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, P_ j,`5°�c� ' � '� �� . ��..� Prepared by the State�ar of 7�exas for use by lawyers only. Reviewed 1-1-76. Revised to include gr:intee's address (art. 6626, RCS) 1-1-82. ��'����� �XIARRANT'� IDEED o0�-3�-� �ss THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF GALVESTON � � That WE, RAYFORD P. TRUCKS and wife, GLADYS I . TRUCKS, � of the County of Galveston and State of Texas for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 ( $10. 00 )------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS �cash and oth�r valuable consideration to the undersigned paid by the grantee herein narned, the receipt of. ��I�irh is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTEll, SOLU AND CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD of the County of Galveston and State of Texas � �r� �� the following described real �roperty in Galveston County, Texas, to-w��¢; SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. TO HAVE ANT� TO HOL� the above described premises, tagether with all and singular the rights and appurtenauces thereto in anywise belonging, tznto the said tr.ante:; , its suceessors .}�ei.�s-and assigns forever; and we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators to WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND all anci singular the said premises unto the said grantee ,its successors itei�s-and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. ` EXECUTED this � �� day of *, �'�'' , A.D. 19 8 7. 1 �y � � �� �� -- -- ---- J - -- -�����'=�`-`�`—'-------------�-------------------- RA RD �TRUCKS � - -�----------------�----�-------------------------------------- GLADY�RUCKS • --------------------- -----------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mailing address of each grantee: Name: Name: 005'�3%�'�1 1_VtJ Address: Address: (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS� � COUNTY OF;`'�0����7� ,,, ,�`-�"' ,r;,-• .� ~'' �'°����1� }7�J f'.,� . This instrument was acknowledged b t�.4ga•tiTi,'Chri,�/ day of 19 $% , by RAYFORD P. TRUCKS a ��i f e GLk�Y�� I TI�,UCK : r 1,� I : . . ; f ,j / �,- . ; • �l�/i�,�'� . : -- - -- -------- - -�-�- ----- -- --- --- - -------- - ----- : - . � •.�� �: tary Public, State qP"Texas ` `sj,qr�o..,,�•'��,`� otary's name (printe�d): I��Qc�Q�h �n��N� �EE>c�'c�' 0��� Notary's commission expires: � 3--ta-�� (Acknowledgment) STATE OF TEXAS � COLNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on the by • day of , 19 , •----------------------•------•------...----------------------------•--•-----•------•---•--••-•----••---.. Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name(printed): Notary's commission expires: (Corporate Acknowledgment) STATF OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF J This instrument was acknowiedged before me on the by , of a corporation, on behalf of said corporation. AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: 211 park��T�E Usa ,Fri��asayo�c,�����e, ��4 Ip� 6 day of , 19 , --------------------••------•---•------------------•-------------------•----.....