HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric Distribution Line Easement - Fairleigh Inc. i ..- , 24144A7 . • l III E SPATE; OF EN A 8.L.._a (( Aullttuizuliun No. 613��• C% j COUNTY OF GALVESTON 1• sa-N87 fr .- .' • KNOW Al.f. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: • That. Fair-leigh_Inc.._.--_ _.-- --- -- — ---. b t •b • . (a corporation), for and In consideration of the sum of_ One _aDol<27t:=b t2•:. 88 • Dollars ($ 1 .00 ) to me (us) in hand paid by CnDINI'NITY 1't'nl.iC SF;avIet: COMPANY (a corporation), hnvc granted, sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant, sell and convey unto ComNitINITY Punic S►atvn'f: COMPANY hereinafter called "Grantee", and its successors and assigns, an easement or right-of- way for an electric transmission line, together with all necessary appurtenant facilities, in,on,upon,through, f• over, across, under and along the following described lands located in.. _..__Galveston_._. I... ('aunty, Texas, to-wit: A 10 foot ground and 20 foot aerial easement on and across r • Lots 1 through 18 excepting Lot 7 in Block 1 and Lots 4 through 11 inclusive in Block 2 of Mustang Meadows Subdivision Section 1 . A Subdivision located in • the City of Friendswood, •Texas and recorded in Vol . 15, Page 14 of the Galveston ' i ' County Deed Records. ' This Subdivision is a part of those certain tracts of land conveyed to A. J. Novelli and James F. Fairleigh, III , described by deeds recorded in Volume 2265, Page 657 and in Volume 2265, Page 660, in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas and being in the R. Hoppel Survey, A-83 and Sarah McKissick League, A-151 Galveston County, Texas. 4 These easements are better described by metes and bounds as follows: o Beginning at the southeast corner of the subdivision, Thence north 43° 47' 46" West C • 1059.00 feet to a point for corner; Thence south 46° 09' 10" West 2277.96 feet to a " point for corner; Thence south 43° 47' 46" East 10 feet to a point for corner; Thence C north 46° 09' 10" East 2267.96 feet to a point for corner; Thence south 430 47' 46" is • • East 1049.00 feet to a point for corner; Thence north 460 09' 10" East 10 feet to Er the place of beginning. This describes the easement across Lots 1 ,2,3,4,14,15,16,17 • v • and 18. • A further description will describe the easement across Lots 8 through 13 inclusive. r; Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 7, Thence south 460 26' 22" West 1538.48 feet • to a point for corner; Thence north 430 13' 20" West 10 feet to a point for corner; ,.r' Thence north 46° 26' 22" East 1538.48 feet to a point for corner; Thence south 430 13' h 20" East 10 feet to the place of beginning. The description .of the easement for Lots 4 through 11 inclusive in Block 2 is as follows : Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 4 Block 2, Thence south 46° 46' 40" West 1290 feet to the center of a 60 foot street for corner; Thence south 430 13' 20" i. East 10 ft. to a point for corner; Thence north 460 46' 40" East 1290 feet to a point for corner; Thence north 430 13' 20" West 10 feet to the place of beginning. This 1.. describes the easement across Lots 4 through 7 inclusive. C: The description of the easement across Lots 8 through 11 inclusive is as .follows: P Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 11 , Thence north 430 39' 46" West 1308.16 ft. • to a point for corner; Thence north 46° 46' 40" East 441 .88 ft. to the center of a 60 I;' ft. street to .a point for corner; Thence south 43° 39' 46" east 10 feet to a point for i; 46° WestThence corner; Thence south 46' 40" 431 .88 feet to a point for corner; ii • south 43° 39' 46" East 1298.16 feet to a point for corner; Thence south 460 09' 10" West 10 feet to the place of beginning. l' All of these easements are included in the Mustang Meadows Subdivision. . The above property is further described in a transaction between A. J. Novelli and James F. Fairleigh, III to Fairleigh, Inc. as recorded in Vol . 