HomeMy WebLinkAboutNo Address - Right of Way Deed - Lenoir, W. Frank •
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30183APR 2919,7 t'
s City of Frienoswoos
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aK21 75 FACE 10 _ �a
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THAT W. FRANK LENOIR, of the County of Harris, State of Texas, for and
in consideration of the sum of Ten and No/100 ($10.00) Dollars, to him in
hand paid by the County of Galveston, acting by and through the County
Commissioners' Court, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have this
day sold, and do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto
the County of Galveston, all that certain tract or parcel of land, situated
in the County of Galveston, State of Texas, and being Four (4) tracts 014
of Tract 1 as described ',n Volume 2041, Page 400, of the Galveston County
Deed Records in the A. H, Jackson Survey, Abstract 128 and the R. Hoppel
Survey, Abstract 83, Gal reaton County, Texas, said four (4) tracts being
more particularly described by metes and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached
hereto and made a part o: this instrument for all purposes, conveyed by
R. T. McDow and wife, Helen McDow to W. Frank Lenoir by deed dated the 1st
day of July, A.D., 1969, and recorded in Volume 2041, Page 400, of the Deed ' ,
Records of Galveston County, Texas; said tracts being subject to:
Liens: None.
Easerrwnts held by:
1. Pan American Pipe Lae Company by instrument recorded in Volume 969,
Page 56, Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas.
2. Lo-Vaca Gathering Company by instrument recorded in Volume 1529, Page
1, Decd Records of Galveston County, Texas.
3. Phillips Petroleum t:orporation by instrument recorded in Volume 1190,
Page 379, Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas.
'7 4an.d Eeem o s6ett aotnd iO , n&s ausn enCmpry d mino i trumacet 6 9w9i,thP ageigs,s
of the records of Galveston County, Texas.
Lease held by:
1. Oil, gas and mineral lease to Humble Oil Company recorded in Volume 520,
Page 139, Galveston County, Texas.
and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
2.2038 acres of land out of Tract 1 as descri Jed in 0'1u
2041. Page '00, of the Galveston C -ty Deed Records, in the
A. H. Jackson Survey, Abstract 128, Galveston County, Texas;
said 2.203E acre tract being more particularly described in
Exhibit "A"attached hereto, which is incorporated heroin
for all purposes.
BOOK 2175 PAGE 11
M' 1
4.4650 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records in the
A. H. Jackson Survey, Abstract 128, and R. Hoppel Survey,
Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas; said 4.4650 acre tract
• being more particularly described by metes and bounds in
Exhibit "A" atta^hed herete, which is incorporated he'e.in..
for all purposes.
1.642@ acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records in the
R. Hoppel Survey, Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas; said
1.6428 acre tract being more particularly described by metes
and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is incor-
porated herein for all purposes.
1.5977 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 'n0, ^1" the Galveston Cou^ty Deed Records in the
R. Hoppel S Lrvey, Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas; said
1.5977 acre tract being more particularly described by metes
and bounds in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which is incor-
porated herain for all purposes.
TO HAVE AND TO 30LD the above described premises, together with all and
singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, unto the
said County of Galveston and its assigns, save and except the following
reservations and provisions:
The Grantor reserves all of the oil, gas and sulphur in and under said
land, but waives all tights of ingress and egress for the purpose of exploring,
developing, mining or drilling for the same; however, nothing in this
reservation shall affect the rights of the County to use said land and other
minerals and material!: thereon, therein or thereunder for road purposes, it
• 1
being specifically understood that the County and its assigns shall be vested
with the title to and the right to take and use, without additional compensa-
tion, any stone, earth, gravel, caliche or any other materials or minerals
upon, in and under said land, except oil, gas and sulphur, for the construction
and maintenance of the Highway System of Galveston County. s�
AND, Grantor, .t.he said W. FRANK LENOIR, does hereby bind himself, his
heirs, executors, and, administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and
singular the said premises,. unto the said County of Galveston, and its assigns
against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or
any part theraof.
- 2 -
0 rJ
BOOK 21.T 5 PAGE 12
AND, it is further agreed that Galveston County, Texas, in
consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property
• • . above aescribed'such fences, 'uuildiags aid c':,he.-_;,=c",ru.'ttona as e14y. be
. found upon said premises.
26th March A.D., 1971.
WITi S my hand this the day of , ,
;lLu `, .: r41 tom✓,
BEFORE Ate, a notary public in and for said County and State, oft this
day personally appearec W. FRANK LENOIR, known to me to be the person
Whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me
that ho executed the sums for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.
d of •
_ c
kX A.D., 1971•.
