HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2006-04-17 Regular 4/17/06 2467
APRIL 17, 2006 )(
Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.074— Personnel Matters— (Evaluation of City Secretary).
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Pastor David Bridges with Friendswood Friends Church.
Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Brizendine presented a Proclamation to Sharon Parks, CPS, Administrative Secretary of the City
Secretary's Office, Toni Yeager, CPS, Executive Secretary and Carrie Jones, Administrative Secretary of
the City Manager's Office, recognizing Administrative Professionals Week as April 23-29, 2006.
Mayor Brizendine Recognized the Junior Girl Scout Troup 332 members that were in attendance.
Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing
to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a Zone
Classification change for a tract of land containing 3.283 acres, being out of Lots 57 and 58 of the
subdivision of Section 22 of the I. & G.N.R.R. Company Survey, property located at southeast corner
Moore and Mandale Roads, Galveston County, Texas, from Specific Use Permit-Oil Well (SUP-Oil Well)
to Single-Family Residential (SFR).
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Janis Lowe, 401 Forest Pines Court, spoke in favor of the request, representing the owners.
No one spoke in opposition.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland closed
this Joint Docketed Public Hearing.
Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing
to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request to amend the
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, amending Section 8, M — Commercial activities and
outdoor sales for temporary structures.
City Planner Diana Steelquist presented the Staff's recommendation for clarification.
No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland closed
this Joint Docketed Public Hearing.
Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing
to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a Zone
Classification change for a tract of land containing 2.398 acres, being out of Lots 5-1 and 502, Block 11 of
Friendswood Subdivision, situated in the Sarah McKissick League, property located at the end of Quaker
Bend Drive, Galveston County, Texas from Single-Family Residential (SFR) to Planned Unit
Development/Specific Use Permit- Residential (PUD/SUP - Residential).
Lisa Walker, Forest Pines Court, stated she is the owner of the property and spoke in favor of the change.
Rachel Suarez, 1012 Quaker Bend, plan does not address drainage for lot 2, building structure 10 feet
from the road, asked for clarification, is not necessarily opposed.
Kenton Harris, Whispering Pines, concerning about drainage, but is not necessarily opposed.
Denny Holt, 1010 Quaker Bend, stated he lives across from the property, asked about the drainage pond,
asked if trees being torn down, site plan and structure has to be a part of the original plan or have to
come back to Planning and Zoning to change, is the only residential PUD in the City, was on zoning
commission when first PUD was granted, taking to Zoning Board of Adjustments, will be costly both to the
City and to the owners, mostly to the owners.
Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Chair Kevin Holland closed
this Joint Docketed Public Hearing.
Troy Hopkins, 2605 N Mission Circle, stated he is a candidate for Council Position 4, he moved to
Friendswood with his wife and two children, is active in the community, has been in politics, is an
independent candidate, wants to be a voice for the citizens.
Donald R. Beeth, 5303 Whittier Oaks, addressed Council and stated he lives and has lived continuously
at 5303 Whittier Oaks Drive in Friendswood, Texas for over thirty years, appears before Council to
publicly bring to attention serious violations of the ethics provisions of the City Charter by Mayor Pro-Tem
David Smith, and for which violations the City Charter requires that Mr. Smith immediately forfeit his seat
on the City Council and is ineligible for City office for a period of four years. Moreover, Community and
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Economic Development Committee member Dr. Rebecca Hillenburg also participated in Mr. Smith's
violation and for which violation the City Charter also requires the same sanctions. Tonight, he is calling
for this body to remove both individuals from their offices, stated he is sure the Council is well acquainted
with the ethics provisions of the City Charter, inasmuch as the City ethics code has been a major
continuing topic considered by the Council for at least the last year. As evidence of the intensity of
Council's attention to ethics, a search of the electronic agenda for the past year returns at least 35
containing the word ethics. Called to attention to the following passages from the City Charter, which as
with any Charter provision was put there by a vote of the public in an election. City Charter Sec 4.06
entitled "Personnel" contains the following two sentences: "Except to the extent authorized by state or
federal law in conflict herewith, no appointive officer or employee of the City shall make a contribution to
the campaign fund of any person seeking election to a City office or to any political party supporting a
candidate for election to a City office, nor shall he/she be solicited for this purpose, but his/her right to
express an opinion or to cast a vote as a citizen shall not be limited." "Any person who either by
himself/herself or with others willfully violates any provision of this section shall be ineligible for
appointment or election to a positive in the City for a period of four years, and if he/she is an officer or
employee of the city he/she shall immediately forfeit the office or position he holds. Mr. Beeth stated Mr.
