HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2006-08-21 Special 8/21/06 2536
AUGUST 21, 2006 )(
Mayor Smith called the Special Meeting to order at 4:30 pm.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.072—Deliberation regarding Real Property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker presented the FY2006-007 Budget, proposed revenues for all funds,
property taxes, property value comparison, General Fund revenues, grants, General Fund, General Fund
balance, reserve fund options, General Fund expenditures, comparison of General Fund operations,
changes to the proposed budget ($30,000 for property tax refunds - General Fund) ($21,611 in
Stevenson Park pool pump and filter systems), water and sewer revenues, water and sewer
expenditures, department supplemental requests, reviewed calendar for public hearings for tax and
budget scheduled tentatively for September 11 and 18 and for adoption of budget scheduled for
September 25, 2006.
A lengthy questions and answer session was held following with Council suggesting that lists of questions
be sent to the Acting City Manager to be addressed in public forum, need to be reasonable in questions
for Staff and be careful of their time in this preparation, need to concentrate on this specific budget and
then save research time and effort for big pictures, questions can be sent to Acting City Manager but that
answers are to be made in public, a budget work session needs to be scheduled as soon as possible for
Staff to gather information as requested, questions regarding supplementary requests will be answered at
next meeting.
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The invocation was given by Senior Pastor Jim Bass with Friendswood United Methodist Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of
the City of Friendswood Appendix C, to allow certain special exceptions for gas stations located within the
Original Business District (OBD).
No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland closed this Joint
Docketed Public Hearing.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order,
to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding the release of .1481 acre of right-of-
way and utility easement located in the Mary Sloan Survey Subdivision, Abstract-184, Tract 2,
Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas.
No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
Jerry Jobe, Sunmeadow, asked for clarification regarding property ownership, believes it is owned by Dr.
Smith, Staff will review and confirm prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Chairman Holland closed this Joint
Docketed Public Hearing.
Discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding Downtown Zoning District with
City Planner Diana Steelquist providing background on work that had been done by the Main Street
Zoning Committee.
Mayor Smith stated Council recognized the invaluable work that was being done, procedurally changed
the appointment to the Downtown Revitalization Committee, by renaming the committee, clarified the
charge of the committee, only working on zoning, not facades, not going to impose any more restrictions,
the work that the prior committee did was excellent, need to make it less restrictive, let property owners
move forward as long as they are in compliance with regulations, does not want to have identical
buildings, if want to build a 10 story building and meets regulations, let them, would favor some
restrictions in order to protect the property owners that are in place, let developers build if consistent with
regulations to allow redevelopment in the downtown corridor, believes the Council, Planning and Zoning
Commission (P&Z) and this committee should do everything they can to revitalize this area, make a place
that citizens can live, work and play, also what happened to proposed board that would office in this area,
was not funded by prior Council, remove the non-conforming language for this downtown area, would like
to see the continuation of this work that would address the small lots, possibly a downtown zone that
would allow those downtown lots to develop on their own, healthy discussions in the long run will benefit
citizens. P&Z Chairman Holland stated that David Brakebill from the Main Street Zoning Committee does
not want to continue on the new committee. Discussed placing this item on a future agenda for
appointing a replacement, asked how Council wanted to handle this, asked the P&Z Chairman to make a
recommendation. Discussed the amount of land in downtown area, make more user friendly, do not
impede progress, but have some guidelines, Tony Banfield is building a small model that would serve as
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an example. P&Z Commissioner Sherry Weesner spoke about downtown zone, properties could change
to this zone at one time, proposed holding one Public Hearing and the City absorb the cost to rezone
these properties, do this proactively, ask property owners to opt-in, all property should be rezoned
proactively, should not be more restrictive than it is zoned now, some existing zones allow special zoning
for special types of development. Councilmember Peden does not support a Main Street Board, does
believe the City should invest in the zoning process in this area such as sidewalks, burying cables,
streetlights, not be too aggressive in other things, gave example of Webster downtown revitalization on
Nasa Road 1, continue to work on strengths and common thread, thanked the Main Street Zoning
Committee for hours and hours spent on this project.
Deryl Tumlinson with CenterPoint Energy requested to speak regarding the installation practices of
CenterPoint Energy, stated he lives in Angleton, Texas, spoke on service standards, agreement with the
City to inspect lines within the City, area that is regulated by CenterPoint Energy, underground service
laterals are not marked by CenterPoint, once it is on private property can have electrician do, CenterPoint
Energy lines are no more than 10 feet from houses.
