HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2006-25 RESOLUTION NO. R2006-25
* * * * *
WHEREAS, on October 21, 2005, the PUC Staff filed a memorandum indicating that
CenterPoint might be earning excess revenues; and
WHEREAS, on or about April 14, 2006, CenterPoint filed a rate filing package at the
PUC seeking to maintain its existing rates; and
WHEREAS, the proceeding was docketed by the PUC and given PUC Docket No.
32093; and
VVfIEREAS, the City joined the Gulf Coast Coalition of Cities ("GCCC"), a group of
other cities similarly affected by CenterPoint's rate request to hire counsel and independent
consultants to review CenterPoint's application; and
WHEREAS, the GCCC, along with other parties, negotiated with the Company a
unanimous and comprehensive Settlement Agreement resolving all issues raised in the
Company's April 14, 2006 rate filing package; and
WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement also resolves all issues related to the remand of
PUC Docket No. 32415, CenterPoint's unbundled cost of service rate case; and
WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement was approved by the PUC without modification
on August 23, 2006, and
WHEREAS,the Settlement Agreement as a whole is in the public interest.
SECTION 1. That the findings set forth in this Resolution are hereby in all things
SECTION 2. That the City Council finds that the Settlement Agreement which is
attached hereto and incorporated as Exhibit "A", is just, reasonable and in the public interest
hereby adopted in all respects.
SECTION 3. That to the extent any resolution or ordinance previously adopted by the
Council is inconsistent with the Settlement Agreement, it is hereby repealed.
SECTION 4. That the meeting at which this Resolution was approved was in all things
conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code,
Chapter 5 51.
SECTION 5. That this Resolution shall become effective from and after its passage.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Tezas, on this
the l ltb day of September,2006.
Davi J. H. Smrth
Deloris McKenzie, T C
City Secretary
,��� �R'EN�`��
� �O
* *
''qrF � ��+�'
xzoo6-ZS 2
, S�AIrI D�CKET N�. 473-�6�-�443
PUC I��C�ET N�. 32�93
Contact: Denx�e Hardcastle
�713} ��7�5757
Fax: [713� �D7-984U
July 31,2�U6
.,,,De�cri�tion p,....�
� F���ng of Stzpu�ati�n and Agreement�f the Parties and Request for the Schedulir�g
of a Prehear�ng �onference..............................................................................................��3
Cert�f�Cate of Serv�ce ...........................................................................................................4
� St�pu�at�an and Agreem�nt............................................................................................5--49
AttachmentB .........................................................................................................54
Attachment�.......................................................................................................3 3 S
Attachm�nt D.......................................................................................................3 45
AttachrnentE .......................................................................................................34�
Atta�hment F........................................................................................................3 47
Attachment�.......................................................................................................3 5 5
Fz�ing �f the St�pu�at�on and Agreeme�.t .pdf
S�AH D�CI�T N�. 473-�6�2443 . - �
PUC D��I�ET N�. 32U9�
Ta the Honorable Adm�nxstrative I1aw Judges:
�enterPo�nt Energy Houston Electr�c, LLC ("�enterP�int TDU"} �s p�eased to
present to your honors the enclased St�pu�at��n and A.greement, �nc�ud�ng the attach�d tariffs and
other �nformat�on, evxdenc�ng an agr�em�nt of the partze� reso�v�ng a�� �ssues �n the above
capt�oned matter. This Stxpu�ati�n and Agreement has been ex�cuted by re�resentatxves of
CenterPa�nt TDU, the Staff �f the Pubi�c Ut��it� �omm�ss�an of Texas, the �ff�ce of Pub��c
�Jtility �ounse�, the Stat of Texas, the C�t�r�f�Iouston and the ��a��t��n of C�t�es, the Gu�f�oast
�oa�xt�on af ��t�es, �am.nz�rc�a� �onsumer �roup, Texas Industr�a� Energy �ansurners, Texas
Lega� S�rv�ces �enter, Texas Ratepayers' �rgan�zat�on to Save Er�ergy, Re��ant En�rgy, Inc.,
Eff��iency Texas, �PS Energy, T�U E��ctr�c I]e�ivery �ompany, Sauth Texas E�ectric
�aoperatxve, Inc., the ��ty of Gar�axzd, and Texas E�ectric ��operatives, Inc. A�� oth�r parties t�
t�ie doc�et do not flpp�se the St�pu�at�an and Agreement.
�n beha�f of the �arties, �enterP��nt TDU requests that you schedule a
�rehear�ng canferen�e at yaur ear��est conven�ence at wh�ch time the pracedures and s�hedu�e
�an be �stab��shed for f�ing test�mony �n suppart of the St�pu�at�on and Agreement, prepar�ng a
pra�osed order, ar�d u�t�mate�y present�ng the St�pu�at�on and Agreement to the �omm�ss�on for
�ts appro�a�.
�Ll�HEREF�RE, �enter�o�nt TI]U r�que�ts that the St�puiat�on and Agreement b�
accepted, that a prehearing c�nfer�nce �e scheduled, and that CenterPa�nt TDU be grant�d such
�ther re��ef to wh�ch it may be entxtxed.
1 . � 2
R�spectfu�Iy submitted,
�� James �-I. Bark�ey Scott E. R�z�e��
State Bar No. �Q7$7037 Executiv� V�ce Pres�dent and �enera� �ounsel
�Vil��am I�. I�roger State Bar No. 173598�D
State Bar No. �17299�� Harr�s S. Leven
Shira R. Yoshor S enior�our�se� �
State Bar No. ��78873� State Bar No. 1Z24�48�
Bak�r Botts L.L.P. �enterP�int EnergY, Inc.
910 Lauis�ana Street P.�. Box f 1$67
Houston, Texas 770�� . Hou�tan, Texas 772�$
713.229.1234 Teleph�n� 713.Z�7.7789 Telephane
713.��9.152� Facsim��e 7�3,2�7,�14� Facs�mi�e
Ron H. Moss
State Bar No. 145�1��S
�raves, Dougher�y, Hearon�M��dy,
a Pr�fess�onal Carporat��n
P.�. B�x g8
Austzn, Texas 787�7�fl�98
5�2.45�.5��� Te�ephone
5�2.47�.838� Facs�miie
� �
� I hereby certify that a true and Gorrect copy of the foregoing document was served an al�
parties of recard �n th�s proceedzng by hand de�iver�, �vernight del�very, United States f�rst ��ass
= mai1, �r facsrmi�e deli�er�r on th�s the 31�t day of Jul�, ��D6.
,, # £
Th�s St�pu�at�on and Agreem.e�.t �"Agreement�') is made and ent�red �nt� by and
among the f���ov��ng par��es: ��r�terP�xnt Er�ergy Houston E�ectr�c, LL� �"C�nterpo�nt
Houston"}; C�ty af Hous�on ar�d�oa��t�on of C�ties "Cit of Haustor� and ��alition �f Cx��es" •'
� y �a
�u�f C�ast �oa��t�an of C�ties ("C���"};� �ffice of pub��c U���xty ��unsel; Camme�c�a�
�ustor.�er Gr�u - Texas Industr�a� Ener C�nsum�rs•3 Sta�e af T�xas• �ccider�ta� Pov�rer
p� �Y > >
Marke�ing, L.P.; Te�as L�ga� Servzces �ent�r and Texas Rat�payers' �rgan�za��on to Sav�
Energy; Texas Energy A.sso��atian f�r Market�rs;4 Al��ance for Re�ax� Markets;5 Re��ant Energy,
Inc.; T�U Energy �h��esa�e and P�wer Co�npanx�s; Eff�ciency Te�as;� and th� Staff of the
�'u�l�c Utz�i�y �omm�ss�on of Texas �"�omm�ssron Staff 7� �hereinaf�er ref�rrec� to �nd�v�dua�ly
as a "S� nat�r " and �axntl as "Sx nator�es" �
� Y J y � }.
� City of�aus�on and Caa�ition of Ci�ies repr�sents: City of�3aus�on;��ty of Baytawn;�i�y of Deer Park;
�ity of Moun��elv�eu; Ci�y of Qys�er�reek; ��ty of Fasadena;City ofPrairze V��w;�ity�f San�a Fe;
City of Freeport; �ity of�Vhar�on;V��Iage�f Bonney; Ci�y of Galves�an; City�f�L1i1'ebs�er;��t�of
B�-ooksh�r�;City af Sea�raok;�i�}r of Pattison;Ci�y of Bayou Vista;Village af Beach��ty;�ity of
Brookside Vi�lage;���y of�ULres�University P�ace.
� �u�f Cflas��oali�ion of Cities re resents: La Mar ue-Texas C�� Nassau Ba Alvin•Friendswaad- Su ar
� q � Y� �'� � � �
La��d; 5prinb Va��ey;Dickinson;L�ague C�ty;Lake Ja�kson.
� T�EC r�presents: Air Liqu�de Large Zndus�ries U.S.LP;Air Pr�ducts and�hem�cals;Albexnar�e
Corpara�ion; Anheuser�Busch;BASF�arparation;B�C Gases;�P;�hevron; Chevron Phi�lips Chem�cal;
ExxflnMobil Power&Gas Services,Znc;Ha��i�ur�on;ZNE�S �I�f n�&Pa�ymers; Ly�ndel�Chemical;
�cciden�al�hem��al;PPG�ndustries;Fraxa�r;Rohm and Haas;Texas Med�ca��enter;Texas Ynstruments;
Tota�Petr�chem�ca�s USA.
: 4 Texas Ener A�so��a�ion for Marke�ers re resents: Accen�Ener �irro Ener Commerce Ener
�Y p �Y� �Y7 gY�
Inc.;Jus�Energy Texas; StarTex Pawer;Stream Gas&Electric L�d.�dll�la Stream Energy}and Tara
$ The members of A��iance for Retail Marke�s par�z��pating in�his proc�eding are�ons�e��atxon NewEn�rgy,
�nc.,Dir�ct Energy,LP,Green Mountain En�rgy Company,and Strategic Energy.