Smith's April 13 Campaign Contribution Report stated he received a $200 campaign contribution on
March 8, 2006 from Dr. Rebecca Hillenburg, who was then and is now serving a term on the Community
Economic& Development Committee, stated the date of the contribution is astounding due to the fact that
the Council spent over two hours discussing the Ordinance on March 6, 2006, stated Mayor Pro-Tem
Smith violated the Charter he debated only two days before. Since March 6, 2006, Council has had an
additional workshop discussion on March 20, 2006 and passed the amended ordinance on April 3, 2006.
Inasmuch as this same campaign report shows that Mr. Smith's expenses have exceeded his
contributions, it must be assumed that he accepted this contribution, deposited it, and spent it. By his
acceptance, deposit, and expenditure of this check, Mr. Smith became a willing participant in violating the
Charter provisions and has thereby forfeited his Council position and is ineligible for public office, stated
this not the first time Mr. Smith has violated provisions of the City Charter, and further stated he is
seriously involved in the Goza, Horecky, Sharp, and Hill campaigns. However, tonight I speak only for my
self and not for any candidate.
Mayor Brizendine stated Council is calling a Special Meeting on Monday, April 24, 2006, for the City
Attorney to investigate charges and report back to Council and to authorize a second opinion.
Dan Illerich, 2876 Love Lane, remarks to Ron Cox, thanks for a job well done, personal thanks, Ron has
done well for the City of Friendswood, with guidance from several City Councils, he has put the City in a
good fiscal position, leaving this City in a better financial operation, thanked forjob during Tropical Storm
Allison, personally wish God Speed, good luck and thanks forjob did for Friendswood.
Penelope Burke, 613 Penny Lane, seconded everything said by Dan Illerich, met Ron the night he was
hired, one of the most professional people she ever met, commented on statements made by Don Beeth,
stated she resents Mr. Beeth's comments, asked the City to write letter for an Attorney General opinion if
a volunteer, and unpaid citizen can support candidates and make contributions and asked for a letter to
be sent to her.
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee Chair Sharon Richardson presented a report and acknowledged
Christine Schaffner and the Senior Advisory Board.
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Galveston County Economic Alliance President Don Gartman presented a report.
A question and answer session was held regarding what the City could do better, any strengths or
City Manager Ron Cox reported on the meeting with Clear Creek Corps Project Sponsors. As you know,
Staff has been meeting regularly with representatives of the City of Pearland, Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District and Brazoria Drainage District #4 since Tropical Storm Allison to monitor
the progress of the General Re-evaluation and Review (GRR) of the Clear Creek Flood Control Project
(Corps Project) and to stimulate awareness and activity for any drainage improvements in the watershed.