Eugene Hammett, 1504 Bougainvilla, addressed Council and stated that he had requested to speak
regarding the electrical inspection of underground conductors, stated he is the only master electrician in
Friendswood, stated the problem with the underground line has been solved with an easement from the
property owners, offered his assistance to the Inspection Department for future electrical code issues,
and thanked the Mayor and the City of Friendswood. Councilmember Peden stated he had led the
charge to allow for a 90 day permit, Mr. Hammett led him to believe there was grave danger, Mr.
Hammett showed pictures of the lines that were not a hazard, Mr. Hammett stated he had lines re-routed
by his electricians to get off the deck. Councilmember Ewing stated some of the neighbors said that the
pictures were true of how the cable was laid, came out in the paper that the City would not allow and that
the property owner's grandchildren were in danger, this was not a fact, and appreciates what Staff did.
Mr. Hammett stated the cable was moved up against the fence for safety purposes, stated there is no
code where that wire should be run, moved location to save beautiful oak trees and swimming pools, if
thought that this was going to cause such havoc, would never have laid the line. Councilmember Peden
stated he finds this disconcerting, when it was brought to his attention he thought it was a very dire
situation and that children were in danger, feels that he was misled, stated the statements made were
damaging to Staff, disappointed that this occurred, expected more from Mr. Hammett. Mayor Smith
stated he thinks this is misdirected, it is not an electrical code issue, it is a property issue, it is an
ownership issue, it is an easement issue, hopes that next time that this will be used, that is why the City
did not issue the permit, does not disagree with Councilmember Peden,just got misdirected, CenterPoint
Energy does not mark service lines, it is the individual owners' responsibility, that proved to him that a
recorded easement is paramount. Mr. Hammett stated all the property owners were in agreement, had a
signed agreement, had no idea that the City was not going to approve this, Mayor Smith stated this
agreement was not what was needed, needed an easement, Councilmember Ewing stated the standard
is that if the property is in the Harris County side of Friendswood then the City inspects, and if on the
Galveston County side the electrical company will inspect, Mayor Smith stated he thinks Council has
learned from this.
Brett Nichols, 208 E. Castleharbour, addressed Council and stated he is the General Manager of the
Friendswood Country Club and front man on the proposed development of the River Oaks subdivision,
provided an historical background of previous plans regarding development, is at the point of determining
where to go, included community benefits, looking for direction, if the benefits identified would be of
consideration for a utility district of $12 million dollars, commercial about 12 acres and 100 acres of
residential and 120 acres of golf course, this district would be similar to the West Ranch District.
Councilmember Peden stated the comparison to West Ranch is hard to equate to proposed development.
Mayor Smith stated it is paramount that whatever else happens to not build on the golf course, creates
jeopardy to the rest of the development, suggested it is the responsibility of this Council to determine for
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the City how best to protect citizens, Millennium Development wants $12 million, asked what is in it for the
City, looking for justification, looking for comparing apples to apples, interested in added value, what will
bring in extra value. Councilmember Ewing stated the City's expense for each home, for 160 thousand
home outlay is far greater to provide utilities, Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) already includes some of
the things that the City is proposing to do, received two letters from Homeowners Association (HOA)
Presidents from Sunmeadow and Windsor Subdivisions sharing concerns, is a strong supporter of the
golf course remaining, if built it would decrease green space, believes there is a threat from the two
proposals, either approve the utility district or the golf course goes away. Councilmember LeCour stated
he thinks the golf course is very important, if losing money, can renovate course and possibly build a golf
club, $12 million would be bonds sold and charged to new homes, the utility district funds would go to
manage the golf course. Brett Nichols stated it is cost prohibitive to retrofit and has looked at this. Mayor
Smith stated if the municipality took over the district it would assume all assets and all debts, not being
discouraging just giving input to help, very little land left to build on, would suggest that the owner Ray
Tiedge look how to maximize the development, would suggest do additional work and bring back to
Council. Councilmember Measeles stated he is in favor of the golf course as well, has added to the
property value of property owners in Sunmeadow, the neighbors in the next subdivision are concerned
with drainage, not sure how that green space works, look at the commercial development which brings a
greater equation. Councilmember Peden stated he is not against management district just the value,
concerned with traffic issues, possibly look at 55 years and over-development, would not impact the
schools, overriding point is to keep the golf course and not place undue burdens on citizens or schools,
need some kind of guarantee that the golf course will not go away, room for positive change. Mayor
Smith stated everyone has listened tonight, would recommend getting with Staff and City Manager and
Council at a future workshop in the near future.
