HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2007-07 ' RESOLUTION NO.R2007-07
WHEREAS, the 79th Session af the Texas Legislature passed S. B. 1806,
attached hereto and incorporated herein as Ezhibit "A" (the "Act"), creating the West
Ranch Management District(the "District") over those lands within the boundaries of the
City of Friendswood (the "City") described in the Act, which Act became effective June
17, 2005; and
WHEREAS, the City is amenable to consenting to the creation of the District
within its boundaries under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and
WHEREAS, the City is ready to appoint two directors to the Board of Directors
of the District in accordance wit the Act; now, therefore,
Section 1. That the City Council hereby grants its consent to the creation of
the District, subject to the terms and conditions set out in Ezhibit "B," attached hereto
and incorporated herein for all purposes.
Section 2. That the City Council hereby appoints the following individuals to the
Board of Directors of the District:
Position Name Term Expires
Position 1 Don Beeth June 1, 2011
Position 3 Joseph Stunja June 1, 2011
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in force and effect from
and after its passage on the date shown below.
Section 4. Open Meetings. It is hereby officially found and determined that
this meeting was open to the public, and public notice of the time, place and purpose of
said meeting was given, all as required by the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Texas
Government Code.
PASSED,APPROVED,AND RESOLVED,this the St6 day of March 2007.
, 1
id J.H. S th
��� �R'ENO'��
� �
o $
D loris McKenzie, T *
City Secretary *
�'�tE� �'�
�2007-07 2
79(Rj SF3 l�OCi - �:nrolled version- Bili "1�ext Page 1 af 18
s.�. ��. ��a�
�.. ' g - ° ; '� l�l �' ("; Management i�istric�t;
rc�2atln to the cr�ation o� t?�� riP >�. � r��nL.1 �,
prf�vi�irg authori.ty ta irnpose a taK and issue a bond ur s.imilar
SECTIQN l. G�P�Si�C?} RT�"�C'.t-i,.:�] MF3ATAGE�'IENT 17TSTRICT. Suk7titl.� C,
Ti�l� 4, Special District Loca3 Laws Cc�de, =.s amend�d c�y adding
Chapter �837 to read as folloras:
CHAPTER 383? . i=.TE,�I "Cj R�aNCt����C;; t�iA[*lAGEMEN`i' DISTRZCT
S2c:. 38'7.001. DEEINITIOI�]S. in this cha�ter:
---—__...___�_ ----_._ �
(1) "Board" means the board..of direc.tars of t?�e
- - -_ — -- __
(_2} "I�istrict" means the SJe�r f C)_ Ra 1c�.�0.1..._F�c3naqeme�t
bi_strict. ^
_ _.-__
Sec. 3837.002. �. �T E����=']t � [C?_1 MANF�GEMENT DISTf2ICT. The � f�L t�<J�
_�.__ ._ � __. _ __._� _ �
:zr�r r .!�' Manaqement District i.s a speuial district crEated under
_ _._.� -- --- _�------
Sectian 59�_Articl� XVI, Texas Coristituti.on.
�ec. 383?.Gt'3. PURPt�SE; DECLAR�,TI:ON OF INTENfi. (_a) _Th�
___ ___— -- _ _...__.__
creation of the district is essential to accamplish the p�rposes of
— -- ------ -- -
Sectiflns 52 and 52-ai Article IZI, and Sectivn 59, Article XVI�
Texas Gonstituticn, and ot}�er puhlic purposes stat�d in this'
chapt�r. By _creatinq_the district and in auth�rizinq th� City of
Fri�ndswoodL Galveston and Harris Coun*ies, and other_goliti~^al
-- — _--- - — --- ---
sux3c3i�risions to contract with the ciistrict� the leq%slature has
�. _�___ �y_�._ �___. -- -- --
established_ a�ro rarr, tc� accaamplish the �;i�ilic_pur�o5es set cut__in
Section 52-a, Article III, Tc,xas Constitutianv
(b) _The rreation of the district_ i5 _ner�ssar� to promate,_
deve].00p, encouraqe, and maint3in empl�yment, ^ommerce,
__ _�� ----
transportation, housinc�,__tourism�recreatian�_ the_arts,
ente�tainment1 ec.onomic detiela�ment,_educatian, safet.�, anci tne
�..----- - -._. � — .._ �
ublic_welfare in the district.
� __Y_ _.
{c) This_ cnapter and ,the crea�i�r� c>f �*�e district may_nct_ �e
- ----- ___. _-- _. .
ir�terpYeted tc� reli�uc= �a:lvest<>n and Narris �.cuntl�s and tY.e City
--_ — --_. ., __�_ —_ __. __... _
:�f E'riendswood zrom �rovidinq_the level of services rrc>vid�d as__of
the ei£�ct.ive date of the Pct ena��tinq_this chapter, t.� thc_area in
___._._ ,__ —- -
the ciistrict. The c�istrict ia cre�3ted ta supplement a.^.d not tr
-- --- _ �— -- _ ..._ - - -____—_�� _
sUp�lant the counT_�or. c��t� sPrvices__prcvided in t%?e ar.ea in tne
� _�_._ _� _._..
� __�ec. 3t337.OQ4. E'I�iDItVGS O�' 3EitiE�'IT �ND P,}BLZ�: FURPOSE.
_� .��_---- -- __--_--
!a) The district i.s crEated t� serve a public use and ber.efi.t..
_..._------ ---.-�_ _ _.
�__... .__
{�)_ R11 land arid oL�i�r pro�:�r.ty included in the_district
http:(�'wti�v.czpitol.state;,tx.L�slcgi-binlcqegi`:�CQ_SESSIt�N_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIRF&C(�_.. 71l I C2�t�5
7�)(}Z) SB 1$06 - Etlrolted version - I�ill �l�cxt Page 2 of 18
will ben�fit �rcm tt�� :i�=��x�.ments a;�d services to b� �rovided k�y
-___�.____._ _�_._ .__ . _-----
the district under po�ae.rs conferred_b�r Sectior�s 52_and �,2 a,
__ _ ---- -... _ -- --
A.r.tir.l� III,__and Secti.on 59, Rrticle XVI, Texas Const�i:ation, and
_. �_. _ _ -- - -------- -.__ __.� _ _- _—__. ..._�
�the_�owprs qr"anteci t;nc.ez tt�i_s c.tia�er_
__._ _ �
(c�)_ T?:e cr a�ion of_tfze ditirrict i:�--in thP public. iriterest
ant� is �ssential_ }�: _
�____._..______..�_�__ .
(1_j fi.<rtl�er the �blic purpcses of developing. .and
daversi:f�'incL Ltle_ econumy_of the state;
�— (2) �liminat� �nemEaloyment a:�d un�eremplc�yment; and
-- _-- -- ---
{3} develop c�r expancl *�ransp�rtat�on and commerre,
(d) `P}-xe di stri�t wi31:
{1) promote, tr�e__h_�altti, safe.t�, e��3ucation, and�_er:eral
_ _ --- - --
w�lrure of xesic�ents, _em�loys�rs�_DOter.�tial emplov�es, em-�lo�ees,
_ _._ � __ __.._.
visit�r� _and consumers in the distr�ct, and cf the public;
_�. , ----- -- --- __..� ..__._
_(^) �rocidE_ needLd fundin� £ar the district_ to
reser_,re, rnaintain, anc� er.hnnce the ecanomic health and vi,ta�ity o£
ttie di.strict territory as � carununity and busi.ness center, and
__--_.._._---- - ---- —�---
{3) _ prornote the health, safety, wplfare, educat.i.r.,n,
__ -- -- __..�_
and eTl7r�y�r�ent of thp_�ab1i_c by providinc� pedestrian ways and by
larldsca i� anci cievelo�inc� certain areas in the distri.rti_which arc
--- __ . -
necessar�f�r "the sestaratit�rrt_�reservation, and enhancement of
_ _ _� _..._ _.�_ - --.__
sc�nic beauty-
t�}_ Pec�est.ri.an wa��rs al.anc�or across a s�reet, whether at
__ --- - -- __.. _
grade ox ab�ve cr below the si�rfac.�, anci street li.qhtin�, street
- --_____-�---
la:�dscapir,g, �arklnq,t and street art _ob�cts are parts of and
necessa=V c��mpanents of a �treet �nd are corsidered to be a st .�c;.et
—__ --. - __ -
or _road i mprover,'�Fnt.
v {f) The district� w:1_? rtot act as the aqent t;r
instrumentality of an�,r private inter�st even thouqh the district.
- -- _-- - -� -- - ..._ -----._..
will benefit ir�any_�ir_ivat� interests as well as the �>ubiic.
_� 'Sec. 3837.005. DISTRICT TERRITORY, (aj The dist.rict is
-._ ___-_ _ -- -_ __.__.
cflmpasec�_of tne territory describecl by secti r 2 af the Act enacting
-- _.__._ _- --- --
`his ct��te.r., as th�t territory may hat�e been modified unc�er:
-- --..__�_`__. _ ___ _..-
{i) Subcn� >�r J� Chapter 49, Water Code cr
r2) other laa;.
(b} The �coundaries an:' field notQS of the dis�rict cor.tained
�__._ .- - _ _ �_
in Sectaori 2 af the 71ct enac�i� this_chapter fc�rm a closure. A
- �__ ._� �_-- _...
mista'.Ke in th� field r,otes or in co��inq the fiel� notes �n t}r�
IPg_islati��P rarocess daes r�ot in an __way affect the �istrict's:
(1) oraanization, existence, cr vatir3i�_
---- - - -----
(2) r_�ht tc� iss�ze_�_n'�'.�pe o£ h�nd `or a._Pur�os� faz:
_ _-� _.__
wr�ieh t.hc r�istrict is crecte� cr to Yay tY�e �rincipal af and
_^._ _._.._. --- _--_ __.� --_.__--
interest cn �.he bcr.d;
{3Z_r�ght to i.mc�ose or callect an assessment car ta�_ _,nr
(�?__ _lec�ali� �r aa�ration. -- — _ _ __.
�11 or a�part of the area_ c>f t�e distra.ct is _e2i ible to be ^
i nc 1.uae d i r:� - _ _.- ------ _-- -- - -
- ----- (1} � tax increment reinvestment_ zan� cr�at�� by a
mun�cip�iity under C_ha�ter 313, T�x Cacie;-- _. .__
� {2} a tax at�atement reinve�tment_z�ne cre�ted � a
—--_---- - --
munici�>aiity under Ch�pter 312, Tax Cc�c�; or
__. � __�.
_(31 _,an_eraterprise zone creatc d �-a munic�pal i tY u.yc3er
Ch�pter 2303� Government Cc�e. _--- - ---
Set�. 383`3 .flfl 3 . AP�'LICRBZLI`PY OF F�lUNIC:INr`1L MAP7A.GE",MENT
DISTr:IC7S L21rrJ. ExcePt 3s _othe wi.se_ rovi�'ed b� t}ai_s chapter.,_
» -- - -- � _
Ch�ter 3?5,_7oc:�l GovernmenL Code, a�ies t� the distr�_ct.