In that time, the group has met with Congressmen Delay and Lampson and with the Corps of Engineers
on three occasions. The group has also sponsored the development of a DVD that graphically simulates
a 100-year flood throughout the watershed (this was developed using LIDAR technology with Tropical
Storm Allison study data). On Wednesday, April 12, the group, that can loosely be called a consortium,
met with the sponsors of the Corps Project. The sponsors are Harris County, through Harris County
Flood Control District, Brazoria County, through Brazoria County Drainage District #4, and Galveston
County. Representatives of these entities met with representatives of the two cities and two drainage
districts. Because a majority of inembers of the two drainage districts were present, both districts posted
notice. There were two members of the general public as well as the local newspaper present. The
purpose of the meeting was to ask the sponsors to review the status of the Corps Project from their
perspective, determine how they propose to meet the additional needs for improvements to the
watershed that will not be funded by the Corps Project, and gain an understanding of what is next. Status
of the project - The sponsors reported they have met with the Corps of Engineers on more than one
occasion since the National Economic Development (NED) Plan alternatives were released. You recall
these alternatives provided very little improvement within Friendswood. We learned that since its release,
the NED alternatives have changed. The clearing and desnagging work projected within the City has now
been eliminated from the project because the mitigation required under the federal project would be too
expensive. The Corps however, has begun, in the alternative, to program in the detention ponds that
were originally not a part of the project. Although not yet finally determined, it appears the project's
overall cost/benefit ratio has improved with the inclusion of the detention. When Dannenbaum
Engineering presented their findings from the proposed alternatives, detention upstream of Friendswood
was found to be very beneficial by potentially lowering the flood elevations as much as 1.5 feet, a
significant reduction for this project. Non-federally funded components - Clearing and desnagging, high-
water bypasses and an increase in the 1-45 bridge elevation at Clear Creek remain very important
components for Friendswood. The sponsors have clearly heard the City's recommendation on this
matter, and are considering those aspects of the project as separate components that would be
sponsored and funded locally - either by the sponsors or combinations of funding sources. These would
not likely be funded through the Corps Project. There is no budget yet for any of these items, except the
clearing and desnagging, but the sponsors are committed to working on these as components of a local
plan, along with the actual Corps Project itself. This effectively combines the federal plan with a local
plan for a total project plan. Current project timeline - The timing, as usual, is longer than anyone would
like. It is expected the latest NED alternative will be completed in the next two months. Once completed,
it will then be submitted to the Corps and subjected to a public hearing process that will culminate in an
approval no earlier than 2007. Funding for the Corps Project itself, using that timeline, will not be
available until 2009 with construction beginning no earlier than 2010. In the meantime, there is work that
will be done. The Clear Creek Steering Committee, with the approval of the three sponsors, will begin
and complete the Flood Plain Management Plan (FPMP). This Plan is required and must be approved
before any federal funds can be spent in the watershed. The pre-planning for that Plan has been
completed and it is ready to begin. It will begin when the NED alternative is completed in two months.
Completion of the FPMP is expected in 18 months, now projected for sometime in 2008. It is through the
development of the FPMP that the components and non-federally funded projects listed above will be
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better detailed and developed. The meeting ended on a commitment by each of the sponsors to
earnestly find and work toward the funding of projects that will help drainage problems in the watershed
consistent with objectives of the Corps Project, and they pledged to continue to work with all the entities,
including ours, up and down the watershed.
Mayor Brizendine recognized Susan Cox for her years of sharing Ron with the City of Friendswood and
for her years of support.
Acting City Manager Roger Roecker reported on rolling power outages. Roger addressed, filling in for the
best City Manager in the State of Texas, Ron's ethics and will be greatly missed by all City employees
and thanked Council for the honor of serving as Acting City Manager in this interim period.
City Manager Ron Cox reported on Corps sponsors meeting held last week, report on the National
Economic Development (NED) Plan report, some of that report was not satisfactory to Council and asked
to have Dannenbaum Engineering review that report, learned that the NED report has changed some,
desnagging was removed from the NED plan because there was going to be $51 million of mitigation
work that was only worth about a million dollars in the project, the cost/benefit ratio from the Corps's
perspective became cost prohibitive and they changed the project, instead they have begun to look at the
detention alternatives, even though some components have been removed from the federal project and
even though there are components of an overall project that would not be funded by the federal
government, the sponsors have committed, within reason and their financial capabilities, of adding some
non-federal locally sponsored projects to an overall Clear Creek project, therein lies the opportunity to
reengage the clearing and desnagging part of the project, the project will not begin soon, has been
studied over 50 years, committee continuing working on 50 year flood plain management plan, expect to
be finished in 18 months.