� Effic�ency Texas represen�s: Appliance Recyciing�enters af America;�uild�ng�wners and Managers
Assoc�at�an;En�ironment Texas; Fre�L�ghting Corporat�on;Environmental Defense;Houston Advanced
Research Cen�er;Metropo�itan Par�nership for Energy;Natura�L�gh�ing C�mpan�;�RMAT; S��e
�on�trols, �nc.;Sustainab�e Dai�as;Texas Hatel&Lodg�ng Asso��ation;Texas�mpac�;Texas Nursery&
Landscape Assacia�ion;Texas Res�auran�Assoc�a�zon;Texas Re�ailers Assoc�a��on;TexP�RG;US Green
Building�ounc��Cen�ra�-Texas Chapter. ,
� �n addztion t�the Si�natflries,�he following par��es do not oppose�he se�tlement and haWe signed this
Agreement far�h�s�Ie purpflse of acknow�edgxng that they w���be haund by aIl of the se��lexnent terms
: a�prov�d by�he��mmission,pro��ded that the f na�order appraving the se�t�ement daes not modify�h�
provisions address�ng wholesale customer rates in a manner�ha�is adverse ta the wholesale cus�amers:
�PS�ner�y;T�U E�ec�ric De�ivery Company; Sou�h Texas Electric�ooperat��e,Znc.;City of Gar�and;
1 �
�`7�TAL E��CiJTI�N ��PY
W�IEREAS, on I�e��mber 16, 2��5, the Pub�ic Uti�xty �ammxss�on Qf Texas
�"C�mm�ss��n" or "PUC"} �ssued an order��.I3ocket N�. 3��93 requ�rir�� Cent�rPain�I�ous�on
t� fx�e a transm.�ssi�n a�.d d�st�ributian rate f��ng pac�age on or �efore Apri� 15, 2��6
(�`I]e�ember 1�, ���5 �rd�r"�;
�HER.EAS, CenterPoint H�uston made the f���ng requ�red by the ]�ecember 1�,
2��5 �rder in Docl�et No. 3��93, var�ous ent�ties int�rv�ned, and the m.atter was set for hear��g
�ent�t�es that intervened in Docket No. 3��93 ar� referred to �nd��rxdua��y as a "Party" and
j�int�y a5 "partie�"};
�HEREAS, on F�bruar�r 7, 2�fl6, t�1e Aust�n Caurt of Appeais �n .l�eliant�'ner�g�
Inco� orat�d v. Public ��il. Comn�'n8 remanded to the Pub��c Uti�xt Commxss�ar� of Te�as the
� Y
��mrnissxon f�na� �rder�n the U��S proc��d�r�g �PU� Docket No. 2�3 S S�;
WI-�E1�AS, on February 28, ����, the ��mm�ss�on �n�txated �3ocke� Na. 3Z415
. to res��ve the issues �n remar�d from the Aust�n �ourt of Appea�s �"U��S R�mand
and Te�as E�ec�ric Cnoperat�ves,�nc.: T�xas E�ectr�c Coap�ra�ives,Inc.represents: Baridera E�ec�x�c
Cooperative;Bartlett E�ectr�c Co�perati�e;Belfalls Elec�r��Cooperative;�ig�oun�ry E�ectr�c
�oaperative;Bluebonnet Electric Coopera�ive;Brazos E�ec�r�c Pawer�oapera�zve;BT�J�Bryan Texas
U�ilit�es�; ��n�ra�Texas Electr�c��operati��e; �her�kee Coun�y E�ectr�c�ooperat�ve Assoc�at�an;
�o�eman C�unty Eiectr�c�o�peratzve;Comanche Elec�ric Coop�rative; �ancho Va��ey Electric
Coopera�ive;Caoke Cflunty E�ec�r�c�oaperative Ass�ciation; CoSer�E�ec��ric; Fannin Caunty E�e�tric
Coopera���e;Farmers��ectric Gaoperati�e;�`ayette E��ctric Cooperati�e;Fort Belknap Ei�c�r�c
Coopera��ve; �'rolden 5pread E�e�t�ic Coopera��v�;Graysan-Collin E�ectr�c Co�pera��ve; Guadalupe Valley
Electric�ooperatxve; Ham��ton Caunty E�ec�ric�oapera�ive Associa�ion;H�LC�E�ectrzc�ooperative;J-
A-�E�ec�r�c Co�pera��ve;lackson E�ectrxc Caflpera��ve;Karnes E�ectr�c Cfloperat���;Lamar Coun�y
E�ec�ric�oopera�ive Association;Lyn�egar Electric C�operat�ve;Magic Va��ey E�ectr�c�ooperative;
M�L�nnan�oun�y E�e��ric�flopera��ve;Medina E�ectric Coop�rative;Mzd-Sou�h Synerg�;Navarro
County Elec�ric�oopera�i�e;Na�aso�a Va�ley E��c�ric Coaperative;Nueces E�ec�r�c Coopera��ve;
Pederna�es E�ectric C�apez-a�i�e;Rayburn Coun��y E�ec�zic�oflperat�ve; San Bernard E�ectric�o�perat��e;
San Migue�E�ec�ric Cooperatiwe; San Pa�ricio E�ectr�c Coflpera�ive; South Texas E�ectric Coapera��ve;
Sfluthwest�ura�E�ec�ric Assac�a�ian;Southwest Texas Electr�c�ooperative;Taylar��e��r�c Cooperative;
Tr�-County E�ectrx�Cooperative;Trinity Va��ey E����rzc�ooperative;Urixted Caop�rative Se�-v�ices;
Victoria��ec�ric Cooperative;'SN�har�on Coun�y E�ec�rzc�oope�ativ�;Wise El�ctr��Caopera��ve;�1Vood
County Electric Cooperati�e.
� � 153 S.�1U�.3d �74�Tex.App.--Aust�n���5,pet.denied}
2 �
� .. .
�HEREAS, the Signataries d�s�re to re�oXve al1 �ssues re�ated to Docket No.
32�93, ta estab��sh s�stem-vvx�e rates, to establi�h ��r�ain proc�dures to be applied ��r
: ��n�erPoint Houston for a perio� �xtend�ng through June 3�, Z�1� and to resn�ve all �ssues
��� r�lat�ng ta CenterPa�n.t H�ust�n rat�s and charges that have �eer� or cou�d�b�ra�sed �r�the UC�S
Remand Proceed�ng;
N��T THEREF��E, th� S�gnator�es, thr�ugh the�r unders�gned r�preser�tat�ves,
agr�e to th� folZov�r�ng:
A. Effect�ve f�fteen �15} days after the �ommxss��n's �rder apprav�ng resolu���n �f
this proceeding on terms c�ns�st�nt w�th thxs Agr�em.er�t becomes final �the date such order
b�c�nzes f�nal is hereafter cal�ed the �`F�na� �rd�r l]ate"�, �enterP��nt H�ust�n's base rates far
re�a�� ar�d wh��esa�� cust�m�rs sha�� be reduced �� �he Ieve�s se� out on Attachment A.
S�gnator��s agre� that the base rates on Attachm.ent A are d�sxgned to ref�ec� an annua� r�venue
re�u�rem.ent reduct�an of$�7.$� mi�lion. $5 mi��xon of th� $57.5� m��1��n has be�n a��ocated to
wholesa�e �ustamers ar�d the wh�Iesa�� transmiss�on �ase rates on Attachrnent A are design�d
�� redt�ce �vh��esa�e base rate re�enues by $S mx��x�n per year. The rema�ning $��.$� m��Ixon
�vas allocat�d �o retai� custorn�rs an� a�located among custamer classes on an equal percen�ag�
basis w��h�ut any change ��. the current reta�l rate design �f Ce�.terPo�nt H�ustan. Fallo�ving
such al�oca��on, $1� m.x���on of the am�unts a��ocated t� the res�d�nt�a� and ��mmercxal
�ustomers were c�edi�ated to fundxng of the expa�zd�d energ� ef�ciency programs as des�ribe� �n
Ar��c�e ZI w�th the resu�t �hat the net reta�� base rate r�venue reduc���n is des�gned �o be $S Z.$6
m�l�ian. S�gnatorx�s recogn�ze that the actua� v�ho��sale and reta�� �base rate re�.uc�xons dur�ng
3 �
�'INAL ���C�JTI�N C��'Y
. any per��d vv��� depend �n fu�ure d��iveries and agre� that CenterPo�nt Hauston's base rates w�ll
�.ot be adjustec� to r�flect changes in futur� b���ing determ�nants. The a�locat�an agreed to by the
S�gnatorxes ref��ct their agreement that the additiona� energy ef�cxency expe�.d�tures u�der
�'aragraph A of Ar���le II are b�ir�g funded from am.ounts that would o�h�rw�se be al�ocated to
_ resxd�ntxa� and c�mm�r�ia� custamer c�asses. �'he �a�v-xncame payments under Paragraph B �f
Article II are in add�t�on to �he $67.S 6 m��l�on revenu� r�qu�rement r�ductior� descr�bed ab�v�
and are effect�vely �erng funded from. amounts that vvou�d atherw�se be a�Iocat��. to a�l retail
customer c�asses. In addxtxon to the bas� rate revenue reduct�on under th�s Paragraph A,
�enterP��nt Haustan is ob��ga�ed �� make reduct��ns pursuant �t� the rxders describ�d x�.
Paragraph B af Art���e I ar�d�o rnake the annua�paym�nts r��uxred und�r Paragraphs .A and B of
Artic�e II.
B. Thxs Agre�ment fina��y res��ves a�� �ssues relat�ng to ��r�t�rPo�nt Housto�.'s rates
arising fram the �our�'s remand of the �orr�miss�on's �rders in th� �JC�S proceed�ng �Docket
No. 22355} inc�uding al1 xssues re�at�ng to �enterpoxnt Hauston's rat�s that have �een or c�uld
be ra�sed xn the U��S R�mand Proceed�ng. In add�t�on to impl�mer�t�ng �he r�qu�rements of
Paragraph A of thrs Ar��cle and the r�qu�rerne�.ts �f Art���e II, effective f�f�e�n �1 S} days after the
F��.a� �rder Date, �er�terPoin�Houst�n sha�� f��e t�p�ace into �ffe�t the R�der UC�S �R�ta��} and
R�der U��S (�Vho�esa�e} �The Riders are c�ntained�r�the revised Tariffs �n Attachments B and
C}, Th� f���ngs wi�� b� subjec� t� a PU� compl�ance f��ing prior �fl becomxng effe�ti�e. These
: r�ders stand�ng alone are desig�ed to reduce re�ail and v�rh��esale customer rates by $$ mi�X�on
pe� year f�r approx�mate�y four �4} years. R�der U��S �Who�esale} sha�� rema��. �n �ff�ct ur�t��
the aggregate rate reduct�an �o who�esa�e cu�tom�rs �ather than �enterP�int Houst�n�
at�r��uta�l� to R�der U��S (�ho�esa��� �s $19.2 m��lion at wh�ch t�m�Rxder UC�� (Wh���sa���
4 8
sha�� term�nate. R�der U��S (R�tax�} shal� r�main xn effect ur�t�X the aggregate rat� reductzon
attr�butab�e ta Rider U��S �Retai�} �s $12.8 mill�an at vvhxch time R�der �tTC�S (Re�a�l} sha��
C. �enterP��nt I-�oustor�'s rev�sed Ta�riff for Retail De��very Service and revised
Tar�ff f�r Wh��esa1� Deliv�ry Serv�c� attached her�t� as Attachm�nts B and C, respective�y
sha�I be made effective fifteen �15� days after the F�na� �rder Date. The Tar�ff Sheets �ri�l 1�e
� subject ta a PUC com���ance fling pri�r�o becom�ng effe�t�ve.
A 1. Er�er�Ef��ienc Ex _enditures_f�r Fu�1 Ca��ndar Years
- � � -
For ea�h of the ca�endar y�ars from Z��7 thraugh and i�clud�ng the ca��ndar year
�rnmediate�y prior ta the cal�ndar y�ar �n which new systern.--w�de base rates �rst be�am�
effectxve pursuant �o a g�nera� syst�m.-w�de rat� case f�led after approval �f �his Agreemen�,
�enterPo�nt Houstor� sha11 sper�d not less than $�� mi���on ��nclud�ng �os�s of adm�n�stering the
programs) �n add�t�o�. to the $13 mil�ion �f en�rg� ef�c�ency pragram costs used in s�t�ing
��n�erPoint �Iouston's existing rates far a tata� of approx�mate�y $23 mx��zan. 44.2% of the
ad�xtxona� $1� m�X��on ���ss adm�nistrative �osts� sha11 be a�p��ed to programs des�gned to
pr�mate �ncreas�d en�rgy eff�ciency f�r comm�r�xaX users9 and t�.� oth�r 5 S.8% sha11 b� app��ed
to pro�rams t� Iov�rer the electric bil�s of res�den�ial consumers w�th �ncreased en�rg�
. conse�rvat�on.
N�t �ess than �3 m���xan of the residentia� share of the energy �ffic�ency
�xpenditures w��� be used xn coord�na�i�n with the federa� weath�rizat�on program described �n
� For purposes of�his Artzc�e��,energy effc�ency expenditures for commerc�al users exc�ude�hase
. c�mmerc�al us�rs served at�ransmxssxon�voltage.
S �
PURA � 39.9�3�f�(2} �"PURA � 39.943 Programs"} and zs to �� spent exc�usive�y xn
CenterPo�nt Houston's serv�ce t�rr�tory. The r�ma�nder �f the res�den�ia� share of the energy -
effic�enc� expenditures w��� be aX��cated to res�dent�al and �ow��n��me programs �n �enterPo�nt
I�Iouston's energ� efficxency p�an. If in an� year, the funds set asid� for p�rograms administer�d
�y�ro�r�de�rs under th�s paragraph �s not used in a txme�y fash�on ar �s not produc�ng sa�r�ngs xr� a
cost effec��v� mann�r7 ��n�erPornt Houston, ��. consu�tat�on �vi�h C�mm�ss�on Staff, wi�I
determine wheth�r the funds may be rea��ocated to o�her providers of�nergy eff�c��ncy serv�ces
to �a�v-�n�om� cust�m.ers.
