HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo Address - Deed - COF Mayor Harry D Wagner; Viola L. Bost; Leon & Laverne Brown Texas Highway Department '
Form D-15-14
Page 1 of 4
Rev. 10-61
That The City of Friendswood by Mayor Harrsr 7) WniZnar
of the County of Galveston , State of Texas, hereinafter referred
to as Grantors;, whether one or more, for and in consideration of the sum of _
/(/,I o - ' �. ($_ ------ � ) Dot 1as_
to Grantors in hand paid by the State of Texas, acting by and through the State
Highway Commission, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for which no lien
is retained, either expressed or implied, have this day sold, and by these presents
do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the State of Texas, all that certain tract
or parcel of land in G lve stop County, Texas, and being more particu-
larly described as follows, to wit:
0e11.95 acres(17 , 23"I sgofte ) of land, more or less , and 'being part 01' Lot
1 Block 9, "'ri endswood ubdivisicn in the Sarah P-TcI<_issJ ck Lea-ue Abstract
e 2 " ' geed
ljl, map oz saidsubdivision is recorded in Volume �54, Page 31,
Records of Galveston County, `!eras , said part of Lot 1, Block 9 was conveyed
to the City of Friend-swood by deed of record in 'doluu e , ?age , Deed
Records of Galveston_ County, Texas , which 0o395 acres (17, 237 sgefto } of
land, more or less , is more particularly described by metes and mounds
as follows;
Cornmencirg at the most southerly corner of Lot 11; Block 9, FriendswoQd
Thence P•; 001 W along the southwest line of Lot 11, Block 9, a dis-
tance of 613m80. feet to a point in the proposed southeast right of way line
of r.',; Highway 2351 for the point of beginning of the tract described herein;
Thence continuing T; 450 004 '�V a distance of 46.20 feet to the most
westerly corner of Lot ll, . Block 9, same being the i,lost northerly corner
.of Lot_1, Block' a; .
Thence S 45° 001 I along the northwest line of Lot 1, Llock 9, a
'distance of 29-/5owl 'feet to the northerly corner of a tract of land conveyed
by thed Galveston _County 'eater Control and Improvement District No o -15- to
Thomas _�enson, et ux_, by deed of record in Volume 131_;.5 , Page 512, Deed
records' of Galveston Coazt,,, Texas;
Thence S 45° 001 B along the northeast property lire of said Thomas
Benson_, et ux, tract, of land, a distance of 50-0 feet to a point in the
proposed so�utheast rivht of way line of _11 2351;
. --� -.:-,. ·•::...,• Form D-15-14 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 10-63
l , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises herein conveyed together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the State of Texas and its assigns forever; and Grantors do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, �o Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises herein conveyed unto the State of Texas and its assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument is executed on this the -----------' 19 -------------'--�?-W� C \ ,;·SINGLE ACKNOWLEDGMENT:o:n:y :fT A ::iv� �o: EX A-S _____________ }day of Before me, _________ A.:r.t.hJ�---.W�;igb.t ________________ , a notary public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared ____________ ]J�_�_:r,y ___ P.� ___ _wggpe r_ __ ::_JT�y:Q_:r. ___ ..1. ___ Q_t_t.y __ .9_f_ __ Friendswood------------------------------------------------------------, known to me ( or proved to me on ----the oath of-----------------------�----------------, a credible witness) to be the person ______ whose name ____ _ -------�bscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that ____ he ____ executed the samejd ��-�. pw;pol:!��nd consideration therein expressed_(!.,,,,,'Ill'_� PII��,,,,,•. h d d 1 f ffi th-th 1i::: d f Feb-ruarv. 19 66 ,, "-vi 1e11 u".""·c-r �Y an an sea o o ce, 1s e ---=-✓--'----��
-------___ _ i��--·-.. _/ ,,__.