**Councilmember Peden moved to move action on Item 12C to next on the agenda, Ordinance No.
T2006-21, First and final reading of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Friendswood, Texas,
Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue and Refunding Bonds.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Peden moved to approve the First and final reading of Ordinance T2006-21, an
Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Friendswood, Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System
Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2006; authorizing the redemption prior to maturity of certain
outstanding bonds; authorizing the advance refunding of certain outstanding bonds and the execution and
delivery of an escrow agreement and the subscription for and purchase of certain escrowed securities.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
Faye Roberson, 422 W. Castleharbour, addressed Council and stated she is a homeowner from
Sunmeadow, referenced a letter from the City dated April 6, 2006, asked for clarification, asked why Brett
Nichols was here tonight, nothing changed, addressed Millennium's request for a Municipal Utility District
(MUD), will greatly impact the west side of the subdivision, drainage issues, asking for golf course to
remain the same, the concrete density will increase drainage problems, the narrow streets cannot handle
additional traffic, six adjoining neighborhoods would not benefit at all and are concerned, residents are
wary of promises, Millennium Development has tried a MUD in League City in 2001 and was turned
down, was party to a lawsuit in Pine Hollow Subdivision because they flooded houses built due to
inadequate drainage, traffic in the area is increasing from churches, Windsong School, six subdivisions,
Brittany Bay, Manning property, and from future development of commercial property in front of Lakes of
Friendswood, last time brought to Council was voted 7-0 against them, has worked with a lot of different
entities regarding development, United States Army Corps of Engineers looked at wetlands and said
developer needs to contact them before they do any work, showed pictures of flooding in Sunmeadow
that the City has already fixed, if Millennium Development stated they want to help Sunmeadow, must
have been out to lunch for eight years, this plan has not been changed, the only difference is asking for
MUD, appreciates Council crunching numbers, did a good job tonight. Councilmember LeCour asked
Faye what her recommendation was, keeping golf course as is, leave existing holes as is, not allow the
density as proposed, no problem with building on this property.
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Victor DeAlmeida, 2864 Love Lane in Windsor Estates, addressed Council and stated he lived in Alvin
and saw the same thing happen, built lower income homes and everything went downhill from there,
wonderful living in Friendswood, only problem with water, which the City has almost fixed, what is being
proposed will create the same problem, City made good decisions for handling drainage, if develop
density as planned, drainage will be greatly impacted, traffic has already been a problem in that area,
development will impact traffic greatly, concerned with property values, could developer consider more
expensive homes and be a true River Oaks, hope City Council stands firm, some area cities are not firm,
do not lower standards.
Jaclyn Burket, 424 Gleneagles, addressed Council and stated she is the President of Sunmeadow HOA,
new officer for Sunmeadow Homeowners Association, trying to keep communication open between the
City, Developer and Sunmeadow, wants to keep the golf course, concerned with traffic and drainage,
wants to keep communications open.
AI Kelly, 322 Gleneagles, addressed Council and stated he is a resident of Sunmeadow, very encouraged
about information heard here together, sees a great effort to work together, golf course has tremendous
value as open space, Clear Lake City used to have a golf course running through that City, it is a failed
course, the Sunmeadow course keepers have done a lot better than that in the last three years,
communication needs to be kept open and work together to save that golf course, Councilmember Hill
stated should work together with some solutions, golf course was not built well and it takes a lot of money
for upkeep, Councilmember LeCour asked Community Development Director Dan Johnson if the
developer has to provide a drainage and traffic plan, Dan Johnson stated any subdivision has to account
for street, drainage, traffic, and sewer for development.
Jim Martin, 1307 Wilderness Pines, addressed Council and stated the lighting of Field #36 at Centennial
Park is a quality of life issue, urged Council to vote to award that bid, cost of copper has increased,
Friendswood Soccer Club has voted to fund a portion of the lighting.
Dr. David Montz, 1808 Streamside Drive, addressed Council and stated he is the President of
Friendswood Soccer Club, spoke in support to urge to get this one field lit to let more kids play soccer and
the contribution of $40,000 toward that lighting project, have a lot of kids playing on the fields, all at
capacity, one more field should help for a while, urged Council to award this bid. Mayor Smith stated this
is a very generous offer, asked if will deplete the club's treasury, with Dr. Montz stating no, they spend
about $45,000 annually for maintenance, do a lot around the City in the soccer field playing fields.