CenterPoint Hauston wi1� fi�� quar�erly reports ta provxde �nformation as specxf�ed
by C�mmiss�on Staff�n the progress af r�sidential an� ��w--xncame energy �ff��xer�cy pr�grarns.
The r�p�r�s sha�� be f��ed in a ded�cated PTl�proj ect.
�enterP�int Hous�on sha�l a��ocat� fu�.d�ng for conservat�on and energy eff�c�ency
programs for commercial customers bas�d �n c�nsu�tations w�th the Commerc�a� �ustomer
A�vxsory �omm�tt�e. Mem�ers nf the Commerc�a� �ust�mer Advisflry �ommxttee shall �nc�ude
Iarge commerc�al cust�m�rs that w�re partxes to Dacket No. 3��93. �Vl�m.bers af the
��mmercial Cust�m�r .�dvisory Comm�ttee and repr�s�ntat�ves from ��nterPoint Haustan shal�
m�et on a quar�er�y bas�s w�th the �rst me�t�ng be�ng he�d within f�fteen c�ays aft�r the F�r�al
�rder Da�e to estab��sh pracedures for prov�dxng �nput ta CenterPoir�t H�ust�n and pr��edures
for par�icxpa�xon in the adv�sory camm�tt�e process. If, �n any year, d�sp�te �er��erPo�nt
Hous�on's best efforts t� app�� the ful� amaunt allocated to xn�r�as� energy ef�cx�ncy of
cornmerczal cus�omers, the funds set aside for pragram.s for commer��a� customers are not used
in a t�mely fashion �r �he pr�grams are not pr�duc�ng sav�ngs in a cast �ffect�ve manner,
� 1�
. .
� .
FINAL E���-[]�TZ�N ��PY
�enterPo�nt H�ustan may rea��ocate the remaini�g funds to energy eff���e�cy and canservat�an
programs far resident�a� customers.
2. Ener Ef�cienc Ex �nd�tures f�r Partxa� �a�endar Years
For caiendar year 20��, ��nterPa��.t H�ust�n sha�� spend a pra�rat�d share of the
add��iona� $1� rni�Xian ���ss administra��v� costs� v�r�th the share ta be based on the ratia �f the
: number of days in ���5 wh�ch are part of the Rate Freeze Perrod t� 3�5. For the ca��ndar year�n
� W�1�C�1 I1�VL� S�St��.71.-w�de base rates frst be�ome �ffe�t�ve pursuant to a general system-�wide rate
case, CenterP��nt Hauston sha�l spend a pro-rated shar� of the add�t�a�.a� $1� mx���on ��ess
admin�strat�ve casts} �ith the share to be based an the rat�� of t�e �umber of da�rs �r� �hat
ca�endar year wh�ch are pr�or to th� effect�v� da�e af such rates t� the nunzber of days in such
Ce�.t�rPo�nt Houston's �xp�nd�tures dur��.g the f�rst and las� ca�endar years sha��
�� al�ocated 44.�% to promote energy effic�ency f�r c�m.mercia� users and S�.8% ta pram�te
energy ef�ciency for r�sident�al users v�x�h th� res�der�t�a� custom�rs' 5 5.8% share a��acated 54%
�� PZTRA � 39.��3 Programs and 4�% to o�her pr�graam.s �n �enterPoint Houston's Energy
Effici�ncy Plan.
3. Annual Repor�s._of Ener�_y Eff�c�ency„Ex�enditur�s
�enterPoint Houston's ann.ua� energy efficiency p�an repar�s fx�ed at the
Cammxssxon sha�l �nc�ud� separa�e lxne it�ms descr�bxng the e�pendi�ur�s rnad� u�der �hzs
Paragraph A and any est�mated energy sa�rings during the preceding ca�endar year.
�. L�w Income Pr�gram
�enterPa�nt H�uston w��� make payme�ts to fund programs to pr�vxde financ�a�
� assis�ance for payment of e�ec�ricity bi��s �ncurred b� law�xn�om� custo��n�rs in th� �enterPo�nt
. 7 11
. ... . .. . ..� . .. . � -
I-��uston s�rv��e terr�tary. Pursuant to the schedule conta�ned in th�s paragraph, Ce�terP��nt
�Iouston w��� fund �1� rr�xl��o� f�r each Program F�sca� Year unti� the date t�at n.e�r s�stern-v�r�de
base rates f�rst b�come effe��xve pursuant to a g��.era� s�st�m-,w�de rate case ��ed after appr�val
of thxs Agreement. The Program F�sca� Y�ar �wi1� beg�n the �rst day of the ca�e��ar m.onth �n
whi�h the �ina� �rder Date o�curs. This fund�ng �s subject to adjust�ra.e�.t xf a1� or pa�t of the
system benef�t fund xs a��ocated to Zow�r��ome assistance pr�grams, as descrxbed belo�w.
For each Program F�sca� Year, �Z.S mi����n of t�e $1� m���ion wx�� be ava��ab��
� far th�purp�se of prov�dxng funds to desxg�.ated agencies and �rgan��at�ons that administer reta��
elec�r�� provid�rs' [REP} qual�fy�ng vo�untary bi�� paym.en� ass�stance pragrams, as pravxded �n
PU� Su�st. R. Z5.4$�(g�[2}. For the first Pr�gram Fxsca� Year, $�.8 mr���an �f the $1� m�����n
w�l� �e avai�a��e within f�ve �S} buszness days after �he F�na� �rder Date. For the su�sequ�nt
� Program Fiscal Years, $$��,��� wxl� be ava��able beginning on the f�rst day �f the Program
Fxscal Year and $� m��I�an wx�� be avai�able on the f�rst da� of the s��th m�nth of the Pragram
Fxsca� ��ar.
Ea�h REP's bil� payment ass�s�ance progranl that qua�xf�es under the cr�teria
descr�b�d �n th�s paragraph v�rx�� �� �li�ib�e to rece�ve a pro-rata share of the funds ava��ab�e for
ea�h funding c�a�e f�r su�h programs, �ased an the ra��a of ��} the nurnber of ��w-xr�come
consumers served b�r �he REP �as determ�ned by the la-w income discou�.t adminlstra�or
�"LI�A"}� to ���� the tota� number �f 1ow ��.come consumers xn �en�erP�int Hous�on's serv�ce
territory �as d�termxr�e� by LIDA� in the "Measurernen� Mon�h" �hereafter �a�I�d "�o�v-Income
Rat�o"�. T��e "Mea�urement Nlonth" w��l be the ca�e�dar month two �2} m�nths prior to the
begxnn�ng �f each program Fisca� �Y�ar. For �he firs� program �`iscal Year, if th� LIL7A
�nfo�matian is not ava�la��e for the calendar mon�h ��vo t�} months pr�or t� t�.e �beg�nn�r�g of the
$ l�
pr�gram year, th�n the cale�dar m�nth �ne �1� month�riar to the beg�nn�ng of the program year
wi1� be used. If the LIDA �nf�rma�i�n ceases to be avax�ab�e, the most recent data availab�e w�Il
be used. The ��mmxss�on Staff v�x�� determine, and pr��id� t� ��nterPoint H�ust�n, the pro--rata
share �f funds t�be pr��rided to each qua�xfyxng REP as descr�bed above.
For the f�rst Pragram. F�scal Year, a REP's ���� payment ass�stance pr�gram �il�
rec��ve a port�o�. of the funds available for v��ur�tary bi�� paym�nt assi5tance prograrns if ��
pr�v�des an aff�dav�t to �enterPoint �-Ioust�n clescrxbxr�g the program ��nc�ud�ng an� REP
xmpos��I elig�bil�ty requirem�nts� and attest�ng that �1} �t �as ar� exist�ng va�untary bx�� pa�m.e�.t
a�s�stan�� program, as pr�vxd�d �n PU� Subst. R. �5.4S��g����, ar�d �2} �t ha� made, or �r��� be
making �n the program F��ca� �ear, a shareh��der c�ntr�but��n or flth�r REP contr��ut�on ta �ts
pr�gram in an am�unt equal �� or gr�ater �han 4�°/0 of th� amount the REP's pragram �s e�xg��l�
to rece��r� for that Program F�sca� Year, as ca�cu�at�d based on the Low-Income Ra�xo. A �P
must prov�de th�s aff�davxt to C��.��rPoint Houston n� �ate�-than sxxty days after th� first Pragram
F�sca� Yea� begins. The �nforma��an each �� pravides to �ent�rP��nt Houst�n as well as the
fund�ng provxded ta each REP v��l� be avai�ab�e far rev��w a��he re�uest af ar�y Party.
For su�bsequer�t Program Fisca� Years, a R.EP's bi�l �ayment ass�stance program.
w�l� rece�ve a por�ion �f the funds avax�ab�e for vo�untary bi�l payment ass�star�ce programs by
prov�dz�.g an affida�it to �enterPo�nt Houston statxng that �1} xt has an �xisting vo�untary b�I�
: pa�men� ass�stance progra�m that has beer� in op�rat�an for one manth or m.ar� prior �o the
begxnn�n� of the Prograrn F�scal Year, and �2� xt has made, or vv�l� be mak�ng in the Pragram
Fiscal Year, a shareho�d�r contribut��n or other R�P c�ntrxbutxon to �ts program for tha�Pr�gram
F�scal 'Year �n an am.oun� ��ual ta or greater�han 4�°/4 �f th� amount �ts b�I� payment assistance
pr�gram �s e��g�b�e ta recezve for that Program F�sca� Year, as ca�cu�ated based on the L�w-
� 13
Inc�me Rat�o. A REP must provide this aff��.avit to �enterP��nt H�uston n� �ater than th�rty
days after the beg�nning of the Program F�sca� Year. The informat�on each REP provid�s t�
�enterPa�nt T Toustan as �vell as the funding pr�vided to ea�h REP w�I� be availab�e f�r re��ew at
� the requ�st of a�.y Party.
In the aff�davxt pr��ided far an� pr�gram F�sca� Year, each REP must aiso
�r�v�de a ��st of the ��ca� energy ass�stanc� providers and th� recommended funding for ea�h
pr�v�der. Any port�on of the vo�untary bz�� payment ass�stance pragram funds not a��ocatec� t�
�Ps under the foregoing criteria sha�� be d�str�bu�ed thraugh the 1ow xncame d�scount program,
F�r ea�h Program Fisca� Y�ar, $7.Z m���ion of the $1� m����on w��� �e avai�ab�e
f�r the purpos� of provxd�ng month�y reimbursernent t� REPs that provide bi�X d�sc�unt� to �ov�r-
�ncom.e custom.ers as deter�mxned by LII]A. �enterPoint ��uston, w�th xnput from th� �it�es,
res�dent�a� cansumer grau�s, an� REPs that are signat�rxes to th�s agreement, �v�l� des�gnate a
th�rd party nonprof�t entxty or �ther service prov��er �the "Third party Adm�n�stratar"� to
opera�e �he program, acc�pt funds, r�imburse REPs and acc�un� f�r the rate d�sc�ur�t funds. The
Th�rd Party Adm.xn�strator s�.a�� be r�quir�d to use reasonab�e com�nercial efforts t� ��mit the
annual administrative costs �f the program.