- Notary Public in and for
Harris County, T e x a a
1 • .
i .
c •- 3 -
800K 21 7 5 PACE 13 •
A tract containing 2.2038 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records, in the A. H. Jackson
Survey, Abstract 128, Galveston County, Texas; said 2.2038 acre tract being .
more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
nt a 5/8 inch iron od ou the nortinearst fide of-the A. u. Ja 'c on
• Survey, Abstract 128, said point being South 46 deg. 10 min. 26 sec. West, 276.15
feet and South 43 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. East, .5a:_29.-._. feet from a 1 inch iron
pipe marking the most westerly corner of Tract 2 as described in Volume 2041,
Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records, said 5/8 inch iron rod also
marks the most easterly corner and Place of Beginning of the 2.2038 acre tract
herein described;
ahr..:;C South 46 deg. 21 min. 29 sec. West, 1600.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod rarkir.z the most southerly corner of the 2.2036 acre tract herein described;
•:CE North 43 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. West, 60.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
marking the most westerl'' corner of the 2.2038 acre tract herein described;
TK:D;CE North 46 deg. 21 in. 29 sec. East, 1600.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron
rod in the northeast lin! of the A. H. Jackson Survey Abstract 128, said
point also being the most northerly corner of the 2.2038 acre tract herein
'l'NCF South ),3 deg. 33 .in. L2 sec. East, 60.00 feet to the PLACE OF DEGIla17"r
and containing 2.2038 acres of land, more or less.
TRACT 2: •
A tract containing 4.46;0 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Calveston County Deed Records in the A. H. Jackson
Survey, Abstract 128, and R. Hoppel Survey, Abstract 83, Galveston County,
• Texas; said 4.4650 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and
bounds as follows:
BEGnCIL:G at a 1 inch icon pipe in the centerline of shell road, said point
is located North 46 deg. 09 min. 10 sec. East, 2169.76 feet and South 43 deg.
13 min. 20 sec. East, 2:15.00 feet from the most westerly corner of Tract 1 as
described in Volume 204:., Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records, said
1 inch iron pipe is the most northerly corner and Place of Beginning of the
4.4650 acre tract herein. described;
--THENCE South 43 deg. 13 min. 20 sec. East, 161.26 feet to 'a point for corner; _
THENCE South 32 deg. 30,min. 05 sec. East,) 1797.74 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
set for corner;
THENCE North 66 deg. 21 min. 29 sec. East, 775.65 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
set marking the P.C. of a curve to the left;
THENCE with said curve '.o the left having a radius of 223.56 feet, a delta
angle of 20 deg. 00 min. 00 sec. and a chord of 77.64 feet which bears to
North 56 deg. 21 min. 2) sec. East to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the P.T.
of said curve L__ .__._
THENCE South 43 deg. 33 min. 32 sec. East, 60.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set
marking the F.C. of a curve to the right;
THENCE with said curve to the right having a radius of 283.56 feet, a delta
fangle of 20 dcg. 00 min. 00 sec. and a chord of _98.48 feet which bears South
56 deg. 21 min. 29 sec. West to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the P.T. of
said curve;
THENCE South 66 deg. 21 min. 29 sec. West, 766.21 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set
for corner;
4 THENCE South 32 deg. 3C min. 05 sec. East, 182.47 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
set marking the P.C. of a curve to the right;
• THENCE with said curve to the right having a radius of 442.91 feet, a delta
angle of 20 deg. 51 mir. . 30 sec. and a chord of 160.35 feet which bears South
22 deg. 04 min. 20 sec. East, to a 5/8 inch iron rod set marking the P.T. of
said curve ._ •
THENCE South 11 deg. 3E min. 35 sec. East, 75.91 feet to a point for corner
in the center line of Chigger Creek, said Point being the most southerly corner
of the 4.4650 acre tract herein described;
0 t• 0
6OOx Z EXHIBIT "A" (continued) .
TRACT 2 ccntinued)S
"'FENCE South 85 deg. 53
min. 31 sec. West, up the centerline of Chigger :leek, 60.51
Ifeet to a point for corner;TRICE North 11 deg. 38 min. sec. West 67.42 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
set marking the P.C. of a curve to the left;
THENCE with said curve to the left having a radius of 382.91 feet, a delta •
angle of 20 deg. Si min. 30 sec• and a
iron rodchor of •63 setYmc+ricin8 the P.T Not orth
• 22 deg. 04 sin. 20 sec. West to a 5/8 inch
said curve• 29 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod
L THENCE North 32 deg. 30 min. 05 sec. West, 2099
set narking the P.C. of a curve to the left;
THENCE with said; curve .t< the left having a radius of 1035.78 feet, a delta
angle of 5 deg. 09 min. :,4 sec. and a chord of 93.24 feet which Years North .
