changing City application that employees speak English.
AI Kelley, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated that Council has to give due consideration
to the proposed Millennium project, realize there are still issues to be considered, but is pleased to see
the movement, think giving insufficient consideration of retention of golf course, does not blame
Millennium nor the operation today, blame the way it was set up to begin with, there was no investment
by the community, no guarantees, after it was rezoned to single family dwelling. According to the rezoning
there is no golf course, it is just an open space, need to give serious consideration to the proposed
Bill Holbert, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is concerned about agenda item
regarding funding Hotel/Conference center feasibility study, same developer built same Hotel/Conference
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in Sugarland, but the developer did not pay for this property but used public funds, has anyone met with
representatives from the developer to ask if they are going to use private funds or are looking for public
funds, which could be up to $20 million dollars if it is similar to the Sugarland property, respectfully
requesting that this item be tabled until Council can meet one on one with the developer to ask that
question. $20 million seems like a lot of public money to spend when there is a need for funds for other
needs of the City, such as streets and other things. Councilmember Peden stated he has spoken to
developer and has been told that there is absolutely no way it can be built without public funds.
Faye Roberson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and spoke on the proposed Millennium
development, lives on #4 hole that is going away and row houses are proposed to be built behind her
home, thanked City Manager for bringing up the traffic issue, read a prepared statement regarding grave
concern regarding the proposed development by Millennium, expressed concerns with traffic, asked slow
down project and get input, there is an old saying that you haven't heard the fat lady sing, she is the fat
lady and will not hear her sing.
Leslie Reid, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and announced running for City Council, and
stated her platform for being a candidate for Council position.
Zoning Board of Adjustment Vice Chair Greg Hughes gave the annual report on the variances the Zoning
Board of Adjustments Committee (ZBOA) has considered. Mr. Hughes addressed the request from
ZBOA to allow more flexibility of the variance requirements. Mayor Smith thanked Mr. Hughes for the
report and members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment committee for their service in hearing these
Councilmembers Hill and Horecky gave a report on the status of the drainage regulations discussions
with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District. This is a preliminary report on the meetings being
held, The Drainage District will consider amending the interlocal agreement, still working with Staff, will
continue working on this process, making giant steps.
City Manager Bo McDaniel gave an update on the Glenshannon Drainage Project, a meeting was held
with the representatives of the Boone property, Mayor Smith, City Attorney and City Manager.
Meaningful negotiations occurred offering promise that procurement without condemnation may be
possible and doable in the near term 4 to 6 weeks.
City Manager Bo McDaniel reported that Fire Marshal Terry Byrd received appointment, in 2006,
Governor Rick Perry issued Executive Order RP57 which required that the county judges and mayors
within each of the States 24 Council of Government regions establish a Regional Unified Command
Structure to manage and coordinate major emergencies. This was a result of the Hurricane Rita
evacuation which revealed a lack of coordination between the state, counties, cities and private sector
industries at all levels. The Houston-Galveston region recognizes that major emergencies such as a
hurricane evacuation is a regional issue that crosses jurisdictional boundaries and requires regional
planning and coordinated operations. The regional structure will ensure that local decision makers will be
kept informed and it will provide for proper coordination in evacuation sequencing, communication and
the marshalling and allocation of resources. The 13 counties of the H-GAC region have developed a
Multi Agency Coordinating Committee (MACC) to meet the requirements of Executive Order RP57. The
H-GAC plan provides one representative from each of the 13 counties in H-GAC and one representative
each from the City of Houston and the City of Galveston. This 15 person committee will serve as the
Multi Agency Coordinating Committee for the Houston-Galveston area. In 2006 County Judge Jim
Yarbrough appointed Terry Byrd to serve as Galveston County's Representative to the Houston-
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Galveston Area Multi Agency Coordinating Committee (MACC). Judge Yarbrough has reappointed Terry
Byrd to represent Galveston County in 2007.
City Manager Bo McDaniel gave an update on Household Hazardous Waste Program. Following
Council's concurrence at the February 5t" meeting, Staff issued a news release entitled "City of
Friendswood Calls for Support on Household Hazardous Waste Campaign." The release explained the
one-year trial agreement that the City has reached with the City of Pearland. As you know, per the
agreement, Pearland will allow up to 100 Friendswood residents to utilize the Pearland facility over a one-
year period for the amount of $3,750. The release also explains that in an effort to gauge community
support for this program, the City is requesting that residents help to fund this effort by raising 50 percent
of the cost. If 50 percent ($1,725) is raised by Monday, May 7, 2007, the City will then fund the other half
for this service. In addition, those making donations to support this program will be given first priority
when the program takes effect. Thus far, we have received a considerable amount of feedback from the
community regarding this program, but no donations have yet been collected. If by May 7, the $1,725
has not been raised, any money that has been donated will be returned to the donors, and the City of
Friendswood will not enter into the aforementioned Household Hazardous Waste agreement with the City
of Pearland. If we get more donations and interest than 100 vouchers can accommodate, Council will
establish guidance/policy as deemed appropriate.
