HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2007-02 RESOLUTION NO.R2007-02 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THAT CERTAIN "ADDENDUM TO CERTIFICATES OF AUTHORITY" FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDING CITY MANAGER ROBERT T. MCDANIEL AND REMOVING DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CINDY EDGE TO THE LIST OF PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS SIGNATORIES ON CITY ACCOUNTS AT WELLS FARGO BANK N.A, THE CITY'S BANHING DEPOSITORY. * * * � * � � � * � WHEREAS,the official depository for City funds is Wells Fargo Bank,N.A.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to its depository contract with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., the governing body of the City shall designate persons authorized to act as signatories for checks or other instruments that provide for withdrawals from the various accounts of the City at such bank; now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. The persons identified on the "Addendum to Certificates of Authority," a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C" and made a part hereof for all purposes, are hereby authorized to act as signatories on the various accounts of the City, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the depository contract. Section 2. The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause a true and correct copy of this Resolution to be served upon Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., together with the executed"Addendum to Certificates of Authority"attached hereto. PASSED,APPROVED, and RESOLVED this 15t�day of Januarv 2007. � `�� �Y� David J. H. ith Mayor ATTEST O� F RIlly��� � � � OO . De oris McKenzie, T C * * City Secretary d►�,,rE � �+Q� Addendum to Certificate of Authority (Deposit Accounts Only) enk Neme � 1 De�( YY) 00808 12/12/2006 Wells Fargo Bank,N.A. Brencn# U/COStCenter 03525 247 csr eme w� um � SHELLEY R WELCH B8997 7'13/43E'r8110 Use this document when new signers are being added or deleted fo a Cerfificafe ofAufharity currently on fr!e and a nevv, sigrred Certificate of Autharlty has not been obfalned. Thls addendum may no!be used to add or delete tl►ose perso»s auttrorized fo engage!n credlf transactlons. A new Certlf/cafe of Author�ry,ar other proper written notlflcatlon,must be obtalned for that purpose. Addendum to Certificate ofAuthority Dated(MM/DD/YYYl� CustomerName CITYOFFRIENDSWOOD AccOUnt NUmber(S) 33933533�7 Authorized Signers currenUy on the account(sample signature not required}:Attach a separete sheet if necessary. N8� CINDY EDGE Signer Name Siqner Signer N8� DELORIS MCKENZIE Name Signer ROGER C ROECKER Stgner Name Name Signer DAVID J.H.SMITH Signer Name Neme Descripvon of the Requested Change to Authorized Signers Actlon Print Name and Title Samp/e Signature Requested (Required only for persons being added as (Check One) autha�-'rred signers) us omer u cr�z rgna ure ❑ Add CINDY EDGE � De%te Signer ❑Submit manually �Signature not required Customer 2 Aufhorized Signafure � Add ROBERTT MCDANIEL 12/12/2006 � Delete Slgner . � �Submit manualiy �Slgnature not required � Add Customer 3 Aufhorrzed Signature � Delete �Submit manually Signature not required � Add Customer 4 Authar¢ed Signafure ❑ Delete �Submit manuaily Signature not required Cuslomer 5 Autharized Signature � Add �Submit manually � Delete �Signature not required Customer 6 Aufhcx,¢ed Signahrre ❑ Add � Delete �Submit manualiy Signature not required � Add Custome�7 Authorrzed Signature � Delete ❑�bmit manuelly �Signature not required person s stgnrng � direcf the Bank to recognize Ehe