---•----------�---------- Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name(printed): Notary's commission expires: PREPARED IN THE LAW OFFICE OF: .D. �. ����,`���:�, � � � , . �� �„ ' Y .. . � , . . .. I r • � � . ,. �. . . . . ��4 005-34-I T� �t. . . � , , �. ' G.F. N0. 87-1855 w , ,', �� . , s,;. �,, .. � � � , , . �. . . . . . , . °�.;1• 'fi�" . .. . . .. . . �x+ �` �;� , ' -ti' 15 . . � . .. ' . � � :; ' i ;it . . � ' .%j �I �v{ %} ..� K ! �,�k " 1 r L � d � � i � �� R EXHIBIT •A" � `.�t �°� �b"� „� �, �, , � � , � y 5� A : � . � ^. ��.� r ,3 �i i . � .. �, i-�. ,� k �.� � �3^J�. 3 ` � 4rt;. � �'�,) X I�, k� � t if .. J'` . � 4 �� � ?) r ya ' p 5., X'�s . . ;1 `s�v "�`#, .' �° , , . * i�. i ������ �����+� wa'.��y Fi '�'���� " `. p� i r4.r t �, �.� , .. � � • �R �,� ,�� r � d � . . o : 's:, °s t�� ;r �+�'��x tl���a"�,, w w, v� J� F +TM �;,, �n � �. � 7�1 r,'� � 4�:'p'k �sc'+� �q .fiy2? � + �r'�'�r; . � �� `' � .v�E�';�514 �f�n s' � A!. '�, '�'� 9 ..�,, � :'k�y �:�%'jd 't����*�d� �� � ..;i �' _ ,, , ,.. „ ., ,� , .. ..,. g � , .,,, ` � � _, , ,, ^, .;; Bein a par�� o� 'Lot ',9 in 81ock 2 of' the Subdivi�sion af �'��i; nd�wood, : ' ` Texas, a part of'. khe �7. R. Williams Leagu�, ' also knawr�°��s�°th� -Sarah � ` McKissi.ck Grant,;;'isAid� traCt �being , out of the Southeast �h�lE4`�vf�',eai.d;-�Lot�;.' `"��.,. 9 in �Block 2 in�G�n,�lz e�ton ;,Cc� ,n.ty, Texas, more particularly`c�e�sc��b�d�aQ �� ��� fOIZOW$i <��:� ��, �* � ,}•vl �� � �.�:; � � . ;:,a �. . . . '�,A1' �'� } �3 ���( �� R' � �. . . . . y �� f YNua+ h�� � . . h�' .y�:..�`t �'1d�.A'� �� .. 4� � ._ � ,. . �� ,, , BEGINNING at a'' point'' on the Southeast line of sa�id Southe�st haZ£ of � Lot 9, Block 2~ which :point ;is 60 feet southwest of the mos3t` Lasterly cornez of said , Lot 9s,:` � . , • . THENC� in a Southwesterly direction along the Southeast lin+� of said . Lot 9 a distance of 144 feet to the PLAC� OF BEGINNIt�G o� the tract ;' herein described; TBENCE in a Narthwesterly direction alang a 13.ne para�lel to the .. N�rtheast line of said ' Lot 9 a distance of 18� feet tQ point for' ' cornerf h , THENCE in a Southwester2y direction along the line g�ralle�. to the Southeast line of said Lot 9 a distance of 70 f�et to point �'�r corner; THENCE in a Southeasterly ,d irection along a 1 inP ��<�rallel to the Nor�heast line of said Lot 9 a distance of 185 feefi to point for corner; . THENCE in a northeasterly direction alang the Southeast line of said Lot 9 a distance of 70 £eet to the PLA�CE OF BEGINNING of. the tract herein described , also know as Lot 14 ot I300VER SUBUIVISION, an unreaorded Subdivision in Galveston County, Texas. k\ �pR R�Cfl�� 3 i ATE OF TEXAS COUNTy OF GA�t/ESTON ����D I hereby cenify t�t this instrumeni was Fi1ed a Q'� on the daie and time stamped hereon by me and � , � � �,c� FN t3 was duly recordec#in the Ufficiai Public Records �}1IL of Real Property of Galvestvn Ccwnty Texaa,on � ' �� �,,�.a� �� i, "�.'