HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo Address - Easement Deed - Polly Ranch Estates, Inc • ,_ IJO J-12-'92 THLI 10:44 I D:I3R13 i"1ZI' FLED TEL NO:713-488-8531 149ES P02 � I ll • ':o C/TYGc� rn airy• Se FRF • 5132830 001-45-04 15 INC STATE of TEMS COUNTY of GAIYESTa 1140V ALL 'EN NY THESE PR£SENTSt MAT, POLLY UJIOI ESTATES. INC.. a Taxis corporation, hereinafter called Crantor, for and In consideration of the sue of Ttm MO NO/100 (S10,00) DOLLARS cash, and other good and valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the POLLY RANCH NC ECWIER'S AS.SC[IATlON, a Texas corporation, hereinafter called Grantee. end the rURTNER COnSICEPATION of the acceptance by the Grantee of the responsibility of waintsining the follwing properties for the benefit and use Of tine lot owners and townhouse reserve of POUT ROCN ESTATES, a subdivision is Galveston County. Times, the receipt of which is hereby eckno.ledged, hes GROTTO, SOLO end CONVEYED. and by the presents does GRANT, SELL and r CONVEY unto said Grantee all those certain tracts or parcels of land. together with all inorovenents thereon. lying and being situated In Galveston County, Texas and being described es follows. to-pit: RFSERYE 'G'. RESERYE '1'. RESERVE 'J' and 'AIRSTRIP' out of POLLY MACH ESTATES. a subdivision in Galveston County, 'resat. according to the •cD or Flit thereof recorded in Volume 1S. Pao, 4 of the Plat Records of Galveston County. Texas. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to the rasarfatle,s, re- strictions, easements, covenants end conditions, if any. of record to Said County and further subject to iny ordinances. feeling or otherwise of any goverrntntal bon, s i Ic1pel or otherwise which okay effect the we of sold property; and, RSStkvE '6' is subject to a utility easement granted to the City of Frlends.00d by the Crantor and recorded in the Deed Aecores Of the Cawty Clerk of Golveiton County, Teas. Soot 3267, Pape 603, and look 3t67, Pope 61S1 end. •L RESEW 'J' end 'AIRSTRIP' Ire Ruilp4ct ti s Jtitity eessment granted to the City of rriendiwood by the Grantor and recorded ie the Deed Records of the county clerk of Galveston County, Texas, Soak 3267, loge 6!7 end took 3267. took JOS; and. Further, If the Grant,* fails is Its responsibility to maintain the aforementioned property for the benefit and use if all the lot *mere Ind tamhovse reserve or If the Grantee ceeies to abet Icy electioe of tine Grantee ..sheers or by soma other matter of law thee the owwner• ship end clear title to the aforementioned property shell revert to the Grantor for proper disposition under the tars specified In the subdivision restrictions es recorded in the Deed of Trust Records of the county clerk of Galveston County. Tames. Sod Z4011, Page SS7. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described promises, together with ell and singular Vie rights and appurtenances thereto In anywise belcnging unto the Grantee. its sueeessor and assigns forever. and POUT RANce ESTATES. INC. 40te hereby bind itself. Its successors and assigns to bAUAKT end 'GREYER DEFEND all and singular the said promises unto the Grantee, its successors and **signs. against arsry person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the saM or any part thereof, sew and except only by virtue of the foot that the said property �� tm ' �:''' ••'tlr for -Na "iir 'r Iftreel in •J., subdivision restrlathes - NOU-12—'92 THU 10:44 I :GRr MDK PLRD TEL NO:713-488-8531 #966 P03 • • 001--45-414 lb recorded in gook tom. Pegs 587 of the teed of Tryst Records of the County Clerk, Galveston County, Texas and for no other purpose. tt it agreed by the Grantee that each and all of the restrictions con- temned herein shall, as between the parties hereto. their successors and assigns■ be deemed to be en/ construed at express conditions subsequent, on