signature(s)and/or written, telephone,elecfronic and ora!ins6-uctions of any person who has been edded as an aud�a�ized s/gner,• � direct fhe Bank to drscontirtue acting on the ins6-ucUons of any person who has been deleted as an authorized signer,� � acknowledge that these modificafions become etfecfive only after this addendum has been received by the Bank and the 8ank has had a reasonable opportunity to act on insG�uctlons if contains; � certfies that the account owner has taken a!!action under its aganizationa!documents,ifany, including passage ofresolutions by its board of dlrectors,Grustees, or other goveming body,required to maka fhese inodificafions and to aufhorize the urrdersigned to execufe and deliver this addendum; � dArect the Bank that fhe additiona!aufhorized signers ldent�ed above shalJ have a!!of the author/ty granfed to the persons idenfified as authorized sfgners on the Certlflcate ofAuthority. ACCUIaf@ aS Of 12/122006 (DBta-MM/OfYYYYY) Cerfified/qqreed To B Certification �Submit manually Certification ❑Submit menually Signature Signature not re uired Signature 2 ❑ 4 �Signature not required Name_ �YN � J`�+� IVame T�le �M�T�1"�- T1tle Manua!Submisslon Jnsbvct/ons:Documentatlon supporting the addendum!s atiached,lf applMable. W18Q47ryf-0484095.1) HOST UPDATE SUCCESS Addendum to Certificate of Authority (Deposit Accounts Only) BenkNeme C !D ete(MM YY) 00808 12/12/2006 Wells Fargo Bank,N.A. erer,cn u urcost cenrer 03525 247 cer ame cer um er SHELLEY R WELCH B8997 713/436-81'f0 Use this document when new signers are being added or deJeted to a Certificafe ofAuthority currently on fi!e and a new,signed Cerfifrcate of Authority has rtof been obtained. Thls addendum may not be used to add or deJete those persons authorized to engage In credlt transacflons. A new CeKlficate of AuihoNry,or other proper wNtien notfffcatlon,must be obtalned for thai purpose. Addendum to Certiflcate ofAuthority Dated(MM/DD/YYY)� CusYomerName CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AccountNumber(s) 3393353689 Authorized Signers currenUy on Yhe account(sample signature not required):Aftach a separate sheet if necessary. Si trer � N8� CINDY EDGE Name Slgner Slgner Name DELORIS MCKENZIE Narrte �8� ROGER C ROECKER S�n� IVame Signer DAVID J.H.SMITH S�n� Name �8� Description of the Requested Change to Authorized Signers Acr/on Print Name and Tit1e Sample Signature Requested (Required on/y for persons being added as (Check One) authcrized signers) us omer u cr¢e fgna ure ❑ Add CINDY EDGE � De/ete Signer ❑Submit manually �Signeture not required Custom r 2 Authorized Signature � Add ROBERTTMCDANIEL 12/12/2006 � Delete Slgner � B[�bmit manually ❑Sfgnature not required � Add Customer 3 Authorized Signeture � Delete Submit manually Signature not required � Add Cusfomer4Authd-rzed Signature � Delete �Submit manually Signature not required Customer 5 Authcr,¢ed Signature ❑ Add � Delefe ❑Submit manually �Signeture not required Customer 6 Authorized Signafure � Add � Delete �Stibmit manually Signature not required � Add Cusfom�er 7 Aufhorized Signature � De%te ❑SLhmit manually �Signature not required person s s�gning e � direct the 8ank to recoqnize the signature(s)anWor written,telephone,efectronic and ora!ins5�ucfions of any person who has been added as an authorized signer,• � direct fhe Bank to discontinue acting on the insbuctions of any person who has been deleted as an authorized sigrrer,' � acknowfedge thaf these modifrcations become eflective only after fhis addendum has been received by fhe Bank and the Bank has had a roasonable opportunity to act on lnsGructions!t contains; � cerfifies that Ehe