HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed - Harold & Mary Soule - 0 E EDGEWOOD AVE CREEK r,)T-.-r" -r-1 f r.i--:, -!,.I rp, BY00T ALL 120 BY THESE PRESENTS: CCU7TY OF GALVESTON THAT 7E, KARCLD M. SOULE and wife , MY LCUISS FITO SCULE, of the County of Harris , State of Texas, hereinafter referred to as Grantors , for and in yonsideration of the sum of One (11,00) "ollar and other good and valuable cnnsideration to us in an paid by the State of Tnxas , acting by and through the Stste HiZhway Commitsion, receipt of which is hereby acknowledZed, have this day sold, and by these presents do Grant, Bargain, Sell and Convey unto the hote of Teras , subject to the reservations below made, all that certain tract or parcel of land in Galveston County, Tenas, and being more fully described as follows, to wit: 0.186 acres (8087 sqe ft . ) of land, more or less , and being part of Lot 11, Block 9, Friendswood Subdivision, in the Sarah McKissick Deague , Abstract 151, 1-,,lap o-�.' i^?`,r-iich is recorded in Volume 254, PaEe 37, Beed Records of Galveston wount.y, Texas , said Lot 11 , "lock 9 Wns cnnveynd to Lary Louise Fitch Soule by deed of record in Volume Poo, ) Do' d Rocords of Galveston County, Tonnn , xhich, Q] nc res—T5087 sq. ft. ) of land, More or less) is morn particularly described by metes and. b unds as follows : Commencing at the most southerly corner of Lot 11, Block Friendswood Subdivision; THEYCE 0 450 OW a along the southwest line of Lot ll, Block 9, a distance of 613 .80 feet to a point in the proposed right Of way line of FK nighway 2351 for the point of beginling of the tract herein described; THWE continuing X 450 00? W a distance of 46.20 feet to the most westeriv corner of Lot 11, Block Q; THL]NCEP Ni !,,50 00' E along the northwe'st line of Lot 11, Block 9, some being the northwest line of the Sarah YcKissick League , a distance of 350-10 feet to the conterline of Clear Creek; THEWS S 370 291 W along the proposed southeast right of way line of FH 23511 a distance of 353 .13 feet to tho point of beginninS. Grantors reserve all of the oil, Zas and sulphur in and under the land herein ccnvoyed, but waive all rQhts of ingress and eZress to the surface thereof for the purpose of oyplorinS, developing, mininE or drillinZ for same ; however, nothing in t' is resorvntion shall affect the title and rights of the State to take and use all other. minerals and matorials thereon, therein and thereunder. It is further underntood and agreed thnt in the avent and upon the abandonment of the use of the strip of land above dencribed for highway purposes by the State of Texas or its assigns, said strip of land shall thereupon revert to and vest in grantors , their heirs and assigns . it is further understood and agreed that this conveyance is made and accepted subject to the condition thot upon completion of said FM Highnay 2351 across said strip of land P' ove described that p-r roper and iT!qr.iiediate steps will be taken by the proper authorities to secure the abandonment of and the surrender to Srantors herein, their heirs and assiZns , of that part of said Lot 11, Block 9, across i,,nicl-t Choate Road now runs . TCL1 she �o�re a0, _CDC.;,ed. -moo r i.__ convT ed to;reGho ti, fth '11l_ [ : n�nlar txa ; ri�7 s au.rl �iu� cen^aces G 1Ci et6 in a- -:isc bel-onlr ing, 11Llto 1 ^.(e. L) . i,e. of ^C..11-5 ''_':'- is 28C "AS forev,�r , and Gr" Trtors do _`ler 1_yr-IJirir) C?lti*es , eiv, er e it o:_ s and a(Lmi_ni.st ato.rs , to ova - nt ��.;id F; rev sr end all and ,ter _ 7_sev herein t e t lt- } -....,�-P of ''"'ice ' �d h.�r l._Tl C..n7� Ted L'i,t'O the _c.. si���i�ul_a.r the sa � � � -` and its assiL,,ris aIainst every person v,homsoever lay?ft)lly cl<aimin-r or to cl^i. --1 c s m. e or any part thereof. this day of February, 11 IO .D ai Tyr;;, Jri, r nrr ?r [fir S lc, - gyp rri A nn % (-IT 1 1 _114T.1S Ui? Y ,nEl TILT) the undersigned author:i.t:') o j-.)e 1 eared r,arold Soule and T_M. a'ryr_L !rise Fitch 8rn.1c his wife , both. i noTaxZ to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to ,the foregoing instrument , and ackno�Tle( ;ed to me that the„ oi.Ch executed the same for ,Lhe pu.rpo3 1S anal, consider,it-Irm therein ex+oressed; and the said !Mary Louise Fitch. Soule, T. ife of the said Harold 1"1.. . 'joule, having been examined by re irivily and apart from her husband, and hl-:vinr; the same fia.11y explained to her, she , the said Mary Louise Fitch Soule achnov;ledged such 'in.strtament to be her act and deed, and she declared the.t she '^a ] willingly si;lned the same for the purpose.s and consideration to rein < ,gyres; and that- she did not wish to retract it. ti'D'; ' HAND AND 5 ?14T: OF OFFICE, this o7/.�T day GITTFU U of February, 1%6. C%`�7� ,, IJot�a.rg' P,u[-)1-i c ; o ,d for Harris County, 7.e7—s -2- HU 2 7228 CITY OF FRIENDSW®®D HU 2 7722 CITY P. a. Box 122 FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 oz- ✓6 - 4G STATEMENT OF INTENT: The City of PrIandswood will, at the time of compl.ation of ran 2351, abandon all claim to the portion of Viand presently part of Choate xload/FMAgewoo 'venue Which lies adjacent to and/or runs through tha property pr,33eiztly o,yned. by Dtiry F. Soule et ax, ATTEST: r a r e - t, y s re ary xu z 7228 CITY OF FRIE DSWO® xu z »zz � P. O. BOX 122 MENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 Pebxuary 11, 1966 Mrs., Mary F. Soule 1204- Friendswocd Ed. League City., 'Texas Agar nre. Soulet Enclosed please find a State me Axntentas$ mall the signed deeds to t Mors ned. Thantc you. Sincerely, Artha Wright City Secretary AW/ors lI Lidos ,I 1 � ,4 1 HU 2 722b CITY Of FRIE DSWO®ID HU 2 7722 P. ❑. BOX 122 FRIEN-D5WOOD, TEXAS 77546 STAVEM$NT OF INTENTi The City of Flriendswdod will, at the time of oompletian of FM 2351, abandon all claim t that ;portion Of land prosently part of the Cit , treat /"Ovin as Choate Road/MS*Wood Avenue wh oh as form.. erly owned by Nary p« SouXe, and deeded by m to the County of Oalveston for C oad right- =way, as was originally agreed b ry V. oule and the County of Oalveston. ATTEM i Artha W- ht, Cit depretary �!