2 682 , Page 373 in the Galveston County Deed Records. - The sketch attached hereto is incorporated by reference as a part of this ease- !: ment. t together with the right of ingress and egress to or from said right-of-way for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, iraintnining, adding to, and removing said line and appurtenances; the right to ( relocnte along the same general direction of said lines; the right to remove from said lands all trees and parts r thereof or other obstructions which endanger or may interfere with the efficiency of said line, or Its appur- r't • tennnies; and the right of exercising all other rights hereby graifted. Grantor reserves the right to use the land under and near Grantee's electric line not physically occupied hby Grantee's electric transmission line and other facilities, but Grantor agrees that it will maintain minimum 1 V horiznntnl and vertical cleat-niters required by the National Electrical Safety Code between its own future structures and the nearest electric conductor of Grantee. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement and rights unto Community Public Service • Company, its successors and assigns, until said line shall be abandoned. .iEXECUTED this_...ZOth-day of_'IUly • 19 i . . . Fairleigh Inc. - ' • ,, • n 4,11y— I4.4, ._/;4:19(1" -' Attest: nt ' 304-D-49 Sheets 6A b 7 ^--- _ I2-- — - - — . Secretory— • • i • 6" . :.' • 1 . 1 • • . eoox2735 rnr•f $9 1 �.: THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF y Te3/v i } . + - Before me, the undersigned authority a Notary Public In and for said county and state, on this day personally T'. __appeared Jam F. Fe i rl e i gh — . IN.m.) Preseident of Fairleigh Inc. ' (Title) (Name of Corporation) known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said_ _Fair1eigh Inc._ --_—, a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of such corporation for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. 1 Given under my hand and seal of office, this the day of_sa V _--_, 19_2.6. . . i .' . • Notary Public in an for A1INBtOri County, Texas • *--.LAI,..,,Y-' '. • . i i 1 THE STATE OF TEXAS ' COUNTY OF • 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing instrument of writing with its certificate of authentication, was filed for record In 1 my office on the day of , 19 at o'clock M., and was duly recorded by me on i the day of 19, , In Vol. , page , of the Deed Record of said County. WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal of the County Court of said County, at my office in , the day , and year last above written.. • , (LS) l County Clerk County, Texas. By , Deputy. i , • • I ' M K C t- a c=� 0 3 En o b ca F = x N oW o N r E. I U c. i! F- Q l& a I ,C w . i N C a. { '" E t.., n Y tS U • i o ° 1 i a C T' '�y I �• i. * ; ', j o . This sketch is incorporated by reference as a '`,y I I @art of the easement from Fairleigh, Inc. , • • r ;,; ! Grantor, to Community Public Service 1 ,,,,, ' ,• 2 1 , Company, Grantee, by easement dated ; � 3 ` _o , 1976. • A-BAR DRIVE. \. / ' O E E D O ry x 4 5 BOOK 27`� F go . .1 -, \; ,v" i el 1 �. „ , • \ -, .„ :- 1 I• :TA. . 11> 8l' \ ;�� v: i • — alp d N-I \ rj��'' • `J 10 i I 1 1 18 •\ J 11II - .. ....._\_, s •/ .......'",..... .--.----.--------..-1 cll..--.....------.—. • . ------..--...- .;.7 s • 10 vP N� ' J; - . .___ 7.-Z6. .1 6>: / it Ad c . • \ I. • \, -, ,, ..Ira: , • '' I I -.---- ---------1 I - �� +' Jf .I 11• I 1 .1 f ,Tx. la - . 1....._,...:1'......__, ____. _____\____, __________ \ ____•_____—v. . \-- I .o, 1; ��' ♦ /\. '\ tit-_ 1• ................... is • This easement is on and acro.s Mustang 1 2 .,1'j ; 44• I Meadows Subdivision Section and 2 as • •--IDFr, I recorded in Vol . 15, Page 14 of the Galveston I County Deed Records. All of the above prop— ' • � ._ erty is further described in a transaction • • y, ''� between A. J. Novelli and Ja -s Firleig268; 1 ,r-iIII to Fairleigh, Inc. as relorded in ' 5 c Page 373in the Galveston Co my Deed Records. •.F' • IL . • • i', D-BAR ...e_GIR E wl „ j '., •k .,i t.1\ , A. ...�1 + G T. r, t <�iL6: 1 ' i, r l•' I �,, 1 7L7/1. 4 13 12 cs .t\ _B• HAR �.•z / I _— C .1--- / / ' S .0 &J • • � ,3� • . - -- - - 1 . h...t.. . . _... 1 ; T. r � I 1 "