Sec. 3837.t)Q£3. LZSF_RAL CONSTRU�,TIOtv �F CY.�PTER. Thia
_-_ _- - _-- --- --- -- - - -
ct-�apt�r >hal l be li�eral_l��rstrued in con�ormLty w.i.rh th�
_ __._
findi_r�s and �ur�o es st�ted sn this c;�a:�t,er.
http:l/www.ca�itoi.state.tx.us/cgi-bi�rllcqcgi?C�tZSESSION_KEY=LV�XHZTIWTIi�&CQ... 7fl 1120(�)5
-- _
�7y(I�.) SB 1$U6 -Fnrolled versio�� - $ill �'ext I'age 3 of 18
�,_�.'_ecti�;ri�_3�3?.�09-:38U7.050 resertl�� �or ex�dnsian�
Sec. 3t337.i151. GC�VF�?�I!tiG BODY. The district i.s _r�o�erne� by
-- --- --- --- --- - -- -� _
a borjrd �f five clirectors who serve staqc�ered terms r�f faur Y�ars,
_____ . __..----- - ---�-__ . _ ____ _
with twa or three_c�ar.ectors' terms expis-ing_Jur�e^l of e�ch
______� .�_'.__- �._.� -----
' Sec. 3837.652. t1PPOIt3TMF..NT t7F DZRECTORS. ;a� The
__� __ ___--- -- - --
aoverni� bo� af the City of Frienc3swaod sl-tail az��irzt the
dir ctors r�� the boardiThe goveininc3 bo� shall_ a��ir.t:
-- ------
_��_� _three directers f.r_om_a List ._of_Fe.rsons nomi�ateci
b�the board; an� .
� {2y _*wo director� chosen by_th� c�r�verninq body.
-_- - ----- - --- -
(a} iS a person awr:s 25_�ercent or rnore �f the i�r,d_in the
district, thP board shall requesr_that the �erson_praviae to the
_ _ _. �-- - - -
b�ard _a list of_.Liersons fc;r the b�ar.d to n�minate ixnder this
_ _ _ __ _,_
section. If the person does r.ot_�rovide a list _of -��ersons to the
- — --� _ �
board for L-hat our��ase k��fore the 31st day after _the date the boar�
�_...-- -_. — _..._ _.
rec�uests the Iist or if nc� p�rsrn uwns 25 percent or more of the_larid
in the__distr.i.ct, th� board is not reguireci to c�btain a list and_m�
__ - _ __ _ .._�« -- — -
nc�minate any_eliqihle persan fo� appointment to the board. If mc�r�
ttiari one person owrs 25 percent or more of the land included i� _the
__.._�_ � ____._� __ . .�_
district, oni�the person who owns the qreatest amrsunt of land
�_._ .__ ____ _ _. _.` _
included in the district i.<,° �nta.tled to have the board re�c,Uest a
--- ----_- __ _--,_
li5t under this subsection. �
-._—_�.._.____ .._ _.
fc) _If a person owns 25 percent or more of th� land in the
-- --- _. ._.__._
district, dt ledst a ma-jori.ty of the boar�3 snust have been named fr�m
�__ _._ —._ _...._ _�_�___
a list pr�videc: by a�erson who o��ns 25 perc�nt or more of the iand.
_ _ _.. --- _
--- - --- -J_ _.___ _.... _ �_
�.it�Uf Friendswooci f.or any rea�ori may remove a d�rector ap�o�nted
- - � -
under Seetic,n 3837 �S7�a} {�) anz� appoint a p�rs�n to sF�rve the
---. .� --- --- --_
remair.der of that director's texm.
Sec. 383?.t�59 . VACANCY IN C7E'FICE Or DIRECiC�R. {a) The
-..._-- - ,.._.__--
bo�rd may�oint a �erson to fi1.1 a vacancy in the office c�f a_
_ .._-- - ---
�:�rector appointed under Section 383�7.Q52 (a) (3) far th� remai_nc�er
--. ___ _.-- --...___ _. . _�__ __..
r.,f the directc�r's teim.
(b! The City of Friendswc�o�_maV appoint a person ta fill a
_ -- -------
vacancy in the affice o£ a dir�ctor app�inted under Section
3E33?.�52 ;a; (2) for the remaincl�r_ o£ the director's term.
_._. �._.
__.-_..---- ----
Sec. 3837.Oa5. c�UC�R�lP�i. Far purposes �>f determininq o-ahether
_.. _ _...__,. __�
a quorum af the �oQrd _is_ r� esent�_the. following_are not counted:
_.-- ---
(1) a board position__vacant for any__reason, inr_ludinq
ceatn, resic�natio,n, car d_isqualification; or
;2)_ a director who is a�stainincl frc>m partic�at_ic�n in
a vote because �f a confl.ict Qf ir.terest.
__..___Se�. 3837.056. T?�ITIAL ?�ZR�CT�RS. (a} 'i'he initial l�o�rd
_.._ � ------- - - _._.__.
cor�s3_st of twc dizectors a�.tiointed by the ��ov°erninq bady of the
-- _ _ . -- - --
_ __ -.
Ci�y of E'riendswoa� tc� serve in positicns i ��c3 �? arzc9 th� following
_ ___._. __-�__._. __..
_.___ _.-_ _--- ----
zersr�ns to_ serva in pcsiti��ns 3-5:
Name ofi D_ire�tc�r
u�L Sturi�a
ueff Anderson
�ouy h:�napka
http;llwww.ca�itc�lstate,tx.�lslc�i-bii�/cc�cgi`?CQ_SFSSION_K.�,Y=ZVCXHITI�UIRF&CQ... 7I1 I/20t7�
79{R) SB 1$llG - �nralled versioY� - Bill Text Page 4 of 1$
{�;} �f the initial clirect�rs, the terms a� the directors
��ir.t_e�+ `or�osi4ions 1 and 3 ex�ire June l, 2C�7, and the terr,s
____ _ ______ _.. ___ --
af the �i.rectors apEoirit�c3 for_�osition.s_2�_�i_, a:�d 5. expire June �,-
.— _ __—.__._ __..__. _
--._. ._
,c)_ ..Secti<�n 383?_.052 c�oes not apply to this section.
- --- _.._. _. �__�. ___ �__�
(�J The qc�v�rnirc� body _�f the CitY _af Friendswc�od ma.yJremov�
a direct�r the_goverriin� „_L�cacly appoints uncier this sectian anci__may
, _.�._ . -- - _ - __
�point a �er�on to serve the remainc3er. of_the director's t�rm.
; _) _This stic�ion �x�ires S�pte�ber 1, 2009_. �
�.:�ecti.or3s 38�?.C57-3837. 100 _reserved f�r e�anuion,�
Sec. 3837. 102. EDUCATZdNAL FACILITZES. �a} The di.stric.t
- ^ -- ----_______ _..___
ma� aca�aire, cor,structl_or_ finance ai� educational facil3ty or a
-- -- _._._. _ _..------ ----- -
site or a�purtenance for an educational facilit� tn t�enc�fit the
_ ___. ��----
� .(�} The c.-listrict may conv�y the fa�ility, site, or
a�pi.irtena�ce ta a srhool district that ccntains �erritc�� ir� the.
� � - -- _ _--
��e`�- ��J.___� ..'`� 7<_ �ianagnment District..
Sec. 3837.102. AGR.EEI�3ENTS; GRAN'�'S. (a}._.__�'he d-�strict maY
make an_ac�reernent with or accept a qifC, crrant_, or loan fron� any
(b) ihe im lementation of a district__�r�.�j�ct_ is a
� __.—
aovernmental functaon or service for the purposes of Chapter 7�3�._,
- _-- --_.__.�� —__.
G�vernment Cade.
�----�—�S�t.. 3837.103. AOTHC7RiTY TQ CONTI�CT �'Ok ?�.PL+i ENFORCEMENT.
__.__.._..---. ___� _ .__..._ ---- __
To protec.t the public interest� _the_�istr�ct m�_,contract with the
City of Frienclswoocl for the city to provide law enforcement
services in the district that exce2d the services tha� wauld
otherwise be___provided in the_ district b.y_tr,e_city•^
� _- _ _-- -._. ._..__ ---_ ---------
district may ��in and p�dues to an orqanization that:
- {1 j e�s tax-ex.e.mpt status under Sec#ic�n_S02 (_::)_(_-'_7�
_(4}, or _(6) ,_.._Ii�sternal Revenue CodP of 198b; ar:c�3 ._--
— ------ -
�%) .._P.erf�rms a s�rvice or�rovides an ar_�ivitV
cc�nsistent with tre furtheran�e of a district purpose.
--_Sec. 3837.105, �ECON�MIC; DEVELt7PMENT PRC7{�RAM�. (ai 'I'he
— _�_.._ _._ ��
c3is}rict ma� �stabla.sh and provide for th� a�'mir:i.stratior� af one ar
-. _ _. _... _ _.�.� ��
moxe�r�qrams i�-o �romote state ar lacal ecc�noM c devel��>rr�ent: anc� to
---- _ _ _._�..____ ---__.----
s�imulate bus�.ness and commercial a�tivity in the district,
_. �__. _�_._�_ __ --
inc-�ltzdinc��roqrams_ to:
-- _ ---
(1) _make loans <7nd qrants of ��:b1.ic man�; and
,2i pr�i✓i.de uistrict_ ersonnpl ant� se�vices.
(�} E'or �urposes c�f this section, the district has all vf
__ - - - -._ �- ---- _ _ ___.
t?-ie �a�rs_of a municipal_ity •�nder Cha�ter 380, Lo al. C�v�rnm�ent
Ccde. _���_
_ _._. ._. .__`_ _-- ---_
Sec. 3�537. iQ6. NC� �r"INENT DOMAIN. The di.strict maa�r not
____�_ __�._ _�.�.___ __----�_ _ ____
exercise_the_pflWer of erctinent dc.nain.
[Secti�r.s 3837.I0?-3337.150_x�eserveci for �xpansz.�n .
___ — ---_ —. _-- _..__
board by r�salution �t�all es�ablish the number of cir.ect�xs'
_ - - --- - ---
=�n�aturc�s and nc� �rucECiur� �e�uir_ed fos- a dxs�ur�e�nent or
htt�:ltwww.capitol.st�te.tx.us>c�;i-binlcqc�i?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZV CXI IITI WIRF&CC�_.. 711112005
79(R) S}3 18�6 - Frlrolled versior� - Bill Tex� Page S of 18
transfer r�f the distri_ct ' s m�,�^�p�a.
__ _.�____— ---_'
5��:. 3837. 15?_. PETITIO�V REQUZttE� F4R Eit�3ANCItvG SERL3ZCES AA1i7
__ __.. ..----- .._ _____.._. _.__ �_.
IMFROVEMENTS 6aITH ASSESSMENTS. {a} T�-�e board may not finance a
_ _.__�—� _- - -- --_. _--
serv��e or_ im rovemen�ra��ct wi.tYl_ assessnients uncler this cha�ter.