account owner has taken a!!acfion under its organizationa!documents,if any, inc/udir�passage ofresoJutions by ifs board of diract�s, trusEees, ar other governing body,required fo make fhese modficafions and fo authorize the urrdersigned to execute arrd deli�ner this addendum; � direct the Bank that the additiona!authorizeU slgners idenNfled above shal!have a!!of the authorfty qrented to the persons ldentihed as suthorized slgnars on fhe Certiflcate ofAufhorlty. Accurate as of 1y122006 . (Da(B-MM/DLN'YYY) Certified/Apreed To By Certiflcatfo ]�Submlt manually CertiflcaUon ❑Submit manually Signature 1 Si nature nat re uired Signafure 2 ❑ 9 q �Slgnature not required Name ���v�t� Sohi� Name TRIe 1� �h'1'14"1 �- T�le Manua!Submisslon Insbvctlons:Documentatlon suppoKing the addendum fs attached,lf appllcabM. wlaoa���ioaaaose.i� HOST UPDATE SUCCESS Addendum ta Cer�ificate of Authority (beposEt Accounts Only) � aosae ,snsnooa Wo�s Fatqo BeNC.NJ1. 036ss 2s7 wr v &kE1.�6Y R YVEICH ' 6896'! 71:IN36�8t90 tJae t►ks�wnennew aigoara are eetnp daided a deinred ro a CerGrkateo/AuMwrty currenpyonldv arrd a new,arp�9d CMi�ate of A�xhoAry hat noc been obrNned Thls+�d0anairm,ney not6s vsa�to aG�f ordrmh dw�a parwaa awbo�►�esito vnpaFo M�t br�urreeUarta a new CvrWlcsta ela.tho�itY,or otlieryroper w.M4oa nvtiflcallon,�nrntbs o��aMad tav urx pu�pn�. AddsadUln fo GrNRcate nlAuthorlq�Drted(dIAIlOWYWY) � Ln.p CuslamerNeAte ��OFFR�NOBw+OdD AcccvntNurnbet{sJ ���'�'+'� Author'aed S►yners cuttonHy a»the aCeOUnt fsampte slgnalur9 rloiYrqulred);AlfBC�8 89AM8lu sheat7fa9Ce86�y. ��CINDY HDGS ��j0 Ndme DEtOR►S hfCKENZE2 � N�`,��ROGER 4 RO�CK�R �� NaQ�e RAVIO�i.�.SMITH �a�msr DesCr(p11on p/fhe Rsquested Chengr foAufhorized 5/gners �Uon Piln! ame an amplo 81Qnatwe xequaa�od (Raqured only Ibr pelo�ona bateg edded as . lCnerk orw) 8t�thahed stgaeraj u pmer wu gne re (�Add CIKDY EDGe � $� OefelB S9nat . �p$u$w�ft�an;�atiy�..'. 81fldaWroll+Koe�u�ad. �(q� Rob�stt'TMCPANIkL uslom 2Ruthorrze 8naturo.'. . , • • • T� ft' � t?1ZVOB'.'.'. � D81ef9 Sigtrer ' '.'. 1l1� ' � Q p� � stomor9 s�nana�•_-,•,:,.�., , � .�.� , m (� nelotu �Ihadc�+�+ay`.'.' 6f�eam�net trbd' Q Add ' aStamei a 9 gA�hqs �Su�ml!manuoUy ❑ Aelete ' ,�'g�oturenotreqt,trcd B1oMDY 5 Aufhorhed Sfgnelur6 �'�� �suDmtt marwaAy � Det9te Signahuertatequlydd �A� � Cuetotnet BAutt+orized 5�gasture ❑ oWete �Submn msnuetty 31prYWN nvl reQukea �A� ustorner A afwa � pe/9fe ��b�red t�od Fo�stia ar,/ryny , dboc:t�t�f�►rl��i�u uW slyiitu 6($18AtLW xi9teu,tV.bD�R6,BlsCYMk edd omf&tstrvcl��.v of snypes�tort wlio hns bsert added se nn� '�� . d'1�s:�D t��1�oc�'W„t�dctTrreonDhelnebucrknsofSnypCraonMwnasDaerltlrXetGdbSdnarutharh9darpnd'; � eckt ru t�Waw rnodd�cannns OBCOmd vffac�ve anty elter f»!s tiddandem has teen rece►re0 Dy fn0 8urdc und�+s daaBns,�Aetl 0 ' reafurtc�v��ur�wl�a�.i3.Wl vU N7dYsrCl+On1t hi0n18I�fi . aH�'ax�San 'accAyive,�n�rhsswkvnau�onunderx�Cr&;inizatbnaleocva�enr�fl8ny,(r,dudL�jaaamQeofiasMut7onrbyltaboerd al dicA6t�d. �3.�N OJ�d'�OY8RU77�DOd}%rOVi�4iI dD(AdiGBlbB9B mOWI+CO[�DnS pf7�t0 BLO�M7lYa UAi dA06l6iy1nPO t6 OXiCUf9 8Rtl dE}HiN' ���a�k � d6avt ae�� � ��`"C�' ufhakeo atgron tCent�.Sd ubv�e ah�t nave a�N tr,�8c4horkygrantod ro tlie p�urw�sWo+x�bed ae atHAO)l�6d3ly r fe olAulAOrNy. Ac�esiriti�a ��ru� c�ena).us'F� � CariLl�w' ' 9u0m1ttnaAUef19 CtRrficatlort L.�l�Submkmmrtualy s;gnetc+� , stpnatuta na reo�9d S��'°'�� C]��+ro nairoaulrea l,ta�ile --I1111���J �� N9rtle rwe VYl,ay�. T� rdonual�ubnds�r ah lrtsUtfadone;OQOUr1�8nWUvrt stiRpoNn9lAe a6dendum is atl�chvd HoppfleaLla. wrFO+7n�uauw.q H05T UPI�ATE 3UCCES3 Z0/L9 3�?t1d SS3HISfiS 0.atf� S�"13M IZL89£b6tL L9�EZ L00Z/80/T0