. . c> . (:) ; ·. ' �-----------------------�-------------�•: . rf':;. . • _-W ·: -a =)Notary Public in and for ____ _Q-�J:{�_s,_:t_Q[L _____________________ County, Texas. c-,. . ><: . 0 . : .....,:
: __ �;-... _ �":__! WIFE'S SEPARATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT �--,;,_�Ft -� ::4��------0 FTEXAS, } . �' . \
'\ �' co-imtt·:���------------_____ _ Before me, ---------------------------------------, a notary public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared --------------------·-----------------------------------····--------, wife of --·----------------------------------------------------------------------, known to me ( or proved to me on the oath of ----------·--··------------------------------, a credible witness) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she the said --------------------------------------, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the ____________ day of ----------------------------------19 _______ _ Notary Public in and for ------------------------------------------County, Texas. ______________________ ____,;:.···;:..;e
�y DISD WI'l'B VDDOll 1 8 LID
Dates July: s"" ·, 1991---
Graator1 VIOLA L. BOST, Individually and •• Independent Executrix ot the E•tat• ot c.c. Bo•t, Deo•••ed
araator'• X&iliaq U4r••• (iaoludiaq oouaty)1
P.O. Box 845, Wi:aberly, Texa• 78676 HAYS County
araat••'• X&iliaq &d4r••• (iaoludiaq couaty)1
903 Clover Ridqe, Friend•wood, T•x•• 77546 GALVUTON county
COIIHDD&TIOIII TEN AHD N0/100 DOLLARS and other 9ood and valuable coneideration and th• turther coneideration ot a not• ot even date that i• in th• principal uount ot $5,000.00 and 1• executed by Grant••, payable to the order ot Grantor. It 1a Hou.red by a vendor•• lien retained in thie deed and by a deed ot truet of even date troa Grant•• to 'l'HOKU P. UY, TrU•t•••
no�an (boludhq uy laproT-•t•> 1 All that certain lot, parcel or tract ot land lyin9 between Choat• Road and •ev Choate Road, bein9 a portion ot Lot 1, lloolc ,, ot rRIDDIWOOD lubdividon .. NOOrded in th• C&lveston COW\ty Records in Voluu 1345, at pa9•• 512 and 513, and bein9 aore fully described a• tollovs1
UGIMXIKG at a point aar>ced by a 5/1• iron rod in th• ooaaon aoutheasterly line ot th• 100 1 riqbt-ot-vay ot Kev Choate ao&d and sO\lthwestarly line ot th• 100 1 riqbt-of-vay ot Choate Road, Mid point bein9 K 45 de9H•• 00 1 hat 3,121.01 1 and 10\lth 45 degree oo• hat 50.0 1 froa th• •outherly oorner ot th• Austin and Perry lurvey1
'l'HDCI: Korth 45 deqreu 00 1 h•t 236.51 1 with th• eouthuaterly line of tha 100' riqbt-of-vay of Jfev Choate Road, alonq a line parallel to and ao.0 1 froa the ooaaon line ot th• Perry and Austin survey, Abatract 20, and th• Iara MoX!Hiok Laa9Ua, Abatract 151, to a point tor corner, urked by a 5/1• iron rodt
THDCI: louth 45 deqr... oo' East 110. 11 • to a point in th• northvaaterly line ot the 100• riqbt-ot-vay of Choate Road, ur>ced by a 5/1• iron rodt
THIHCI: aouth 66 deqr"• 56 1 wut u1.2• with the northwuterly line of the 100• riqbt-ot-vay ot Choate ao&d, to a point urlted by a 5/1• iron rodt
THIHCZ 10\lth 73 deqr••· 21 1 Wut 130.44 1 with tha northweaterly line ot th• 100 • ri9ht-of-vay of Choate Road to th• place of �iMinq1
allD boundary encloainq an area of o.323 acr•• out of th• Sara Kc�i••iok Lea9Ue, Abstract 151.
SAVZ AND EXCl:PT that portion previouely conveyed to the State of Texa• described a• tollova1
leinq 0.023 of one acre (915 aquar• teet) ot land, aore or l•••• out of a 0.330 acre residue ot Lot l, Block 9 ot the Friendswood Subdivi■ion, a eubdivi•ion of record aituated in
Jf.u4f¥,-ri: "FJ'l,9�v� e7"', %3/
th• Sarah K0Xi••i0k League, Abatraot 151, Galve■ton County, Tex•• according to th• aap or plat thereof recorded in Volua• 238, Page 14 of the Galve■ton County Deed Record• (G,C,D,R,)1 ■aid 0.330 acre r••idue being the •-• land deaoribed in deeddated May 23, 1968 froa Hou■ton National Bank to Jo•• o.xennedy and Calvin c. Boat and recorded in Volua• 1957, Page526 of th• G,C,D,R,7 ■aid 0,023 of on• acre of land, aor• orl•••• being aor• particularly deacribed by aet•• and bound•••follova1
COMMENCING at a point for th• aoat eaaterly corner of ■aid 0.330 acre reaidu• and being in th• northweaterly right-ofway line of Choat• Road (Edgewood Avenue-100 feet wide) 1 thence •• followa1
North 48 degree• 16 1 50" Weat, along th• northea•t•rly line of ••id 0.330 acre reaidue, a di•tano• of 19.58 feet to a point in th• propoaed aouthea■terly right-of-way line of F,K. 2351 and being the POINT OF BEGINNING (X • 3,209,241,68, Y • 640,451,23) 1