City Manager Bo McDaniel gave a report on Building Permits issued impacted by the revision to the
Design Criteria Manual for detention ponds. The following summary from interim Director of Community
Development Department Frank Manigold reports on the number of permits issued to date. It has been
directed to the building department to err on the side of granting permits when gray issues surface as a
result of this initiative rather than withholding permits. Questions have arisen regarding lot coverage
definitions in the City's zoning ordinance. That ordinance has no definitive definition. Absent such,
discretion lies with the Zoning Administrator per the Zoning Ordinance. A draft interpretation with exhibits
was given to the Planning and Zoning Commission for input (not approval). The attached is the final
determination by the Zoning Administrator. Those disagreeing with this interpretation have the following
options 1) comply, 2) appeal the interpretation of the Zoning Administrator to the Zoning Board of
Adjustment Committee (ZBOA), and 3) ask Council to consider a test change (addition) to explicitly define
lot coverage which has the effect of nullifying the interpretation of the Zoning Administrator.
City Manager Bo McDaniel provided status on the current phase of the Capital Improvements Projects
(CIP) and asked Council to review and provide comments as to adequacy of information supplied.
**Councilmember Measles moved to approve a joint agreement for a hotel/conference center feasibility
study with Eclipse Development Group and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing.
***Councilmember Peden moved to amend the letter of understanding regarding ownership of the study
to provide that the City will share ownership of the study.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The main motion, as amended, was approved 4-3, with
Councilmembers LeCour, Hill, and Horecky opposed.
**Councilmember Horecky moved to award Bid No. B2007-01 for Mowing of City property, medians and
buyout lots to Cornerstone Maintenance Inc., and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember LeCour moved to award Bid No. B2007-03 for Janitorial Services for City facilities to
American Janitorial Services, Ltd., and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
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Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember LeCour moved to award Bid No. B2007-04 for Fire Hydrant Audit and Repairs to
HydraTec Services and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Horecky moved to approve appointments to fill vacancies on Fourth of July Steering
Skip Redding, Michelle Scarpa, Christine Scarpa, Stefanie Scarpa and Stacy Scarpa.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Peden moved to approve to extend the deadline imposed on tax refund checks for one
time only until April 30,2007 deadline.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District to join the
City contract for Tax Collection Conversion Fee for a five-year history in the amount of $5000 with
Galveston County Tax Office.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution R2007-05 — A Resolution of the City of
Friendswood Texas, approving and adopting the Friendswood Public Library Long-Range Plan, 2006-
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution R2007-06 — a Resolution of the City of
Friendswood Texas, providing for the holding of a General Election on May 12, 2007, for the purpose of
electing two Councilmembers (Position Nos. 4 and 6); designating the polling places and appointing
election officials for such election; providing the form of the ballots at such election; directing the giving of
notice of such election; and containing other provisions relating to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember LeCour reported on "Ethics" Texas Municipal League (TML) style, read information from
TML Update regarding reducing taxes and government being more efficient, TML comments on the
development of a Jihad group, analogy TML made is out of line and is a misrepresentation and should be
called on this, TML publication of new President Carol Alvarado who is a Councilmember from Houston
was on the front cover of the TML Texas Town and City magazine after her office came under
investigation, what does TML do to make her President, stated this is unacceptable for efficient and
honest government and will be supporting opting out of TML.
Councilmember Measeles stated he had no report.
Councilmember Peden stated he will look for a resolution on the next agenda regarding TML comments,
to state how City feels how wrong the comments were and how outraged, asked the City Manager a
question about a Charter requirement that a financial statement be given to Council every month at least
by second meeting in the month. Stated he has been looking for total Capital Improvement Project (CIP)
report, is there a target date when to expect, give date next meeting.
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Councilmember Horecky stated he had no report.
Councilmember Ewing announced the library program next Tuesday with Peter Fletcher, a guitarist, and
urged everyone to attend.
Mayor Smith announced notice of the Hurricane Conference in Galveston, May 8-9, 2007, plans to attend
and invited anyone that wants to attend.
Mayor Pro-Tem Peden stated he plans to attend.
**Councilmember Horecky moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Authorize the Mayor
to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Webster for the use of the City of Friendswood's storm
debris removal contract for emergency management purposes. B. Accept January, 2007 Property Tax
Report. C. Approve Minutes of January 15 and January 22, 2007, Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 10:33 PM.
Mayor David J.H. Smith
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Deloris McKenzie, TRMC
City Secretary * *
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