HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement - Conveyed to GCWC&ID #15 - Roberts, Hall & Magee - N FRIENDSWOOD DR • THE STATE OF Trims counir OF GALVESTON Know all Caen by these presents, that 'gam W. Roberts and wife, Vera Roberts, of Galveston County, 'Texas, James Prank Hall and wife, Mamie F . Hall,and Edward T. Magee and wife, Vivian L. Vie, all of Harris County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar 41.00)) to each of us in hand paid and the further considera- tions of the benefits to be derived by each of us and our respective properties from the granting of the utility easement hereinafter set out, have this day bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do bargain, sell and convey to 041veesseton County, Galveston County teaser Control & Taproveea nt Disstrist 4115, and all public utilitie* companies an easement over., under and across the following described property, to-wit e A strip of lend ten 410Atilt in width out of Lots 1 and 2 of the HOIDALE a COMAE SUBDWISIOMOut of the Perry & Austin Lague in Galveston, Harris end Bresoria Count tee, Texas, said 10 foot strip lying five CO feet on either side or the coon line between said Lots 1 and 2 end running from State Farm Road 518 northwestward 910 ft to the eemmon north corner of the said lot* 1 & 2, together with the right to con- struct, maintain, operate and repair drainage ditches, sewer lines, gas linter lines, telephone at electric lines, pole* & servie. for the supply or water, gas, light, power, telephone, sewerage end proper drainage to our respective properties. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Sams perpetually for the purposes hereinabove enumerated. WXT!MESS ate' hands, this the day of .. ._ .. 1959. � / �� ' AIR .`C.. - ,.. : . - . - VeraJ Roberta y � ,` -1 ,..r ? '* �. Li/�dG�'4' """/ il w e , Vivian, 7/./ , - 7/( 5t THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNT(' OP GA ?ON Retort* se, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared E. v. Roberta and Vera Roberts, his wife , both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to awe that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. And the *aid Vera Roberts, wife of the said L W. Roberts, having -1- been examined by me privily and *part from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Vera Roberts, acknowledged such instrument to be her set and deed and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration therein 1:A,.` seed, and that she did not wish to retract it. ;fa, •,,,n1p P ven under my hand and seal of office, this the! / . day of 00 ' s A. D., 1959 en � 1 i.• ° Z ;. ;:� � r, rotary b , n and f rr vee pan ,n'`:•~. County, Texas fillitirions OF TEXAS COUP' OP HARRIS Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personaU3r appeared James Frank Hail and die R. Hall* his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they each: executed the same for the purposes end consideration therein expressed. And the said Ramie R. H111, wife of the said James Frank gatll, having been examined by as privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Ramie R. Hall, acknowledged d such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she Had willingly awed the same for the purposes and considw er03 on thereto expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it --,J0,411, Veesr my hand and seal of office, this the ,.;? , day of , A, 1959. . yy . ',,• /� s 'NO ary 'eta c, In and for "ris f < . County, Texas