THENCE, SOOTH 54 degree• 21 1 35" We•t, along aaid propoaed aouthea■terlr right-of-way line, a diatanoe of 95,66 feet to• 5/1 inch ron rod with SDHPT aluainua diac Ht for th•point of interaection with the exiating aouth•••t•rly rightof-way line of F,K, 2351 (width vari••)t
THENCE, NORTH 41 degr••• 43 1 10" Baat, along ••id exiati?\9 ■outh .. aterly right•of-vay line,• di■tano• of 93,30 feet topoint for the aoat northerly corner of aaid 0,330 acrereaidue,
THENCI:, SOOTH 41 degr••• 16 1 50" Zaat, alo?\9 the aforeuntioned north .. aterly line of ••id 0,330 acre reaidue, a distance of 21.12 feet to the POINT OP UGDOJIXG, contair.11'9 an area of 0,023 of one acre (H5 aquar• feet) of land, aor• or l•••. (All be&ri?\9 are baaed on th• Tex•• coordinate syatea, aouth central zone. All distance• and ooordinat•• are aurface and uy be converted to qrid by aultiplyi1'9 by the aDHPr factor of 0,9991700),
auan'l'I0a8 ft(ll UD DOllftI0a8 '1'0 COIIHruc• UD 11Ullftrl
zaa ... nta, ri;hta-of-way, and prHoriptive righta, whether of record or not r all prHently recorded inatruunta, other than lien• and conveyencea, that affect the property, tax•• for th• current year, the payaent of which Grant•• •••uae•.
Grantor, for the conaideration, receipt of which i• acJcnovledged, and aubject to th• reHrvationa froa and exception• to conveyance and warranty, 9ranta, ••ll• and conv•Y• to Grantee the property, together with all and aingular th• right• and appurtenance• thereto in any wiH belo1'9i1'9, to have and hold it to Grantee, Grant&•'• heir•, executor, adainiatratora, auooeaaora oraaaigna forever. Grantor•• heir•, executor•, ada1niatratora and auoceaaora are hereby bound to warrant and forever defend all and singular th• property to GrantH and Grant••'• heira, executor■, adainiatratora, aucceaaor■ and •••igria aqainat every peraon whoaaoever lawfully olaiaing or to claia the .... or any part thereof, except •• to the r•••rvationa fr011 and exception■ to conveyance and warranty.
Th• vendor•• lien again■t and auperior title to the property are retained until ••ch note deacribed i■ fully paid according to it• tenu, et which ti•• thi• deed ■hall becoa• abaolute.
When th• oontext require•, ■inqular noun• and pronoun• include th• plural,
Individually and a• Independent E•tat• o! c.c. Bo•t, Dac■a■■d
lftH o-, 'fUU
comm o-, (54 I vf.Sfun
'l'hi• instrua■nt va• aclcnovledqad before u on th• --.£..!!. dayo! July, 1991, by VIOLA L, IIOST, in th• oapacity therein atated,
Notary•• n ... (printed)t
Notary•• ooaai••ion axpir•••
PUPAUD Ill TU OffICJ: or, TBOICU r, LAY 12727 raatbarvood suit• 120 Bouaton, TeX&• 77034 713/414-2700
cptflllpct>e 06/116/ft
12727 r■atharvood suit• 120 Houston, Taxa• 77034 713/414-2700
fllEU FCR 1;::coRO
9\.nJL\S ��\Q:00
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rJ r.�·.�: , Cl rnK c.r.1.\'($ l e,M r.cuut '/ TE1-"S
••ATaOHIXAI COUN'TYOFOAt.YIITOH ·�Ntt11y11111111s� .... ., Oii 1f11411et 111d dine llalllped--by ,_Md .. d"'>'IIOOl'dedlnt11a�Puo,1c11eco,w olllMl�otGl'-to,,Co..ntyT--.on
JUL 11""
��!!t."f.:. u.� GAI.VUTOH CO.. T!XA&
Filed for Record
Recorded August
,?) /) 1q57Aueust ,;,,-'-V ' ,
Be]; ;)-, J ·�4,Ud=��-··· iiilll-��
, -
-/f'J ti .s-· f-J I
0 �&AeF
The State of Texas }Know All Men by These Presents:
of the County of Galveston filt!M Texas for and in consideration
of the sum of ------------::-----:---Ten an d No/ 100 Dollars-----------------
------------------------------($10. 00)------------------------------DOLLARS
and other good ca.nd :valuable consideration
to us in hand paid by
alveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15, Friendsw'Kltcto!��i.,.s
have Granted, Sold and Conveved, and by these p�ents do Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said
Galveston County Water Control and Improvement District No. 15, Friendswood, Texas,
of the County of Galveston State of Texas all that certain·lot, tract, or patcel of land lying and being ·situated in the State of Texas, Countyof Galveston, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Part of Lot 1 in Block 9 of Friendswood Subdivision, in GalvestonCounty, Texas, acco rding to plat of Friendswood r.ecorded in Vol.238, Page 14, in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County,Texas, and being all that part of said Lot 1 in Block 9 lying Northwesterly of a County Road as described in deed from Leon Brownto County of Galveston recorded in Volume 1219, Page 651, in theoffice of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas.