City Manager Ron Cox thanked the Mayor for acknowledging his wife Susan, stated he likes to take time
to study things before making a recommendation or decision, spent about a year to decide what to do
with their lives, studied Susan about three months before deciding to marry her 6 months after the day
they met, this is the only exception, thanked Dan Illerich and Penny Burke for their comments, This marks
his last report to Council as City Manager of the City of Friendswood. His first report was in November
1990. Although he has been chastised (mostly jokingly) about reporting too long, or even preaching, he
has striven to provide reports that were relevant to the City Council and informative to the public. He
hopes that has been the case. At the risk of being repetitive of some of the things that he has said or
written since announcing his resignation, he wants to take this opportunity to make a few comments as he
leaves the service of this city. He is not naive enough to believe that all the statements and decisions he
has made have been agreed with totally or even always correct. What he hopes everyone can agree with
and attest to, is that what he has said and done has been with the intent of being honest and forthright,
and that the time he has spent serving this city has been productive, professional, trustworthy and with
integrity. He is not one to dwell on the negative, so he won't. What he does dwell on is the good that has
been accomplished. He remembers most vividly, the first-ever Council planning retreat, the setting of
goals and objectives for Staff to implement. He also remembers the development of the City's Vision
Statement, Council's Beliefs and Expectations, the creation of Vision 2020 and the facing head-on of
many hard decisions affecting the welfare of this community. His memories also include the renovation of
a building for a new and expanded library, the renovation of the old library for an activities center to house
a new senior citizens program, the construction of a new city hall, and now the construction of a new
public safety facility. He remembers the purchase of additional surface water capacity, construction of a
second surface water distribution system, construction of a new elevated storage facility and waterlines to
meet the demands of a growing city. He remembers the purchase of the Friendswood Sportspark for girls
softball, the complete rebuild of the bleachers, fences, lighting and even some fields at Renwick Park, the
expansion of tennis facilities through a joint use agreement with Friendswood Independent School District
(FISD), the completion of a master improvement plan at Stevenson Park including the pavilion and
walking trail, and the purchase, construction, and near completion of Centennial Park with all its fine
facilities. He remembers many, many employees and staff whom he has worked with. The senior Staff
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has been especially important to him, working together, as a team to meet the demands of a growing
community, professionally and efficiently. He has grown considerably from his association with them, and
hopes they have learned something in the process. He remembers the Mayor and Council Members who
hired him in 1990: Mayor Paul Schrader and Council Members Bob Wicklander, Ron Ritter, Evelyn
Newman, Ed Stuart, Harold Raley and Frank Frankovich. These people took a chance with a guy who
grew up in Oklahoma and cut his City Manager teeth in the piney woods and oil fields of East Texas. He
remembers the other three Mayors, Evelyn Newman, Harold Whitaker and Kim Brizendine and the 16
Council Members who have been elected since then, including everyone's favorite, Tom Manison. We
may not have agreed with all their decisions, but he can attest that they all had and have these things in
common — they loved Friendswood, they wanted what is best for Friendswood, and they worked hard to
do good for Friendswood. The Mayor and Council sitting at the dais today are no different. You must
share these same values. And, so, he is sure, do the candidates sitting in the audience. If you cannot
pass this test of love and dedication, in his view, you should not serve. So, his challenge to all of you,
and his prayer for all of you, is to sacrificially and humbly keep the interests of this City and its citizens
first in your hearts. Stay focused on what you think is right. Remain prayerful in everything you do, and
act in accordance with God's will for you and for this community. He cannot reflect on events in
Friendswood without remembering the prayer by Loren Wood at the dedication of this City Hall in 1995.
Among other things he prayed, "May the decisions made in this City Hall be bathed in integrity, honesty
and truth." That prayer was and remains today profoundly relevant. And that is his prayer now for you
and for future City Councils elected to serve and lead this fine city. Thanks to his wife Susan and two
children, Emily and Tim, for supporting him and loving him unconditionally in spite of his crazy need to
work in such a public environment, so often fraught with frustration and criticism. They know, as he does,
this job of being a City Manager is important, has been fulfilling and has made him happy. Thanks to
those who brought us here to Friendswood. Thanks to all the employees who were so fiercely loyal and
faithful. And thanks to those who allowed us to stay and work for this City for 15 years. May God bless
all of you.
Mayor Brizendine stated for a second it sounded like outgoing City Manager Ron Cox was running for
office, felt it was appropriate for him to say a few words, has been saying so much about Mr. Cox over the
past couple of months, he is a man of wisdom and character, will miss his tenure and wisdom, thanked
Mr. Cox for his contributions at all levels.