each of Mick the conveyance is made. if Grantee shell neglect or fail to perform and to comply strictly with the several restrictions cm its pert, or any of thee, Grantor and its successors. may at any time thereafter serve on Grantee a notice in writing specifing the perticvler or particulars in which default or a breach thereof has been made and directing Grantee to remedy such default or breech. Should Grantee thereafter for a period of thirty (30) days (tip being of the essence of this provision) fail fully and entirely to remedy such default or breach, then a notice in writing why be served on Grantee by Grantor, notifying Grantee that Grantor elects that the title to the whole of to conveyed premises shall immediately and without necessity of any further action on pert of Grantor, revert to and revolt in Grantor. and Grantee shall lone and forfeit all of his rights, title, and Interest In end to the whole of the conveyed premises and to the Improvements end fixtures thereon, and Grantor shall have the right of re-entry to'the come yed premises. Grantor reserves the right to all oil, gas end other minerals not pm. 'foully reserved by predecessors in title, with right of ingress and egress. CREWED this at day of SEPTEMBER. 1990. rr'' ■t� (+ tiRMTOR: POLLY RANCH ESTATES. INC. j�. • dY: fe tiggfreffLamie, a rah RI view m / f f ,,, , r. sit / / ••✓ . , • F GRANTEE: ►OILY RANCH Np ECvm(AS ASSOCIATION • ZFi res fd�+� 111 I,d• 7 NOV-12-'92 THJ 10:45 ID:GRG i'1ZK PLRD TEL ND:713-488-8531 #956 PO4 . • 001-454141 t - T►t STATE aTt:U3 MOM OF i4MR i S BEM NE, the undersigned authority. on this day personalty appeared BILLY E. McMie04, known to we to be the person end officer Cosa nave is subscribed to the foregoing tnst►v'ent and acknowledged to ne that the sane was the act of the said LOLLY ILMQI ESTATES. INC.. a corporation. and that he executed the Sane as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein a- pressed. and in the capacity th retn stated. • GIVEN UNDER in HMO MO SEAL OF OFFitt this S day of Septeeber• 196p. c-._. - "�-- ' -- 1f KR In and rOr Taamrs- w It/ �Cission Expires; TexU ' STATE OF TEXAS CouxTv OF HARRIS BEFORE FE, the undersigned authority. on this day persa+aliy appeared l liee.e_A fresWent of POLLY RNr04 MOMEaINtIVS ASSOC 1- $ a arpor o nEnto .e In he the person and officer whose name is svb- to the foregoing instrument and acknom.4d2rd to we that the sone has the eCt of slid corporation and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. and In the capacity therein s to ted. M�rrs� GIi " umco wv HMO M K'L OF OFFICE Is /d�' j '.+ a �. 19�A,— ' o Al:, 4 -fin a w 7:71CCUtiS cotDin. .r TEXAS .:lr Com1sstoii Expires: ` ..a, a•/Y• pi/ '. r .1 nut Psi! RtCORII MaesfOEM � a ,»..» Milea ID if t� waawar-0go A < < ew.rsome IIaMUS ■le Owl Inds earl 0 as F`4 d fear • r. f—e-t;e— Nor * as owl QIR)LK:11J1 :M: / - P� ,;g. 1471.4) lit.411(4'itZhogIted. /141A0T. . P6i /5a jai 77s-fa NOL)-12-'92 THU 10:46 ID:GRG NZK PLRD TEL NO:713-488-8531 #966 PO5 • THE STATE OF TEXAS, • County of Galveston. I, MARY JANE CHRISTENSEN,• County Clerk, in and for Galveston County, State of Texas, do hereby CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of A Deed : - POLLY RANCH ESTATES, INC. TO. POLLY RANCH HOMEOWNERS ' ASSOCIATION • as the same appears of record in my of fice,in the official public Records of Real Property having Microfilm Identification Number 001-45-041. to Microfilm Identification Number 001-45-0017 Inclusive. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my band and affixed the impress of the official seal of said County Court, at my office, in the City and County of Galveston, State of Texas, on this the 1st day of August A. D., 1983 . MARY JANE CHRISTENSEN, County Clerk, in and for Galveston County, Texas. g ,,15a614-ig Deputy. PC)udr c'zu?: _ ... _F • . lM 1-71 C6C