Oil, ga's, and mineral lease executed by Leon Brown, et ux, toA. C. Felt·dated November 4, 1955, recorded in Volume 1119,Page 133, and transfer thereof to Humble Oil and Refining Companyrecorded in Volume 1214, Page 219, both in the office of the County
Clerk of Galveston County, Texas.
Re servation ·of all royalties owned by granters as des_ct'ibed in deed
from Cecil Brown, et al, to Leon Brown dated April 1, 1954,
recorded in Volume 1043, Page 256, in the office of the County Clerk
of Galveston County, Texas. ·
Conveyance of 3/4 royalty interest as described in. deed from Leon
Brown, et ux, to Perry Brown, et al, dated April 2, 1954, remrded
in Volume 1043, Page 208, in the office of the County Cler k of Gal
veston County, Texas.
TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights
and appurtenanc es thereto in anywise belonging unto the said Galveston County Water Control
and Improvement District No. 15, Friendswood, Texas, its successors
XJei:m and assigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our
heirs, executors and administrators, to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular the said premises• I unto the said Galveston County Water c,ontrol and Improvement District No. 15,fricndswood, Texas, its successors .
Galveston F
I, Leon Brown,
Galveston Texas
- - - - - - - - - - - - ONE IUZ N01100 ("'P"1.00) - - - - - - - -
! j
me .'i the County of Galveston, State of Texas, receipt of
i icn is hereby- acknowledged
1i:')tt' trr1wcd, `,Jd and Convcyc,i. an(i by these prescnt� (iV Grant, CcD ;i!A (t,nCa u.lt,, il:C
County of Galveston, State of Texas, a right of way for public highway,
through. acress and over the following described land located in
Galveston County, State of Texas, same being
��:l x:�t 4�:1.� xS nex�Fx .111 tl,;It
strip of land out of Lots I6os. .l and 2, Block No. 9, Friendswood. Sub-
division of a portion_ of the J. R. 14illia-ms or Sarah EcKissick Lea-gue,
Galvestcn County, Texas, (said strip of land) being within 50 £t. on
either side of the following described line:
Beginning at a point 30 ft. northwesterly frorr_ the. most westerly
corner of said Lot No. 2 on the extension northwesterly of the Southwest
line of said Lot -,,To. 2, Block No. 9, in Friendswood Subdivision.; Thence
Id. 1-=50 001 E. parallel to and 30 ft. perpendicularly distant northwest-
orly fro,t; the i?orthwest line of said Lot No. 2 a distance of 4z1,' .6 ft.
to a point of tangency to a curve convex northwesterly and of 637.3 ft,
radius; Thence in a northeasterly. direction along said curve a distance
of 315.0 ft.. to a point of tangency to a line having the bearing of
id. 730 21' E Thence along last mentioned course (N•. 730 21' E.) a
. •
distance of 1�7.4 ft. to a point of tangency to a curve convex south- f
easterly and. 637.3 ft. radius; and Thence along said curve a distance of
435 ft. , more or less, to the ivortheast line of said Lot No. 1, Block
No. 9, Friendswood Subdivision. This point being the easterly end of :
the above described line. ;.
The strip of land described and conveyed herein is Tract "AS' on
attached map designated as Exhibit "A".
4ov er)
�' If
It is specifically agreed and understood that all mineral rights in
Ii and to the above described property (strip) are hereby retained and i
li reserved by the Grantor herein. 1
l i
j� It is also specifically agreed and understood that upon the abandon-
ment of the above mentioned, highway. by the County, the strip of land
I described above shall revert back to the Grantor or his heirs and assign
!� TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights
and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said County of Galveston, State
of Texas, its successors
}YLIN and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself, my I
i heirs, executors and administrators, to warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular the said premises
unto the said County of Galveston, State of Texas, its successors