___ _
un�ess_a written �etitian__requestinq that sert�i_ce rr im�rcvement
has ��en fi.l.ed with t.ne board. — _._ _ �
- ------- --_..__.�_— _
(b� r1 petition filed under 5ur>s�:etiar� a) musfi be sign�d by
fihe otieners __o� _a ma-jority of the assesse� va.Iue_.of real_g�r�ert�'_ in
the d:.strict sub-j�ct to assessrnent accordinq to the r��ost_recant
__ _� _. _ ,_, ____ � �_ ___
cprtified tax appraisal rolls for Harris Gount�_arir�. Galveston
�ounty, �s-���lirable. - __ __ __.._.
Se�. 3837. 153. AL� VAt,t7FEM_TAX•___�a)_ I£ authori.zeci d� an
__._.�____ ___�_. _ . __�`__ --
el�c�t�on helct in accor�anve with Secti�n 3837. 157, the c3istrlct ma�y
--_.__—_. _ —___ _ —__� _-
i_mpose an annual ad valarem tdx an taxable prapert.y i.� the c�isLrict
fc�r a�_c9�_str?ct purpose, includinq tc:
__— ... _
(_I) maint�i.n and operate the district;
(2? construct or acc�u_i.re__improvements, sites, or
__ _... _ _� _
a urtena:ices, c�r
�'�.._`_.._ __. _.
(3�:rovide a service.
(b) T'rie �oard shail c.-+�termine the tax rp�t�.
- .__ -- _...._ _. _._ .._�--
_. — ___.__.� _. _.._----
ASSESSMEhTS. T�;e distrt t ma.y nor irn �sP_ai?_ impact fee or
-------_ .� -----
assessmer�t on tY�e pro�erty, ;_ncluc9inq the_eaui�ment,,_
ri�ts-of-way_,._ f.acilities, oi- improvements, of:
{1) �n electric utility or a power_ qer�eration ccmpan�
as defined. by Se�tion 33.tDQ2, Utili�ies Code_
{2} a qas utili.tt/ as defined by Section 301.Ofl3 or
121.001, Utiliti�s Co;�e; . _ _.
_...�_�__�._...._.�____. _._._.--
_ elecUr��.uriicatic�ns �r�vi�er as _define� �y
(3l 't.,_.^.__� _
Section 51,(��?_, Ut�l��.ties Code; or_
-- --._____....._...�_..- ---_
(4)_ a _�E�rson who pr�vzdes to the public cable
tel_ev.i_sion c�r advanced telecommunications serv.ices. i
_ .�_ �_ _ _ `-�� -- .._ .___
—___ ____— --_-- -- -- -
CiTY t�F FRIENDSU30C,17. (a� Ttie_di�*rict may _issue boncis_or other
obliaatio�ls p�able whol�.y or partly £rom taxes, assessment�
i�act fees, re�ren�e, qranLs, ar_ ather money of the district, or any_
_ _ _ -------
c�mbination of those sources of :nereey, to_ pay__fcsr any authorized
_._ _� ___ __— __�_
a�ur�aose of th� distr�ct.
(b} The c3istrict ana�__ iss:��. � bond �r otner cbl_ic�ati�n in_ the
_._ __ �_ _._ _
rer�r of � bondt r�ote, certi£icate vf participaticsn �?- c�ti�er
—_ __----_�_.. ._ _
�r.strument �videncin�a proportion�te interest in �ayments_to bc�
__�.J __ ___ _. _--
macie _b�the :3istrict, or other ty�e of obli3ataon.
..__ _� ____ --
(c) The district must obtain the appraval cf. the City of
Frien��swood for the issuance c�f bonds or other abliqat?ons fc�r any_
_ _..__�._----- --`__.__.—_ _ ----
i:r�r�L�ment projc�ct.
Sec. 3837. 156. TAXES FC�R f30NDS AND OTHER OE±LIt�ATIONS. �t
the time boncis__or other ohliq3tions paya�le whollY o�artl.0 from_ ad
vayor.em tax�s _are issuc��:----- ---. __.
v _—_---_. _�_
(1) the bc�a d Shall i.;npose a cont nui� ciirect a>znual
_.__ �--
ad vaior�nr tax, without limit as to rate �ar amount , for. cach year
that ai�_or �art of tht._boTids are outstar:dinc�;_ and
(2;`the distric� anr�uall.y shall impnse t2�:e continyi�.nc
_ --- --_—--
direct ac3 valorem tax on ali t�sxabl.e�raFerty in the c��str,ic{ in ar,
--�_. --____. __._ _. ---.�.— _ -----_.
amount sufficient to:
(F���"he interest_orr the_ L�cnds c,r_other
obli�tions_ a the interest. �ecomes _due; ---� _ _---- — ------..
—- - __------ -- -
(B)_ create a sirikinq funci for_ t:ne pa�m<:nt of the
�rincir�al af the bonds Qr ot��er obIiqations wi:en dr�ie or the
� __ __._._� , --.�_ _ — _� _
red�mption price at �n _ ear2ier r�uirec� red��tian date; and
__ _ _ - `,�;__ �'a�=he ex�e :se of ir�<>:,in�_the taxes.
http:lh�w�ww.c,api:tol.state.tx.us/cgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZV CXHITI WIRF&Ct2... 7/I l I2005
_- - __ _
79(K) SB 1806 - Enrolled v�rsipn - Eii11 Text �'age � c��1�
Sec. 3837 .15`J . TAX ANG i��N� �,LECTIfl£�d�. (a} 'i'he c�istrict
--- _._.__ � .___V� .-- - ____.___�
shall 7���1d at� election in the m�nner providc� b�Subc_xla ter I,�
__ - ._. _ .�_.._ — __.
Cha�tar 375, Lo�al__G�verr�ment Code, to obt�in v�ter �rovai b�fore
� ___.. _..__._ __.__ _.._�_
the distzict im�oses a mainte.7ance tax or issues ben�s payable fr�m
___ _ _----- __— .— --
ari val.orem taxes.
{p?__ The board may in� lude_i,�rare t_han c�ne purp�se__i� a_s3.n- l�
�zc��s?t.-ion ��t ail electian.
W— -
(c} Sec�i.oiz__:�"75 ?93, Loc�i �over_nment Co�e, does not appl_y
tc tt�e district . --'-----
_ _.__._� .__� . _ -�_—_
QF3I.<3L7�TiGIvS Cxcept as �rovid�.d_b%�Sect.ion 375_?63, Lc�ca�
- -- _ � ._. -
Gcvernn:er7t. Code, __a mur�icip�li�Y is n�t reqaired L'o �?ay--a band� nc�#_e,_
cth�r oblic�ation_of the distric�.
�r __.._.�_.__
Sec. 3837. 159. COMPETITIVF BSL�DiN{�. (a)___The cnm�etitive
- ------ - ___. _ __� _�
bid�inq provisions of_ 5ur�c_k�apter. T, C}�apter 49�._Water Co�e, ap�1y
to the district for a ccntract to ac:quire or_ cor�struct a water, a
_..._ _�_ __--- --.. ..__
wastewater�_cr a dra:in�e or detention improvement. For all c�ther
_ s - ..._---
distr.ict cont�_acts o� pra�jects, tne ccm�etitive bidd_i�
__ _------
requirements tl-iat a�?P�-Y tc� a local �over.nment corporatiarA c_reated
-- --._.. . __
under Chapter 431,_ Trans�ort�tion Code, applv ta the districr.
,b) Subeha�ter �, _Chapter^375, Local G�verr�ment God�:, dces
. - - -----
nct ���i�� to _the _district_
Sections 3837_16�J-383�.2+'�0 reserveci fur e�ansionj_
JEBT. _(a) ThP hoard ma�_dissolve the district reqarciless o�~
whPtner th� district has debt. Sectiors 3?�.2�>4, I.ocal Gov�rnment
— . __`_ ...------------------ -__—
C.ocie, �oes not appiy to th� disCrict.
__ -. ----- _
{�) If the distr_ict has__dPbt when it is dissolved, the
�__ ._ ____.____ �___. _..
c'tS.stricC shall remain i.n existence solelV fe�,r t2�e purpose v€
discharqinq its ciebts. The dissolutior� is effective when all debts
have".been discharqed.
SECTZON 2. BOUNl�7�RIES. As of the effective date of this
Act, th� tr3�:,t r ,; �ta�z�r7�,{}) Manac�ement C�istriCt ineludes a37_ territory
cant�ined in the fallowing described �re�:
All cf tt7e followinq four tr�cts af 1ar�r� contair�ing 765.31
�cres, more c;r 1ess, which are situated in �iarris County �nd
Galv�ston Cc�unty, Texas:
F3EING 224. �b acres af land in the Jotzn C7ickinson I_,eague, Abstr�ct
Number G, City of Fxiendsuiood, ���lveston C�urty, Texas ancl k�ei.ng
a11 �f Lots I thraugh 25, a gc�rtit?r� of Lot 26, Lot 27, Lot 28, all of
L�cs 29 throi�yh 38 anc� all of th�e ianc3 cantainecl withi.n the roads
ad�oining the abov� said Lats ux t:tie Slon� S�.t�di;fision, criginally
re:cord�d in Vol•�me 25�-�, F'aqe 53 af the G�lveston C�anty M�p
Records and transierrecl to Vol.ume 13, Page �31 0� the Gal.vestor,
County M�p Records, a�sd alsa being all of t}�e unplatted par.tinn or
the said Slc�rae Subdi��ision lying north of L�ts 1 through 11, soutY�
cf Chi�ger Bayou and south of Clear Creek as shown on the p.1at of the
saici S1one Subdivision, sai� 224.66 acres �eing a pc�r*.i�n of thct
same pro�erty as c�esrrib�d i.n d�eds recorded !�n�er Clerk's Fiip
Number $300646 and 93L�5532 of �ne �ffir_ia:z P�b�ic R�c�rds of R�al
Prc>perty €�f �a.lve.,�tcn Cc�unty, T�x�s, said 22�. 66 acres �aeang m��r�
�.artic�l.�rLy ci�s�r�be:� by �,ete� �r.� bounds as `�ollows:
http:!/ww�v.ca�ito].staCe.t:�.uslcgi-binf cqcgi'?CQ_SESSION_KEY—ZV CXHI'I'IWIRF&C(�... 7111/2005
7�{Rj SB 1806 - Enrolled version - Bill 'I'ext P���� �f��g
4GN;MENCING at a 4-int:h Tex��s Department c� Transport�+�ivr, k�rnss
disk i.n cc�nor�te found for t�e most s�autherly ec�rr�er. of Cen�ury Oak,s
Ustates, 3 su�a�visiori �:.lat recordec� under Valum� 18, Pac�e 547 of
the Galvestt�n CnunLy Map Records, vhe southwest corner of a calleci
2.5 acre trac:t �s described in a c�eed recordeci un�er Volume 7.563,
Page u90 caf the �alvestoi� Ccunty Deed ��cords an� �?eing in the rior�l-.
r.i.gh*-of.-way linP of Farm-tc-�arket Road 528, <3s wiciened per �eed
recc�rcPed in Volume 3215, Pagn 290 of the Gaiveston Cc�unty r��ed
THENCE N 15° 39' i2" F:, a c�istance of 209. 33 f�et aic�n� th� �dr � ;;'�� line
;�f t_r:e ;>aici 2.5 ac.re tract and the ea>t 2is?e of said Centur� C�aks
Estates to a �18-inch ir.L�r1 roc� with a cap stamped "Brown & Gay" se�
far cc�rner and the PC�ZNT Q� �EGINI�ING, and from which a 1!2-inch
iron rod fourid bears N 67° 1�` t�J, 1.7i feet;
THE2aCE N lt3° 19' 12" E, a dist�nce of 89.56 fect alonq *�he east line
of said Century Oaks Est�tes tr, a railraad rail foi;nd fur corner;
THENCE t� lfl° 28' 39" E, a i�istance «f 1�78.49 fe�t al.ong the e�st.