_ ' 35 deg. 04 min. 45 sec. West to a, point for corner; '
THENCE North 46 deg. 09 Ain. 10 sec. East, 34.87,feet to the PLACE.OF
nr;GlluiflG and containing 4.4(:60 acres of land more or less.
A tract•containing 1.6423 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Calveston County Deed Records in the R. Hoppel Survey,
Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas; said 1.6428 acre tract being more
particularly described ty metes and bounds as follows:
N.ZINN-11Z at a 1 inch icon pipe under castle guard in centerline of shell
road, said point being ?'orth 46 deg. 09 min. 10 Lee. East the Gal
• line of Tract 1 as described in Volume 2041, Page 400,
Deed Records, 2169.76 feet from a 1 inch iron pipe marking the most westerly
t corner of said Tract 1, said 1 inch iron pipe under cattle guard is the most
westerly corner and Piece of Beginning of the 1.6428 acre tract herein describe e
THENCE North 46 deg. 09 min. 10 e end
mer it�githe northwest
said Tract1, 30.00 feee to a 5/8 inch iron od set
• corner of the 1.6428 acee tract herein described; ,THENCE South 43 deg. 13•min. 20 sec. East, 2215.32 feet to a 5/8nch iron rod
set marking the P.C. of, a curve to the right;
THENCE with said curve co the right having a radius of 1095.78 feet, a delta angle
of 10 deg. 43 min. 15 s-'c• S inch iron rod set marking the P.T. of said
dho4 feet ri bears
37 deg.
51 min. 42 sec. East to a 5/
curve ;
THENCE South 32 deg. 30 min. 05 sec. East, 58.44 feet to a point being the most
southerly corner of the 1.6428 acre tract herein described;
THENCE North 43 deg. 1: min. 20 sec. West, crossing at 161.26 feet a 1 inch
• • iron pipe, in all, generally in ,the centerline of a shell road, 2476.26 feet to •
the PLACE OF BEGL;NING and containing 1.6428 acres of land, more or less.
SAVE AND EXCEPP.the Northwest One (1) foot of the above described
tract, said one (1) fo)t being a strip of land One (1) foot wide lying adjacent
to and parallel with the North•,+esterly line of Tract 1 as described in Deed
• recorded in Volume 2041, Page 400, of the records of Galveston County, Texast
and said One (1) foot strip so save and excepted saidwill
the a one
estl) .
foot wide buffer between the Northwest line
of line of the said One ('1) foot wide strip of land.
i • . .
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• / . -
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1 1
,�' Book'l 75 PACE 15
EXHIBIT "A" (continued)
TRAM•' lit •
• A tract containing 1.5977 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume
2041, Page 400, of the Galveston County Deed Records, in the R. Hoppel Survey,
Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas; said 1.5977 acre tract being more
particularly described by metes and bounds, as follows:
BEGECING at a 5/8 inch iron rod set, said point being North 46 deg. 09 min.
10 sec. East, 2139.76 feet along an old fence from a 1 inch iron pipe marking '
the most westerly corner of Tract 1 as described
Volume is 04t1 most westerly
, Page
the Galveston County Deed Records, said 5/8 inch ironrod
corner and Place of Beginning of the 1.5977 acre tract herein described;
THENCE North 46 deg. C) min. 10 sec. East, continuing along northwest line
of said Tract 1, 30.0( feet to a 1 inch iron pipe. under cattle guard, said 1 inch
• iron pipe is the most northerly corner of the 1.5977 acre tract herein described;
• THENCE South 43 deg. :.3 min. 20 sec. East, generally following centerline of
shell r^ad, 2315,,00 f ,+ +^ a 1 inch iron pipe in shell road, said point marks ;,•
the most easterly corher of the 1.5977 acre tract herein described;
SAVE AND EXCEF' the Northwest One (1) foot of the above described
tract, said one (1) foot being a strip of 'land one (1) foot wide lying adjacent to
and parallel with the Northwesterly line of Tract 1 as described in Deed recorded t
in Volume 2041, Page 400, of the records of Galveston County, Texas, and said ,one (1) foot strip so save and excepted will thus constitute a one (1) foot wide ,
buffer between the No.'thwest line of said Tract 1 and the Northwest line of the
said one (1) foot yid: strip of land.
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