For the f�rst Pragram Fisca� �Year, w�thin f�ve (5} �usxness days after the �`�nal
. �rder Date, Centerpoxnt H�us�on w��� pay �Z.� m.���ion af�he amount a��ocated to �ow-�ncoame
rate discaunts �nt� a rate d�sc�unt fund ta r�im�urs� REPs far law-income rate d�scounts to �e
prov�ded du�i�g the frst two ca��ndar rnanths of the Program Fiscal Year consistent wxth the
�erms and canditions out��ned in this Agr�e��nent. �n subseqt�ent months, �ent�rPoint �Ious�on
wx�� pa� $���,��� manth�y x�.to a rat� disc�un� fund t� re�mburse R.�Ps the �ost of pr�v�dir�g a
1� 14
rate r�duct�ons to the �o�w-income customers �r� CenterPo�nt I-��ust�n'� serv�ce area cons�st�nt
with the te�ms and conditi�ns out�in�d�n this Agreemer�t.
Each REP s�a�� subm�t to the c�mm�ss��n and the Thxrd Party Admin�strator a
month�y act���ty report an� r�qu�st for r�xm.bursement. The Third Party A��m.�nxstrator s�.a�� us�
reasanab�e cammer�ia� eff�rts to reimburse REPs within S days �f rec��pt by the adrn�nistrator of
a compl�t� request for reimbursement. To be e��g��a�e f�r re�mbursement, a R.EP: �1) must be
�er��f��d b� the PUC, ��} must provide month�y cus��mer �ist�, ta b� ma�nta�ned �onf dentxal, ta
L�DA f�r matching with records from th� H�a�th a�.d Humar� S�rv�ces Commission, [3} must
prov�de the prescr�bed rate disc�unt to a�� of th� �ow-�ncome cust�mers �t serv�s that are
identi�ed b� �he LIDA, and (4� must provxde dacum.entatxor� �a the low-�ncom� customer of the
bxl��ng discount. The Th�rd Par�y Admxn�stratar sha�� f��e �uar�erly reports ,wxth t�.e P�J� on the
e�p�nditure of fu�.ds do�urnenting payme�.ts�an.ad�to REl''s.
Ea�h REP prov�din� rate r�duct�ons t� ���gi��e �ustomers sha�l keep recvrds of
such rat� re�uctxans for at �east three y�ars from the dat� th� rate rec�uction �s f�rst prov�d�d to a
cust�m�r to permxt the c�mm�ss��n or�ts agent to auc��t rate reduct�on reimbursements.
Far the discount applicable to the first two months, �he �omrniss�on Staff �r���
� determ�ne the amount of the rate dis�our�t provided to �ov�r-income �onsumers e�i�ible f�r
r��mburs�me�� �� d�v�d�ng (i} $2.2 millxan �ess the est�mated adm.xn�s�rati�n costs and �ess an
est�mat�an adjustment of $25�,��� by [ii} the est�mated number �f �o�r--income c�nsumers far
two months. Thereaf�er, on an annua� basis the Comm.xssxon Staff w��l determine �he amount af
the m�nth�y rate d�sc�unt pr�vided to �ow-�nC�me consumers elig�ble for re�mbursemen� b�r
d�v�ding ti� $���,�00 less the monthly admin�strati�n c�sts and �ess an �st�mation adjustment af
�6�,5�� by �xx� th� nu��.b�r ����w�income c�nsumers. F�r the secand and subsequent pro�ram
11 l�
f�sca� years the est�matxon adjustm�nt�vi11 be �52,5�� un�ess adjusted by �orn.miss�a� Staff. A��
d�scounts wi�� be pr���ded on a per customer basis. Any fund ba�ance rema�nxng at the �nd of the
�s�a� year shall carry over for e�penditure in �he fol�o�v�ng f�s�a���ar.
If the Leg�s�atur� appropriates man�y from �he s�stern benef�t fund tfl programs
providxng f�nanc�al assistance for payment of electr�c�ty bz��s af ��w-xncome custamers �n �h�
��nterPoint I-�ouston serv�ce terr�tory, �enterPa�nt Houstan's con�ri�ut�ons under th�s Paragra�h
B will be reduc��i effectxve �n th� �rst day of the succeeding Pro�rarn F�sca� Year b�r an am.au�.t
equal to the lesser af(�� 29% of the total system benef�t funds appro�riated to prov�d� f�nanc�al
; ass�s�ance for pa�rm�r�� �f e�ectricity bil�s �f�ow--�ncome customer5 on a 5tatewide ba5is or �i�)
$14 m����on. If�enterPo��.t Houstar�'s paym.�nts t� �ow incame pr�grarns are reduced pursuant
to th�s Paragraph B, �enterP�xnt Houst�r�'s base rat�s for retai� s�rv�ce w��� �e reduced eff�ct�ve
an the f rst day of such succeeding Program Fiscal Year b� an amaunt equal to the amount
Cen�erPa�nt Houston's payments to �a�w incorr�e pragrams are reduced. If Ce�.terPo�nt Houston's
c�n�ribu�i�ns under th�s Paragraph B are r�duced as a resu�t �f the Legxs�at�v� appr�pr�a�xon of
s�stem bene�t funds �a programs provid�ng �nanc�al assista�ce t� ��w-xncome customers and
such Legis�atxve appropr�at��n is subsequently r�duced or termi�atec�, the�. �ffe�tive o�. the firs�
day of the succ�eding Pr�gram Fis�a� Year (�� Cent�rPo�nt H�ust�r�'s base rat�s for reta�� serv�ce
shail be ir�creased by �9% �f th� amaunt the s�at�w�de Legis�atxve approprxatxan �s r�duced �but
by no more than �he lesser of ta� $1� mi�lion or (b) the annual amount by v�rhxch ��nterP�int
�Iouston's ra�es had prevxous�y been increased under thx� Paragraph B) a�.d �x�� ��n�erPoint
I�ouston sha�� �ncrease (or, �f app�xcab�e, reinstitute� contributio�.s to fund �rograms to prav�de
financ�a� assxstance to �ow-�ncome customers in �ts servi�e terr�tory by the annua�ized am�unt of
the rate �ncrease under���. Cen�erPoint Hausto�. shall make a�omp��ance f���ng t�irnpiement the
1� 1�
rate reduct�an. Thus, for �xamp�e, �f the syst�m. benefit fund �eg�ns prav�di�g �1� mil�xon (�.e.,
29°/0 of th� stat�wide �.eg�s�at�ve apprapr�atlan ��uals $1� m���ion} or more ��r year to
qua�rfyxng programs prov�d�ng f�nan��a� assistanc� to ��w�income �ustom�rs durxng �a�e�.dar
� �ear 2D��, and �ach Program Fis�a1 Year begxns ar� Jan.uary 1, CenterP��nt Houston's
contr�butions und�r this Paragraph B wou�d be reduced to zero effect�ve �n January 1, �0�9 a�.d
�ts base rat�s for retail service v�auld �e redu�ed b� $1� mx�lion effect�v� January l, ���9.
S�m��ar�y, �f the s�stem.benefxt fund beg�ns provid�ng $� m����on per year to qualify�ng programs
effectxv� dur�ng ca�endar y�ar ���8, �enterPo�nt Hnuston's payments under th�� Paragraph B
w�uld be reduced t� �4 m����on effectxve January 1, 2��9 and its base rat�s for re�ax� servxces
�rou�d b�reduced by $6 m�l��on effe�tive Januar� 1, 2��9. Rate reductx�ns under th�s Paragraph
B vv��� be a����ated amang al� retail cust�mer classes xn the percentages set out on Attachrnent
�. The ��mm.xss�on Staff v�ri�l provide a wr�tten no��c� ta ��nt�rPo�nt Houston n�t �ater than
��S days pr�or t� th� beg�n.ning �f each Program Fisca� Year settzng aut the amount, �f any, by
�vhi�h �enterpoint �Touston's paym�nts for �he succeeding program F�sca� Y�ar are to be
adjusted und�r thxs paragraph B. Absen� su�h n�t�ce, no adjus�m�nt �� the annua� payme�.t and
n�re�ated ra�� adj ustrnents un d�r th�s Paragraph� �vi�1 b e made.
A. Except to the e�tent otherw�se provided �n this Agreement, �ent�rPo�nt�Iouston's
�ase rat�s for reta�� and who�esale deixvery s�rv��e as reduc�d pursuant to Ar�ic�e I sha�� continue
in effect unt�� and unl�ss changed�y a rate ��ing to �e made by �enterPoin� I��ust�n pursuant t�
Paragraph � of�his Art�c�e III, or if no �Iing �s re�u�red under paragraph K, unt�� ��nt�rPo�nt
�ouston�has� rat�s are otherw�se changed af�er June 3�, ����. Th�period commen�ing �vzth the
�3 17
. ... � .
. Effective I7ate �f thxs Agreement and term�nat�ng June 3�, 201� �s referred to here�n as �he
� "Rate Freeze Per�od". E�.cept to th� extent �therwise provided in thxs Agr�emer�t, dur�ng the
Rate Fre�ze Period, �enterPoint Haust��. sha�� not �1e ta �ncreas� �ts base rates for retai� or
= vvha�esa�e d��i�very servxce above the Ieve� determ�ned pursuant to Artrc�e I and sha�X not suppor�
directly �r�ndxrectly any propasa� that�vould have the �ffe�� af increasing �ts base rates f�r r�taxl
or wh��esa�� de��very service ab�ve th� �evel determ�ned pursuant to .A�icle I. E�.cept to th�
extent otherw�se provzded �n �h�s Agre�ment, dur�ng the Rate Freeze Per�ad, no Par�y to Dac��t
N�. 3���3 sha�� �nit�ate �r ask a�.�y regu�atory autharxty to ��.�t�ate a proc��ding ta reduce
C�r�terPoint Houston's base rates for reta�� ar wh�lesa�e de���rery serv�ce be�aw th� �eve�s
determ��led pursuant to Article I of th�s Agr�ement and na Part� shall suppart, direct�y or
�nd�rectly, any proposa� that wou�d have the effect of reduc�ng CenterP��nt �3ouston's base ra�es
for reta�� or who�esa�e de��very serv��e below the le�rels de�ermined pursuant to Art�c�e I of this
Agr�ement. Nathing in th�s Paragraph A sha�� pre��ude th� �4�Y1�17.�.551��1 from. �n�t�atxng a
proceedxng �o revxew and mo��fy rates on xts own or in r�sponse to a c�mpla�nt f��ed b�r someone
��h�r �han a Party. If th� Comm�ssion ini��ates such a praceedir�g, then x1o�h�ng in �his
Agreement vvill be c�nstru�d to preclude Staff fr�m part�cipa���g Yn the proceeding as �ns�ruct�d
by�he Com.rr��sszon.
B. ��nterPoint H�ustor� shall nat f��e to ad�ust rates pursuant to its Rider T�RF
�Transmiss�on Cost Rec�very Factor� f�r any par� of th� period from the effect�ve date of the
redu�ed ra�es under .Artxcle I through �`ebruary �S, 2��7. Na�h�ng herein sha�� prec�ude such a
f���ng prior t� app�oval of�h�s A.greement, how�ver, if�enterP��nt Haustan m.a��s such a ��ing
pr�or �o the Fxr�a� �rder I]ate, �� s�a�� ,withdraw the f���ng w�th�n 15 days after the F�na� �rder
Dat�. No�hxng xn th�s paragraph s�.al� restr�ct Cer�terPo�nt Houst�r�'s righ� or ol���gat�on to
14 l�
increase �r reduce it� reta�� de�x�rer�rates pu�rs�ant ta exist�ng �r future R�ders T�RF �ffec�ive �n
or aft�r Mar�h �, 2��7 t� refl�ct changes in �ransmissi�n charges of �the� ut���t��s but
�enterPo�nt Houston sha�l nat ref�e�t an� �enterPoxnt Houston changes in �ransm�ssxon charges
in its R�der T�RF durxng �he Rate F�ee2� Per�od. This Paragraph B sha�� r��t prec�ude
CenterP��nt H�uston fr�m mal��ng a R�ider T��.F f�ling pr�ar to March �, ���7 t� ref�e�t third
party �harges subsequ�nt to �enterPo�nt Houston's March 1, 2��� TC� �I�ng as i�ng as the
changes prnpased in the fi��ng w�ll �.�t become effe�tive prx�r to March 1, ���7. All Rider
� T�R� f��ings mad� during the Rate Freeze Period sha�� a��ncat� costs among rate c�asses us�ng
the 4�P a���ca��ons shavvn �n Attachment�.