3ine �E said Cen�ury Oaks Estat�es to a 2-in�t7 irc�n �ipe found fo.r�
.�r.gle paint;
THENCE ta 48° 14 ' 29" E, a distance flf 39.94 feet �lnng the east line
c�f said C;enttiry �aks Estates to a 5I8-inch i.re�n ro� with a caz�
stamped "F3rown & t�a}�" set for ang7.e poirat;
THEPdCE N 2�° 35' 39" E, a di_stance of 90. 19 feet tc a poin� for corner.
ir the cente�line of Chigger Greek;
THEtdCE the fo1.l.�wir7g courses anc� distances along the centerline af
saic� C}-,igqer Creek, in a downstream direc*ion:
S 63° 5?' 50" E, a distance of 54 .25 feet; thence S 52° 98' li" E, a
distance of 94 .50 feet; thencc 5 f2° 43' So" E, a rii.stance of 46.�J1
feet; thence N 71° 33' S1" E, a distar,ce of la'8.92 feet; thence S 67°
55' t?9" �, a dis*,:ance of 79.85 reet; t3:�nce S 36° 39' 4'�" E, a
distance of 1t72.93 feet; thence S 13° 21' 09" E, a distance of �3�.5C1
feet; therce S 04° 26' 03" W, a distar.t:� of 93.97 feet; thence N 4?°
Sl 'Ol" E, a di.stance uf 82.81 feet; thence N 28° 35' �6" E, a
d�stance oi 36.63 feet; thence t� 07° 33' 15" W, a �istar:ce of 138.78
feet; t.hence t�7 22° Sl' S2" E, a distance a£ 5b.�4 feet; ttzence rd 8�°
�3' 35" �., a distance of �9.O�J feet; therce S 43° 3?' S1" E, a
c�istance cf 210.3Q feet; thence S 36° Al' 13" E, a dis*ance tif E�.'7
fe�t; trience S 1.7° Ol' 24" E, a �3istance of 55.03 feet; trience S Ol°
3�" Q9" i�, a distance of 7�.�6 feet, thence S 57° 33' S7" E, a
dist3nc� ct 4?.66 feet; thence S 87° 43' s5" �, a c3istar,ce c�f 109.88
feet; thence N 99° 59' 16" �, a distanc:.e c�f 26.8£? feet: tt�Ence td 19°
07' S2" E, a distance of 5�.71 feet; tY�ence N 59° 31' 38" E, a
distas�ce of 82.3b feet; Lhence S "79° 12 ' 24" E, a dis�ance af 69. 98
feet; thence S 57° 1?` I�" E, a distance o� 75.75 £eet; thence S 45°
46' fl7" E, a c�istan::e �f 82.89 feet; thence S 79`' 21' 24" E, a
distanc� of 90.35 fec�t; thence S 59° 06' 5Q" E, a distance of 118.7?
fe�t; thence S 14° lE' 09" E, a c3istance of 266. 96 f�et; thenre S 30°
OG' 55" E, a dist<�nce of "_80.?7 ieet; therce S S�° 3? ' 40" E, a
distance of ?8. 97 feet; therce N 85° :,.2' (�2" �,, a di5ta�ce of 85.1�t�
feet; thence N ?tl° 37' 31" E, a distance of 111.95 feet=; t.he�,c� ?�1 62°
91' 27° E, a ciistance of 1�34.7G feet; thence tv 71° 49 ' �i" E, a
dist:�nce c�f i28.2"7 f�et; th�nce S �9° 36' 37" E, � distane� of 9�3.5�
http:llw��v.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-hii�Icqcgi?CQ_SF,SSI4N_KEY-ZVCXHITIWIRF&CQ... 7li 112005
79(R) SB 1$06 - Enrolled version - Bill T�xt P�b� & ��I$
feet; thei�ce S 97° t79' S2" E, a listance of 112..80 f�:et; thence � "7S°
�16' �79"' E, a distance �af 25f3.64 feet: therce N ?1° 22' l�" E, a
�istarzce of 95.91 feet; thence N S1° 56' 39" E„ a distance of 3�5.94
feet; thence N 63° 03' 2B" E, a distance af 138.92 feet; thence N 74°
�9' 26" E, a distanc� of 24G. ta9 feet; fihence N 53° 41' S?" E, a
distance �f 1�9.61 ieet; t�:ence N 39° 17' �£i" E, a dist�nce c�f 2�55.3n
feet, thence i�l �2° 10' 50" E, a dsstance of �380.45 feet to a poi�a�� in
t?�e centerlir�e �r C1-ear Cre�k;
1'HENCE ti�aw f�llc�c�i��g co�arses and distanc.es al�ng the rt:,nterl.i.ne �f
saici Glnar Creek .in a dawnstream dir�ction:
N 83° J2' 4�" E, a distanc� r�f 216.85 fee#-; thence S �i_° 11' 31'" E, a
r�istan�e af 221.4� feet;
T�3ENCE S 31° 29' Cl�l" W, departing the �:enterline of said Cle�r Cz�eek
�anc� at a distance of 2L?0.00 £eet pass a S/8-inch iran rod w.i.th cap
stampe� " Srown & Gay° s�t Loz refer.ence in the w�:as'� (��1 iine of Rancho
`3iejo Section One, a subdi_visi�n pla� fited fo.r recorc3 under 'Jolume
15, Fa�e 92 and Page �3 of the Galvestc�n Count}r Map Reccsrds, at a
cli.stance cf �8C6.�7 f�.et �ass a southwest carn�r of sa�ci Ranchc�
Viejo S�ction One �nd contiruing for a tfltal d.istanc� �f �I913. 64
fee� fio a 3/4-inch iron rod found for U�rner ir� the north
riyht-cf-w3y af said I'arm-to-Market ZZoa� 528 {140-foot width) ;
'I'HENC.E. N 66° 4�3' S0" W, a distance of 11?4,t�6 feet to a 4-i.nch Texas
Departm�:nt of Transportation brass disk in concrete faund for th�
beginninq :f a tangent curve to the right;
THE"_JCE in a northwesterly direct.ian r3l.ong s�id curue *o the right an
ar� ciistanee 14�'7 .93 feet, having a r�di•us o� 2476. 98 feet, a
cent.zal ar�g7.e of 34°lt�'S�" ar:d a chord which bears N 49° 43' 23" W,
1955.61 feet to a 5/8-inch irort rod with �ap si�amped "flcozari & Gay"
set for corner ar:d being the sou�heast corr.er of *he said 2.5 aGre
tract, ar.d £rom which a four�ci �i-inci? Te-.xas L�e�artment of
Trans�ortaticn brass disk in concret� bears S 8Fi° 7� ' W, 1.07' anc� a
fourid 5/8-ii�ck� �ron rod bears N 45° I3` W, 0.52;
THF.NCE ti 2?° 05' 10" E, de�artinq the north ri�3ht-c�f-:aay line of sa�d �
Farm-to-:�arket Roa<3 518 and alang the east line of the sa:�d 2. 5 acre
tract a d:stance af 437.98 feet te a S/8-inch irrsn rocl with cap
stam�ed "Br.awn & Gay" set for corner, and from cahich �� found
1!2-ir,c;� iron rc�d k�ears N 68° 3J' W, 1.53 feet;
`I'HENCE N 66° 44' 36" W a d.i�tance of 312.80 i�e�t fo FOZNT OF
3EGINNIr7G and containi.nq 229 .7t� acres cf land.
SAVE AND EXCEFT the fallawinq C�.0367 acze tra+..t of l ar,d:
Being a C.03E�7 acre tracv uf land in the Jahn D.ic;cin�on Leac�ue,
Abstract Nurnber 9, City of Friendswood, GaZves�oi7 County, Texas and
bein� a11 �f that certain 0.0367 acre tract of land dpscribed in a
deed r�cordec� under �lerk's Fi1e Number 9636229 of tne Offirial
P�ib:�ic R�ccrds of Galvestor County, Texas, said fl.03fi7 acz�e tract
bninq more �articularly.�escrii��d by metes anc3 t>ounds as follaws:
CGMMENC3NC� at a 4-inch Te�;3s Department �` Tr_anspor�ation brass
disk :n ccncrEte fauncl for t1�_e most southerly cor.ner af Century t"']aks
�stai:,es, a suY.d.ivision plat recarded under Volum� 1�3, F'age 597 of
t=tze Ga3.vestan C��:nty M�p R.rwc�rt9s, t?��2 sc�uthwes't r_orner af a call_ed
littp:/l��v,���.capital.state.tx.uslcgi-bin/cqc�;i?CQ_SESSION_KEY="LV CXHI"TI WIRF&CQ... 7/11/2005
?9(R) SI3 1�t�6 - Enrolled version - I3i�ll Text Page 9 c�f 18
?_.5 rcre trac�` as described ir� a deeci recordeci under Vc;lume 25�3,
Faqe b90 nf the Galveston Coun:y Deed fte�oids and being ir the nor.tt�
right-cf-way lin� of Farm-to-P�Iark.et R.ca�i 5i8, as wiaeneci per c3ePC�
record�c: in Valurne 3215, Page 230 of the Galveston County Deec�
'iHE�10E N 38° 19' 12" i�a, a distance of 2�9,33 feet alang the sv� >� ;0_ lir�e
��f the sa��c� 2.5 acre tra�� and the east line of s�icf Cer:t�ry �aks
Estat�s tc a 5/8-inc:h ir.�n roc� wit?�� a cap stamped "Brcwn & Gay" set
f�or ��rner an<� fr<�m which a 1J2-inch ircn rocl fot�rid bears N 67' 3�3'
W, 1.."11 feet;
THF.NCE T�! 18�' 15' 12" E, a �istance of 8R.�6 feet aionq the <.ast 1in�
�f said Century Qaks Estates tc� a railroad .ra.il found far corner;
Tf�ED}CE N 1f3° �8 ' 39" �., a dist�nce o� 1�36.4� feet al.ong the easL line
of saic3 C�ntury Qaks Estates ta a poirit for ec�rner;
THENCE S 71° 31' 21 " �:, a distance of ��59 .�3 feet to 3 �/8-.inc:h i�rc�n
rad w�th cap stampec� "Browr. & Gay" set for corner and being the
PC;IhT OF' BEG:hNING of the t-�erein described 0.0367 acre t.ract;
fiHFN+�E N 6E�° 59' 31" E, a distance �f 40.OD feet to a 508-i.nch i.r.�an
rod with cap stampecl "Browi� & Gay" set £or corner;
^HEt�CE S 21° CO' 29" E, a distance �f 90.00 £e�t to a S/8-inch iron
roci with cap stam�ed "Brown � Ga��" set �or correr;
�'HENCE S 68° 59' :il" W, <3 c�ist:�ance of �0.C�Q feet to a 5/8-ineh iron
r�d witY: cap stamped "Brc�wn & Gay" s�t for corner;
�'HENCF_. N 21° CO' 2�3" W, a distance of 90.0� f�et to the POIhiT Or
BEGINNING and conLainin� 0.0367 of an acre of land.