�.'� JllL '7. a98? , , n,, w - � � ,, % ,>,��'� c,�?�.,����, �(• y - . _ , ���,:..�;;Q�� . � '�� °�' - °"' - _ . ., , � � ' .:. '- ' , w';�.....a, .. CO+JNTY CLERK: . ' GAi.VESTON GO„T,�X/!S . ,�w. , � : �.. , , ; � _ . _ � � �t, ��T1T,L�L�SL�,� .������40Q � � , �` ���, } t 6�j �``� �, ���c , � �� ^�.�a�.'�����x,7"0��'� :, �,�,L z��:�;�G�y.,; , . : F \\ W `' ��_Y � � \,\ � SO U TiS�,r�YE"STE.P.0 y 7d � � � %'��.,r? fc��' '/z "�.P, f�T /.O F�o,PT � a sr� ��OG , n; ` � � G � o s�`� c�p �� \ h �:� � � _ v v � ; 2 � � � � � v � � � � � �3 w � �� � ;�- �t � h � � 0� � � : � 0 . � � � �. ,.� _ J O o ° � � � ¢o ¢ - V o �0 . .., ^ � ? V 1n N i- sry, F,P�� i� ' � 0 ¢� ¢' v, 4 � I�� ��� � a � � ^* I� , gd° n I � ' , . �V � t 3�8 N ti � i. G is�a 'Q I��~ z ;�.C� r�:� � , °�.� s->� —����• —�j------ --- \ �V O% �i.P F.VO � i'�i.i°, .�iv p.�+� Q' �vo.�r.s�E�SrE�'tY �o ' �. �"iqSl S�°�C',�"�D//I/G O�'.C�S Go •,�.o. w TO THE LIENHOLDERS ANO/OR THE OWNERS OF THE PREMISES SURYEYED AND TO TiT.G E vr,�cr • TA• uAtl�rsip��d do�s h�r�� c�rtitr ihat ihis wrv�r ws this doy anad� on tA� qround ot fM OF ` .. pro�rtr i�qaily O�scrip� hN�on aod is corr�ct�and ihat thK� an no discr�Oonci�s� '�E ••••••TF �.�P.••• .;i-ys. �ncroo¢hm�nts,owrtopOinp oi i�prov�s�nts,�os�a�Mts or ripAt ot rey. �:opt as show�� hK�on,and tAat soid prop�rty Aas oea�ss toand f�om a d�dicet�A �oedMay. *' ��� ......................... < NEAL D.WILLINGHAM � Dat�d fhis th• � dar of `'T���' �9 $7 �..�......4104 ......��. � ,p•, � �`��9F��S T E R��"��I si�MEa= ��• SuR� NEAI D. WILLINB , R.P.S. �141 +� O.L. aENOTE8 BUILOINA LINE. NOTE� ThE SURVEYOR MAS NOTA9STRACTEO TMI$ SURYEY. U•E. DENOI'Ea UTIl.17Y EASEMENT. PLAT Ft?R� ��ry a,� F.taiENOS/✓oo0 AOORESS� ��a �sr s.�,e�.�i�.���ve o.v.�.s� SU80: .���'•y.e .s�rJ'.y,�.y,�p ,�.r.er,,•vs.�avo,TEXAS CAUNTY� G�',CS�.s�.rTa�/ �C.� LOT� BLOCK= SCA�E� i��3o�REV.� VOL.� PKi.� DRAWN BY= •�'+� ti.F.�1� 87- �BSS J48 N4.: �.4'88 �ous�ro� , TExas M. � W. SURVE Yi MG , lNC. {Ti3� �a� -22s� , --. ,. . . • , . - -, . .. .. :- _ __:. _ �.:. .- -- ... _.. ., _.� _ . _ �. � � .< _ � , .�.� -_ _ ,.. . _ - - � - - _ - - - � -- - _-�� -�- �- - - - -�= ° -. ...�.�.-� ..,.,-. , � ,_ ; : . . . _, �..: _ _ . . � � .. . . .. . . ... .... ... .. . . ..... . � .... _ __ `_ _ _ _ ' �_' � � � _� �...v.��Y� i�-• 1 L ... -,.-.:.. F �� i - - - r• - _ - _ - - - .., . .-. . , "... ..... .. . . ._ _. _._ _ _ _ .' -�- - � - --�_ -_ �, ...,--�- - - .,,� i, � -. -, .r ,. F .._ .-. , . �e _ . ' _ ' . _. - ._ .: :. . . : � n . _ _ _, _, . : ,- .... ., .. . . � _ . .., �. ... _ _ ...: �_'.v _� : .. �:��_:, _'. : �_. . . _�_' <: _.. _� ._�:� �.-.::_ .c _ . � ._� .���t t T �-�.i-.r- �,.. 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