�. CenterP�int Houston sha�� not request an xnterxm Transmxssion Cast �f Serv�ce
�"TC�S"� adjustmen� to be effectx�e pr�or to the end af the �4th month after the F�r�aX �rder
Date. This para�raph sha�� not restr�ct �er�terPo�nt Houstor�'s r�ght t� f le and �mp�ement, o�the
rights of ather Par�ies to opp�se, u�dates to �en�erPoxr�t �I�uston's TCflS pursuant to
��m.miss�on Subs�antive Ru�e 25.�9��g}, as �ong as the updates w��� nat bec�me effective until
after the e�.p�rat�an of such 24 month peri�d. The base��r�e for th� updates sha�� be as set out an
Attachm�nt F.
D. ��nterPoint Houst�n sha�� adjust its �om�etxtxon Transition Charges ("CT�"}
effec�ive Augus� 1, ���5 to �m.p��m.en.t �he fnal rule �n Dock��No. 3�a�8. Any su�h adjt�s�men�
sha�� be subj ect to the u�t�ma�e r�s��ut�on of any appea� or ord�rs on rem.and �f the f�nal ru�� in
Do�ket No. 32��8. If the f�na� rul� issued ��. D�cket No. 32��$ �s m�dxf�ed on a��eaX ar on
rema�.d, the CT� sha�� be adjusted, as necessary, to pu.t �enterPo�r�t �auston �n the same
ecanom.ic pasi���n as �t �vauld ha�v� �eer� in ha� the mfld�f��d ruXe b��n �ffec�iv� on �he �a�e th�
�T� v�as adjust�d ta �mp�em�nt the f�na� ru�e in Dock�t N�. 3���8. Far purposes af determ�ning
15 19
wheth�r �enterPoint Houst�n �s in the sam� ec�nom�c pos�t�on, any add�t��na� amoun�s
C�nterPoint �Iouston xs entxt��d to co��e�t or an� amounts �t may b� required to refund sha��
�n��u�.e zntere�t at the rat� used to ca��ulate the �T� �"�T� Interest Rate"�. Noth�ng �n this
Agreement s�aX� be construed t� ��m�t the r�ght of �ente�rPo�nt I�oustor� or any �ther Party to
oppase, appeal, �r seek mod�ficatxon of the CT� rules �n ��}Project Na. 32��g, �xi� any appea� of
Project No. 3���� or ��ii} any subsequent adm�n�strative �r judYC�a� proceed�ngs resulting from
an appea� of any final ru�e adapted�n Project No. 32�DS.
E. �ent�rP��nt Haust��. sha�� camp�� vvxth� a�y rules th� �om�m.xssxan adopts
r�c�uiring or recomm�ndxng that ut��xt�es ma�e investmen�s ass�c�at�d wxth system. harden�ng. If
�he ru�es perrr�it �mmed�ate reco�rery of cap�taX �osts af system harden�ng, n�thx�.g xn th�s
Agreement sha�l pre��ude Centerpo�nt I-��uston from f��ing �o rec�v�r su�h costs during the Rate
Freeze Perzad. If the ru�es p�rm�t recovery in the next genera� rate case, �enterPo�nt Houston
sha�l d�fer a�� such cap�tal costs �ncurr�d after the date the ru�e becomes effe�t�ve. The deferred
�osts sha�� accrue interest a� the �TC Int�rest Rate unt�� Centerp��n� Houstor�'s n��t gen�ra�
system-�v�de rate �ase is ��ed. This Agreement sha�� n�t be constru�d to lim�t �he r�gh� of any
Par�y t� supp�rt �r opp�se ad�ption of s�st�m hard�ning requxrements ar ��.c�n��v�s �n
pr�c�ed�ngs �efore the �omm�ss��n or or� appeai. In any �roceed�ng �n wh�ch Cer��erP�int
Houstan seeks to re�over costs under this Paragraph � dur�ng th.e Rate Fre�ze Per��d, ar�y Par�y
may opp�se the request on any gr�unds, �nc�udxng but not ��m�ted t�7 c�aims that �1� th� amounts
request�� vvere not reasonab�e �r ne�essary, (2� cos� reduct�ons or rev�nu� increases should be
rec�gnized or �3� CenterP�int Houston.'s reques� vvau�d not proper�y a���cate the in�reased
amoun�s; prov�ded, hovvever, tha� the only am.aunts at r�sk �n su�h pra�e�d�ng sha�� be �h�
: in�r�men�a� am�un�s reques�ed by �en�erP�int �-Iouston a�d na Party sha�� con�end tha� a�y of
1� �o
. - _ - . � .
�ent�rPoint H�uston's �ase rates shau�d be redu�ed. In ar�y proceeding �n which �ent�rPo�nt
Houston see�s ta recov�r costs under this paragraph E after the Rate Fr�eze Per�od, any Party
may oppose the request �n any grounds other than o�. the basxs that the cflsts sh�u�c� have bee�
e�pensed an� not �.eferred, that ��nt�rP��nt H�uston shou�d not be a�la�ed to rec�ver th�
int�rest�n �h� costs, or that a d�fferent ir�ter�st ra�e shou�d have been us�d. Part�es agr�e that any
proceed�ng in�tYated by �en�erPoint H�uston under thxs Paragraph E sha�� be deemed to �e a
ratemak�ng prflc�ed�ng for purposes of rexmbursement of mu�xcxpal rate case expe�.ses.
F. Noth��g in this Agr�ement sha�� be c�nstrued ta 1�rnzt CenterPoint H�ustQn's rzght
to ��� to rec�ver c�sts incurred t� prov�de advanced me�er�ng through any t�pe �f f���ng �other
thar� a system-w�de genera� base rat� Ghange� other uti�xt�es ar�perm�t�ed to us�. Any Party may
ap��se the r�quest �r� any grounds, ����uding but not lim�ted to, c�a�ms that ��) the arn.aun�s
requested were not reasona��e �r �.ec�ssary, �2} c�st reduct�o�� �r r�v�nu� �ncreases should be
recognxzed or �3) �enterPo�nt Houstor�'s request vvould nnt pro�erly a�Xocate the ir�creased
amour�ts; prov�d�d, havvever, that the on�y arnounts at ris� ir� such proceedxng sha�� be the
incr�rn.e��a1 am�unts request�d by CenterPo�nt H�us�on and no Par�y shall contend that any �f
�en��rl'axnt Haus�on's base rat�s shou�d be redu�ed. Par�x�s agree that any proceedxng �nit�ated
by Cent�rPoint Houston under this Paragra�h F sha�� be de�m�d to be a ratemak�ng pr�ceeding
f�r purpo��s of reimbursement af mu�.�c�pa� rate case expenses.
G. Nathxng in th�s Agreement�hal1 be c�nstrued �o ��m�t �enterPoint Hous�an's right
or ob��gat�on �o adjust, ar the ri.ghts �f ather �'ar�i�s to �ppose adjustments to, �ent�rP��nt
Houston's rat�s for reta�� delivery s�rvice a� any time pursuant �� Rxders SBF �sys�er� benef�t
fund}, ND� �nuc�ear dec�mrnissioning charge�, �T� �compe��t�on transxt�on �harge�, and RCE
�7 �1
[rate case e�pense surcharge� or any schedules for tra�s�t�on charge� related to ex�stxng ar future
H. Nothing xn th�s Agreeme�.t sha1�be construed to ��mit �enterPo�nt Housto�.'s r�ght
, ar o�h��gatx�n ��} ta incr�ase o�- re�luce rates for re�a�l de��ver� serv�ce �r to �mpnse new
cor�.pet�tion trans�tion charges, trar�s�tian charg�s, �� cred�ts t� refl�c� the f�na� resolu�i�n af
�ssu�s subj�ct t� e��stxng appeals of th� �ommission's fina� orders �n Do�k�t Na. 2952� ttrue-
up), Docket No. 2�1�5 �fina� fue� reco�.c��xat��n}, �r pock�t Na. 3D74� ��T�} �r (�i} to se�k and
ob�ain r�gu�atary ap�rova� to offer new se�-�vices ar tar�ff opt�ons to i�s cus��mers or p�t�ntial
�ustomers (includ��g new types of stre�t lighting); nor sha�� �t be ��nstru�d ta �xm�t the rights af
other Part�es to oppose a�.y ��ing b��enterP��nt Housto�.und�r�i} or�i�� of thxs Paragraph H.
I. If, notw�thstar�d�ng the provisions af Paragraph A of this Ar�xc�e III, th�
�ommiss�on �r any other regu�atory auth�r�ty exerc�s�ng jur�sdict�on o�er�ente�PQ�nt Houstan's
rates and serv�c�s �nit�ates a proceeding to r�vxew and mod�fy Cer�t�rPoint Houston's rate5,
noth�ng in th�s Agre�ment sha�� be construed to �im�t CenterPo�nt Housto��'s r�ght to defend
aga�ns� the changes be�ng c�ns�d�r�d �y the regu�atory au�hor�ty in such pr�ceeding. �Ni�hout
_ ��m�t�ng the far�gozng, �er�t�rPoint Hous���. �r��� have the r�ght in response t� such ac�i�n by a
reg�xlatory authority to fi�e and make effect�ve a�ase rate change app��cab�e o��y to serv�ce in t�.�
ge�graphic area subj�ct to the jur�sdx�txon of tha� regulatory autharzty. Sim��ar�y, if rates �o any
other Party w�u�d �e �ncreased as a resu�t of act�on by su�h regula��ry au�h�r��y, r�oth�ng xn this
.A�gr�ement sha�� be �onstrued in any vcray t� �im.xt that Par�y's r�ght to def�nd agains� any
�ncreased charges that are proposed in such �ra��ed�r�g; pro�ided, havv�ver, �hat na Par�y other
�han the �ommissxon S�aff may argue for base rates for any class of custorner that are Iower than
thos� e�tablxshed �n �h�s sett��ment. Regard�ess af what m.�asures �erZterPo�nt H�uston takes in
- 1S �2
respor�se to a proceed�ng inxtrated t�y a regu�atory author�ty, �er�terPoint Houston ma� not �Ie a
base rate increase �n any jur�sd�ct�on that has nat �nxt�at�d such a proc��d�ng exc�pt as may be
p�rm�tted under�ther para�raphs af th�s Artxcle III.
� r. Not�v�thstand�ng the pravisians of Paragraph A of th�s Artic�e III, th� roh�b�t�on
� p
agaxnst rate changes f�r r�tax� delivery serv�c� shal� not preclude �enterPoin� Hous�or� from
�ling a rate case to a�idress the �mpact of F�rce Maj eure. The term "For�e IVIaj eure" means a
� maj or �v�nt �r �omb�nat�an af three or fewer maj ar events �eyond the contr�� of�ent�rPoint
Houston, xnc�ud�ng new or e�panded loca�, state or federa� ta�es or statutory or regu�ato
r�quirements o�r a�countir�g ru�e changes (�ut not �nc�ud�ng system. harden�ng and ad�vanced
meter�ng as descr�bed �n Paragraphs E and F of�his Article III}, hurr�canes, tornados, �ce storms
or other natura� d�sasters, acts �f vvar, terror�sm or c�v�l disturbance. This Farc� Nlajeure
prn��s�on may be invoked on�y if a single major event or a comb�nat�on of three or fewer maj�r
e�rents �n the course of an� 12-month perxod have a�. effect af�ncreas�ng �enterPoint Houston's
� annualiz�d �osts or decreasing�ts annua��zed rev�nues b�r more �han $S� rnxl��on �vhen c�m ared
ta the �osts or revenues for the �Z months �mmed�ately pr��r �a �he ev�n�s, provided, ho�wever,
that at Ieast one of the cambined maj ar events must have an �rn a�t of n�t �ess �han $2� m�l��on.