In conclusivn, the Y�erein ciescribed Tract "A", beinc� 229.70 �cr.es
cf land, SAVE AND EY�EPT the herein de�cribed O.Q367 of an acre
tract of land out of. the Tract "A" and com�risin� a total acrear�e c7f
229 . 66 acr.es of land.
Bearir�g orientation is bas�d on the Texas State Plar:e Co�rdinate
Syste�r�, Sout.h C�ntral 7.,cne NAD-�3 ar.d was cierived iay GPS {Global
Positioning System) measurements.
i,��.:r „�„
Being a 1 .5678 acre tract of lancl and beinq a pertion o� L�ts 27 and
28 of the of the Sl�ne Subdivision, ar.iginally recard�d in Volume
259-A, Paqe 53 of the Galvestor. County Map Recards �nd transferre��
t� Volum� 1.3, Paye 9I c�f the Galvest;�n County t?�p Records, said
1.5678 acres being the remainder cf Lots 27 and 28 c�f the c�f the
Slor.e Subdivisa.ori lying sauth of Farm-to-Marice� Road 518 as widened
per deed recorded in Volume 3225, Page 29� of the Galvest:on County
[?eed Recards, and also being a portion oL that same �roperty as
described in c�eecis recorded under Clerk's File Number 890�646 anc3
93t�5532 c,f the Offi.cial Public necer�s of ReaJ. Pro�erty of
c�aiveston Caunty, 'Pexas, said 1.567H aeres of larid ?�eing mor�
�articularly descri_bed by ine�Ces and bounds as follc�w�:
T'�c3t'� "H'• _ l.Sf7�J� f�CY',P_5
Ilttp:l/wti�.capitol.st�te.tx.uslcgi-binlcqc�i?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWIR�F&CQ... 7I1 I12005
�19(R) SI� 1806 -E�iiratled version - �3i11 T�xt Page 10 �f 1�
BEGI�iNZ�iG at a 3/£-inc2-� :i.r�n rnd fc�und for tne s�ut:heasr cc,rner of a
cUlle.d 2.n367 aures out c�f L�,t "B" ef t:he sa3_ca rione St�bd�v�sir_�n and
as desc.r.zbed in c�e�d recarcied unacr Clerk's �'ile Cdumk�er R409H�30 caf
the �ff.icial Public Records cf Real Property of G�.lveston Cour.t;,�,
Texas, and the southwest corn�r Lot 2? of the sai.d Slane
Subdivisian and in tY:e north right-af-way line of Gl�i E'riends•,aoocl
R<;�d {5(?-fc�ot width; as s�scwn on the ��la*� of the ��id Sl�ne
THEN�,;; iQ ?3° 12' 95" li, a clistan�e o£ 326.27 f�eC alc�i�g t:.he �.� s+� t^v% line
of said Lat 2? ane� the �ast li.r;e af s�id Lot "�" t� a 3/8-inc�h iron
rc�� four�d for cnrner in the south right-af-way line o� said
�'arm-tc�-f�drket Ro�d 51Ei as widene� per ;�eed recorcied in �Jol,�me
3215, Page 2�0 of thA Galveston Cour,ty Deed �.�>.cozds;
T�?EtvCE S 27° 31' S2" G, a distance of 273.88 feeC al�ng the south
rir_,ht-of-way line of said E'ar.m-tc�-Market Roac3 518 (width varies) ta
a 5/8-inch iron rad with a cap stamped "I3rown & Gay" set for th�
beginning of a tangent cur.ve to the ieft;
`7'HENC�. in a southeaster.l_y di rection along said c�arve �o the left an
arc distance af 3C31.O�J feet, having a radius o� iC7(1�. 53 feet,
c?rtL:al anqie cf. 7."7° 09' 91" and � cr:ora which bears ; 36° �36' 93" E,
299.$8 feet to a 5/8-ir.rh iron ro� with a cap stampe� "Brown & Gay„
set for c.orr�er and bein� the zntersection of the sa�c� widened
Farm-to-�7arket Road 518 {width ver.i.es} with the nortt-i right-of-way
1.a.ne of said Old :riencswoocl Road ;SO-foot width) ;
THENCE N 66° �i' QO"W, a c3is�an��e cf +��i5.99 feet a2ong the nortri
ric�ht-of-way of saic� Old Friendswoo:? Road {5d-foot widtY:} to the
PQZNT OF HEGINNING and containing 1.5t�"18 vcres of land.
Bearing o.rientation is based on the iexas State Plane Coordinate
SystPm, South Centr�l Zane NAD-33 �nd was dFrived by GPS {Global
Positioning System) measurement.
l��.i ��,�„
B�ING ��31.?G acre:s af. 1.and in �he John �icukinson Le�yu�, A�stract 9,
�:ity ci Frien�swood, Galveston Cc�unty, Texas ari� being Lc�ts 53
thz�ough SF3, Lnts fC3 through 63, a Fortior o.f Lot o4, Lots ?4 throu*�h
i�}2, �ots l0A tih�ough 11�, Lots 119 through 125, L�ts 128 through
142, Lots 1.45 through 157 c,f t}Ze Slone Subdivision, ori_ginally
recorded in Volum2 254-A, Page b af the Gaivestan Caunty Map Records
ar,d transferr.cd to Volume 3, Page 61A af the Gal��eston Cour;ty I�lap
�ecords, the porti_on of LoYs 158 through 270 c�f the said Slone
Subdivisic�n bein� north of. the sout?� line of the John Cickinson
Leaq::e, AE;stract � 3s shc�um �n the adjc,i.ning pla* �f Slone's Seccnd
Suiadivision fiiec� for r�cozd iri �dolume 33, Pac�e 93 of the Gal�es#;.c,ri
Ca�nty A9�p Re<.�rcis, as described b}� the City of E'riendswo�cl, Texas
flrdir,a�ce tio. 178 and rnonurlentnd on the {�round, and all of the area
contained within the roads cf the said Slone SL�c�ivision �ahich
adjain t_he abovc� saicl Lots, excep� the area o£ road adjoir.inq tl-�e
south line c�f Lot 125, the ncrth line of'. Lot I�S, that portion o£ the
road srauth c�f i..cts 158, l�°, and 26� and r.orth of Lot 1"7� being of
th� sout?� l.i_ne af the saic� �ohrti t)iekinsan League, �bstract �, said
i91 .76 ac�r.es bei.rrX a port.i_en o� that sarr�e �raper��}r as descril-�e� in
deeds re�orde� un:��r Cler.k's Fi1.e [�:um.ber 890Q646 �n;� g3L?5532 of� the
c)fficial Y�i�l�c Rccords of Real Prcperty of Ga2-resron Gcunty,
Te�as, and a'i �U�' t:'�e pror;erty +3escrzbed ir: Clcrk's _r^il� I;�,urrj��ers
htt�:llvvuJw.capital.state.ix.uslcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSION KE�'=.7.,VCXHITIWIRF"&CQ... 7I11/2005
_ _ _ _ _ ._
79{R} SB 1806 -Enrolled version - �3ill Text Pa�e 11 of 18
z�J�J1t�58454, 9�07809, 9�t}?�310, 2C}41'�58452, 94362°;9, 9:3;3 c199,
�n39629, 933g033, 933�928, �33C?747, 9906757, 93�Q437, and 923122?
cf �re Uff�cial Public Re�wc�rds of Reai Prt��erty af Galveston
County, Texas, said 491.76 acres bea.ng �escribecl by me,tes and
bo�ands as follows:
B��INNIPdi; ��t 2-inch iron pip� found �ar c�xn�r at ::l�ie :intersec#�.icn
of the c•:4st :":" t.ine r�f the said Jahn Dii�k.ir.s�n League, r�str�r;t `� w�t2Z
the sa�tt'� corner of the Sarah McKi.ssick. Survey, Abstract 151 and the
m�st eastE=rly alort:h corner of the. Mary Eabr�au Survey, Abst.rac� 63
�ei;�g an �ny1e �aint the ca�;st E C�� 1ir�e of Lot 1C�8 af th� sai.d S2ori�
Subdivisicn, same nlso bein� thf sa:ith corne� of a ��0-foot wide
strip af land c�edicatec� to th� Cicy of Frieadswoocj for r��ac�way
�urposes as shown on the �lat �f Falc�n Ridge Section ihr.e�, a
su�division plat fiia<: for rec<arc� l�nc�r Volt�mn 18, Pa:s� 282 of the
Galveston County Map Records;
THE2ICE N 41°43'4�" E, along the east lir:e of rhe said 5C-fc�ot raadway
and tt�e ���est [�ij line af �:Y�e sai� Sl�ne �ubdivision a distance of
i138.80 �e�t to a 5/8-inch irc�r3 roc� fr.�iind for corner and being the
scuthcaest corner of a calied 61.3:�67 acres d2scribed in a de�d
reccrd�d under C:Lerk's Fiie 2dum,bpr 994187A �f the Offa.cial Fublic
Records of R�al Property cf �alvestcn Caur.ty, Texas;
THENCE S �6°47'0{�"` E, along the so�ith 1in�� of the s�i.d 61.,3567 acre
tract anc� the r�orth line of � 30-fcot wic�e raadway sh�wr an }he plat
of sai.d Slc�ne Subdivisi.on a distance of 2059.09 feet to a 5(8-incn
ircn rod found for the southwest corner of ?yat 74 of sai� Slon�
THEIvCE �I 23°13'QO" �, al�rg tl�e east lir�e of the said E�1 .:5567 acre
tract, the east line of L�t 52, t��e we:s*[G� line of Let ?9 c�nd Lot 53 cf
the said Slc�r.e Stzbditirision a distanc� of 1&'46. 66 feet to a 5/8-irzch
xran ro� with cap stamped "Brown & Gay" set fc�r the n�rthw�st corner
of i,ct 53, beitag in the soutY� right-o{-way 3i-ne i�f O'_�d Fr_i�nclswac��
Road {50-foat width) and from which a 1/2-inch iron rocl foun� bears
�b 22° 56' 2"7" E. 2.35 feet;
TktENCE S ��°47'00" E, a�cr.q the south line c�£ Uld Fr�endswood Road
{SO-foot width} � distance of 847.t;7. feet to a 5!8-inch irc�n r�d
with ca� stamped "Br�wn & Gay" s�t for tr�e begi.nni.nc� of a
nor-�-tangent curve tc� the left �nd beiz-iq the intersection c�f the
south ric3i�t-of-way line o{ saici i�it� Friendsvaood Ftoad and Lr�e south
right-oz-way line of Farm-to-td�rket Roaci S1H (width varies) as
wideneci per deed recc�rciecl in �dolume 3215, Pac�� 29Q ef the Gal�eston
��unty Deed Fiecords;
THENCE in a southeasterly c�irectian along saic� curve to tY�e left an
3rc csistar.c� of. t39. 55 feet, havzng a radius point �hich bears N 35°
42' 1�" E, I+JU�3 . 93 feet a centxal anglE, of 12°31'{��l'" and a c-h_nrd
wi:icrz bears S 60`33` 1.8" �, 219. ]-2. feet to d 5/u-inch iron rod with
�ap stamped "Bx�owr� & Ga�" se`� for the end of tt,e said curve to 1eft;
`PHENCE 5 66°48'SC�" E a dist�ance of 339. 17 feet along the sQUth line
of said Farm-to-i�iarket Road 513 {width varies; to a 5/8-inch irc•n
rod with cap stam�Pci "Brown & Gay" set fo� the r.ortheast c.orner cf
Lot 58 of the .>aid S7ane Subdi.vi-s�.c�r,;
'1'4�E2�CE S 2�3°13'��" W, ciepar�tinc� said ��rm-ta-Market Road 51H
ri_qhr-r��-�•�r�y, a c�i_staric� o£ �Cs�7 .�E f�et aiong the easr :�ine c�f s�i.d
nt�tp:�/www.eapitol.state.tx.us/egi-binlcqcgi?C'(7_SESSION;KEY=ZVCXHITIWIRI�&CQ... 711 U2(�OS
7t3(R} S�3 180C� -Enrolled vci°sion - Bill Text Fage 12 oF 18
1,ot 58 at�d th� w vst � line ti� Lot ��3 �f t�e sai.� Slone Sui�divisic�n �c� t3
5l8-ineh .irc�n roci w��-h c�p �ta:-;pec� "Brown & Gay,� set far ?�<arner;
i`}iEidC�. S 6f�'47'fl0" E, � <�istance of 239 .0� feet alonq Che svuth line.