Councilmember Horecky stated other fields at Centennial Park are lit, cannot use those because of other
use. Councilmember Peden stated last time came before Council and Staff recommended reject, now
this bid came back higher, some of the other parks are maintained by users, asked if the Soccer club
maintains. Community Services Director Jon Branson stated if the City wanted to maintain it would take
two full-time groundskeepers at Centennial Park, City mows Friendswood Sports Park, mows other parks
every other week, Centennial Park is the only park built with bond money, Dr. Montz stated he is
concerned with money that the City pays in maintenance, provide the $45,000 to help to defray this cost,
really need this, 36 teams practice and play out there.
Shannon Kimmel, #1 Falling Leaf Court, addressed Council and brought up historical facts regarding past
Council actions regarding parks and why the City should vote for lighting at Centennial Park, take money
from user groups to provide for parks in working together to provide greater parks, funds from soccer club
to help with this lighting, if going to build facilities, let us use them, two concession stands were not open
at Centennial Park last weekend for a tournament and the restrooms are not open at times, does not
know why the Evelyn B. Newman amphitheatre at Centennial Park was built, asked what it is to be used
for, 36 teams practice twice a week. Councilmember Hill stated he does not know of any communication
with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) for use of retention pond by soccer club.
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Acting City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the Crime Stoppers Reward. The City of Friendswood
and Crime Stoppers of Houston have combined to offer a reward of up to $7,500 for information leading
to the arrest and charging of suspect(s) in the case of last month's vandalism at Centennial Park. Of this
$7,500, $2,500 has been put up by the City of Friendswood, and the rest has been provided by Crime
Stoppers of Houston who will determine how much of their $5,000 to award once the information has
been provided. As of today, this reward offer has been advertised on the City's web site and PEG TV
channel, as well as being mentioned in the Friendswood Reporter News, Friendswood Journal, Houston
Chronicle, Galveston County Daily News, and the Guidry News Service. In addition, flyers have been
posted in both Friendswood high schools and all Friendswood junior high schools. The anonymity of any
informants is still emphasized as this search continues, and anyone with information is encouraged to call
Crime Stoppers of Houston at 713-222-TIPS (8477).
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the Comcast buyout/replacement of Time Warner. A
few weeks ago, it was announced that Comcast Corporation will be replacing Time Warner early next
year in the Houston cable market. This transaction is not expected to be complete before the first few
months of 2007. Until then, Time Warner customers are expected to continue with their current service
and the City is told by Time Warner representatives that Time Warner and Comcast are very similar in the
provision of their services. However, it is unknown at this time what changes current Time Warner
customers may see in their bills or services with this transition. Currently, there are approximately 6,850
Time Warner Cable customers in Friendswood. This makes up a little more than half of all Friendswood
households that subscribe to Time Warner. The City does not anticipate that this change will at all impact
the substance of the franchise agreement with Time Warner, which is currently set to expire on December
31, 2009. Staff has been in contact with Time Warner representatives since the announcement, and the
City expects that Comcast will agree to the terms of the City's Municipal Franchise Agreement until this
franchise's expiration date, at which time the City will be in a position to renegotiate a franchise with the
cable television provider. Staff will continue to monitor this and all franchises that the City of Friendswood
has with utility providers.
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the drainage improvements at FM 2351 and FM 518.
Some of Council may have noticed the construction that is taking place at FM 518 and FM 2351. Texas
Department of Transportation has been working at this intersection since Monday, August 14. Crews are
currently making drainage improvements to this area by converting sections of the open ditches that lead
up to FM 518 into closed culverts in order to improve the flow of water under FM 518. This work has
been scheduled to take approximately two weeks, so work should be completed on or around Monday,
August 28, 2006. The traffic flow is expected to be largely unaffected by this construction.
**Councilmember Horecky moved to limit the use of the Consent Agenda in this body to items of a routine
nature, and having a potential monetary value of less than $15,000.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
***Councilmember Peden moved to amend the Rules of Procedure Resolution to reflect the main motion
Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion to amend was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Ewing and
Measeles opposed.
****The main motion, as amended, was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Measeles opposed.
**Councilmember Peden moved that Council designate the City Manager as the designee for the Public
Education/Government Access (PEG) Channel Policy.