In the ev�r�t that a comb�natY�n af three or fewer maj or events in the c�urse of any 12-mon�h
perrod have a �om�bined effect �f decreasing CenterPoint Houston's annua��2ed cos�s �r
xncreasxng its annua�izec� r�venu�s b� more than $54 rn���x�n when �ampar�d �a the �os�s or
` revenues far t�ie 12 months immed�a�e�� pr�or �o the even�s, with at 1eas� ane of the combxned
�naj�r even�s hav�ng an �mpact of not �e�s than $�� mil���n, then �enterPo�nt Hauston shal� f��e a
ra�e case. Exther an �ncrease ar a redu�tion ta �enterP�int Haus�on's annua��z�d costs �y more
than $5� zn�ll�on as a result of stat� or f�deral statutary �r regulat�ry requ�rem�nts sha�� meet �he
19 23
�`I�TAL E�E�U'�`Y�l�T C�PY �
requir�ments of this Fa�rc� Maj eure prov�����.. Sh�u�d �ent�rPaint Houstnn decide not ta �nvoke
the For�e Majeur� provis�on in any g�ven ��ar, �enterPo�nt Houston is precluded from later
�ring�ng cla�ms to r��o�rer amounts n�t �n the test y�ar for su�h past events in future years, �ut
�enterPo�nt Hauston sha�l nat be pr���uded fr�m bringing �1a�ms to re�aver amounts that do
occur during t�ie t�st year. The term "F�rc� Maj eure" d�es nat �nc�ud� an� changes �n ger�eral .
econom�c canditians such as infla���n, rec�ss�on, or �nter�s� rates �eve�s. Par��es agree that any
pr�ceedxng initiated by �enterp��nt Houston under th�s Paragraph J shal� b� deemed to be a
ratemak�ng prflceed�ng for purposes of re�mbursement of munxc�pal rate cas� expense�.
I�. �enterPoint Houstan sha�� not �e requ�red to f��e �arn�ngs r�por�s and
C�7mrniss�on Staff sha�� nat �ssue repor�s �f �ent�rPo�nt H�us�an earnings under �omm�ssxon
Substant�ve Ru�e 25.73�b} for ca�endar years 2�06 through and �nc�ud�ng ����. N�� �a�er than
March 1, 2�1�, �ent�rPoxr�t H�uston sha�l f��e an earnings repor� for �alendar year���9. �U�Tithin
�hirty days of the date the earnxngs rep�rt �s filed, �omm�ss�on Staff, th� ��ty of Houst�n and
Coa��t�on af�ities and �C���� shall �a�nt� d�termine whe�her �en�erP�int H�us�an shou�d �e
J �'
re�ieved �f its r�qu�rement to make a f l�ng to revise �ts ��rstem-�v�de t�ase rates. Unless the
�omm.�ss�on Staff, �xty of Houston and ��alit�on �f Ci��es and �CC� unan�mous�y deterrn�ne
�hat �enterPoint Hauston should �� rel�eved of �ts ob�igatx�n to make a f���ng t� rev�se �ts
sys�em-�w�de �ase rates, �enterPaint H�uston sha�� make a system-wxde transmiss�o� and
distr�but�on base rate fil�ng no� �ater than�une 3�, 2��� based �n a�es� year�n�ed �ec�mber 3 I,
���9. If �enterPo�nt Hous�on �s nat requ�red to make a ��ing t� rev�se its syst�m.�wxde
�ransm�ss�on and d�stribution base rates under this Paragraph I�, the Rate �'reeze Perxod shal�
n�n�th��ess end on June 3�, ��1�.
'� For purposes of this Ar�icle�ZI,�he�erms"���y of�iouston and�oa�ition of C�ti�s"and"G�CC"refers�Q
the coalitions of cities whi�h are S�gnatories as the membersh�p of such coa�i�ions may have�hanged by March �,
�� 24
��nterPoint H�usto�. ��.curred �osts ta repaxr damag�s to �ts syst�m caused by
: Hurrxcan�Rita and has in�urred and ,w��1 continue to �n�ur e�pens�s �inc�uding reimbursement of
cer�axn co�ts incurred by municipa��t�es as prav�ded �n Article V� assaciat�d��th t�i�s�r��ee��ng
��nc�ud�ng but not ��mited to eff�r�s to s�tt�e �h�s proc�edxng, costs to address efforts af cer�ain
munic�pa��tx�s to �nitiate an�illary pr�ceed�ngs in areas subj ect to their or�g�nal j urisdictxon and
e�.penses associated v�r�th �T�, True--Up and F�na� Fue� Reconc�l�at�on d�ckets). The fnal �rder
appr�ving th�s Agreement wx�� authflrize �enterPoint Houstan ta am�rtxze xts Hurr�cane R�ta
stQrm expenses over the se�ren y�ar per�od beg�nn�n� on th� first day �f the month fo�X�wxng the
Final �rder I�ate and to amort�z� the rat� ca�e e�penses over a f�ur year per�ad b�g�nn.�ng�n the
f�rs� da� of the month f��I�w�ng the Final �rder I�a�e.
�enterPa�nt �Iouston sha�l re�mburse to ea�h muni��pa�ity that is a signat�ry and
is located �n ��nt�rPo�r�t Houston's servxce area the reasor�ab�� costs incurred by the
municxpaZ�ty �n ��nnect�on ,w�th xts part�ci�at�on in Dock�ts 32�93 ar�d 3241 S ��n�luding �ut not
Iim��ed to effor�s to set�le thxs �r�ceed�ng and to address �ffor�s of �erta�n munic�palxti�s to
init�a�e ancil�ary proceedings in areas subj ect to their ar�ginal jur��d�ct�on�. �N�th�n thirty �3�}
days after the Fina� �rder Date, �ach mu�.xcipalit�r seek�ng re�mbursem.ent af xts ra�e �a��
e�penses s�zal� subm�t t� �enterPo�nt �3ous�an an �temize�. lis� w�th fu11 documentat�on of the
cos�s xt xncun ed �n �onne�tian vv�th �h�s proceedxng. �en�erPo�nt Houston s��a�1 reim�urse �he
au��.or�z�d representat�ve of the m.un�cipal��y v�ithin th�rty (3�� da�s af�er rece�p� af su�h
�l �5
itemized lis�; pro�r�ded, however, if C�r�terPoint �ouston does nat agree that a portxan of the
request�d costs were ��ig�b�e for re�mburs�ment, the item.ize� list with fu�� documer��at�on of
costs af contested costs shall be subm.�tt�d to the �omm�ss��n Staff, wh�ch shal� make �he fina�
determxnation �f whether �he c�ntest�d C�5t5 w�re e��gxble for r�zmbursem��t. �enterPo�nt
Houston shai� r��mburse t�.e uncQ�.tested port�on of such costs v�r�thin such 30 day perxod and
shal� rexmburse any c�ntested �asts the ��mm�ss�on Staff determines are eligxb�e for
re�mbu�sem.en� w�th�n �fteen (15) da�s after the Com.missior� S�aff prav�des ��nterPo�nt
Haustan and the mun��ipa��ty�r�tt�n natice of its determ�na����.
�enterP��nt Houstan has er�tered x�.t� fran�hise agre�m�nts v�h�ch modxfy the
franch�se fees xt pays. The m�c�if�ed fran.chis� fees resul��ng from fran�h�se agreements executed
pr�ar ta the D�c��t No. 32093 ��ing are deem�d to be reasonab�e and necessa�r �xpenses. The
mod��ed franchise fees resu��ing fr�rn fran�h�se agreements ��ecuted subsequent to such f�I�ng
but prxor to th� Fxnal �rder Date are aXso deem.ec� to be reas�nab�e and necessary e�penses s�
�ang as the fee arrang�ment�s cons�st�nt w�th Attachm�nt G.
Th�s Agreement represer�ts a compr�m�s�, se�t�ement, and a�cammodat�on amang
�he Part�es regarding �ach of the m.atters addressed in this Agr�ement. Th� t�rm.s and cond�tions
��erexn are �nt�rdependen� an� n� party sha�� be �ound �y any portzan of th�s Ag�reement ou�s�de
�he context of�h� Agreemer��as a v�hole. If the C�rnmxss�on does not approve this Agreement as
pres�nted �r�ssues a f�na1 nrder appr�ving th� Agreement that a Par�y de��rmines �n good faxth �s
�� ��
�nconsxste�.t vvith th�s Agreement �n any m.ater�a� r�spect, any Pa�r which determines, �n goad
fa�th, that it ��11 be a�verse�y affected 1a� that materia� modif�cat�on or incans�s�ency has the
rxght to w�thdraw �ts consent from th�s Agreement, thereby becam�ng re�ease�i from a��
comm�tments and ob��gations, as �f�t had never been a Party �"W�thdrav�v�ng �arty"�. The fac�
tha�a�rthdzaw�ng Party had agreed to t�ie Agreement sha��not be used aga�nst the Withdra�ving
Par�y in any pr�ceed�ng. The provis��ns o�`th�s Ar�ic�e sha�� cont�nu� and be enf�rcea�Ie, �v�n xf
th�s Agreement is term�nated.
A. N� Precedent
S�nce t�.e m.att�rs reso��r�d here�n are reso�v�d on the basis af compramxse and
settlemen�, nothxng �n th�s Agreem.ent sh�uld be cons�dered precedent. No Part� sha��b� deemed
to have agreed t� the pr�priety of any theary or pr�nc�p�e that may t�e saxd t� underl�� any of�he
issues reso�v�c� b�r t�.�s Agreement. Be�ause th�s �s a st�pu�at�d agre�ment, �he S�gnatQries
: r�cognxze that no Party �s und�r any ob�igatx�n �o �ake the sam� pos�txor� as s�� out in �his
Agreement xn any�ther docket, except as spec�f��a�1y requirec��y this Agr�ement, v�r�.�ther or no�
� �hat docket presents the sarn.e or s�m��ar cir�umstanc�s. This Agreement �s binding �n each �f
. the Parties on�y for the purpos� of s�t���ng the �ssues here�n and for no ather purpose. �ral and
wxi��en statem.ents made dur�ng the caurse of the settlem�n� negot�atx�ns shall not be used as an
adm�ss�on�r c�ncession of any sor� ar as ev�denc� �n this or any oth�r pr�cee��ng.
B. Authorxzat��n t� S�gn
� Each persor� e�ecut�ng th�s Ag�e�ment represents that �s}he �s autharized to sign
�he Agreement on behalf of the Party repr�sented.
23 �7
FINAI. T�XE�U'�'I�N ��pY
C. ��unters�gned �riginals
This d�cumen� may be countersxgned by �ach Party on separate �r�g�nals. Each
s�gnature sha�� �e treat�d as xf x� �s an or�ginal signature.
`E IN �ITNESS WHERE�F, this Agreement has been �xe�uted, approved, and
agreed t� by the Signatories hereto �n m.u�txp�e �ounterparts, �ach of vvhich sha�� be deemed an
or�g�na�, an th� date indicated b��ow by th� S�gnat�rxes hereto, by and thr�ugh their unders�gned
duly auth�r�zed representat�v�s. Th�s Agre�ment sha�1 be effec��v� and binding, when it �s f�Xed
at the Commiss�on..
�4 �8
Stipulation and Agreement
S��nature Page
CEN�`ERP�INT ENER�Y H�UST�N ELE�TRI�, S�gr�..�d th�s � 1 da��f��lr, 2��6
; LL�
homas R. Standish
�roup Presid�nt Regu�ated�peratians
��nterPoxnt Energy, Inc.