**Councilmember Goza moved to approve a contract with Waters-Oldani to conduct a search for a new
City Manager.
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Smith moved to approve Resolution R2006-11 -A resolution of the City of Friendswood
authorizing intervention in the review of the rates of CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC pursuant
to Pura 936.151, filed at the Public Utility Commission of Texas and assigned Docket No. 32093, as well
as any other subsequent related proceedings. This resolution authorizes the joining with other
intervening cities to protect municipal and ratepayer interests; authorizes the hiring of attorneys and
consultants; and requires reimbursement of the cities' ratemaking costs.
Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved 6-0 with Councilmember Measeles
abstaining due to a conflict of interest.
Councilmember Peden reported on the communication from the public, Council debate of motions, and
Tax Cuts 101, stated communication from the public now more open to the public with changes to the
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Council procedures, spoke about Dan Illerich's speech at the last meeting, asked public to use this
judiciously, Council debate of motion, very disappointed with motion last week with motion made and lack
of second, think the right thing was not to have placed on ballot, but thinks should have been debated,
spoke on tax cuts 101, spoke on emergency funds, and need thereof during last Hurricane season, did
great job for City and wants to continue.
Councilmember Smith stated he agrees with Councilmember Peden to bully pulpit, felt Dan Illerich
earned right to time to speak for the many years of attending meetings
Councilmember LeCour reported on Tax Cuts 101, read that tax cuts scares some, if you don't have the
backbone, then City Council is not the place to be, this Council will make the 25% mark, will cut taxes.
Mayor Brizendine stated he thinks lack of debate was a mistake, hopefully not make this same mistake in
the future, regarding Tax Cut 101, eight years ago, had $0 in reserve fund, began doing different
accounting to better reflect accounts, not having to cut services, no one should be threatened by
deliberations of how big the reserve should be.
Councilmember Measeles stated he had no report.
Councilmember Peden asked Mr. Illerich to get on agenda next time so can ask questions.
Councilmember Smith reported Mayor Brizendine, Councilmember Goza and City Manager Ron Cox, and
himself all attended Corps Sponsor meetings, was disheartening, was enlightening, and encourage
others to attend.
Councilmember Goza reported he did attend a lot of ineetings with Councilmember Smith, will miss City
Manager Ron Cox but will see in Manvel.
Councilmember Ewing reported she attended Heritage Society function, Relay for Life in League City,
several will be representing Friendswood, Spring Sparkle in Old City Park this Saturday, thanked Senior
Citizen Advisory group, a lot of time and effort, thanked Staff, thanked City Manager Ron Cox, very
honest man with integrity and very Christian, responded quickly and always researched, thanked and will
be missed.
Mayor Brizendine acknowledged the two Councilmembers running for Mayor, determined to invite them to
attend all meetings he is attending to be informed, all working very hard for the City in promoting
economic development in Friendswood, will have a new Mayor that will be knowledgeable. Walked the
property that Friendswood Development is developing for the West's and property that will be donated to
the City parks system, very exciting very breathtaking, very proud of Director of Community Services Jon
Branson and City Manager Ron Cox for involvement and negotiation.
**Councilmember Goza moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Item
A - Disposition of Bid No. 2006-05 for Centennial Park lighting. B. Authorize the Mayor to execute
agreements with Friendswood Area Swim Team (FAST) and the YMCA for the use of Sesquicentennial
swimming pool. C. Authorize acceptance of contract assignments and Change Order No.'s 3 and 4 from
Frost Constructors to the City of Friendswood for completion of the Centennial Park Project. D. Approve
and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract renewal with the Galveston County Economic Alliance for
regional economic development services. E. Approval of March, 2006 Property Tax Report. F. Approve
Minutes of March 27, March 30, and April 3, 2006 Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved unanimously.
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**Councilmember Peden moved to reject Item A - Disposition of Bid No. 2006-05 for Centennial Park
lighting and re-bid.
Seconded by Smith. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:47 PM.
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