V OA" TEXAS COUMITAIIIP HARRIS Deter, me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeal Mallard T. Magee end Vivian L. Magee, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. And the said Vivian L. Move, wife of the said Adward T. Magee, having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Vivian L. Magee, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she hod willingly Signed the same for the purposes and consid- eration therein expressed* and tbat she did=not wish to retract it. Given, under my hand a seal lof Office, * the j:.:: day • r r.�'F '�:�ti� ¢`��r:' 7,��. I� r i�t�j` !'°(�.' err rr ��. . �.. . .Ct. '� �L 7 ..._�. . "z C .., ` %blio, in and for Harris q q county, xas . ...;e ?'7j:Icti'3-i a 'j�"Cup Fti2ioc,:tr'}0:0 .dos, j _ ''''''.. ,Sr ?{"-'(:a fl ;E,::92' jr T„ -. if mop 4s . .r. cofl I. o 1.1VFJ Ear.,(.:;1 r .'c 1J1 v:i iJ 's.tt i�� tiat�} U.1]isi," �: 6,.1L ()%1 C s?'(;.'Nos; ("etti lek E 21V,LE Oka J E:X-YR THE STATE OF TEXAS) COUNTY OF GALVESTON J I, JOHN R. PLATTE, County Clerk of Galveston County state of Texas, do hereby Certify that the foregoing instrument of writing, With its certificate of authentication was filed for record in my office on the 2L••• day of P!$.C.11 19 6.2... at 2'30 o'clock, Y M., and recorded on the 22. day of March 19 62 , at 1'.5Q... o'clock, ..E..111s, in flped Record Book 1483 Page$ 315 & 316 . WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, at my office, in Galveston, Texas„ _ �.10:11, �, aim date lad above written. ; q o� mmusTo JOHN R: ~'-- County Clerk of Galveston County, Team +a'i► -1B3, Der' OTAPU p •L cam tpeueTu sXbb 0seg9 ;: po LaputeC Tt' • say'; J 7 TUB,4 274- . t i s anus , _ 4ottos vuq oo00/4- wal,cuon7ecleel !IT( J .Tun gumout ^ + pe yam .aC- sti xsa ' atm $* qworwseq PaAtaft (=1 AllWe VITTI 6011,11,4041 Co #>sz' o as' %p0 , s (1 AWATag r. wow 3a� asau ouwarloq pl me buTATTl tog vbs %Los peas €intesuq' suq WM t1, KTq Aiwa r' 0, ' r4ti,. 4% gpeaQ sqmssqsoftse we g LOL Fpo bps mmq oftwq0socTolos;;:sa sTu sxbL.ae.r, rus#u our of AsTC7mt" smq lesploomegtoq go me wimp oesonssq x6 d o ps cps bsssars woos meson sus sapsesrpoq ge gee % m t s !bssioq SOMOsq h' dross got # A7so r' WW1 p7's Bins' 10*0 Memo go /tom m' gpo tommaytesq SeSSes.tai eat *PITa qsi !Sawa!!?' • a-rn> u au Inn ''.0ssuglb jugs DaSINAs Les jaWit ..�.�--- .•ors- --- -' 4 t1sa ess al pug euq '4 r 0% *LtT»' C t!A d qst et $1ArtJ O tPS24Tu sob 4 00 ' 'Pit s ui pas x � r ToWM Tr ▪r+s a rPS 004 *fl T7ot71 STOOD, gps SOW spa bffsibesse euq oopeTS- valcuoeisq0sq snap Toss * to foois Lwog Smq goer wog ups 4100Twsoq Fs'Arvt ape ammo tssyyl esbripoq go ins' Sp ' riso ION WIT* V' WIT' l.'OAflJt porn wilmmTuoq p1 me be44471 mug Sims %sM p0L q' suq VIM VP, awn NWT* Y' 1 1T 1 ABS a ills INT, box VT?' %au WS bALbosse wog oomemssOST00 tVasiaTa embsssset' -uStsa oug +aq sopmeamegq go me gywg g *Sep semongoq Cyo ammo ads top lips bosoms epees mimeo stir sopsesosq go cps Lo otoysat sSIssysq woo 1aLSU IFT3 moms * pre M�'js' 'logy pommy t® snow me Clso ra�2IT •sffC3 O14$ ou Ms gel bssac waTTA ZOOSAA 01 .0' '4W+Ti$ Oh LEXV2 4owet1' s 7 c. _. . . `1 caws. idT• a• aesof of otos,* gpro tom qs1 oL toorbAol;moq% sup rpv: ape q7'q ooc s7ep Co ,a$ ss Igo e lmwer% sltuoq 1 sways tom glee bssbsess stiq oous7gss er 7cV *yews; rump Tuwompsog to pm pas. wee 1 qaq mg ape gss7wrioq CPS* ems peg isms L i r1 ssbyvrusq co pu.' spa` Gass svrq Min tiopeis' womonyoqgiq pssa exmmusq 01 me i+srATTI svq WW1.; iM ye& isnp uq' rug p*Tut Cp