HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBOA Minutes 1991-02-26 Regular 19
Regular Meeting
Zoning Board of Adjustment
February 26, 1991
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of
Adjustment of the City of Friendswood which was held at City
Hall on February 26, 1991 with the following members
constituting a quorum:
Chairman William H. Taylor
Regular Member Dr. Tom Sullivan
Regular Member David O'Brien, III
Regular Member Ann Talbot
Alternate Member Howard Yeager
Alternate Member Dave Herbak
Alternate Member Larry Seelig
Sign Code Enforcement Office Linda Taylor
Assistant to City Secretary Jane Tollett
Chairman Taylor called the meeting to order.
Chairman Taylor called for public input regarding request
from Jerry Hunt, Hair Magic, seeking variance of five feet
to build upstairs addition to non-conforming garage
structure at location of 212 East Edgewood Drive.
Jerry Hunt stated the garage was already built and the
addition is to be built above the garage and he is asking
for a 3-3 1/2 foot side variance. He presented pictures of
the area to the board. Discussion followed between Mr. Hunt
and the board at length.
Chairman Taylor called for public input regarding request
from Janis Lowe, Friendswood Interests, Inc. for variance
from Sign Ordinance No. 323, 6. , Signs, U. , permanent signs
permitted and regulated in commercial zones (existing
company flag) at location of 1414 South Friendswood Drive.
Chairman Taylor read the definition of Corporate Flags form
John Olson, City Attorney, which states Ms. Lowe' s company
flag is a sign and therefore illegal.
Janis Lowe stated she is requesting a second ground sign
variance of her third flag which she states is already in
place. Discussion followed at length between Ms. Lowe and
the board.
At this time, the public hearing was closed.
**Dr. Tom Sullivan made the motion to grant the variance of
five feet for side setback to build upstairs addition to
non-conforming garage structire at location of 212 East
David O'Brien, III seconded the motion. The motion was
**Howard Yeager made the motion to grant the additional area
of sign.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
David O'Brien, III made the motion to deny the variance of
Friendswood Interests, Inc. from the Sign Ordinance No. 323 ,
6 . , Signs, u. , permanent signs permitted and regulated in
commercial zones (existing company flag) at location of 1414
South Friendswood Drive.
Dr. Tom Sullivan seconded the motion. Motion passed to deny
variance. Chairman Taylor, Dr. Tom Sullivan, David O'Brien
and Ann Talbot for the denial of variance. Howard Yeager
against the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 8 :40 pm.
William H. Taylor
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