�ITY�F H�UST�N AND ��ALITI�N �F �ITIES Signed this day of , 2��5
A�tan J. Ha��, Jr.
Epsteir�Be�ker�reen�T�Ck�iff& Ha��, P.�.
��u�.se� for��t�of H�uston and Coa�it�on of��t�es
G�LF��A�T ��A�ITI�N �F�ITIES S�gned this day�f , 2��5
Thomas L. Bra�at�,
�ouns�� for th� Cu�f�oast �oa��t�on of��ties
Su�aj��t to ratif�ation by indiv�dual memb�rs of the �u�f
�oast�oa��t�on of��ti�s
�FFI�E �F PU�LI� UTILITY C�LTNSEL Signed t�is day of , 2��6
James K. Rourke, Jr.
Ass�stant Pu��ic�ounse�
�S 2�
FI�A� �.�E�UTIC3N��P�Y
Stxpu�at�an a�d Agr��ment
CE�ITE�'��NT ENER�Y H�UST�I�ELE�TR��, Signed�h�s day af ,2�45
T�omas R. Stand�s�.
Group President Regulat�d�p�ra���ns
�enterFo�nt Energy, Inc.
�ITY�F H�US'I'�N AN�3 CQALITI[�N C3F CITIES S� n�d this s� da �f� 2��6
g �.. � � �
� .
A��on J. Ha��, Jr.
�pste�n Becker�reen V�1��ckliff 8�Ha��,P.C.
�ouns��fQr�i�y of H�ustan and Coa�i�i��of Cit�es
�UL�'��AS'�' �QAI.�IT��N ��`CITIES S�gned�his da�r of , 2�Q6
Th�mas L. Bro�a�o,
�ounseZ far the Gu�f�oast Caa����on of�iti�s
Subj ecf�o ra�ificat�an b�ir�di��dual mem��rs of the�u�f
��as�Coa�i�ion�f C�ties
aFF�CE �F P�BI.�I� IJTI�I�'Y C�UNSE� S�gned t��s day af , �Q�6
Jam�s l�. R�urke, J�-.
. u�����tuuu u�:.�4 r��
#�I- VUL
��I�AL����i�TY��' �CfP'�
St��ulat��r� a�d �►gr�ement
Si�r�at�ar�p age
I���]'�T�1�������� �z ne�.th�is a�a�of , , ����
��N�'��.'�i�'�' El��R�� , �
: �'�om�s�. Stan�?�h
�rro�p �r���de�,t�e�«�at�d ��er�.ti�n�
�enterPoint�ner��, Inc.
� � A�� ��A��I�'YQ� �� �Y��Y�� ����C�#,�:1]5�-- ,._..C����f� , ����]
��Tlf �� �[�US'��N �
A.���n J. �Ya1l, Jr.
�L.1 S i�►�ill+l��+V�Vi ��►/�1�i.i��}.�.i.�F'ti+�Lfr��, �r�•
� � � • �
�ou.nsel�or��t�of Houston ar�d �oa�.�t��n of��ta�s
r � �
S� n�d t��5 day o�� ����
�UL�'��AST ��,A�Z"xXQN �F � S � .�,�-�
Tho s . roc�.�a,
Coux�se� �ar the C'n�����ast�oa�it�an �f�� ' s
�ub'�c�to ra�.f�c�.tian by ir�di��dual m�rr�h�rs of tl�e Gulf
�o�t �oa�,it��n of`��t�es
[3�`���E ����IJ�3LI� C��I���'Y ��U3�S�L S��ned this day of , ��a�
James�- Rourke, .Tz.
.As s i sta��P ub�i c�ouns�1
�� 3l
. :..-. .
���.�.�..1 E���T3'�'��� ��P�'
������at��n ��Id.���ree���t
� .... --- - - - ����'����Z��`���:��.�'����J��`����������;.. .S��ie������. .. - - �:a..���... . . �����5�� -- . --
T�Z�rn�.s l�. �ta��.�s�.
�e�t erP Q in���.e�g�r, ��c.
�X'�'� C)������'Z't)�.A�� C���'�`��N����T��� ���e�.���s �ay of , ����
�1�0�11. �a��.,�r.
��zu-�sel .��r��ty af�ot�s�on a�.d�aa��t��n�f�����s
��r�Q��'�`-��A►��'������'�Z'�`Z�� ���z��th�s ��.y o�. ,Z�D�
T�o���as L. ��-oc�,�c�,
Co�nsel�ar the�u���aas��oa��.t��n a���t�es
S��bj e�t��r���f��at���z���n�3i�r�dua��m��nbers of��e��.�.f
�aas��a�.�z��on�f G�t��s
. � � r � l
� �V
[)�`�`Z�� ��`������ U'�'ZLZ`X'�Y��I1N���I.► ��g�.�d��.�s�� da�of. , 0��
! � �
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� �a S I�.._��U.��e� �r. �
:�, s�s�ar�t�'�xb��G��unse�
� ��
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J�L �� �
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,��T���' ��, ����
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Y . , . ,�• '� .,r , , •, � � r - t� �u� �����
, , . �. � S� r��d�h�� � da a
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�.�����,����Gi'-S Q�'�I�'•.i �:i���l��, ����.�[�
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�t���rr����r:� ����t��� �::.nr��t���x��i�� ��x���tr��r G�r�u��
'�"!�f:�:��� �����.���`����l�����������Y�' �`�]i������:��� ���n���.i�is_�__.._.���y of..��._..__ ?0��
■ 4
�.'�'.rr•..w��.����«w.n...��.r.�w....w...M.�..r•�+•r r.r v�r..yi ....wn��...�rrwn.�.'
.���nt�����;��:.�rc�l:�, ��.�
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�t���r,��:� �c�r'�Y�:�:�:� ��������zt����1 I����r�� Cons��mel-s
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�.)�t� f � ��� �. ......._.��
�3���}.i7��, #.��k�.��'
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I����:�i����;���t�i��; ���� ����.�i ��f'�����s
���D�C��:.f�);�a]�'�'�l Y� �:�����}:�.�.���1���.7�F���'��'�, ��.�'. S i�r���i t��i� c���y�f' __.__._ �w���}�
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�t.�c5rn�::�r� ��� C}�c:����;r��;x� �'�1���• I��I�r��ce�.����, �.*.�'.
"����a:`��� �f�{aC�l���:��1�'��r�t�:���5 �;����`��`��1�� .���nc� ���zs �ay nF__.�., �.C���'�
�.. ..__..�..�
_..�.. _ _._...
��ijt����l�� �,•���'l�'3171:L��., �f::�:��1.1�1VG���I'4'���t'
t �
'Lli,'J'►t�y��L.-�.�,�1� �t����' l�E'� �..�'.����.�'•�
JUL�-31--2��� 14��4 S�2 3�2 902D 96f P.02
ur—�i—u� �i:cy�m r�om—A�unt���un�n t��c��uyryr �—��r r.u�E�uv� r�y�u
�'I�.���Cl�'���l�I G��',Y
S� ed�lus_ day of�, ���b
�i�I���YA.i. ��ST�II���G�tUYJP �
Alfr�d l�.�err�ra
�aw �
f�ces af Jixn�130}l�,P��.�
Attora�� s for�la�.�Camm�rcia.�.Gustamex�x�'aup
� Si �d rh���Clay o�`�, ����
DuS�'RI.A�I�T�T�t��' �[]NS�M��S �
��i NYeradiola,i�I
,�id���v s��.urth���'
A�to�n� �'ar Tex.�s Tndus�xial�l��rgy��ns��rn�xs
• ' �.�a af ?��6
s�r�.�ra� aF z��s
�xg��d�h��� Y y
�r���. ����
�.ssista�n.t A��orn��G�1e�a1
�fi'����r t�ne A�omey��n�er� � �
� �or�s�tm�r�'ro�ec�ia�.a�nd pl�blic�ealt�i I3ivYs��n
R,epr���t�g th� Stafi��f'�e�cas
. � ' da of ���6
�R M �'YN�,i...P. S��nec�filus,� �' .�
itic,�axd P.I�Ialar�d
Sutl�erlar�d Asbill&Br�1an�I�1'
��arne s far C]cc�d�n�al Powex 11�ar�tin�,�.�'.
�. ]'
� ��1 t�iis �ay a�� ,����
� R�C�S ��1�I'��R. � � �
T��AS L��A� S�
1�Y�a m. E��cut����3ir�ctar
�andal p �
Texas�e�al S ervices�e���er
�����1����5 10:5� 51�-32�-9114 PAR��TT'�.GEN.QF�. P�GE 0��0�
F11������UTI�N ���''�
���,�VYE��IAL ��JST���R GR�UP �i�ed this��.a�r���,,, 2��f
� — ��i�..n�.�i.nninn.nin.�.rr r�rw
�1fr�d�. I�exx�.
La�cr�f�ces��J�x3m Ba�rl�,p���
,A,�to���s�o,r�he �omx�ercial �ust�o��r �'xrou�
� T��,� Y�DUSTRY��l�T���'�'��N�IT.�i�RS Signed t1�is� _d�y o� ,,�0��
L��Q 1vl�.c��o1a, YY7
.�.ndr��s I�t�r�h���'
,At��,r�e��foF�Te�xas In�.ust����n�r��r Cansum�rs
� � � �
� .]� � � f
S� �d�h�s d a �f� �4
S�`,�'�'� 4F T��AS �. � �'
�ryar�. . �alcer
�.s sistant.�ttorne��'re�,�era�
C��sum�r Pra�eatxox�anc��'�tb��c H�ea1t,��a��s�on
R�r�s�ntir�t�� Stat�af�'��as
���II��I�'Y'A� �'�?�'L�ER�I '����,L.P. �i�ncd t�.s da�o;f�, Z���
�i�har��'. 1�Q1anc�
�.ttorn�ys f�r�cc�de�,ta��'ower 11�Ia�r�etin�, �:P.
'Z'��� L�G.AI� SER���� C�I����t. S��a►��.���zis�da�o f , ?��C
R.an�a11��aprar�a�,����u�i�e I��r�ct�x
�'exas��gal S��a�s �et�t�r
�� 3�
u�—��—�uu❑ �t:�o rram— �—�u4 r•uuc►uuc r—av�
��� �������� ����
� �U� S��a�d�i.i s�day of�,�., �4�6
C��E���.�A��US��N��t �2.
=; Alfred�R.. �3exzer�
�ativ�f�c�s o���m���rle,�L�.�
,1�tt��n�e s f�r��am�.e�ci� Cus�orn�r�rrou�
Y��NS�T�IE�� ���m.�d t�xs_ da�af � ����
T�A�S ��TS�'��A3��N��C
�.ndxev�rs �ux�h L�P
�ttorn� for Te�as iudustrial�x�er���oz�sur�n�rs
S��n�d t�is d�y o�`�, 2��6
ST�i'T� �F'�'��►.S � �
B���n I,�. Y3�kear
.A.ssistan�At�orney C��n�ra1
C]f���o�the A�.1��ne�r�er��x��
Coan.stu�►�r�'ro���ion�uad I3u��ic�-3�al�r�i rJ�vision
�e r�s�r�ti��tl�� St�te af�`e�as
. 5i��eri this �a�of�,����
[������N'�,A►.��'�1�'��t '�`�I�C, �P. �
��hard p.�Ta�.and
�toi-n� s �or �cci d�n.�a1�ov��r�rk��i�.�,�:-�'-
� �
� Si� ed�lzis da�af , ���6
�' GA►�SE����S ��I�x�� �
� ' ��
I�a�n, 1 h�.pma�a.., � e�u ��e � �r
Te.�a �ega1����ces�e�t�r
J�L���-u� t'iuN u���! !��H� nu��. ��y�, r Hn l�tU, ��� 4 r� ���v r. u��u�
. �`�i�,�i�����������Y �
. � �
���.A►.S�ATEPAYERS' �R�A.�I�.T�a���S,�.V� ���ed tl�.s�da�r� �4�
� ��N�R��' .