of Lot `7�3 to a 1-irch iron pip� found ior the scutheast c�rn�r of
said L�t 59;
THEPdCE N 23°23't�iJ" E, a distance of 907.91 feet al.an� the east line
�£ saiti Lc�t 59 ar�d tl�� �ae:#�.�G°; ',,.i.n� o£ Lot 60 r�f the s�id Slone
— ____ _. .
Subdi.vision to a �I8-irch iron red with cap stamped "Bro�az� & Gay"
sPt fcr th� ncr'�hwest corn�r of Lot 60 and beir�g ir� #�he soizLh
riqht-��f-way line of said F`ar*c�-t�-Marker Road 5?f3 {140-foot wi_dt}.} ;
`�F?ENCE S b6°98'5d" E, a distance cf 118t3 .89 feet along the sovth
r.ic,ht-o£-�way line of saict E'arm-to-Market Road 518 ;l�t}-foot wicith;
to a 5IH-inch iron rod with ca�> stamped "Bro�an & Gay" set fc�r rorner
ar,d frc�m iahich 1/2-inch i�-on rod fo�:nd bears S 11.° 52` W, 0.89 feet;
"�HFNCE S 31°27'02" W, a distance o� 9I8.00 feet alonc3 the .r�s ":i; ?ine
_ __..
a� a +�alled 4 .84?fi acre tract c�f 'and d�scribec3 in a deed recc�rc3ed
urz�'er Clerk's File Tdumber 2Q0102Q091 of the O£ficia2 Public Records
af- Real Prc��erty c�f Galveston Ccunty, Texas to a 518-inch .iron rod
caith cap stampeci "Brown & Gay" set for corner and fr;�m whi.r.h a found
5/8-inch iron r�ci four�d b�ars N 38° 40' 38" F, 12.0� feet;
`1"HENC� S �6°47'0�" L, a di.>tanc� af 234 .19 feet tc a 5,��t-inch iron
rod witY� c�p stam�ed "Brown & Gt�y„ set far carner and being in the
t:fcsi: ;"c";i iine of Rancho Viejo Sect?on Twd, a subdivs.sic�r pl-at filed
urader Vvlume 15, Paqc 28?-184 of the� Gal�-�ston Caunty M�p RPC4rds;
THEtdCE S 31°27't�l" W, a distance of 1881.19 feet alang the east line
of said Slane Subdivisicn and the west[t�:) lirle of sa9_e3 Rancho Viejo
S�ction 'I'wo, ta a 319-�r.ch iron nipe found for the scutheast �:arner
�i Lot 107 and the nortlze�st ror�er of Lot 127 of the said Slone
Tf1EN^E N 66' 9"7' QO"' W, a distance af 559 .37 feet al.�nc� the north
3.in� c�f ?,�t 126 and Lut 127 to a 51t3-inch iron ro�-� fcund for the
noz:tt��east corner flf Lat 1.25 and the northwest cc�'ner o� I..ot 126 c��
th� said Slc�r:e Su�division;
THENGE S 23' I.3' UG" W a distancc: of 915. 9Q feet along the east line
of sai.d vot. 1.25 �nc3 the ti ���'� (C)} line af said Lat 126 t-o a 3/3-inch iron
Y'G� founci f�or tt�.e sc��it.heast. corner af said Lot 125 an� t.he soUttrw�st
corner af said Lar 126 and being in the nvrth lirle c�f a 3�-foot wi�9�
rt��� right-of-t�ray as shown an `he pl�t of the said Slone
TI-iENCE N 6E�° 47 ' QO" W, a ciistance cf 239 .38 fee� �ion� the south
li.ne of said Lot 125 and the narth line of the last said 3C7-f'oot wide
roa� right-of-way to a 5j8-inch iran rc�d with cap stamp�d "Brown &
Gay" set �or the southwest corn�r of s�ici Lot 1?_5;
'�HEivt:E S 2"° 13' Gi�" W, a distanc� Qf �45. 9fl feet over anc� acress the
last said 30-foot wide road right-�f-way, along tne east lir�e of Lot
192 and the c�,,+_.:atfQ; 1�r.e of Lot 143 of the sa�d Slane Subc�ivi.�i.cn ta a
5/8-ir�ch irori rod with a cap stamped "F�rown & Ga;�" set fc�r the
saut:heast i�or�,er of sai�1 I,at 1�2;
THENCE S �i6° �`? ' t��" �,, along tt�e sc�ti�t➢� Iif�� +a�L Lo�t i4? 3nd I,ot 3�4 of
IZttp:ll��w.capitol.state.tx.us/c�i-bin/cqcgi?C.Q_SESSION_KFY—Z�CXHITZWIRF&CQ... 71t 1!2{)t�5
79(R) SB 1$06 - E�voiled versic�tl - }3i11 'I'ext Pag� 13 c�i�1�
the said Slcne �;u�c9ivis.i.on, at a distance af �29. 14 feet �ass a
found 11�-i.rir_h iron rad �,nd conrinuing fc.r a total distance of
468.C�fl feet to a 1/2-iron rod f�und for the southw�st cerner of Lot
145 anc� the southeas� corner af Z�ot 144 of the sai.d Slane
�ubdivision c�rner;
THENCE N 23° 13` OC7" E, a dist�ric.e of 915.90 f�eet �l�ng the ew��st [`�,i line
nf said Lot 245 and the east line of said Lot 14� to a �/8-inch ircan
rcd with c�p stamped "Brown & G��" set for th� northwest corner af
saic Lot 145 in the sauth line oL the last said 30-faot road
ri�ht-of-way, a:�d from which a 3/£?-inc4: iran found �e�rs N 1£3° 3�'
2c�" E, 3.91 feet;
THENCE S 66° 47' 00" E, a di_stance of 183.87 feet al�ng the south
line �f the last s<3id 30-faot roaci riqht-of-way to a 5/fl-inch iron
roci with cap stamped "E.rawn � Gay" set for the northeast corner of
said Lot 195 and bea.n� in the east line af said S�.cne Su�division
and the west (Ct] line of sair� Ranch� Viejo Section Two;
THENCE S 31°27'Oi" W, at � distance of 11�1. 19 fee� pass a 1/2-inch
iron rod �aund far ttle sout.hwFSt ccrrz�:r of said Rancho Viejo Secti�n
Two and the northwest cornrr of a called 45. 906 acre tra�,t descr.ibAd
in a deeci recorded under Clerk's File Number 9316733 flf t2-Fe Official
Public Hecords of Real Froperty of Galveston Cc�unty, Texas,
continuir.� a1�ng the east line �f the said Slone Subdivision and the
wrs�_(C_� 1_.ine of thc 51one Sec.aric9 Subdivision, a subdivisiQn �lat £=1ed
for record under Valume 25�A, Page 12 & 15 c�f the Galveston County
Map Re�ords a tatal di_stance of 1589.22 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rori
��rith cap stam�}ec� "i3r�w�7 & Gay" set for the southe�st corner of the
herein described tract and bein� in the south line af the John
Dickinson Leaque, Abstract 9 anG the north line of the I &� G. N.R.tZ
Company Survey No. 4, Abstract 6Q8, ancl from which � founcl 2/2-inch
iron pipe bears Pd 8GD Sr7' 5�" E, 1 .29 feet, an� a 2-inch iron pipe
founci for the southP�st corner ef the said Slc�r�e Su�d:ivisi.or� bears S
31° 27' O1"tV, 293.38 feet;
THENCE S 86° 55' S�"` W, a distance of 3151. 59 f.eet over and dcross
Lats ].58 through 160, a 30-fcot road and 1?0 through 162 af the said
Slone Sup�-'ivisian and along tne sauth line a� tt:e said John
Dic?cinson Lea�ue, Abstr��:t 9 ar.d the n�rt'� l�ne of t!^�e i & G. 2�.R.R
Cc�mpany Sur.vey No. 4, 1`�l�strac,t� fi08, to � squaze ir��rr ax.l-e foun� in
the U;�st (0d line of the said S2one Subdivisi.�n fcr the southwest corr�er
of the herein described tract and the southwest corner of the said
�Tc�r,n Dickinsor3 League, F�.bstract 9, and from wt:ic.h th� southwest
c.orner af tne said Slane Subu?vi.si�n �ears S 03° �J5' S5" E, 289.99
THENCE N �3°05'S6" W, alonr� the we�s� ���:'�s line of the said S3.on�
__._ __.
Subdivisic���, at a d:i st�nce af 7 3?_.3.(�8 feut �ass a 1.-i.r.ch ir,r pi�>e
�ound fcr the most casterly northeast 4c�rner ci a ealled 97.00 acres
describec� i_n a cieed recorded under Clerk's File Number 97�5354 of
the Off3.cial Pu�lic Recor.ds of R�al Prcr�erty of Gas.vPSton �"ounty,
Texas, an�i ccntir.uing for a tatal distance of 4�3�.36 feet t� the
PC�INT L�F flFGItvNINt� and c.ontair,ing 5i�6.20 �crc:s of lar�d.