Seconded by Councilmember Horecky. The motion was approved unanimously.
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No action was taken regarding the recruitment of a City Manager. Some members of Council expressed
concerns regarding the time frame for the publication of the ad and the proposed interview schedule.
Council stated they want to see all resumes as soon as possible, which will be in the reading file.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve Resolution R2006-24— a Resolution adopting a Design Criteria Manual
for the City of Friendswood, Texas; containing standards for the design, construction and installation of
public infrastructure and related facilities and improvements within the city; and repealing City of
Friendswood Resolution No. R2005-05, passed and resolved on the 17th day of January 2005, and all
other resolutions or parts of resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles.
***Councilmember Horecky moved to amend the Design Criteria Manuel, Section V, 1.04, Item G. "Storm
Water Detention," Item 6, "Off-Site Detention" to include the wording, "It is the desire of the City that
regional detention be utilized when available. If new development is within the service area of a publicly
owned or operated regional storm water detention facility, connection into such regional facility shall be as
required by the drainage master plan applicable to such regional facility."
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion to amend was approved unanimously.
****Mayor Smith moved to move to table Resolution R2006-24.
Seconded by Councilmember Peden. The motion to table was approved unanimously.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the Second and final reading of Ordinance No. T2006-19, an Ordinance
finding and determining that public convenience and necessity no longer require the continued existence
of that certain public utility easement located over and across, and adjacent to the rear property lines of,
Lots 1-13, Block 1, Lots 1-13, Block 2, and Lots 19-27, Block 2, Friendswood Lakes Garden Home
Subdivision, as recorded at Vol. 18, Page 1264, File GAC 2002002395, of the map records of Galveston
County, Texas; and providing for the vacation and abandonment of such public utility easement.
Seconded by Councilmember Peden. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the First and final reading of Ordinance No. T2006-20, an Ordinance
known as "Budget Amendment II", amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2005-27,
passed and approved October 3, 2005 and being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General
Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006; providing amendments to such budget; and providing other matters
related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Hill and
Horecky opposed.
**The First and final reading of Ordinance No. T2006-21 was approved earlier in the meeting.
Councilmember Measeles reported on the Texas Municipal League (TML) Region 14 Annual Meeting
held last weekend, new officers were elected, there was a speaker on Hurricane related issues, City of
Seabrook had four Resolutions to send to TML on Homeland Security for Port operations and eminent
domain that were passed.
Councilmember Ewing reported on the TML Region 14 Annual Meeting and building relationships with
other cities, some of the topics discussed were planning for budgets and using CPI for planning purposes,
and the October TML annual session and one item will be a session on eminent domain.
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Mayor Pro-Tem Peden reported on the rezoning of 3.2895 acres of the Forestwood Subdivision off of
Friendswood Link Rd., spoke on Council lack of action, felt that it was a disservice to the applicant to
either pass or fail, applicant needs to know why it was not supported, could not discuss because no
motion was made.
Counciimember Horecky asked if Council could have had made a motion for discussion, City Attorney
John Olson answered better practice to vote on issues.
Mayor Smith stated the density is too high, concerned with traffic due to the expansion to Friendswood
Link with EI Dorado, feels it is best to use medium density use, stated it may be best use for a small
shopping center.
Councilmember LeCour stated it is too dense and out of character for Friendswood.
Councilmember Hill stated he would honor area residents' concerns.
Councilmember Horecky stated the comments were overwhelming in opposition of development and
would hope that highest, and best use is used for this property.
Councilmember Measeles stated he agrees with what has been said, remembers history of that property
and rezoning requests over the years, and stated there are tough spots for rezonings.
Councilmember Ewing reminded everyone of the August 30th Clear Lake Estuary meeting.
*"Mayor Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Item A -
Award of Bid No. 2006-11 for the Lighting of Field #36 at Centennial Park and authorize the Mayor to
execute the contract. B. Authorize Council to invoke Rule 1 (A) of the Rules of Procedure to schedule the
regular September Council meetings for September 11 and 25 due to the Labor Day holiday. C.
Authorize the Mayor to execute the State and Local Task Force Agreement with the U.S. Department of
Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration. D. Approval of the July, 2006 Property Tax Report. E.
Approve Minutes of August 7, 2006 Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
'`**Mayor Smith moved to approve Item A - Award of Bid No. 2006-11 for the Lighting of Field #36 at
Centennial Park and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 11:27 PM.
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Deloris McKenzie, TR C
City Secretary
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