HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Deed - Zeitler, Presnell, Mayo and Taylor - EMERALD CIR • .s S`ie# s f `* v • • t tYit `'!r 4 v} gt °�' '. 17 s s = (.. 4 D ._ .... 4 t' '�e 1� .z.—.'..-7.2�" "� a^..i;.�"-� ��' i�'—"„�= ASc""2• t a � v,:-...e.,,,,.,,,-. � -THE STATE STATE OF TEXAS ) KNOW ALL MEN BY TNESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF' GAIN EST ON ) TlIAT WE, E. O. ZEITl,Eli, .1OIIN C;, P1{ 1;SN1:1.1 ,, ,tR. , 1.•;1)WARI) and WVILLIAM II. TAYLOR,..1R. , 11 of IEair'is County, 'I'rs:a , for• :,rrd in consideration of the sun of ONE DOLLAR ($1. 00) and other good :,rid t' i1:1:11.,e consictcerat'ion, d(, Give, Grant, Convey and Dedicate unto the CITY ()`I: nil ()OD, a Municipal. Cori,- oi :ition, its Successors and As,igrls, <rn } tlsen(•nt: for sty(.'( ts, water, `?(wa—r, arid !..-,as lines and clect'•ic power line .and prlit�S, ini-fuclinl the to construct, re-construct �� 11' maintzlin ;a street, water lin ., 5c•,.\ _A . ,. Iia.e , es lines, electric and •';'power lines and poles and fac iliti,cs used in conne( ! lord, in, upon and across the following described tract; or pare:ei of.land situated in Galver•ton ('aunty, Texas, anti described in metes and bounds :is follows, to-wit. t. A tract of land 30 f(.t1.. wide arid 640 feet lorlp, out of and a part of Lot 16, k Block 5, Friendswood Subuii,\ 1011. Sarah IVIc issack League, Galveston County, Texas,: and bein;; the V,r at: 30 feet of four tracts of land, namely 1, 2, 3 and_ 4, in an un-r'(•ctir'(lrti a;, rvoy and plat prepared by J. S. Strickland dated April 12, 1963 of parts cit 'l.tct 16, Blot t; 5, Frlendswood 'uhdi\, '. al:i11 \It•k.l's ,d(k League, l 1`:I'7'1CI1 are t11(' ',uTlt,' tracts of land described a, t r . 1 ., , ,fid 3 in a Deed from E. O. Zeit.lt•r, t't al to Edward E. Mayo, dated !VI:;\, It, 1963: and tract 2 described iri Deed from r. d:lted :\f.+ 14 1963; and tract 4, described in Deed from .I ohn G. Pr..•sn(-Il, .1 r. , et al to E. O. Zeitler, ,dated May 14, 1963, all of which Deeds atarerecorded�d ii:lthc need Records of Galveston Count, Tt--as;"and whit li Easement is dent riiied in metes and bounds as follows: 1. *corner BEGINNINGrata •point in the. c't•ut c'r'line of a 40 ft wide road for the \l est of Lot .16, Block 5, ol 1"rien(1sw(',od Subdivision, to att•d in Sarah McKissack League, Galveston t'ounty, ?. THENCE, South 4:3° 35 min:, 0. 0 ft. atom! the Southwest line of said 1 ,ot 16, to a 3/3" iron' rod for the 'lac'e of beginning of a 0. 687 acre tract here- inafter described; `r' 3. THENCE, North 46° 25 min E. 193. 0' to a I /2" iron rod for the North corner of this tract, 4, SOUTH 43° 35 thin. E. 640 ft to an iron pipe in the Northeast corner of Tract no. 4, of an tan-recorded survey and plat prepared. b .I, S. Striekland,,dated April 12, 1963, of parts cif Lot 16, F3 oik 5, I t r4nt.15\+'()o(.1 ;ulflivision, Sarah ,McKissack League, Galveston Cou ty, Texas, and being the Northeast corner of the tract of land described in Deed from John G. I're:sne11, J r. ,et al to E. O. Zeitler, dated May 14, 1963,. recorded in the Deed Records of (la.lvt stun County, Texas; • 5. TII :NCE; South' 46' 25 min NA,'„ along the South line of said Tract no. 4, 30 ft 2" iron..rosi.- • 6. TH ENCF„ North 43° 35 min. W. 640 ft. to a 1/2" iron rod in the - South Right-of-way line of a 40 ft, road; • 7. THENCE,, North ,46° 25 min. E. 30 ft. to.the Place of Beginning • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and 'singular, the rights and privileges .rforesaid,,to the CITY OF FREENDSWOOD, its Successors and Assigns Forever. EXECUTED D at Pasadena, Harris County, 'Texas, this the 14th day of May, A. I). 1963. • • E. O. ZEITIJR - • OHN G. PRESNELL, JR. • EDWA R D E. MAYO ,P • • • /1" 7. • • • THE STATE OF T I:XAS ) NTY OF HAHRE-, 1 HI; OHE \I E, the undcrsi .;rit d, a Nvo ,r.y. 1'uoli: in and fur Harris County, 1'f.xas, on this day personally appeared }:. t), ZEITL,LIt, JOHN G. PRESNELL,JR. , t:DWA RD E. MAYO and WILLIAM H. TA I,OFL .I I . ,all known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that each of them executed the same: for the purposes and consideration • thee in expressed. • GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the c..,z/ ' day of May, A. D. 1963, ; • (SEAL) Notary Public in and for Ifarris County, Texas • • • Filed for Record May ,1963 at :�� o'clock 4? M. No. 3/5v‘°/ Recorded May 3/ .1963 at /O. 3Q o'clock i. JOHN R. PLATTE, County Clerk, By iieputy. • • THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Galveston. c I, GERTRUDE McKENNA, County Clerk, in and for Galveston County, State of Texas, do hereby CERTIFY that the above and fore- going is a true and correct copy of an Easement- E. O. ZE ITLFR ET AL to CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD as the same appears of record in my office, in Deed Record Book No. i561 Page Nos . 455 and 456. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the impress of the official seal of said County Court , at my office, in the City and County of Galveston, State of Texas, on this the 9th. day of October A. D. , 1969. GERTRUDE McKENNA, County Clerk, in and for Galveston County, Texas. By �!'1 Deputy. Smith&Joyce