SAVE ANL� EXCEPT th:�s 9.52� acre tract of 1°nd:
Bei.nc� 9.525 acres of land situated in the ,?ohn Diekinson League,
Abstract 9, City oY Friendswood, valvest:�n Cour.ty, '?'eYas and k�eing
al1 �i Luts 137 and 138 of. the Slone Subdivisic�n, originally
}�tt�://ww��v.cagitol.state.tx.us/cgi-bin/cc�cgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=7VCXHI"TIWIR�&CQ... '71I1I2�OS
79(R) �B 1$06 -Enrolled version - Bill TeYt Page 14 of 18
recorde� ir. Vi�:l«zne 25d-A, Pag'e 6 of the Galv�sterz County [�ia� R�cc�rds
a_pci transferreci to Vviume 3, Paqe 61A of ti�e Galveston Coiinty Ma�
Record>, sai.d 9.525 a;r.es being more particularly d�scribe� by
metes and bounds as foli.ows:
B�C�,T.NtdING at a 1-1I2 inc�n ir�n pipe faur�d for tn� nort.hw2s': t.arne.r
af sa.iti L�t 117;
THEt3CE :� �v° 47' bt�" F, a dis��anc�° e` 453.00) �eet to a �/8-:�nch i�a�7
rod fc�unc� (di.sturbeci) in the tia��>� ;��.'; l.ine of a 3�-fcot road £or the
ncrtheast corner of said Lot 218;
"'fflENCE S 23° �.3' C�Q" W, a distance cf y15. 90 fee` to a S/�-inch irc�n
rocl with cag stamped "'I3rown & Gay" set £or the southeast corner of
sas.d Lct 118 in the narth af a 3�J-foot roac3;
TI-3ENCE tv 6G° 4� ' Ot7" W, a distance �f 453.00 feet to a 3/8-inch irc�n
faund (disi�urberi) for t?�e southwest correr of said Lot i17;
Tf-IENC� N 23° 13` GO" E, a distance of J15. 90 feet t.n the POINT OF
t3EUINNING �nd containing 9. 525 acres cf land.
SAVE AND EXCEPT tl�iis 4. 920 acre vf lancl:
Beinc� � .920 acres of land situated i:^ the JoRn Dickin5on League,
P.bstract 9, �ity of �'rien�swc?oc3, Galveston County, Texas and b�ing
a11 of Lat 1"73 of the Slone SuLdivision, aricrinally r�corded in
VolUme 254-A, FaSe 6 of the Galveston Ccunty Map ?tec�orcis nnd
transferred to Vol.u�r�e 3, Pa�e E,1A of the Galvestan Caunty Map
Recorr�s, said 4.92fl acres being more parti.cul�rly described by
metes arrd b�un�� �s follows:
COMMvNCIndG at a 5/8-.inch iror� rod found for tl:e nortnwest r_orner of
Lot 1?_6 of the sa.id Slone� Subdivision;
`iHErJC�. N 66° 47' 0(;" W, a distance of 234.?8 feet to a Sl8-inch iron
rod w.ith cap stamped "�3r�wn & Gay" set for the southeast carner of
Srx.i,Cl I.,oT 1�3 and tl-�e POINT QF BEGZI�3NZNG;
TiiENCE N 66° 97' QQ" 6�d, a ciistanv� of 234 .Q0 �e2t ta a 5/8-inch irori
rod with cap stamped "Brawn & Gay'" set fcr the southwest ccrner nf
said Lot 103;
THENCE N 23° 1.3' 00" E, a distan+�e of 915.90 `eet tc� a 5/�t-irch irt3n
rod with cap st�mred "Brown & Gay" se� for the narthwest cornc�r of
said Lot 1t�3;
THENCE S 6C�° 47' �C�" F, a distance o� 234 .00 �eer to a 5J�-.inch iron
rod with cap stamped "Br.c�wn & i�ay" set f�r the �lortheast corner �f
saic� Lat 1�J3;
THENCE', S 23° 13' 00" W, a distance of 91�.90 feet to the POI:3T i�F
BEGINNIiNG anc� cont�ainir.g 9 .920 acres c,f land.
In cnnclusion, the herein des�ribed 'I'ract "C", �eir=g 506.20 acres
of land, SAVE AC1� EXCEPT the `�ereir� �iescrik�e� 9.525 a�r�: rrart and
t'r�e ner.�in described 4. ��t� acre: tract of la�d, said Tract "C"
c��n�:ising a total acreage of 491.76 acres cf �and.
B��ring arientatic�n is ��sed on t:Y-,� Texr�.s State F�ane Coo,r.dinate
http:llwr�ru^.capitc�l.st�te.tx.us/cgi-biiv'cqcgi?CQ_SESSION_I�EY=IVCXHITIWIRI'&CQ.., 7tl i/2005
7�(R) SB 180fi - Enrolled version - F3i11 T'ext Page 15 of 18
System, So��t.h Cer?tral Zone NAD-83 and was �eri�✓ed k�y GPS (�lobal
Pasitioning Systeml meassrements.
Tr<�ct '�l�"
BEEf7G 47.?2 ar��x�es of lanci situateci ira the .3chn Dickinsc�n League,
�bstract t�3umkser 15 and the Sar.ah I�c,Kissiek Survey �bsc.ract i�umber
54�, H�r.ris Cnuz�t�F, Tex�s, and being out: of � c�11�d 12&.8�7 acr.e
tract c�f 'anci describec3 :i n the d�ed to Autumri rre�k I3evelopment,
i.,tci. , recard4d uri��r Ha.rris �r:ur�ty Cl.erk' s Fil� N�:mk��r 5953?32,
s3.ic� �"1.32 acres :�ning des��ribed by metes an� bounds as fn1L<>w�:
HEGIt3NZNG at a pc�int for the scutt:east corner af Autumn Creek
Sectian Nine, a s.abdivisio�� as shown on t:�e �1at thereof recarded at
�'ilm Cade Number 49701A �f the Harris County �5ap Rerords in the
westerly right-<.�f-way line of Tr �*('%J Bay Area Bculeva�-d, {1C�p-�cot
wic�� n.i��h�-or-way) ;
Ti-lE1VCE in a southeasterly cl.irectien with the westerly ric}ht-of-way
lire c�f saz� vvE:�t �Q1 B�y Area �oulevard alor.q said cz�,rve tc� the 1ef�
____ __ .,___:.
having an �-rr_ diz�tance of 506.26 feet, a radius c�f 2, Q5d.44 feet, �
centr�3 angle of 14° t�8' S3" anci a chord which �earinc� S 11° 37' 18"
E, ��9 . �� £ept, ta the point of tanger.cy of said curve;
THECdCE 5 1£° 91 ' 47" E, a c�is�anc_? of 298.0�1 feet with th� westerl�r
ri�ht-ot-way line of said Wes��� ��a Bay r+rea Baulevard ta a point at the
northe�st corner c�f a cal.led 1.7t�40 acre tract of iand d�scribed by
a deed t.c� thc: Czty af Friendswc�od, recorded undes Har.ris county
C1.erk.'s File Numbe.r E<1762>14;
'i'HENCE S 'll° 18' 13" ;rJ, a ciistance af lOd. 65 with the nc�rtherly line
of said 3.7fl90 acre tract to a poi.nt at the ns�rthwest corner of said
1.?O�tO acre trac.t and the nortn corner of a callec3 20.?798 acre
tract clesc:ribed by deee� to Gul.f Coast Waste Dis�osal Authori�y,
recorded under Harris County Clerk's File NL�mber P950��4;
i'HENCE S 41° 97' lfl" 4�d, � c�i.stance of 1, 519.��i feet wiUh the
��rtY�west 1in� of said 2t).2798 acre tract to a puint for a correr;
THENCE N 65° 22" 41" W, a distai�ce of 7d.22 f�:et;
THENCE :d ?2° 32' 12" W, � dist3nc�e c�f ?53.55 feet;
T.HEi�CE N 85° 39 ' 51" PI, a c�istance af 93.55 feet;
THE'rvCE 5 88° �h' 2Q" W, a distance of 93.87 �eet;
THENCE N ?5' t�C�' 28" W, a distance of 115.12 f�et;
THENCF' Pd 54° 3i' G'9" td, a distarice of 67. 4? fe�t;
TEi�t�7CE N 41° 43' 46" E, a ciistanr.e of 737.6Q feet with tn� southeast
line of c.�lle.� 3. 9 acre tract c3escribec� by a�ed rec�rcied in �iol.ume
269, Pag� �5�?8, of ��_h�. Harr_is County Deed Recorcis, to a poi.nt f�ar a
THENCE N 48° 21' 15" 6�3, � distanc�� {�i 199.�9 feat �rith �he ro�-thea:�t
line �f said 3.9 �cr� tract;
2'HENCE S 41° 43' 46" W, a di�tar�ce o� iQ`�.88 �=e�t with th� northwest
http:Jlwww.capitol.state.tx.uslcgi-bi;�lcqcgi`?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITI�IRF&CQ... 7/11I2005
?9{R) 513 180b - Enrolled ti�ersio�� - Bifl 'l�ext Page 16 �f 18
lin� ci said 3.� acr� tract;
THENCE N 2C1° 12' 2U" W, a disL-arce of 129.06 fe�t;
�'liEk3�'E N 13° 26' S2,� 'v�, � c�ist�nc� of 91.0� feet;
THENCE N 07° 5I' 3+J" Gv, a distance �f 57.29 fe�t;
TF�ENCE �3 41° �3' 46" E, a distance �� 559 .n7 feet witr� th+� sou�he,�st
lir.e of c called 3.4 ar_re trac•t of lar�c3 described by cieed ta C?�arles
Crady III, recarded unc�e� H�rris C�aunty Cleric's F`iie Number
C8 Y1b69, to a p�int for a corner;
TPiENCE �l �`i8° 1"3' 21" �a�, � disuance o� 31�. 44 feet with the r7ortheast
line of said Charles Cra�y III tract to a point fcr � corner;
THENCE� S 41 43 96' lv, a d�ist�ne,e �f 327.16 feet with the wrst i0� line
a , , , - _____.