� � �.
� .
:, . , �
�� ��a��3��c�x� ��i
: �� �xecu��v� i-��tor
�� ��. Texas��te�a���s' C�rgar�.ization�a Sa�e�r��x�y
� T��� �N���Y ASS��YAT��1�F�3�������'E�� ��gr��d��.�s da���_�,����
�ath erin�3. �Cb�.�la
� � ,�4t�.orne�r�ar T��as�a�er��Ass�G�atian for Mar��texs
. �,��,Y�.������t��TA�L�tA�ETS ���;�ed t��s d�.���' ,204�
. �.a�v C3f�.��s of S�e�h�n J.Davis,��
� �tt�r�r���f�r,A,���ax��e �`or�eta�l Markets
��YAI�T�����'',I�I�. Sxgn�d th�s da�o��� ��45
.�o�.a�.�. i�����r
� .�Lssa��at��c��ra� �QUns��
� �,���N���Y�H[3L����.�.��3�'(]w�� S��ed this day a�� ,2�0�
��xc�. �urns
�? 37
J Hh�-'1'�~�1 y�� 1�=�'1 r.�����
FI�TAL���C�TI�7N ���Y'
�'E�AS XtAT��A�Y��S' C3��ANI�ATI��N T(3 SA�'�E S�g�n.ed th�s day of ,2�D5
����u��e Da�.ac��tor
: Texas Ra�payers' 'C�rg�x�atiox��fl Sa���nar�Y
�'��1���N�RGY AS�C]�IATI�33�N�(�It�A►R�TE�� S�g�ned�.is day of�, Z���
�ath�rine J. ��bki�
Att�rn�y for T���s�r��;�r Ass�ciat�or�for 1V��,rket�rs
A�L�AN����I���AI�N� TS �ig�.�d tb►is�da��f , 2406
Siepl�.��1. ��,v�s
L.aw C�#�'ic�� of Stepk��n J. �3�vzs,P�
Att�rn���for A�l�anc�far R�ta�1 Mark�ts
. . �/
�ELIAI��'�I�T��t��.'',XI�TC_ �����d�u.� da}�a� ,2���6
Jar�a.t�a��. �e��er
� A.ssQC�a��re�era� �ou�se�
'��I7�1"��Y��� W��LESA��A1�D PaW�I� �a�n�d�h�s da��f ,��€�6
��11�p,�.N��S �
.1.►�fr�f��'C i i a �1LR�'�$
��x��or Cau.t�s�l
T�3TAL P.�2
����z����� 1�:�� 51�������a GDDD CQ P��E ��
� r . � � ��
��his � da �f . '�����
F�`I�I��T��Y TE�AS ���� �
Mark R. St�v
� �3irec�or � �
�I� Si e�th�s da}���' , ���� �
�TAFF�F T�I� PU��I��JT��Y'�'3��a�IS�I �
Jeffr�y T. Per��er
. t�rane #'�r Staff��'t�e�u��i�Utility C��mrn�ssio�.af
�t y
� T��as � `
' r��t a ose th� �ett��men�, ���1 r��t be ��r�s�der��i �
�'h.e f�����v��.g Partl�s d� ��
' �he sa�e u ose �f ac��v�r�e�.g�x�g that�h���n��
Si �.t�ri�s,but are s�gning th.�s Agr�err�e�t �or }� �
�v�d � ��1� �QY11�Yi155�,��1, r�vided �hat i�h� f�na�.
�� ��un d b� al� �f'the s���l�rr�en� t�rrn s ap�r y � -
• o� nn.�dx� t�.e ro��s��ns a�dr�ss�ng ��rl�olesa�� custvr�ner
�rder ap�r��Ln� th� s�ttl�rr��nt does n �' �
rat�s �n a mar�t�.�r t��.t�s ae�verse�o tl���ho�es�.�e custol��rs.
� � S� �d�hxs �iay o� ,����
�PS EN�R�Yr � �-----
P atriexa�na�arcia�s�obeda
�.tt�xn�y for�P S Energ�
�i ed t�is�da�r�ft___�_, ���� .
'���EL����I�� I3�I.��i'�it���M�A�Y �
�I���rd�T. �isher
S�r�ivr�ot�.nsel .
�$ 39
� �'I�AL��CUTI�]N ��PY �
E�'FICIEN�Y�'E�AS S�gn�ed this �ay of ,2��6
:_ �tl�ark R. Stover �
�, .
s�- ,
STAFF�F TI-�E�'ITI3LI�I�TILITY��IVINII�S��N �� ed this :�� da of��-� , 2��6
� �
: , �....
� . �
� :�
; Jeff�ey �nder ` .
Att�rney f�r Staff of the Pu���c�Tti�it��amm�ss��n af �
The fnX�ow��.g Par�ies d� not oppase the Set��em�n�, �vi�1 not be cans�c�ered
S�gnatar�es, but ar� �xgning�his Agreement for the so�e purpose ��acknov��edg�ng tha� the�vvi�l
be baund �y a�� o�the sett�ement terms approved �� the �ommiss�an, prov�ded that the f na�
order appraving the settZement ��es n�t mod��r t�.e prov�s�ox�s address�ng who�esa�e cust�mer
rates�r�a manx�.er that is adverse to the wh��esa�e customers.
�PS EN�R�Y S�gned�his day of ,2���
Patrxc�a Ana Garcia Escobed�
A,ttorney f�r�PS En�rg�
T�U EI.�E�TRI�DE�I�ERY��NY�ANX Signed th�s .day�f , �4��
Howa.rd V. F�sher
�u�.--��-�uu� r�uN �u��4 �r� r�� ��. �. u�
�:r��►.L'i��J r�Y���t ����7
:�{���1���:�1���:�'''���t1?��.� s��;n�d t��is d�. of , ?�o�
� �
' ►..�e���.�-�w.�w�t r�L"1•1�1 M1�.�����rr••f►•�r,���wr�r�i
�c�I`��..�Z. �#UVc�.
�..3►��`1������R��,t r������ �������,F��.. lJ����r�y�l �V��►■.���.7�V� �.i��,'�1L.r� 1�7IS �GLv C3� �.�.V��3
J �>
� r»���.wr..wr.rw..rw.wwu��.y..r. .rrrr����•�.�.v.���� -•ry•r.+rr-..
.�Gr�'r�y'�'. �'c���t���r
. ,�,fi��r���y fc��• �tt����'��tl�� I�u���� UL�Ii� C��mm�ss�c��.t�f
"['��� �c��Io�i��� Par��es dc� ��ot �pp�se t��� ���t��r�����t, r��� n�� be ��n5�d�r��
����;n���ari�s, bt�� z�-�: si�r�l�n�r this A��T��t1'1��1� �Ur t�i� S��C �Y o�� c�f a.�����o��ed�xix��� '
� � � � � t�t c�� ��]��! 1�I I��
��� ��a����� ��y ���I �F���� ��tt�lc����n� t�r���� �� ��a�ed h th� �:�rnn��ss�nri ro�v�d�d thz
� � � ? � � th� �`�nal
�z��ic:�- ���p�c�r�.��� ���� ��������t���t �.���� �o� ���odi�y t�� prov�sio�7� �c��.rc�s�n; v�hca�e�a�c �u��o�n�r
�'��t��s�n � ����������r�.���t �� ac�ver��e��tl�� wht�l�s�.l��.�s��xners.
C;,�� Y1�t{1��C,r�,.�' �i ��ned hi� '� �
� t da� o ._� �.[�fl�
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�Q�C.TrI`��T���S E���TRr� ���P�I�ATIVE,Y��. Signed th�s `� a�Qf��. .,����
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� �� fc�r�o�th�'e�as E1���ric�aoperati�e, In�.
�ITY ���' ��A1�A�D S��n�d th�s �iay af ,�4��
Lambe�h 7`�a�ns�nd
��a}rd�ias��lYr�B1����1����.el��� Ta�rnse�.�.,P.�.
A.ttarn���rs :��r��ty �f�arland
�I� ���PERATIVES,INC. Szgn�d t�.s day of , ����
B}r: .w
�a�.p�}���:�'�l��innis, �t� att�rney
11�IG�zr�n��, L-v�hri�.g��I�.�go�e, L.L.P.
�G��7.G� ���� �T��F��,���� TA:f G� �����Z����
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v t�vi�vu iu��r ttr.+�.7 rn� LLV�.�J 1��L1�J�L11V1.1 L�l�UV�
FINAL���CUTI�N�(�P�' �
S�UTH T��AS EL��TRI� C��PERA`�'I�s I11��. S��n�d th�� day af , �DO�
. Ja �amp��ll
At�orney f��r Sou�Te�as E�ectric �va�erativ�, Ync, �
C�TY �ARLANI) Signed this day�f ��0�
amb� T�v�ms�n
L���d Gasse�ink B�e�ins R�chel�e �T��rnsend,P.�.
; Att�rn�ys f�r�it�of�ar�ar�.d . .
'�'E�AS ��E�TRI� ���pERA�'I�S,�N�. ��gn�d th�s day vf �����
Campbe�� M��innis, its attorne�
Mc�innis, ��chr�dge �I�ilg�r�, L.�.P. .
��UT.���A�����TR��C��p�RATi'��,IN�. �igned th�s d��af , 2n��
, A�tarr�ey f�x�aut�Texas E�ec����oop�rativ�,I�a�.
CIT��F�- � ��gn�d t��s day of��, �40�
�.a�nb�th T��send
L���rd G�ss��ink B����.n.s�t�ch�l���Town�end,�'.�.
Atto rneys f�r C it�o f�-�-l�nd
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TE�A����TRIC������T�YE�,i��. �igned th�s�da�af ���G
�ar�pbel� c�nis, it�aitorney
Attachrnen�A-Page'1 of 4
S�ipuia�ian and Agreemen�-Dk�s 3�a�3 an�3�4'�5
�L,ASS Ty�ae �f Charge Charge Type Char�e .
RESIDENTIAL �us�amer p�r cusfom�r $�.�4 .
� M�fering p�r cus#om�r $�.7�
Transmiss�art ��r kVl�h $4,Ufl534�
D�s�r�bu�ion per k�il�h $�.p�7��.8
S�C�NQARY=��'i 4 K�a �us��mer per eustome�- $�.�4
�Sma�l� Me�ertng per custor-r�er $1.�'4
� Transmission per k�f1�h $�.0�3945
- Dis�r��u�ian �er k�!!�h $�.�1�84�
SEG[]N�ARY�'��K�a �usfomer:
�Large} �tand�rd per custamer $5.�7 ;
� Sub��lass Exce�tian per custamer $�.��
��N�IDR �5�andard} per cus�orr�er $3�,8�
N�N�-IDR �Sub-Class Ex�ep�ion� per cus�omer $'i?'.Q�'
�DR per�us�amer $'�'�6,89
N���#DR p�r NCP �C�a $'�.'�02?
�DR per 4 C�' Kva �'�.47�9
Dis�ri�ut�on per R��l�ng K�a $3.'[�440� �
PRIMARY Cus�omer:
�tandard per cus�omer $�'f 3.�fl
�ub--��ass E�cep��vn p�r custamer $Q.QQ
�e�er�ng: � :
N�N-�[3R �S�andard} per custamer $31.6G
h��N--�C�R �Sub-��ass E��ep#ian� per customer $1�.97
1 DR p�r cust�m�r $�1�.'I? �
h�C�N�IDR per N�P �C�a $�.514 �
�C�R �er 4 �P K�ra $1.5��
D�stribu�ion �er gil�ing KWa $�.J'[9��5
T�ANS�UI�551�N �us�amer per cus�amer $ �,'�?A�.'�5 :
N�e�ering p�r cus��mer $ 1�9.5� .
Transmission per 4 �F� i�va $ �.476
� Distri bu�ion per 4 �P �C�ra $ �.3���3�
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