of. said Charles Crady IIi tract, tc- the n�rtf� I-righ r�ank af Ci.e�.r
iHENCE with the meanders of the northerly high bank of ulear Crc�k
the fallc�wing cpurses and di.stances;
N G6° 25' 18" E, a c�ist::anr..� of 128.8? feet, thence N 29° 33' 14" E, a
distance of 96.29 feet; thence N 35° 2?' 39" F, a distance of 9G.35
feet; t}:ence N 59° �10' 40" E, a c�istance of 171.73 feet; thence N 65°
22' 92" E, a distance uf 75.58 feet: therce �l 7�t° l�' 39" E, a
dist�x-,re of 165.7A feet; thence N 85° 37' 19" E, a ciistar,c.e of 133. i3
feet; thence S 73° 4't' 95" E, a distance of 47.39 feet; thence N 80°
52' 9?" E, a distance of 106.09 feet; thence N 71° 30' 39" E, a
distancc=: af 118.9A feet; thence �b 63° �fs' 34" E, a dist�nce of 89 .8`)
feet; thence N �19° 42' 37" E, a distance of 92.C38 feet; thence N 39°
5=' 29" E, a distance of 86.19 feet; thence h1 29° C1'� ' 19" E, a
distanc� of 50.03 fe�t. tc� the southwest corr�er af said Au�urin CrEek
SeCticn Nine,
THEPICE with th� soutre line of sa.i.d Aut�zr�n Creek Section Nine the
fcllo��ri.nq coursGs and distanc,es;
S 24° 51" 52" E, a distance of 69.59 feet; the.nce S 06° 45" 46" E, a
r�istance af 87.56 feet; thence S 32° 26' 33" E, a c�istance of �5.5t?
feet; t�aence 5 t3Q° 3"1 ' 39" E, a distance e� 19 .36 feet, thence N 9�°
C�6' 45" E, a �istance of 112.92 feet; thencP N 21� 49 ' 05" E, a
c�istar.ce c�f 112.59 feet; thence N 56° �8' 1'1" E, a �iistarzce of 32.67
feet; ther.c� S 79° Q7' 55" E, a dist�nr.e: c�f 52.8G fc-4et; thence 5 6"s°
32' S3" �, a distance of 5�"..09 feet; tl:ence S �3° 23' 39" E, a
di.��tance c�f 3"3 ,53 ieet; tnence N 70° 39' S8" E, a dista^c� of 39.78
fe�t; ther5ce N 22° A9' OC?" E, a dista�ce �£ 5�,�3 fee�; ther?c� N d0°
2?' 16" Tr7, a c3istance of 2�. 48 feet; ti�ence ta 3B° 11' 13" Ud, a
di.st�nce of £36.2� feet; th�nce N 18° l�' 49" E, a c�istance o� 50.57
fr>et; tt�c=r,cE i3 03° f�6' 21" W, a distance �� 7:%.47 feet, thence N 6"7°
12' 26" E, a distance af 4t1.�� fe�t; tr��nce S 55° 5�3' 3°„ �', a
dist�nce of 76.98 feet: thence S 73° 56' 00" E, a c�istarrce �� 36.58
feet; thenc� N 67° 59' 15" E, a distance of �1.t�5 feet; thence N 3r°
Sa' 13° E, a distarce of 106.81 fee�; then�e S 77° 38' 13" E, a
�istar:ce c�f. 39.6�J feet; tr�es�ce S 4I° 22' i0" E:, a distant�� of "J2.5U
fee*; L-hei���e S 39° a`�' 04" E, a di.stance of �1.88 feet; thence N 84°
5f3" 55" E, a distance af 3"7.8C3 f�et to the PC7ZNT OF BFGI2dNING and
containing 9'7 .32 �cres of laric;.
S�CTiQN 3. LE,GISZ.ATIVF; F3tJDZNGS. `£he �e�islatur.e finds
http:lt�=ww.capitc�l.state.tx,uslc�i-bin/cqcgi?C�SESSION_KEY-ZVCXI�ITI�IIRF&CQ... 711 I 12005
79{R} SB 1$Q6 - Enro(led version - Bill "T'ext Pa�,e 1? of'1$
(1} proper and leqal nct:�ue �f the irrt=�,*7�:ic�ri to
introduce tnis Act, settir.g £orth the c}en�ral substar�r.e c�f this
�ct, has been published as proviclEd by 1aw, ar.cl the na*.i.ce apd a
capy of this Act have k���n furnished tc� a�3 persons, aqnneies,
officials, or entities to which they are required to k�c furnisheci by
tY�e c�nstit�.�tion �nd laws �f this state, ir!cludir,g the goc>ernor,
who h3s su�mitted the nat.i.ce �:rd Act to t's:e 'Z'exas t;;c�nint.ission c�n
Er,�rironr�er�tal Q�xalit�;
{2) the Texas Comniissicn or� Erviran�riental �?uali�y has
filnd its recc�mmendatior�s rel�tiny to this �:ct c�rith the yover.nor.,
lieuter.ant gGVernor, and s�eaker o£ the house �f representat.i_ves
within the rpquired time;
(3} the general law relat;_ng to cansent z�y political
sub�ivisians to tt-:a creatian o£ districts with conser�=at.:icn,
reclamation, and r.o�d pc;wers Gnd the inclusion of lan� in thosP
districts has b�er� cc��m�lied with; anei
{9) ai.1 r.�quirements �f tt-:e c�nstitution �nd laws of
this state and the rul.es and pr�G�dures of tt;� le�islat.ure w.i.th
resp�ct to the notice, introduct;ion, anc9 passaqe of this Ar.,t h<7ve
been €ulfilled ard accomplishECi.
SECTION 4 . EFFECTIVE I�ATE. Thzs 71ct takes e£f�ct
im�nec3iately if it receives a �rote of two-thircts c�f a11 the memY�er.s
�lectec3 t� eact� house, as provided by Sectian 39, Article III, Texas
Canstitution. 3f this Act ac�ES not receive t.he vo*e n�cessary fod-
im:nediate eff�ct, this Rct takes effect September l, 2005.
President of tt;e S�nate Speakcr c�f the House
I hereby certify that S.13. Nc. lSfl6 passed the Senate on
May 6, 2005, by the follawing vote: Yeas 30, Nays 0.
Secretar.y of the Senate J
I herEby certify tY�at 5.i3. No. 1806 passed the Hcuse on
t�"ay 2C}, 2�05, by the fcl�owing v�te: Yeas 139, Nays C7, twa
present not voting.
Chief Clerk of the House
` ___._ __...___...._._____._..._.--._.__.___
http:ll��rww.capitol.state.tx.�,islcgi-binlcqcgi?CQ_SESSIOi�1_KFY=7VC'XNITIWIRF&CQ... 7/13 l2t)t�S
7�{R) SB a 8�� - Enrolled versior� - Bill Text }'�+�t, i$ r�f� 18
[Go Co_I��isi N,it..IjC�c� `.I�ca I���_c�t`I��c:ument1
�3tfi�:ll��uw.capitol,state.tx.�aslcgi-bin/cqcgi?GQ SESSION_KEY=ZVCXHITIWTR_�&CQ... 7!lll2(3�S
Ezhibit B
City of Friendswood
Conditions to Consent
(a) The District may issue bonds, including refunding bonds, for any purposes
authorized by law, including, but not limited to, purchasing, refinancing, designing, and
constructing, or otherwise acquiring waterworks systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm
sewer systems, drainage and detention facilities, parks and recreational facilities, or parts
of such systems or facilities, and street and road construction, and to make any and all
necessary purchases, constructions, improvements, extensions, additions, and repairs
thereto, and to purchase or acquire all necessary land, rights-of-way, easements, sites,
equipment, buildings, plants, structures, and facilities therefor, and to operate and
maintain same, and to sell water, sanitary sewer, and other services within or without the
boundaries of the District. Such bonds must not have a maturity longer than 30 years
from the date of issuance of the District's first series of bonds, and further provide that
the District reserves the right to redeem said bonds on any date on or after the 15th
anniversary of the date of issuance (or any earlier date at the discretion of the District)
without premium, and none of such bonds, other than refunding bonds, shall be sold for
less than 95 percent of par; provided that the net effective interest rate on bonds so sold,
taking into account any discount or premium as well as the interest rate borne by such
bonds, shall not exceed two percent above the highest average interest rate reported by
the Daily Bond Buyer in its weekly "20 Bond Index" during the one-month period next
preceding the date of the sale of such bonds. The resolution authorizing the issuance of
the District's bonds shall contain a provision that the pledge of any revenues from the
operation of the District's water and sewer and/or drainage system to the payment of the
District's bonds shall terminate when and if the City dissolves the District, takes over the
assets of the District, and assumes all of the obligations of the District.
(b) Bonds may be issued only if the value to debt ratio of the District resulting
from the issuance of such bonds, together with the District's outstanding debt, is 5 to 1 or
better, i.e. the ta�cable value of the District must be at least five times the total outstanding
debt of the District including the bonds being issued. The District may issue refunding
bonds only if the refunding results in the following: (a) a three percent (3%) savings in
debt service, (b) no extension of the maturity of the bonds being refunded, and (c) level
savings over the life of the bonds.
(c) Bonds may be issued only if the District can show the City that under the
rules of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, whether or not such rules
apply to the facilities to be financed, the bonds shall be feasible at a tax rate not to exceed
$0.65 per $100 of valuation (the "Tax Cap") over the life of the bonds. The District's
financial advisor must certify to the City that the District can reasonably be expected to
provide for the District's debt service requirements, including the bonds proposed to be
issued, with the levy of a debt service tax of no more than $0.65 per $100 of taxable
valuation. In the event the District's tax rate exceeds the Tax Cap, the City shall not
approve the issuance of any additional bonds until the District's tax rate falls below the
x2oo7-0� 3
Tax Cap and the proposed bond issue meets the feasibility requirements. The City shall
have the right to disapprove the issuance of bonds by the District if the City finds that the
projected growth on which the bond issue is based is not likely to be achieved.
(d) Before the commencement of any construction within the District, its
directors, officers, or developers and landowners shall submit to the City, or to its
designated representative, all plans and specifications for the construction of water,
sanitary sewer, drainage, and detention facilities to serve the District and obtain the
approval of such plans and specifications therefrom. All water wells, water meters,
flushing valves, valves, pipes, and appurtenances thereto, installed or used within the
District, shall conform to the specifications of the City. All water service lines and sewer
service lines, lift stations, and appurtenances thereto, installed or used within the District
shall comply with the City's standard plans and specifications, as amended from time to
time. Prior to the construction of such facilities within or by the District, the District or
its engineer shall give written notice by registered or certified mail to the City, stating the
date that such construction shall be commenced. The construction of such facilities shall
be in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and with applicable
standards and specifications of the City; and during the progress of the construction and
installation of such facilities,the City may make periodic on-the-ground inspections.
(e) The District, its board of directors, officers, developers, and/or landowners
shall not permit the construction, or commit to any development within the District, that
shall result in a wastewater flow to the serving treatment facility which exceeds that
facility's legally permitted average daily flow limitations or the District's allocated
capacity therein.
(fl Nothing contained herein shall be construed as waiving any regulatory
ordinance of the City governing plats and the subdivision of land within said District, or
other ordinances governing building, construction, or the development of land within the
�00�-07 4